/lolg/ - League of Legends General

old trundle best wife edition


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xth for racemixing.

dota is better

xth for despair

I miss Graves poster.

>still no subs
fuck you horriblesubs

>enemy jungler has no smite
>he goes 3/1/2
>mine goes 2/5/1

also, yasuo's free damage, slows & tankiness with only phantom dancer and frozen mallet is disgusting

someone post the discord link plz


If you can't punish Yasuo early while he has jack shit, you deserve to lose. No matter how much of a meme he is, you don't let him get to lategame, it's not pretty.

i'm really good at adc and it's my favorite role but i feel powerless 90% of the time even if i get fed in lane

and for those assuming i'm a shitter, i'm diamond 2

no new fags allowed

le sekret club xD


That's because you're the ADC. Good luck influencing top/mid in any way at all early game.

I use to post here everyday till my internet got cut

plz boss

Tell me about it.

the only way to stop a Yasuo from reaching late game is to stomp his entire team, not just him.

If his team is even remotely competent, he can go 0/8 in the laning phase and still be a pain in the ass later.

oh user..

Kill yourself.

Just got my first leavebuster because the power went out and the team remade the game and I had to type "I agree" to not do it again. How long does this stay with you?

secret members only

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

Yasuo is not exclusive to this problem. This is why you force objectives hard in the midgame when you break away from the laning phase, but aren't in the super huge 5 man groups. If you can't force a superior numbers advantage or outmuscle the enemy team while you're ahead and he's behind, then you honestly were behind the whole time.

maybe if you idiots ever clicked the link that's been in the OP for the last 3 fucking years you would know

your account is fucked, better make a new one now

Can't dodge ap ez mid because promos.


Blue i think lee is gonna feed more then yasuo.

Isn't that only after repeat offenses? You don't get in trouble if you do it once, it's after you begin to develop a pattern of leaving.

Okay i give up. I cant anymore. And i dont want anymore.

Kata is roaming for kills, but dies top and gives lee 1 kill.

I ward the tribush for fiora, she still gets camped and ganked everytime.

I kill ori solo, still gets fed thanks to kata.

Our shitcomp makes the rest.

Kata, Fiora and Trist chasing ekko and lee, meanwhile Ashe gets 1 turret and inhib. Impossible for me to 1v1 her.

I dont know why people pick weak champs in my games, i just never get it. I always see a Jhin, ashe or a lucian in the enemy team. But nooooo, he needed to pick Trist, instead of a tank support who crushs raka, support picks zyra.

Im the only "tank" for the team, its always like that.

Heh, good im done with it anyway.

Lewdest contest winner

I don't seen any explanation here as to why you died 10 times like a fucking retard.

If you died 10 times, you fucked up hardcore. At least acknowledge it.

Take a break user, try something new for abit if you're feeling frustrated you're better off cooling off and trying to start when you're fresh. also do you only play gragas and amumu? i think you said try olaf.

Wew lad, you want to be the next Senator it seems, gonna tilt all the way down to gold.


This is fucking sad.


Xth for Katarina
best girl

I cant into english. I think you said. try olaf

op.gg is slow as fuck use legends.gg instead

>I am the type of nigga that feeds his brains out and still complains

>Senator and just about half of /lolg/ fucked off to WoW for the new expac
>Now we have knock off shitposters

>gnar and swain never ward, always push, and get ganked 6+ times each

Hey i needed to engage and i always ate ashe ults, goat silences.

Will do that anyway and no, i didnt say i wanted to try olaf.

Done with it anyway and i miss senator


im the only tank and i needed to engage, i ate so many ults i cant count

There's nothing wrong with AP Ez. Except the yasou walling his ult in a fight

Yeah im aware. i fucked up with no period at the end

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Why are 2v2 bot matchups now enforced?

Wouldn't it be better if the adc/supp just rushed top lane to destroy that turret??


Every thread
Every Goddamn thread
Every single fucking thread
This is posted. So you ever fucking sleep? I mean seriously fucking stop you autistic pedo. Jesus fucking Christ every time I see this Goddammit picture and line I want to fucking rip my intestines out and drink my blood through them like a damn straw. Jesus fucking christ.

Dragon control is really important. There might be a slow, gradual shift now that Rift Herald is a thing and very, very dangerous to give away for free. But Riot really seems to like 1-1-2-jungler configurations. It works, and of all of the crimes committed by Riot, it's one of the lesser ones.

didnt they make all outer turrets besides bot turret take a fuckton more damage you'd have to give up alot more pressure and the first blood gold if you wanted to 2v1 top these days

Did you make that sprite?

Who else losing streak here

>all i want is diamond 5
>climb to plat 1 fairly easily
>lose the promos literal intentional feeders
>lose my next game
>start playing worse and worse
>dropping constantly
>barely play anymore and lose the only times I play

Fuck me, any tips?
>inb4 get gud

>Played horrible yesterday
>Fantastic today


Stop responding to him.


>tfw on my way to silver 1

just be glad youre at least decent senpai all my friends bully me cause im trash even on my main

just grind out games and figure out what you could do better. you didnt give much besides get gud because no role nor any champs you play.

zzrot is freelo

Grind until the retards are on the other team.

Queue up with people and eliminate the random fuckery. Get in Skype or Discord or Grindr and jerk each other off because communication is the singular more important thing in League.

Just remember that there's a B5 shitter out there right now who only aspires to be S1.

Aside from Annie are any of these champs good outside of support?

True facts.

Aurelion Sol
Dr. Mundo

Character limit. Not sure if I should keep going

This needs to stop.

literally everyone swims in lulu

shouldn't be difficult

>Do great as supp first game, get adc an S while getting an S myself
>Every other game is full of stupid shit leading to losses
Send help

I'm the same loser as Any advice now?

I wish they raised the penalty for ARAM dodges. It's annoying to go through 8 dodges before getting into a game.

You literally just need to play more. Go get a beer, and think macroscope.

>Lulu Support
I find nothing more irritating. Not even Lux is as annoying. Just having a Lulu ANYWHERE makes me rage for who knows why.

>The Bard Song

Good job Riot this only took like what 5 years? And after the rework that destroyed the personality of the man that wanted to be a baker. This shit is actually making me sad right now.



the penalty is different?

gimme the tf soundtrack

True facts. In other news I got my 1000th win in ARAM today. Huray. My life is so empty.

See this post? See this circlejerking? I will wipe this shitposting the FUCK out. Eradicated off the face of the site.

Every trip that makes posts like this will be permanently banned. Every mention of "waifu", "gay", "husbando", "cumming", any sexuality, ANY off-topic posting, I will delete. I will wipe the fuck off the site and people who post it I WILL recommend for permanent bans. You think I won't do it, you think I'm joking?
Fucking try me. We'll see who gets the last laugh. Every cutesy little anime picture, every attempt at attention whoring, every clique circlejerk post, I will eradicate. Stomped the FUCK into non-existence.

I will delete this filth and I will ban these vermin. I spend all day on the generals so there will be no escape.

Never relent.
I will bring down the hammer, and you tripfuckers better prepare.

Play more kha'zix im assuming its jungle and die less the average death seems pretty high and just grind out games like said

Only took them this long to beat their way to finally addressing stealth champions with the assassin update. I'll eat my own dick if Shaco and Evelynn make it out of the assassin update without fuckhuge changes to them. I wouldn't even be surprised if they rip stealth out of the game because kiddies won't stop bitching about "muh outplay and skill"

Lulu is actually a support though.
You are just autistic.

I climbed from Gold 3 to Gold 1 for the third time and about 13 of the last 15 games involved someone feeding unintentionally and me not able to help them, people intentionally feeding for whatever reason and afking/quitting because of some bullshit that doesn't effect them 5 minutes in.

Ended up going back to Gold 3 again

>Rant against trips
>Didn't link to single fucknig trip fag

So long as they make it out of the update viable I'm ok with it.

same, except just between gold IV and III

Yeah I definitely die a lot, and I've noticed that. I'll often feed my ass off in laning phase and then somehow pull back and carry late game. Guess it's just now that games are shorter I don't get the chance to pull back late.

I mean shit, even playing early game things like Darius I'll often go 1/5 in lane and end the game like 9/9 and making plays.

It's because everybody knows how fucked you can if your comp is bad. There's a very good chance some faggots on the other team have aram only accounts which will stomp your shitty comp.

>its another bot lane has 3 times as many deaths as i have reasons to live episode

>wanting to make this general even more ded

how many reasons to live do you have?


evelynn isnt getting changed at all in this update. she's getting a huge VU sometime next year probably after warwick and before urgot

Is reddit down for maintenance again?

>having any reasons to live
Fucking casual.

I'm always willing to play it out. Half the fun of ARAM is seeing if you can make some BS comp work. I have about 100 more victories than losses so I have to be doing something at least vaguely right. So my play style isn't without some merit.

>Mi genio florece en la masacre, como un lirio al amanecer

i like Jhin's voice in spanish.


If you can find the source of the problem fixing it shouldnt be that hard espically if it's just dying too often, also making plays make sure you can get an objective off of it

>tfw adc won't bully me because i main alistar
>they think i'm some dude bro or whatever but i'm just a big submissive support slut

How do I play him effectively

>See this post? See this circlejerking? I will wipe this shitposting the FUCK out. Eradicated off the face of the site.
>Every trip that makes posts like this will be permanently banned. Every mention of "waifu", "gay", "husbando", "cumming", any sexuality, ANY off-topic posting, I will delete. I will wipe the fuck off the site and people who post it I WILL recommend for permanent bans. You think I won't do it, you think I'm joking?
>Fucking try me. We'll see who gets the last laugh. Every cutesy little anime picture, every attempt at attention whoring, every clique circlejerk post, I will eradicate. Stomped the FUCK into non-existence.
>I will delete this filth and I will ban these vermin. I spend all day on the generals so there will be no escape.
>Never relent.
>I will bring down the hammer, and you tripfuckers better prepare.

but they are stupid fucks who get carried
bullying them is the least i could do

I have 1400 victories in ARAM, after a while you get sick of seeing Lux in every single match.

hey supp bby, you wanna get bullied?