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Hana a shit

Hana Song

I love her.

tracer best girl

It ends today in a few hours. I'm grinding it out for Tracer skin.

>When people accuse Taimou of cheating near me
Dude is legit. Still think AKM is better

>There are people that think Genji didn't need to be nerfed

Holy shit you people are bad at this game. He had a 200+ damage combo potentially that was executed in .2 seconds.

A combo that was being relied on as a crutch heavily instead of people actually landing their shurikens on approach.

And Dragonblade outlasted/could push through defensive ults which defeated their purpose.

I'm getting a bit of screen tearing, but I was told turning on vsync causes input lag.

What do?

You don't want vsync on, mess with your settings but don't turn vsync on.

not him but why not have vsync on? im new to PC gaming in general

As mentioned it creates input lag

Your aim will be slowed

>Be lucio
>try best to contest and heal team
>get hooked in mid-air
>get stunned midair by an earthquake
>nobody joins you on the point
>everybody dies before you can break it down
>entire enemy team on fire
>get shat on for doing your job when you've got gold for healing and objective when someone else is playing lucio and doing less

>get ult
>press Q and jump off cliff


Blueberry whyfu

huuuge input lag

I love this girl.

When is the fucking Brawl going to switch and what will it be?

>Genji/zen/Ana/Zarya premade
>They all focus on keeping him alive and invincible while he wipes all of us


You can be good and cheat user.

All the people at pro level are "Good". But you cant get better than aimbotting.

Imagine crushing D.VA


I want to fuck Discount Mei.

gurl powerz

>you'll never fuck D.Va at an arcade

Quick, someone dump all the dewritos on this thread to salvage it.

Akm is obviously better. Carried even Reinforce to victory.

>lucio on koth
>drop sound barrier on my team and speed boost so we can rush the point
>weave my way around tank to get on the point
>look behind me
>my team didn't come with me
>take reinhardt's big thick hammer up my ass

He gets picked so often but no one knows what to do when he's your healer

I might as well not play support
Too many people get really self-entitled and blame every mistake on us
I'm tired of "filling in gaps," I'm just gonna play what I want to play, fuck everyone else

Friendly reminder that Sombra will be the edgy equivalent of D.va so 76 and Reaper can have proper dad war


Imagine watching an anaconda slowly squeeze the life out of D. Va.

5 Mei and 1 Lucio is a great team

>get ult
>ledge jump launching across the map
>unleash the dragon
You wont believe what happens next!

crush this

Girl Power feat. Sombra
>basically Gaige from Borderlands

>potg is Mercy landing a 3 man rez and meleeing me to death with her staff

welp. i don't think i can play this game anymore lads.



>it's a "the team wipes out the enemies but completely ignores Mercy" episode

>she will never spank you

>Sombra will be the edgy equivalent of D.va

It depends on how old they'll make Sombra
Anything older than 25 is trash

oh shit a draw :(

A mischievous rascal candy skull-masked kid would be pretty fun


>it's a you have to overextend and assassinate the Mercy as Zenyatta or Lucio with a Genji/Tracer on your team episode

Why can't there be two of me on a team?
Mercy v. Lucio is pretty intense

>she'll never lunge at you in an autistic fit of rage from losing a quick play match while comp is down

This should be a thing


>Taimou doesnt hack lol

Nvm that he got btfo on lan when he didnt have his crutch to lean on

Inb4 sombra has a deadringer/feign death ability

>ult after launch across map
is there any technique more satisfying, even if it doesn't work?

>shitrat on my team isn't on the point ONCE in the entire map
>lose because of this

Why even play the fucking game if you don't focus on the objective?

Does anyone have tips on how to play Tracer? I am trying to get good with her, but her survivablity (esp. in terms of her ridiculously low health) makes it so hard. Any light crossfire plus a single Junkrat/Pharah/Reaper/etc attack kills you. Also I have difficulty getting all of my clip to hit the target while moving fast, but that I get will come with time.

>it's a "I'm the only one focusing the Mercy and my aim is trash and I only kill her after she presses Q" episode

How did your last summer box drop go?


>she will never complain about the latest AAA games being shit and how she'll pirate day one but then gifts you them on Steam so you can play them with her

I got the Germany flag icon which is pretty cool. Along with a fucking summer dupe and still no Korean D.Va skin

>match 1
>each team has both good and bad players
>still manage to win
>match 2
>all decent players are in the other team
>you're stuck with the shitters

Two McCrees must now duel as you watch.

was it worth it?

Pretty disgusting desu
Did you at least get everything you wanetd?

Good goy

You told Blizzard "I approve of your lootbox model. Please, fuck me over again next event."

>she will never be real

>tfw off by one for the achievement

Isnt it cheaper to buy 50 rather than 2 24?

Try to not focus on your whole clip if they're a regular. If they're an easy target like Bastion or a tank then yeah but you'll wanna poke anyone else

So what got updated on the ptr today?

>two hours until the event ends


You helped make the game worse by not containing your crack addiction for shit skins that will be replaced with better ones within the coming years that would have been easier and cheaper to get and more fair for everyone but you bought a bunch of crates anyway.

Only thing I'm missing the the BR Lucio skin. I got 99/100 items.

I told myself this is the last one this is the last one. And well, it wasn't the last one.

Something very stupid. Could have just waited until next summer and get them free.

>console shitter
>still lost the game


>He thinks that good players don't cheat

Play like you only have 2 charges instead of 3, that last one and rewind you use to save your ass when you get into those situations, try to play the edges of the map and close in when they are busy with your teammates also sometimes its enough just making them waste a ton of time chasing you and letting your team get the kills/obj. And dont hold your ult too long

>nobody rushes with you
>everybody demands healing after they've just made you amp it up
>nobody groups for ult

>she'll never hover over you when buying parts for your rig, criticizing your tastes at every turn

limit your framerate?

Ah I see

The day Pharah discovered she was gay.

Taimou is 100% a fucking cheater but that specific video is pretty weak evidence.

Who knows it takes place in the future maybe someday, maybe someday...

But then we'd be living in a future where omnics are real.

>PC has truly skilled players
>"we want genji nerfed and hanzo buffed please"

simply epin

>Alejandra will never be nothing more than just "that kid from S76's short"

Feels bad desu.

i got a summer games tracer skin on sunday, along with the T.Racer skin. both really fucking good

>he doesn't already have the cheevo from launch week nor after the buff


Did you not see it? Watch the end of the video


at least I'm not nearly as bad.

VA was asked if she was in future stuff and implied she was.

you guys are too shortsighted

save your money for the superior christmas skins

>level 100 loot box
>this shit
>third fucking time I've got that skin

If Blizzard try this shit with there next event I'm going to straight up fucking kill myself. Not a single highlight intro at all. Fuck my life.

>buying Overwatch


>consoles needed Torbjorn and SYMMETRA nerfs


how does everything he draw just look wrong?



>Try Soldier 76 for the first time today
>Get 4 gold and PotG

Meanwhile I can't get gud at McCree, but thats okay.
Really liking Soldier though. Theres something oddly refreshing with how boring his kit is.

Well young Fareeha was really cute