>5 stacking with some friends >destroy another five stack with a meme team of pudge support and sniper jungle >we all say gg ez >they get butthurt and ask for rematch >queue up, end up against them >destroy them again heh
Ryan Diaz
Jonathan Morales
Is attacker the new singsong?
Isaiah Scott
bet you they all quit for the night after that
Henry King
If he is I will no longer be vocal about my EG support. Just quiet disappointment.
Cameron Cox
1st for best waifu
Grayson Fisher
Hiya /d2g/. Recently started playing post international. Game is fun.
My win-rate on the qts is literally 100%. Like I haven't dropped a game on Windranger, Lina, Crystal Maiden, Mirana, Vengeful Spirit. On the other side my win rate on dudes is under 50%. Should I just play all the cute girls all the time? Why are the characters that aren't cute girls even in the game? Going to try TA and LC tomorrow and see if the streak continues.
Colton Harris
Zachary Diaz
You can meme with TA all the way to 7k MMR.
Hunter Myers
Oh and when did they change Windrunners name I could have sworn that was her original name in a pro game I watched years ago.
Anthony Garcia
>enemy picks 4 carries and omni >instantly know the game is lost before it starts since your team will never group and push and win early
Desc: Balimar leaves a corpse whenever he dies. Balimar is able to temporarily resurrect himself from the corpse into a more powerful being, if he obtains enough sacrifices.
Passive: Whenever he dies, he leaves a stationaly corpse with 200 vision, but if he doesn't have enough mana (150) then he leaves nothing when he dies.
Active: While dead, Balimar can activate his ultimate by pressing [R]. Any units Allied, Neutral or Enemy are instantly killed in the aoe of the corpse and are absorbed. After 0.5 seconds when the life is absorbed, Balimar comes back! But as a disgusting amalgamation of all the units he has absorbed. He gains a percentage of their combined health and attack speed. He is unable to use any of his regular skills, but is able to use any skills he absorbs from the creeps (Additional same creep skills will count as one). He falls apart after a set amount of time. He will also fall apart 3 seconds before respawning in a gruesome animation.
- If there are no corpses to be absorbed, his corpse crumbles and the skill is put on cooldown - Can use item auras like brewmaster's ultimate
Resurrection duration: 10/15/20 + 1 second for every creep you absorb
Life Rip radius: 500/900/1200 Combined Attack/Health percentage: 50/75/90 (Aghs: 120) Movespeed: your own + 5ms per creep Armor: 0 Regen: 0
Does not work on Ancients.
Ian Wood
but how do you counter fed sven, slark or lc?
Gavin Ward
you dont, enemy slark is nearly instant loss
William Watson
xth for jark
Isaiah Wilson
Carter Foster
Does that mean Pugna-chan is the most powerful hero in Dota? I mean she is the cutest by a wide margin.
Josiah Morales
Is she fun? My friends said she was too complicated to be bothered with (not that my friends are any good, they've just played longer). May try her tomorrow as well. I like my cc hard and cold.
Daniel Miller
>the lore literally says pugna is male When will this loli pugna meme end?
Juan Turner
most people that play wyvern only fuck up everything for their team. her ult cancels all damage to anyone in it
Leo Gonzalez
By getting more fed and more aegises faster than them.
That faggot Alacrity made it to 7k MMR spamming TB and TA.
Daniel Martin
>He gains a percentage of their combined health and attack speed. attack damage*
Jack Gutierrez
She's fun as FUCK but hard, just like Oracle or Io. Best to play with a mic to warn when you're going to ult. She's also a top-tier MILF.
Looks really interesting. I hate abilities that can cc my team because I feel like I'll fuck them up and screamed at in Spanish. Trying to space Chronospheres was hard, I can't imagine this being easier.
Jaxon Long
Why Mushi when you could have Midone
Hudson White
Cooper Ross
>+24 >-26 does this game want me to fail?
Connor Fisher
i think he already tried putting a armlet and critstick on an enchantress so yes he is RIP singsong
Cameron Gonzalez
Excuse me?
Luke Morgan
Show me your dream meme team
Xavier Allen
wait, why is secret banned?
William Wright
i mean smash
Oliver Foster
He and some other guys from Elite Wolves (that was the name I think) fixed some matches.
What a fucking retard.
Carter Jones
NoT matchfixing scandal like ages ago. Like most of Peruvian ''pros'' got banned from Valve events for it.
Kayden Morales
give me more chinese sadist hero edits they fuel me
John Lee
if you're under 5k you should restrain yourself from posting antyhing dota related, and thats being generous. and if you want to post make a shitty subreddit for people under 3k or something so all your shitty opions and dotabuffs get posted there so nobody has to even have a glimpse of them/
Lucas Smith
im posting
Anthony Brown
B-e-h-a-v-e arrest us!
Angel Fisher
If he is then PPD is RTZ's beta bitch
Jeremiah Barnes
That looks utterly disgusting tbqh
John Fisher
here i am faggot
Connor Allen
other way around, rtz leaves and joins whenever he feels like it
Levi Edwards
>wake up >no patch h-hold me bros
Joseph White
oh wait nevermind read your post wrong
Cameron Hill
Come back in 15 hours loser.
Nathaniel Jones
europeans should have accesso to new content way before americans
Wyatt Powell
We all get access at the same time you fucking retard.
Aiden Edwards
>5pm on the 23rd in all relevant parts of the world >still no patch dotards?
Parker Davis
agreed, europeans need to be given more favoritism since they're the laughingstock of the community
Anthony Allen
>zangief frame delay git gud
Jack Nguyen
make your own game in your own hamlet then
Brayden Smith
source on rumour
Joseph Watson
Jacob Walker
Aiden Cook
Yes, that is literally exactly what he is implying
Sebastian Carter
Just build some disables and smoke and catch out Sven or LC and use all those fancy disables to kill them before they can BKB and kill you
If its slark then there is literally nothing you can do because LMAO DARK PACT COUNTERS EVERYTHING XD
Nathan Cox
best hero to hold rod of atos?
Isaiah Gonzalez
Parker Evans
OD, carry Silencer, any int support who needs a slow and health
Isaac White
your moms hand can hold my atos just right
Nicholas Garcia
Jesus, why is everyone personally angry at Nahaz? Dude took time out of what I assume is a very busy schedule to try to help a team that was already struggling a bit. Obviously stats and coaching aren't going to magically make you the best team in the world, but I'm sure he tried his best and the team appreciated his efforts.
Isaiah Thompson
my mom doesn't play dotes
James Allen
Nahaz always has something interesting to say, and he'll always explain his thought process to show how he arrived at that conclusion, even if others might think it's wrong. A lot of people involved in esports don't want to share their thoughts in depth during interviews for whatever reason, which I can respect. I always know that Nahaz is going to do his best to give a new perspective about his work, and I'm going to learn something new in the process.
We don't deserve Nahaz but he keeps doing great work for us.
Angel Walker
iceiceice @iceiceicedota
looking for position 2 player! sea region! pm me if interested
Owen Reyes
It's summer his schedule isn't that busy, professors work 16 weeks of the summer at most usually.
Jordan Ramirez
I'm getting good at recognizing reddit posts
Owen Miller
Let's be honest, Nahaz is for educated people. He's not in the shouting and ranting the same thing every time, he's the absolute contrary of a twitch chat which is the common denominator of the dota community; obviously he'll get bashed a lot.
Jaxson Parker
Alexander Wright
shut up nahaz
Josiah Green
Nahaz is for cucks and SJWs.
Caleb Lee
I dunno if I'd go that far but I'm sure his coaching didn't hurt any.
CoL have always been a one note team with sub-par players, a week or two of coaching won't turn you into EG or even Secret.
Julian Reed
can someone explain to me how it makes sense for my entire team to be coming off of losing streaks, most 5-6 long while the ENTIRE enemy team is coming off of wins, mostly 4+ winstreaks?
My team is tilted from the start while theirs has great morale
Julian Hughes
You are in the shadow pool.
Brody Myers
my friend has called pugna a she way before dota2 i think i know why now and it scares me a little
Colton Nguyen
post evidence
Gavin Watson
Do you google posts that look off to you or some shit so you can read through reddit threads (do they have threads?) to check? Why would you do that to yourself?
Brody Moore
>talking nothing but about mlgers and video streams >in a gaming discussion board
You all are despicable. What is 4chans board equivalent to People or Star magazine because that's where you all belong
Carter Myers
where's pitlord
Aiden Sanders
What the fuck happened to funnek
Can anyone explain
Andrew Perry
I always got reported as Kotl because of early dagger
Kayden Reyes
Jaxon White
artstyle sold bad drugs to him
Dylan Ramirez
I actually love /d2g/ because of this. Just take a look at /lolg/. Nothing but blogshitting and waifushit.
Blogshitters and gameshitters should be castrated. Nobody gives a shit about your pubs
Andrew Evans
People are waiting for pitlord to develop their memes. Expect an influx of shitposting about builds and balanceposting very soon.
Austin Wood
aui kicked again confirmed
Jonathan Foster
Congrats to Arteezy for being the only 9k in the worldAnnouncement (self.DotA2) submitted an hour ago * by Invisibility is InvincibilityFruitloopsXD Rip miracle mmr. Seems like a good time for Arteezy solo 9k celebratory strim
Blake Cox
/lolg/ is fucking cancer. we have like 10 posts at most per thread of waifuposting, but the fucking autistic brainless degenerates that play lol have 90% waifuposting threads.
honestly you have to be retarded to play lol. the only reason it's more popular is because it's easier and doesn't need as much brainpower. dota is just objectively better in literally every aspect
Kayden Kelly
because it simply isn't in the matchmaking formula to account for win/loss streaks, and generally, people lose games it's shocking