Warcraft General - /wowg/
Other urls found in this thread:
>Unholy DK
>get a free Moose carry
>get the class trinket
>it's not even close to being BiS
>trash on anything with less than 3 targets
what a fucking waste
Best OP image 2016
>not having the fucking meme moose yet
what a fucking waste of oxygen
>try to level DK
>realize the cooldown knight memes aren't memes
does it get better?
>doing invasions on a 100
>stunned by a paladin
>hit for 150k
They're probably gonna nerf XP rates tomorrow.
Get your grinds in tonight just in case.
how do i hpala
>do mythic dungeon on holy priest for first time
>can barely keep the paladin tank alive through the very first pulls of auch
>think i'm just shit
>beat the first boss
>finally look at what the tank is actually doing
>refreshes shield of righteousness at 8 seconds remaining and then starts spamming flash of light on himself
>when I tell him to stop casting spells he says that prepatch broke dungeon difficultly and they are impossible now before leaving
well I have finally seen what rock bottom looks like.
>all these people flying over to kharanos for invasion
wow........ is alive again............
i'm a dk main that plays mostly unholy and when i saw that trinket i was like: sweet, wandering plague
and then i put it on and got basically a 0k dps increase
>tfw no Khadgar bf
heal the tank, hope nobody else takes significant damage
This is so weird but I'm actually missing a certain shitposter's shipost.
No, it's not yours.
What the shit
Was it judgement? I got hit by judgement for 140k or something.
What was the explanation behind shadow magic during vanilla?
They already nerfed XP and reverted it, what they have now is "acceptable"
Can a gnome girl take a human dick?
get in here dumb asses
don't feed the troll op
s a g e d
can anyone recommend some good hunter transmog armor? I hate all the tier sets, I just want a lot of animal furs, rough leather, and maybe a bit of chainmail.
he also got his trinket from the first boss and asked if it drops every time
Is a worgen girl human or animal down there?
only anally
their pelvis seems to be about the same size as a human's
>thread wars
>m-muh husbando
>demon dh crits me twice with chaos damage attack
>200k in two hits
That thumbnail always makes me think he has panda makeup on.
Too late, this thread was made first faggot
What is the best race for a Horde Monk and why?
Im going to play all specs if the new xpac and the weapon allows it. I want some cool tmog options too.
>both make and post the thread too late
heh... better luck next time, kid.
>DH goes into demon form
>do a 360 and walk away
I think it was justicar's vengeance
yes, size is only a challenge to a femgnome.
Orc because they look great and good racials
>Horde Monk
good joke
>making the thread first makes it the right thread
neck yourself stop enabling shitposting
this is why
So, now that we have melee hunter is it viable in either PvE or PvP?
When exactly did blizz introduced the canon of voids lords being associated with old gods ?
See it everywhere these days
disregard this i can't take cocks
What do you think of my dwarf monk, /wowg/?
Ralph will wake up soon, don't worry.
I want to stuff a belf full of my dick
Posting again because fresh thread
If you are
>On the US Realms
>On the Alliance
>Want to level in Val'Sharah first
Contact me if you want to level in a group as soon as Broken Isles are able to be accessed at 3AM ET on the 30th. I have 2 spots left. We intend to go until we hit 110. The more the merrier.
>Anduin op
Remove faggots
Horde race for my invasion spam warrior?
Fuck that, I'm was talking about Feleigh.
Why would you ever play a melee hunter?
It's literally pointless and you will >never< get a raid spot.
That's not a blood elf.
newfag here
"ralph" seems to be the only filter required
If tank go tauren, orc for dps
because blizzard made it a thing
Warcraft Chronicle, so very recently. They're basically another big bad who may be even more powerful than the Legion, though Void Lords have a very difficult time even crossing into the physical universe. Also they created the Old Gods and infected the who universe with them (specifically trying to infect world souls which are proto-titans), leading Sargeras to try to destroy the universe and remake it without their corruption. Lots of shit changed with the Chronicle in the base of the titan lore.
Blizzard also made WoD a thing
>caring about factions
>shit poster
stay fresh
High elfs and blood elfs are still he same race
he never says his own name because that's the only way he can be sent back to the phantom zone
Fem orc
and did you manage to get away from that?
oh well time to abandon /wowg/ till the next thread
fuck this shit reminds of the constant guild wars back when honestly was relevant
>stay fresh
Thanks I will
Stay poo poo pee pee im 16 and just discovered i-ron-y
This is what I'm using atm. Was mostly just trying to make a set that was inoffensive with crystal-shot longrifle since literally nothing actually matches it, but idk, I'm digging the colors and more subdued look of most of it.
He didn't like my brew apparently
>people were raiding HFC when it was current
if you didn't quit at least a year ago and are just now resubbing, you're mentally deranged
>See an alliance fighting some horde person
>They win with 1% health
>could blap them but just go about my business
>Killing some things
>same alli starts attacking me
things like this are why I could never play alliance.
>blizzard will conveniently omit the lovecraft deity made entirely of phalluses
*fel rushes behind you*
*kills you in 1 hit*
*double jumps and glides away*
i am the.... god.... of... death........
I originally cut it down to these two choices. I just want to not look retarded in my armor.
>tauren Hooves turns me off
>orc green skin does it same
Should I just stop playing
Lol, I quit 10 months ago after I got my h arch kill. What, do you skip entire raid tiers so you can wait for them to be nerfed down to your level?
It's almost impossible to run from a DH but they don't seem too OP at all, I'm usually killing them if we get to fight 1v1 at full health each.
t. rogue
Will we ever get to fight N'zoth or Y'sharj?
Old god fights were the best so far in raiding
Y'shaarj is ded
Dead, the titans actually killed that one and realized how much it can fuck a world when you just rip one out, so they decided to imprison them instead.
Your point being?
It's Warcraft
Why do you ask then Garithos
Old gods can't die
what about besides orc?
>Entire expac will be boring fight green demon shit
I'm praying that after the nighthold we get some actual interesting shit
I fucking hated tbc content and I'll fucking hate this garbage too. I don't care about Mr. Dindu glaives or his army of edgy autists
old gods neither live nor die user
>Still thinking this behavior is bound to a faction
>I fucking hated tbc content
You hated kara?
shit taste confirmed
That said I don't support it coming back, stop recycling instances, Blizz.
well ok except kara
kara goat
Do you think Blizzard should add Legion invasions as a weekend event from now on?
kara was shit get good
i liked gruul's lair
Why aren't you jewing the Pocket Fel Spreader?
Nope, I'm pretty sick of them.
Let them continue until Legion comes out and then stop.
Which mage race i should do?
pvp or rp?