>Be me. I'm 32.
>My father died 21 days ago.
>I decided to start from scratch and follow my dream: film documentaries.
>I STILL wanna be rich Veeky Forums
>6.000€ saved
>50.000€ property
Do you have any advice?
From scratch. Wish me luck anons!
Other urls found in this thread:
Time to get addicted to drugs.
My inspiration to start a new life/biz is to honor my father SO
>get addicted to drugs
is not an option
I watched the Ken Burns interview on Big Think a couple of weeks ago.
His advice: If you really love it, keep doing it and don't give up.
Your problem is that $60,000 is not a lot of money. You're going to be a weekend warrior for a while.
Advice: Don't quit your day job but don't stop making movies either. If you're comfortable and don't have any good equipment, get a T3i and an outboard mic or something.
honor your father for what?
Good Luck!
buy a cheap camera, start shooting a lot, edit a lot. Doesn't matter what, do stupid freelance work for cheap if you can.
Build a portfolio, make a site/youtube account.
when you've acquired some skill, team up with a presenter/actor/artist/narrator.
I don't have any experience but this just seem logical to me, but I like documentaries. Vice was the shit back in the day.
this guy has a lot of interresting vids on composing.
Thanks a lot user. Listening to Ken right now.
He says the key seems to find a unique path. I agree. I'm a hard worker, I hope to find that path.
>not a lot of money
I know. That's the reason I ask you Veeky Forums. I want opinions about how to get shekels from this.
>Advice: Don't quit your day job
Too late I'm afraid. I want to do this 100%. I'm not able to focus in two jobs.
Thanks again for the great advice.
>honor your father
Maybe is not the right expression. Sorry, my english is no good.
I want to enjoy the life and have success. I know he would be proud for that.
Where are you from bud? Just curious.
Thanks user
Oh nevermind. I thought you were OP:)
Forgot he was using funny Euro dollars.
Anywhere we can watch you OP?
>buy a cheap camera
I'm buying a 300€ 2nd hand camera and two lenses for 850€.
>acquired some skill
I'll practise a lot when the camera arrives. I'm also downloading some Lynda tutorials on filming and editing software. CASEY NEISTAT looks awesome too. Thanks for the link.
>team up with a presenter/actor/artist/narrator
>Vice was the shit back in the day
QUESTION: Once I have the portfolio, how to get to work with companies like Vice?
>I like documentaries
Any recommendation will be apreciated user
Check this out
I'm from Barcelona.
>Anywhere we can watch
Not yet bro
>film documentaries
Neat. sounds like a good hobby
>I still want to be rich
all of my this.
cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Dreams don't happen overnight. Keep at it.
You're fucked.
Don't quit your dayjob. If you can get a job at a camera rental place so you can borrow some good shit on weekends for cheap
>buy a cheap camera, start shooting a lot, edit a lot. Doesn't matter what,
Very Good advice. Most documentaries sit in the can for years, having footage of something interesting is the first step: look at "Making of a Murderer" that should be your role-model
>Totally Independent
>No broadcaster backing
>Got knocked back by broadcasters for years
>Still managed to become massive success
>Any recommendation will be appreciated user
Just watch documentries on things that interest you.
I personally love avant-garde stuff like
>Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow
>San Soliel
>F for Fake
But I also love rockumentary like
>the Destruction of Western Civilization
>Baby Snakes
>It Might Get Loud
See if you can find a book written by a fellow called "John Grierson" he is the most important film theorist there is on documentary. Michael Rabinger's book on documentary filmmaking is also a must for a beginner.
t. Documentary Film Grad
this made me laugh more than it should
i fully kek'd
>film documentaries
>be rich
You 're right.
What's your advice?
Maybe get rich collecting Trumpcoin?
op here. thanks user.
>You're fucked. Don't quit your dayjob
Already quit
>"Making of a Murderer" as role-model
You sound smart. Thanks. Apart of shooting footage as indie filmmaker... Any idea of what is the best genres to get investors in this biz?
Today I was reading about the VR applied to documentary. I think that will be a huge niche.
t h a n k s for the helpful recommendations. I'm torrenting some of them right now and I'll check for those books too.
>Apart of shooting footage as indie filmmaker... Any idea of what is the best genres to get investors in this biz?
Historical Figures or Celebrities.
Your best bet is to team up with a minor-celebrity and do a documentary about them doing a comeback
>Searching for Sugarman
>Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work
(I haven't seen any of these btw.)
Or make a documentary about a cause which organizations can use for propaganda, the one about Killer Whales in captivity, Louis theroux's Scientology film... it has no promotion yet everybody's heard of it.
>Today I was reading about the VR applied to documentary. I think that will be a huge niche.
Like drone footage I think VR is a saturated market. You really need to have something that lends itself to 180 degree material, it's also a lot more difficult to shoot than a conventional documentary.
You could find a good niche selling to educational centers. I think places like Holocaust museums are quite keen on historical VR documentaries and in some cases it can really lend itself due to the "immersive" nature.
But honestly, don't worry about getting investors, like I said about the Making of a Murderer, it's very difficult to find investors... plus if your film DOES make money, the investors are the ones who get it, not you. Just pick up a camera and shoot.
Good Luck!
>I decided to start from scratch and follow my dream: film documentaries.
>I STILL wanna be rich Veeky Forums
Ken Burns's net worth is a measly 1.5 million at age 63 and he's a critically acclaimed, award winning director.
Get a real job in a tangentially related field that will teach you skills that you can use to produce/promote your films.