League of Legends General /lolg/


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futa is gay

why does ezreal suck now

xth for i miss Senator Armstrong

Serious question though, how would you guys would balance Yasuo without reducing him to garbage like Kalista/Kindred were?

I want to get cucked!

>tfw you didn't play for a long ass time and too scared to go ranked
Arams is life

Any tips for an inspiring ADC player? Obviously practice will make me better, but any noob traps to avoid?

xth for nidalee

If you don't know anything about the lore you're either new as fuck or you're low elo trash who shouldn't be expressing himself here anyway

>wake up
>log in
>there's a chink shitting in the lobby

Please, quick build for carry Jhin.

Did he really suicide?

picking weak champs

never do it, just pick lucian
hes the only adc where you can really do everything yourself

based OP
>mfw arcade Ahri soon

>haven't played jungle in months
>haven't played xin in months
>pick xin
>run at people and right click them
>instagib people
what did they break for this to happen

Let's hope so ;_;

If you don't use your dash/flash to engage at any point in the game you already have diamond level skills down

joke? what joke? did I miss something? I never even looked at him in the store so I don't know

>tfw I already own challenger foxfire and popstar
>arcade ahri looks too appealing for me to pass up.

L-l-lolbabbs? Do I main ahri now?

Reduce Wind Wall duration.


Reminder that there are autists who unironically care about "muh lore"

ALWAYS pick Vayne every matchup, ALWAYS demand for peel after you tumble into the enemy team because you gotta lead the charge and show them who's boss.
If they kill you they have no skill
And if you kill them type "mechanically outplayed" in all chat.
That's all.
Also 1v1 that Malphite when you have no vision on the enemy team and then blame your support for whatever happens.

No, main Syndra instead

In case you didn't know, Pantheon's lore got retconned and now he's literally zombie Naruto with no personality. And by "no personality" I don't mean that he's bland, I mean that Riot literally wrote him as someone with no personality, nothing he likes or dislikes, no opinions, no dreams and hopes, nothing. Which is why his joke doesn't even make sense anymore.

Dont have any syndra skins famalam. I always kinda hated that champ. I bought it the day she came out and refunded her after a couple games. I dont recall playing her much since.

I think he plays wow or something, dont think he suicided. lets hope so

5 days left.

>trying to play aram at level 7

So if he's like Naruto then he really has no personality.

Haven't played this game in a little over three months due to bullshit and I'm getting back into it.

Are Taliyah and Kled good, or were they huge disappointments like Aurelion Sol?

Can Pantheon's shitty new lore be redeemed?

Maybe if it's a Devilman scenario and Atreus's Soul manages to take control over Pantheon's being, inheriting his old body back AND the war power of Pantheon?

That's the only way I can see this shitshow redeeming itself.

Reminder that there are autists that actually play the game "because it's fun".

Ahri it is

It really makes you a pussy if you refuse to take 1 second openings

Nigga, we're not getting a targon event

No, no. He WAS Naruto (his new story is literally Naruto) and then he died and his corpse was possessed. Which also means him being Naruto was pointless in the first place.

Really, it's just a shitshow and it's a wonder how can a writer be so ridiculously incompetent and lazy to that. It's not even coherent with the rest of retcons that accompanied him because every other champion that got the same treatment didn't have to die and get possessed for it, so Riot basically killed Pantheon.

>Aurelion Sol

Champion's OP now and always has been, it just took Korean players and shit for others to finally recognize it.


Meh, worst release so far.

Pretty good in the right hands, still to early to tell but his kit needs some tweaks, especially for his mount recall.

You know what the problem with Dynamic Queue and playing as the solo with a premade against premade(s)?

Not winrate. Playing against communication. It's awful playing against a coordinated team as someone who can't communicate properly with your team.

I.. kinda got all that from the post but what i would be interested in is the old story of pantheon and the joke itself

And 5 days left for this too.

We haven't gotten any event this year, really.

It kind of fucking sucks. Especially when last year's Bilgewater Event was so food.

scarra's neck looks fucked

And 9 days for this

>Get secondary and ask for jungle
>Guy says no
>Ban the champion he hovers and lock in a jungler anyway
>Locks in teemo and dodges

scarra looks fucked

What are some good First Pick top laners?

Okay so like many of the trashcans I main jungle because I think of CS'ing as a bit of a chore but rather like the whole ganking thing. Thing is, I don't really like any other lane and it makes it hard to decide what secondary to choose.

I've mainly just picked top for now because you rarely get ganked at low elo and most of the time you both just sort of durdle and maybe TP somewhere. But I've grown tired of having to be against Gnar, Gangplank and Irelia because Triforce is broken and Gnar just dicks on practically every toplaner automatically.

Mid I just feel like is a lot of pressure and especially out of my sheer inexperience with midlane I don't fancy losing the next 50 games especially if I can't just pick Morgana and Froggen my way through the game so that mid doesn't get fed from my mistakes.

I never liked the concept of ADC much due to how squishy they are, and especially now itemization is busted in a way where practically anyone can instakill you while building near full tank or otherwise you having bugger all way to fight them for 40 minutes. Also Rengar and Kha'Zix existing and being able to go 15/0 from instakilling you all game.

Support is that role you don't have to CS with, but you cannot solo carry it until high elo because people on average just won't know when to capitalize on the opportunies you make, if you're playing a support like Morg, Thresh, Braum, Leona etc and not one of the durdley heal supports like Soraka. Especially since most people don't want to support by default, if I went jungle/support in queue I'd get support almost every time.

How do I vote for the cuckold Ashe option?
Why isn't it on the list?

Good time for lewds

Scarra looks like he needs a good fucking

You might get one with the spooky isles

Which country has most cancerous playerbase?

>not owning every Ahri skin

Sounds like you don't like league, play something else

russia, turkey, poland, czechs
In no order


Where were you when gul'dan joined the league?

You can carry with support just fine.

Only requirement of going up is playing better than your direct lane opponent.

That being said Jungle/Support is bad exactly because you might as well go Support/Support

Old Pantheon was the champion of the Rakkor tribe, and their best fighter. When he was younger he was friends with Leona until they had to go through their rites of adulthood and then plot happened and Leona had to go with the solari to become a priestess while he stayed with the Rakkor and trained for war.

The baker joke is really just his joke, Pantheon's only three outstanding traits were
-he's a normal, if fucking good and honorable warrior
-he's friends with Leona
-he always wanted to be a baker instead
the community always kinda gave it more importance than just a joke to reference 300 because when that's all you have... and then the lore update hit him and all three of those traits got deleted for no discernible reason.

read the FAQ

you are so late for this


If you're new to the game


turks worst players
poles most cancerous

I've had bad experiences with polish players, but there were some good in there too.

French people are the absolute worst though.

Oh no don't get me wrong, I enjoy jungle a lot but I just don't like the lane roles. Maybe I do need to find at least one, but it's hard to decide.

am i supposed to feel good about this
because i do


>tfw i just bought him 2 days ago since i wanted to waste some IP

we Blizzard now

>No project Ahri


Got cucked out of a brain I see.

Probably China if the attitude from shitty ones who switch to NA means anything.

Who is the best league girl to eat out iyo?

Shaved ice flavoring
Bon appetit


I seriously hope he's still a hunchback and just posing there.

Pretty good otherwise.

holy fuck that's bad why riot


At least hope they've washed beforehand user. That thing bleeds every month.

I'm new to top lane but not the game.

I've had success with Irelia but I'd like a bigger champ pool.

I don't like Susan, Mundo, or Garen.

I'll look into Jax and Malph though.




>Ahri actually won the contest
What the fuck

She was a prime target for negabombing but wasn't bombed in the end?

We already had a huge Harrowing event back in 2014.

If League was smart, they'd do a Demacia v Noxus event, Zaun and/or Piltover event, or an Ionian event for free advertising and good cosmetic sales.

War skin when?


1. Don't die.

2. Being too far away to shoot people is okay if being in range means you die. Running away because Malphite/Alistar/Leona are strutting toward you with all their abilities up is fine because getting caught will mean you die.

3. Shoot the highest value target you can safely be in range of. If that means you can only shoot the 400 armor tank, then shoot the 400 armor tank or look for a chance to reposition.

4. Flash and mobility skills are to save your fragile ass.

5. 80-100% of the enemy team can 1v1 you if things are anywhere close to even. If you want to duel, you better be sure that you'll win AND they have no help coming.

6. Assume you will get no peel until your team proves otherwise.

7. Your team expects you to (a) not feed in lane, (b) be able to CS, and (c) not die as a result of your own poor choices.

>tfw no PROJECT: Ahri
>tfw no Super Galaxy Ahri
>tfw no Bloodmoon Ahri
>tfw no Pool Party Ahri
>tfw no Beast Hunter Ahri
>tfw no Star Guardian Ahri
>tfw no Guardian of the Sands Ahri
>tfw no Arclight Ahri
>tfw no Soulstealer Ahri
>tfw no French Maid Ahri
>tfw no Primetime Ahri

i swear to fucking god if he doesnt get a skin within a month of this going live i'm killing something
>nasus got a fucking legendary when he was reworked

Come and play again please ;_;

>no longer a charming hunchback Quasimodo character

>generic WoW-like trash

I'm disappointed.

He'll probably get like two new skins along with the current ones, you fucking retard.

I recall some Rioters said there was an ultimate planned for 2016.

>6 lines 5 of which say "im dead"

>at all


the fuck is this shit?

Firefox or midnight are best

These guys typing chinese have to be chinese university students right? Why would random chinese players in low elo be playing in NA. If they are in america for university and they type in chinese to their all english team that's so stupid.

I just haven't played much, League is not fun anymore

Ahri doesn't have enough skins tbf

people decided to be plebs and negbombed Annie getting a piggyback ride from Sion instead