/evog/ - Evolve General

Everyone Is Level 40 Edition


>What is Evolve?
Evolve uses an asymmetrical structure where five players, four playing as hunters and one as the monster, battle against each other in an industrialized alien planet called Shear.
Stage 2 is the transition to Free To Play + a lot of gameplay changes.

>What's new?

>I heard the game was dead?
It was, ~200 players on Steam and little to no updates from the developers. If F2P can bring it back is unknown, but as of right now it's been hovering in the teen thousands.

>Should I "get" it?
It's free. 18GB. Download and test it out.

>F2P Model?
Every week, four hunters (one of each class) and one monster will be in the free rotation. There are currently 24 Hunters and 7 Monsters in total. By playing the character tutorials, you unlock one hunter (Markov) and one monster (Goliath) to keep forever.

Additional monsters, hunters, perks, and skins are unlocked by earning silver keys. Silver keys are earned by playing the game, leveling up, or getting login bonuses. Currently you can't actually buy silver keys, presumably so they can test the unlock rate, but that's coming later.

There is also a monthly login bonus punch card. You get one punch for each day you log in. Beyond silver keys, this can directly award new Hunters and Skins.

>What if I don't want to grind for characters and perks?
You can buy the game and it to gives your account full founder benefits, which gives you 30k keys and most characters.

None as of yet.

>Steam group:

>Perk info(Inc. how to unlock them)

>Patch info:


Other urls found in this thread:




>tfw I've wasted 400 hours of my life on a game that will die before I feel like I'm done playing it for good
>tfw already wasted over 1131 hours on a game that died before it got a full release

y do id godda b lyk dis

Let us enjoy it while we can.
Want to play together?

They're only hours wasted if you didn't enjoy them, user.


>XP weekend starts
>Everyone gets their characters to high levels
>XP weekend over
>No reason to play now
>Game worse off than before

>playing monster is too easy to have any fun
>playing hunter solo is pure hell because pubs have literal brain damage
It's impossible to have fun with this game.

Not if we make an /evog/ premade.

>tfw too autistic to try and form premades
>others seem just as autistic

>>XP weekend over
>>No reason to play now
>needing numbers to tell you you have fun
sure is a disgusting time we live in

I would gladly make a premade as long as basic things are in check:
1.)Either the person is already good or wants to get good. Nobody wants to have a faggot on the team that puts in minimal effort to distinguish him from a bot and have fun at the teams expense.
2.)Minimal autism during an actual match.

200 players is a bunch!

Good thing both of those checked out the last times I played with the gen, but good luck playing more than once or twice.

>but good luck playing more than once or twice.

Because the chat is ded.

People should idle the chat more. Let others know if they want to play.

>evolve will die its second death before the devs even monetize the F2P

What a disaster

Anyone know how far Rogue Val's healing field extends? Is it literally just that tiny green circle I can see around her when i'm playing?

Anywhere where we can meet up and play together?

Why did they stop giving early patch notes?

What went wrong? Where are all the third worlders playing a free and subjectively fun game with no microtransactions?

Steam group chat.

They tried, then their computers exploded.

Sup nerds, I see a lot of people here crying about monsters being op, I don't understand how you shitters lose with hunters.
I premade with my team and have over 400 win streak by stomping monsters

so like, what's happening

Guess we now know how laz has the highest win rate.

Does anyone else play Parnell just to hear all his really chill dropship conversations?

Whats the ETA on the next update? I just want to see party pants Parnell.


I play him for oldschool shooter feel

It happened to me with Bloodline Champions.
Don't regret them, enjoy it while you can

It's disgusting playing Lazarus, every retarded pubbie thinks they're being so helpful picking Bucket, in actuality they're just going to be entirely fucking useless the entire match.

Bucket is pretty much the only reason your ever going to lose as Laz.

It's a coop winstreak retards

>typical bucket on team
>match starts
>trapper pings
>almost instantly the bucket player presses 3

they have no clue


The fact Bucket isn't a 8000 keys character is so fucking absurd.

>100k co-op games
>1 co-op game counts as 4 wins
It'll be fine
I just hope that gorgon queen is actually a surprise variant

They said there'd be a coop only variant map. This has to be it, The Gorgon queen is probably a stronger and slightly bigger (maybe) version of the normal Gorgon and AI only.

Sure, right after a weekend of coop grind

rip paladin
you died even before your birth

>stage 1 Nest repurposed with a stronger monster spawning stage 1 Gorgons
I can dig it
Too bad its probably nothing like that though

>+25 account levels
Why? For what? Nobody even can't see your level right now, and don't give a fuck about it.

I hope they at least add some fucking badges, if nothing else then for color unlocks. The current badge color unlock system is ASS.

Why is this bad?

Because its doing nothing
Bucket has to wait for the satellite tracking to end before he's actually refreshing it

I feel bad for the monster.

why is slim's map up inside a dome?

>focusing the assault

I've played against monsters worse than this. But only a couple.

>monstershitter will proceed to call slim and sunny too toxic and OP on the forums

Patch notes where
If you're gonna push the patch back I want to know exactly what's in it
I just want that paladin parnell

you won't get him in the next patch, he's being held hostage for coop wins

Hopefully he'll never come out that way.

He'll probably end up unlocked in one day

>you won't get him in the next patch, he's being held hostage for coop wins
He'll be released either way, but if you participate in the challenge, you get him for free.

Right now there's fucking nothing that makes it worth it to be a founder. Just a few shit badges.


That's for your 60$ pre-order!

Looks like a MEC trooper from XCOM: EW

>tfw the page doesn't load on chrome

nah I bought mine for a much lower price when stage 2 came out

still feeling ripped off

Are we playing together?

Someone wanted to

uhh this is what i see when i go on the update page

>page 10
this game is so dead.....

dedity ded

Alright /evog/, I experimented with perks over the weekend thanks to the extra keys, here's what's new.

>Gave Slim Leadership/Command
>Torvald now rocks Reload perks to try and salvage what we can from him
>Lazarus and EMET have Bionic legs, the jump height was interesting to use, up to personal preference I guess
>Added Renegabe pic, the Evolve wiki needs to fucking post an actual thumbnail pick already
>Added a disclaimer at the bottom for the anons complaining about "muh rocket perks"

As you may notice, the Monster perks are a bit fucked at the moment. What are some solid builds from our Monster players?

weird bug

yeah had that happen to me exactly once so far

oh god why

wow he's really packin

is he a support or medic though? we already got a medic variant but not a support variant, "paladin" could be either

>+25 account levels
more grinding, yay

yes, friend

life given purpose once more

I wonder if they will adjust exp gain to tolerable levels so the last 5 levels won't be absolute torture of 100 matches needed for just one level.

The Trello updated.
"Unannounced Medic" moved from ready to next update and changed to "Paladin Parnell". It's definitely a medic. Don't know where him being a support came from.

>new medic

>get two fucking medic variants
>now there's 8 of them
>still only have 6 supports

who will be the support variant next month?

Misreading on my part. It's still under ready, not next update.

Why not Lazarus? He'd be the equal of any support.

it has to be either crow, lennox, jack or laz

>try Kala in solo queue
>she is SUPER fun to play
>but she sucks in any comp

life is suffering

her shields are really shit

I wish they'd at least lowered the cooldown on those considering how little they shield

at least she's a good pairing for emet

Shield Burst is the same for each Support, user...

Both hanks give less I think

She can be pretty murderous with either a good comp or just clever play. Heading off the monster with her teleporters, stripping Krakens and Wraiths of armour constantly to make them die stupid-fast due to their lower health, and...okay nothing much to say about her mines except that they hit things I guess. But yeah I often find having one is EXTREMELY useful.

No. shield burst ability on 4 gives the same amount of Shield, I don't remember I think 200 or 300 points.

It's the Shield Charger or Shield Projector that differ

My best perks

Superior Energy



Extra Fuel Tank


why does hyde have the worst assault ai?

AI is terrible for any character

Torvald's is actually half decent, since at least he has no choice but to empty his weapons on every trigger pull. Hyde fucking pulses his flamethrower so slowly it's stupid.

Because the same people in charge of his AI were also in charge of administrating, balancing, and UI design for Evolve.


yes but some are worse than others

AI Hyde fires his flamethrower in bursts instead of continuous fire and randomly switches to the minigun and if fighting a kraken he sometimes doesn't even shoot it when he clearly has line of sight

>still has a fucking rocket launcher
Even as some kind of googly eyed iPod robot, Parnell is still a doom marine.

My best perks

>inb4 he shoots healing rockets

>tfw no medic Torvald with healing mortars

So is Laz good or bad? Everyone in Stage 1 said he was a huge game changer for being able to heal with no strikes, but nobody likes him now. What gives?