Energy Sword is Cooler than Gravity Hammer Edition
>Current Content Update: - Warzone Firefight (available on 6 maps) - Campaign Score Attack - 1 new arena map - 1 new warzone map - 1 new warzone assault map - 1 new forge canvas - New bosses, including the Grunt Goblin - New reqs, including the UNSC wasp vehicle and the Halo 2 Beam Rifle - Req items available in forge - 5 new campaign score attack achievements - 3 new warzone firefight achievements
>1146 European leaders outlaw crossbow, intending to end war for all time Wew
Easton Richardson
You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #205. The featured map is "Epitaph"
>Previous threads since numbering began: #204 - Gravity Hammer is Cooler than Energy Sword #203 - One General, One Company, One People #202 - Achievement Unlocked #201 - Facebook Steals Our Memes #200 - Milestone #199 - Free For All #198 - Under Cover of Night #197 - Prepare to Drop #196 - Hexagons are Real #195 - Spartans Never Die #194 - Halo 4 is Technically a Halo Game #193 - Never Trust a Hinge Head #192 - In Remembrance of the Beta #191 - Were It So Easy #190 - Master Chief's Bizzare Adventure #189 - Arby Had a Hard Life #188 - RIP Jul #187 - Smart A.I. was a Mistake #186 - Our True Cause #185 - Black Undersuit #184 - Heretic Hunt #183 - Master Chef #182 - Take the Cruiser Back #181 - What Were They Thinking #180 - What About That Stupid Cloak #179 - Parasite's Cove #178 - We Numbered Now
Kayden Baker
Probably the worst map in Halo 3. Does anyone Ike this shit?
John Adams
And the best Ghost And the best Elites And the best Magnum And the best Campaign And the best Mark V armor And the best everything except physics.
Aiden Perry
Agreed. And it's not like it even has the worst physics.
Gabriel Scott
It probably made sense at the time, but everyone should have a right to own a crossbow for self defense, otherwise only criminals will be the ones with crossbows
Charles Walker
I fucking hate epitaph
Jaxon Foster
I like how it looks
And it's one of the few forerunner structures in the original trilogy with a floating piece
Now everything floats for no reason and looks retarded. Like what's the point on having tiny ass floating chunks on everything forerunner.
Hudson Barnes
I'll agree that it doesn't look super boring like new 343 forerunner structires.
Jackson Morales
>95 threads until #300
Ryan Garcia
>ywn be a dirt peasant shooting a butthurt armored noble off his horse with your crossbow
Adam Lee
343's direction with the forerunner designs has been disappointing. Too sleek, flowy, and floating.
"when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore" - Dean Martin (fucking 1952 or whenever the fuck he's from)
Chase Gutierrez
Blake Johnson
More like >starting on Truth
Connor Gonzalez
So Ive got an ultra rare medal count gambit and I know for a fact I'm not good enough to actually get it.
Should I just sell it for a few guaranteed req points?
Dylan Cooper
I dont know if this is a standard bug but whenever I lose on gambits I keep the boost and can still sell it
Charles Bennett
They changed it a while back you keep things when you fail them now.
Dominic Jones
>been playing super fiesta and snipers a lot >getting better with snipers >already decent with other precision weapons >go back to normal modes >cant deal with how non precision weapons handle anymore
Levi Cruz
that's weird, if I fail on the first but win on the second while using it again it doesnt award the bonus and I keep the req still
Aiden Peterson
>Guys what if the new weapon is the sticky launcher?
Nathan Price
why are we so dead right now its 6:30 am the sun is already up /hg/ get the fuck out of bed
Jason Roberts
>it's another I get deranked because Strongholds is a retarded game mode and I always get paired with retards who don't play the objective episode
Eli Bailey
its your fault for not getting on mic and motivating your team to great heights
Hudson Gomez
Holy fuck actually looking at his achievements a ton of achievements across multiple games miraculously "unlocked" on the same day and majority of them are extremely tough ones. It's not unlocked offline either as those unlocked offline are actually listed as being unlocked offline.
Just looking through his profile, he apparently 100%ed guitar hero world tour on the same day, got all of the firefight achievements in ODST and the vidmaster, got a bulk of moh airbourne achievements that were unobtainable and extremely difficult because of no population, got 75% of the achievements of Saboteur and the most difficult Halo Wars achievements.
Seriously how is this even possible? I knew a friend which could unlock achievements with his modded xbox but he said if he logged into live it would ban the account right away so it was pointless
Luke Johnson
>tfw your xbone has stopped reading discs
Michael Peterson
Parker Moore
Strongholds is the best mode in the game, though.
Jayden Myers
>tfw still have higher halo gs than him even though he glitched his achievements
he tried to say it was because he unlocked them offline when a bunch of them are achievements you have to unlock online too, fucking kek
Ryan Scott
Jason James
Keep looking, I'm sure you'll find more lets see how deep the rabbit hole goes
Evan Sanchez
>He fell for /hg/ is alive during American hours meme
Elijah Martin
That means nothing
Aiden Campbell
>Finally done with Halo 4 on legendary
Wew lad what a hot steaming shit
Ayden Price
Sure it doesn't
Colton Cooper
I liked it
Joshua Barnes
That's not Halo 4
Ryder Russell
Why are his feet and legs so fucking gigantic?
Chase Watson
Halo 3 elites are so cute
Angel Reyes
>what's the point on having tiny ass floating chunks on everything forerunner
For some things it's probably a Forerunner way to show off decadence or glamour or rank, that sort of shit.
For others it might be to impart a sense of technological advancement in which the floating pieces serve a purpose of some kind.
Compartmentalization might also explain some if it's on a ship or installation, or security/defense (more likely to miss if there's gaps). When it's on a soldier or combat construct it could serve to distract, or further protect vital areas of the body.
That's how I'd justify it anyway.
Gabriel Long
They're not much bigger than Elites' feet have always been. If you compare, say, a human hand to the size of a human foot, proportionally the Elite's hand/foot ratio is about right. It gives a sense of support and stability too, given an Elite's size and the assumed corresponding weight
Elijah Hall
>that raptor razor
Charles Lewis
So how long does it take to get out of the Bronze req grind?
Connor Morris
A couple of days if you play a lot.
Blake Robinson
>Sony increases the price of PS+ >Xbl stays the same Anyone else expect more boners to sell? Maybe we'll get more people in /hg/ too
Hudson Price
They cost the same now, so probably not.
Juan Stewart
How many bloody packs do I have to open
Been at this for 2 days already.
Jackson Wood
133, but probably less as there are a bunch of common emblems unlocked by default.
Asher Moore
Or because why not. Forunners probably knew they were hot shit (look into how advanced they were
Why did kings wear gold and diamonds?
Why did some people wear fancy silky outfits
Why did some men wear powdered wigs
Why does anyone in human history wear exotic but fairly useless things
Why do old building designs have strange carvings?
Floating things just exist the same reason royalty would wear things with no purpose other then to show off and look better.
Elijah Martinez
I wonder if XBL will ever become free? Especially now with W10 getting the same games, having crossplay in most cases, etc
Josiah Campbell
I expected something like that for the past 2 E3s, just as something to underhand Sony. It brings in far too much revenue for them to ever consider dropping it.
Chase Anderson
So 343 kinda hinted to another big update pack. We know File Share will now be in. But sounds like more.
What could it be. File share and....?
Adrian Walker
New arena map(Sanghelios) 2 sets of weapon skins New Magnum variant New anti-vehicle weapon More Forge content and improvements PC release
Chase Morgan
They didn't hint, they straight up showed weapons skins, REQs and concept art for a new arena map.
Ian Brown
a mcc fix
Julian Diaz
>decide it's a good time to use one of my 3 unique snipers >spawn >immediately get gunned down by 2 fuckboys with battle rifles before I can even turn to fire on them
Christian Richardson
There anyplace I can check and see how many I've opened?
Robert Sanchez
Waypoint shows you all the stuff you've unlocked, and you can filter by rarity.
Brandon Carter
>When my team tries to be aggressive on WZA Defence >Attackers wipe us out and cap our shit
>Enemy team is aggressive as Defense >We get spawn trapped and slaughtered
Every time
Landon Butler
How do you spawntrappeople in WZA
Kevin Edwards
>Run around outskirts of the base >Kill blues as you see them >Push really aggressively so the blues can't fight back >Constantly move around the base killing people who go near doors from afar and sneaky murdering people who hang back
Jordan Perry
Daniel Gutierrez
Grayson James
So if i unlock all the common stuff that means I don't have to open any more bronze packs?
Cameron Long
>most misleading ad campaign ever made
Jeremiah Phillips
Yeah, when you start getting RP cards back.
Ian Lewis
Robert Bennett
What's that version of beam rifle do?
Parker Young
Kills two people at once
Dylan Perez
How does it tell if you win or lose a gambit? Don't they scale depending on where you place?
Caleb Rogers
>1000 dollary doos
it better have functioning shields for that price.
Jayden Harris
think its improved RoF and accuracy
Kayden Barnes
What's going on in this thread?
Jacob Reyes
>wipe enemies out in WZA super fast >take both bases and destroy the core in less than 5 minutes with a ton of kills >only make 600 req points >win a defense on first base >6 minutes >hardly any kills >1500 req points