>Schedule for August: 7/31 - 8/8 - A Slice of Summer 8/8 - 8/15 - Rise of the Beasts (All Four Celestials Rerun) 8/16 - 8/22 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdown (Reruns) 8/23 - 8/30 - Guild War 8/25 - Arcana Battles Test & DF/HE ClassIV Releases 8/31 - 9/8 - Scenario Event Start of September - Lord of Vermilion Collab
7/15 - 8/31 - Swimsuit Characters 8/18 - 9/5 - 12 Million/Summer Celebration Part Three (Magnafest, 1/2 Off Story Quests, 1.5x EXP/RP, Daily Memeroll and 120 Gems, Other Stuff) Sometime this Year (Hopefully) - UI Improvement (Skill Queue, Ougi Skip, etc.)
>Mega Pastebin (Updated) - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
Reminder that if you don't have Dark Sarunan and Summer Zoey you're not doing any better than 0-5 this Guild War.
Joshua Hughes
Jaxon King
>people think /gbfg/ can pull of Dsaruman + Zoey
None of you have Gisla grids because you're all poor losers unlike jionger sama
Levi Brown
Shit I still need to farm the silver centrum for the month
Cameron Edwards
>wind backwater memes will NEVER EVER be as good as dark
Alexander Brown
he has gisla?
Kevin Sanders
Is Saru and Zoey OTP?
Leo Hughes
Why is she so cute brown and op?
Carter Edwards
his twitter has been posted a billion times already
Brayden Turner
yes, no one is save from cuckening if you're playing dark
Andrew Morris
No, my boy Sarunan is dedicated to his waifu
Mason Bailey
>tfw Zoey but no backwater
Camden Thomas
it has?
Alexander Young
I really want to be Clarisse's boyfriendo! And then secretly take a long romantic walk with my cute boyfriendo while holding hands and doing lovey-dovey stuff while she doesn't know it!
Benjamin Davis
Anyone have that video with the dirtslinger and Halle/Korwa/Ayer ? I need to see how the skill rotations are
>not having whale friend assassin's help you set up a billion contribution points with sleep, petrify, stackable debuffs and buffs
Jaxson Gray
Is that SR/SSR ticket in rupie page affected by the current draw pool?
Ryder Watson
Elijah Hughes
yes, unless its a month x ticket
Joshua Harris
are you okay?
Andrew Baker
What the fuck Cygames had better fix this shit soon.
Thomas Foster
No, because I ticketed Forte instead of Saruman
Jonathan Torres
watch them do nothing
Christian Thomas
tell me what I should spend my 6500 renown points on, gbfg. Should I save it instead, or spend on CP (currently at 185, wanting to get Sidewinder and Weapon Master/HS)?
Elijah Williams
What the actual fuck.
Carter Hall
you just seemed a tad confused, that's all.
Dylan Smith
Month X? The ones that you get from guild war?
Gabriel Martin
Can we have a month with no screw up in this year?
Jaxson Young
Ian Smith
Thomas Ramirez
We can have months with several instead.
Elijah Cook
It started last year so no.
Henry Barnes
>Cygames managed to fuck up 2 times in one month
Cameron Hernandez
Angel Adams
OK. Better wait for legfest then.
Jack Clark
Parker Reyes
>feature that has always been in the game >now called a fuckup because I don't like it
Jack Morales
Maintenance when?
Daniel Parker
>retards kept saying it wouldn't matter and that Dark Saru with S Zoey wouldn't be a problem >Guild War comes around >huge problem >now all of the people that said it was fine won't ever win a round of GW
Easton Williams
The people who were saying it was fine have Zoey and were trying to protect their exploit.
Angel Myers
No one expect that boosting was possible. Where's my personal Assassin slave?
Justin Sullivan
>fuck up because it can be abused now
Hudson White
There just wasn't a way to be able to "easily" exploit it until now.
I mean you could argue that these whales would've won their GW battles even without this but getting 12m honor for 5 meat was totally not what the devs wanted.
Juan Murphy
>abused >when it always worked that way and no one cared before You think Dark Sarunan is the only way to do 2 million+ damage in one go?
>zoei is so good I can mognes turn 2 lmao she great love this character >oh guilds full of zoeys are unbeatable? >NERF PLS
Well, weren't you guys loving this characters a couple of days before?
What happened?
Daniel Taylor
There are already screenshots of up to 200 million for 1 EX going around on twitter.
Zachary Cruz
Everything is fine guys, stop looking at those pics, there's nothing wrong with them. The GW will continue as planned with correct and believable honor stats being gathered.
Christian Ward
>2 million Check again, buddy.
Benjamin Howard
2million, no
235 million? Enlighten me who does it aside from prenerf Sarasa?
Brandon Reyes
The twitter pic in the thread shows 355m.
Robert Murphy
The same way as I love pre-nerf Korwa.
Camden Russell
>Privileged DARKLORD doing a third of a filthy NEET while still racking in 3x of results >Filthy NEET trying to catch up with the honorably DARKLORD by doing 3x the amount of works but still fails horribly Join the DARK SIDE today!
Jose Butler
Zoey doesn't need a nerf, Dark Monkey or point cap need one.
Ryan Morales
>tali and pillow are the shitposters here oh wow
Easton Murphy
Oh yeah, my bad then. I still hold that this isn't easily done though, you need a certain pool for it.
Jeremiah Roberts
"And so we had this great idea: backwater effect on demand. What could go wrong?" HRT, circa 2016
The funniest thing is that HRT said this a year ago. They have no idea how their own game works.
Samuel Garcia
Bring back pre-nerf Korwa too, there was literally zero reason to nerf her. Just get good and it won't be a problem, everything was working as intended.
Jeremiah Jackson
X LORD = Magna pool X GOD = Whale pool Know the difference.
Henry Ward
>lightfag in suicide watch >10 million years farming chev swords to get shat on by darkfag with few months investment
Ryder Roberts
James Rodriguez
please understand
Jordan Thomas
*with a few hundred dollars investment
Luke Howard
That always happened with Six anyway.
Ryder Allen
Reminder that this isn't an exploit and is all completely intended. Just that what was intended turns out was a retarded idea.
Alexander Wilson
working as intended.
Luis Perez
>tfw I can only ticket gislas one at a time
Samuel Kelly
And here's your remuneration.
Adam Perry
except it wasn't lol
Thomas Ramirez
>for short battle dark is the best because of Saru and Zoey >for long battles dark is the best because of Six Why are they nerfing wind instead of dark again?
Juan Allen
>dark has 120% summon >no weakness >b-but we have to grind!! literally their excuse, its fucking retarded.
Thomas Parker
You only have to do 3 EX to qualify.
Jacob Nelson
No, this is Cygames. This is 100% completely intended. The problem is that cygames doesn't check to see if want they want isn't fucking retarded. These mistakes are almost weekly.
Connor Johnson
DSaru doing a ton of damage was already common long ago, problem this time is that backwater makes it easier to reach such huge numbers instead of having to do a ton of shitty tricks like bring nio/use odin/use lunaru etc
Asher Clark
So, what class is good for Dark anyway?
I am talking for a team of Naru, Vampy and Dark Jeanne or alternatively Naru, Forte and Vampy
I cant use Superstar since I dont have a good Dark Harp and once I get GW Harp I plan to element change it to Wind anyway since I prioritize Wind and dont have any Wind Harps
Nicholas Martin
Wind is one of the second class elements, they have no business doing damage.
William Cook
do first time clear crystals reappear with each event?
Camden Anderson
I'd sooner have Dark be the most broken element then you faggots that have had everything handed to you.
Jack Adams
GW cutoff is at 36 mil now?
Anthony Wilson
>What is the best class for my early-mid game team other than the best class because I don't want to play it
Eli Jackson
Oh sorry I can't count. I'm just a NEET who didn't finish high school.
Michael Ortiz
3 Ex for each member.
Everyone in your crew IS a dark whale with DSaru and Summer Zoi, right?
Jaxon Young
How do they manage to give dark such gamebreaking characters?
Jonathan Hill
i'll wait for that kabuki class want to see more opness of WINDfags
Samuel Bell
Dark Zoi is cancer
How did those fucks not see this coming
Alexander Walker
B-Because muh magna sniping was fun
Matthew Reed
Saru is the problem. Damage limit on him should be added.
Lucas Bell
asking again
I play fire and already got the GW harp, what should my next GW weapon be? I was thinking either sword (in case i build a wind team and unlock nio) or gun (since that gives me a good weapon for a possible wind memeslinger pool and a fire character)
Matthew Jackson
Superstar with GW harp or Sage so you can actually have heals and multiattack as dark
Easton Flores
TH 1-3 = Stackable atk buffs TH-4-6 = Stackable Multihit buffs TH7 = Ougi gen up TH 8 = Echoes TH9 = OD assassin
Let the wind meme again
Liam Green
heard someone said that ' wat suptix should i choose?' and someone said ' go sarunan'
Brandon Davis
Get GW fist, make Six and start building dark.
Nolan Ortiz
Hey, I told you I dont have a Dark Harp, and I dont think Celeste's Harp is good, otherwise it would be ideal
Sage? RIP
Jonathan Price
get gun
Chase Evans
Jordan Howard
>no damage limit removed Wind is still below the real elements, it's shit.
Logan Collins
The real underlying problem is Overkill points. I say they limit completely limit how many points an enemy gives. That would also solve a lot of coop/mvp cucking instances
Jackson Flores
Overkill is a problem too, but doing 300 million damage is as well.