NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Oothier, Vitto Mortemsen, Bonkk, Mexay Renatus, Peachy Panic, Rijakk, or Riathen EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Aktium, Amarin Luxtail, Mo Zing Miko, Kandra Wildfire, Strider Of Spring, or Dex Mindwrack
-Servers only matter for WvW and instancing. -If no one is online, send a mail. -If you are F2P, leave your name and region on the thread.
Andrew Evans
Thomas Thompson
>page 10
Nolan Evans
Reminder that Tarnished Coast and Seafarer's Rest are both open this week, transfer over if you want to WvW with Veeky Forums bros!
Carson Nguyen
Don't sass me, young man.
Anthony Myers
I hate Lusster.
Gabriel Wood
if I transfer over now, is it permanent?
Jack Lopez
Yep, you're not going to be kicked out or anything.
John King
Should i get the timekeeper gs or the vision of the mists
Robert Hernandez
I also hate lusster, we should get together sometime and talk about it.
James Cooper
You get a 1 week cooldown on transferring again.
Samuel Young
Kevin Robinson
Christopher Brooks
Who is the nicest guy in HOPE?
Ian Walker
Christopher Long
Faeeq the muslim furry
Carter Sanchez
I think his name is Raziel, the other guild leader. He's super polite and helpful and i wish i could date him and this isnt him typing this message.
Nathaniel Nguyen
I agree
William Hill
Guys, me and some friends are thinking about playing GW2 in its F2P mode. Is it worth it? We're pretty much casuals, as everyone has a job and such.
Cooper Hernandez
Best race? Best profession?
Blake Scott
You'll be fine as F2P, especially since you're new and casual.
Austin Reyes
Asura Revenant
Carter Gutierrez
but their face is so weird.
Ian Perez
you can make it look good if you try.
Ryder Green
Like, really? I've never gotten anything that looks half decent.. I do want to do their story though so i'll try again, any tips?
Eli Ortiz
Pick the Infinity Ball background when you make your character, it is the best story in the game.
Also the female ones look a little better but there are one or two okay male ones.
Liam Gomez
>love the game, blopdstone fen is a lot of fun >computer is very decent, easily will stay relevant for another 5 years >cpu maxes out on max settings (which is what it changes to with auto detect) >have to play with a shit graphic quality so the only times it maxes out is during huge fights
Why can't you be optimized better, gw2? I'd re-install you if that'd fix you
Nolan Myers
Why are HOPE members so two faced?
Jaxon James
Gw2 is optimized for ERP
Cameron Parker
Who is twofaced? And be real, don't tell me Faeeq because I know that's just memery
Dylan Cox
Yeah i hate HOPE members because they're so twofaced
If you have ANY kind of popularity and dont circlejerk with others, they WILL shittalk you with the people who stroke their egos
Luke Richardson
why does faeeq hate vae?
Christopher Johnson
more like faeek the faece of faekes twoee
Aiden Sullivan
more like faaceaq fakecacq the facaeqeec fakefacefaeqfacefaeeq
Easton Nelson
Vae is not halal
Jaxon King
>tfw HOPE shit talks and still cant beat the first raid or post good toons s m h t b h f a m
James Hernandez
I'm going to beat Vuncia in a 1v1 and take Cheetahfu as my prize.
Carter Scott
they cant even post a good dye job
Ryan Brown
Boppsi had a good character, dye job and outfit.
Eli Butler
This is boring.
Jayden Edwards
this is probably one of the most forced memes on this board, even more than jugg trying make everyone think that caturday is loved and wanted
Aiden Campbell
Who is the queen of salads?
Evan Walker
What happened to Boppsi, anyway?
Where's Boppsi?
Ryan White
>I'm not halal >halal
Jeremiah Collins
You mean like every other meme HOPE forces?
Jordan Stewart
how can you hate one guild so much? How can you be so obsessed and see 'them' behind everything? Get a L I F E
Zachary Stewart
so says the catfished cuck
Brody Peterson
>HOPE toons >who is the nicest guy in HOPE? >HOPE this >HOPE that >it's always about HOPE...HOPE HOPE HOPE! buddy, you're more obsessed with HOPE than the shitters in the actual guild
Camden Reed
>I'm a new/returning player, how do I join the Veeky Forums guild?
NA [DORF]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Edarkness, Reignofpain, Unwarrior Chicken NA [SS]: Fort Aspenwood, whisper Jakey Gyllenhaal, Ayo Girl Cmere, or Double A E D EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Farfelu, Aktium, Nalynea, Mo Zing Miko, Togo Hornblower or Kealdrix NA+EU [USA]: Fort Aspenwood+Seaferer's Rest, whisper Squatfu, Buzz Spankleaf, Togo Hornblower, Vuncia, Kerolastic
-Guilds are cross-server, and the only real reason to choose the server above is if you want to be on the same WvWvW team. -You can also send a mail asking to be in the guild, if nobody is online
Or, leave your name and server here so someone can check this post and invite you
Isaac Wilson
those are all posted by HOPE, especially the ones that encourage namedropping.
Charles Williams
>being this retarded
Tyler Gonzalez
stop being a paranoid obsessed dumbfuck
Mate I'm whatever you wanna call me, you're still a life-less retard.
Michael Harris
Do any non HOPE players (people who have never been in the guild) even post here?
Caleb Bailey
underrated post
Samuel Cruz
I lurked/posted here for years before I joined HOPE (briefly), so yeah I'm sure there's a few.
Xavier Bennett
>rexxie defending the guild that doesnt want him back cuck hi i see you're new. welcome to HOPEgeneral.
Bentley Davis
>tfw no one to take me while raid leader isn't looking
Angel Walker
no one can take you when two faeeced faeeq is around. 360 degree vision
Isaiah Rivera
he has a blind spot
Charles Kelly
I'm calling you out on your retarded shitposting and your absolute fucking stupid mentality. You're a worthless piece of shit, anonymous.
Jack Gray
Calm down
Carter Cox
Finally got full heritage godbless
Gavin Parker
Faeeq I know you are muslim but could you please stop trying to blow up the thread?
Jaxson Miller
Faeeq I know you are muslim but can you please split my cunt in two?
Caleb Kelly
Reminder to report and ignore all Comfyanon posts for ban evasion and (typically) low-quality, off-topic posting.
Rexxie had a meltdown late last year and was banned permanently for doxxing Kittdai (wrong pics, right address), that's why he doesn't use his old trip and pretends to be "comfy". The only reason he's still here is because he's autistic like Jugg and uses a VPN to get around the constant bans.
Do your part to help clean the thread.
Jeremiah Howard
>forcing your "HOPE thread" conspiracy theory
Bentley Miller
Noah Cruz
gratz user :)
I don't use a VPN and I was never perma banned. Please stop with your smear campaign and useless drama oriented shitposting, you're scum and you always will be.
Blake Rodriguez
Will you fuck off already HOPE defense force? I'm going to tell Drosera on you if you keep it up.
Joshua Cook
Rexxxie I am not any of the people shitposting about you, but dont act like anyone really needs to start a smear campaign to dislike you or make others dislike you
Owen Long
just bantz m8
Sebastian Jenkins
I want to eat bacon with Faeeq
Bentley Gonzalez
You're shitposting right now. Stop with the drama stuff, you don't know me and you are acting like a retard.
Isaac Scott
Yeah rexxie should just ignore shit like this, it makes him less likable. Just stay comfy senpai, just stay comfy.
Samuel Clark
Drosera pays the defense force with erp, if you tell on us it just means we are doing a good job loser
Mason Rodriguez
I want to go surfing with rexxie
Lucas Wood
Catch some nice waves and then play comfy gw2 in the evening? sounds good to me.
Carter Brown
>start playing this >find it quite enjoyable >take my time exploring, comleting all the quests and POIs and vistas and stuff >get to level 30 >decide to educate myself on whatever these gem things are >it's literally RMT p2w bullshit
Wow That's really too bad I guess on with my search for a decent MMO.
Noah Kelly
dont let the barb hit you on the way out
Josiah Walker
gw2 isnt pay to win in any way. you'll be fine.
Aaron Sullivan
>he's sick of your HOPE shitposting so he must be in HOPE! Jesus Christ, I hope you don't have kids
Daniel Brown
>gems are p2w maybe for fashion wars, but otherwise it's armor/weapon skins, boosters, and stuff you can get in the game anyway but isn't as flashy.
Ryder Hernandez
>can literally buy the ingame currency (which will buy you anything from there) with real money >not P2W mmhmmmm
Juan Thomas
I have never bought any of the 50k+ gems I've used with real world money. You can get them with in-game currency.
Henry Parker
>you can get them with ingame currency >real world money literally trades for ingame currency P2W
Ryan Foster
>spending $50 on gems to convert it to gold >not knowing how shit the conversion rates are >not knowing that doing it the other way around is far more beneficial mmmmMMMMMHHHMMMM
Jacob Hall
>Keggin keeps flirting with Delphy This is going to end terribly and it's fucking fantastic
Matthew Jackson
Has anyone ever had someone gift you something from the gemstore randomly or given an kind of in-game gift? What did you do?
Angel Jackson
Keggin can't get it with any cute rats, don't blame the guy for settling for fluffy cunny.
Ian Rogers
>Keggin doing anything right I can't wait for the next BPD meltdown.
Zachary Rodriguez
You cant pay your way to victory in game bud. This isnt archeage.