How do I gain a sophisticated knowledge on cars?

Recently, I've developed an interest in cars and I would to learn more about them, however I don't exactly know where to start. I've been watching Top Gear and looking at Car Throttle but I was wondering if there's anything else worth seeing to expand my knowledge on cars?

TL;DR: How do I become a "car guy"?

Step 1 : Get off Veeky Forums.
Step 2 : Get off Veeky Forums.

Basically. At this point every thread is derailed with benchracing from idiots who think their automatic Civics are sports cars.

This is not the place for finding general info but more for handling problems and discussions between people that *sorta* know about cars already. Books are a great starting place. Documentaries on automobiles work too. Just a thought



Keep watching top gear. Great show.

make a car throttle and jalopnik acct
become a tripfag on Veeky Forums
watch engineering explained videos

Car throttle is garbadge, if you actually wanna learn shit, watch everything on motor trend

This is where I got the majority of my knowledge from.

Also forums, for the more specific things.

1. stop coming to Veeky Forums
2. invest in some tools and equipment
3. buy a shitbox to wrench on
4. learn how to use google and youtube
5. stick on mad jdm tite slaps

congrats, your a car guy now.

>buy car
>buy tools
>buy parts
>buy manual for repairs
>join forums
>use google
Spend 50% of budget on car and rest on tools and parts. Just spent 1200€ on a car that I bought for 850€.

Find a car you like

Study it on forums, Google, etc.

Learn it, then find more cars that you like and do the same.

Rinse and repeat

Look up the "engineeringexplained" channel on youtube, this guy does a ton of videos that do a great job of explaining the basics of a ton of car related things. Everything from the basic "how a combustion engine" works, to different kinds of transmissions, gearboxes, etc. It's really informative

>acquiring knowledge you'll never use

buy a somewhat well known car, have something go wrong, go outside, learn yourself, and from books, internet, and other people.

always ask questions

either you can
>browse Veeky Forums
>learn nothing but generalizations and opinions

or you can
>browse howstuffworks/specialized forums (pavementsucks, honda-tech, etc)
>then you'll find out why cars are designed the way they are, what makes them run, how to make them better, and where to find the answers to your questions when they arise

unfortunately you're browsing Veeky Forums 7years too late to obtain any quality information

>I've been watching Top Gear and looking at Car Throttle

You should probably stop that. It's those same pseudo-journalism ripe with memes that gave rise to the generation of idiots that post on Veeky Forums.

If you want to be a "car guy" it's best to start out with a genuine interest in subject. Second, it's best to learn everything first hand (as opposed to having TV show host or some randomer tell you what you should think). If you really want to know about the mechanics of a car, buy a $500 heap and its Haynes manual and get that shitbox running again. Whatever you do on you automotive journey, take note of what makes each car different from or similar to the rest. This approach will give you a basis of how cars (and even their owners) relate to one another and you can come up with your own valid opinions instead of parroting shit that you believe to be true.

top gear
>two of the most seasoned auto journalists in the entire world playing around with cars
>somehow a bad thing

the difference is that Veeky Forums has no experience and wants to joke around, which is why nothing here is funny

>he deliberately set out to become a "car guy"

If you have actually read any of Clarkson's articles of the last 20 years, you'd know that he's a sensationalist hack. He's not a journalist, just an op-ed writer.


Too bad he's unbearably fucking autistic and misses a lot of points.

Which is still better info than literally anything on this shitty uninformative board.

assmad gm fangirl spotted

muh dick