/wtc/ - Witcher, Cyberpunk, Forced Memes and Gwent General - (/krw/, /cpg/, /fm/, /gwt/)

Beautiful Backdrops Edition

Standalone Gwent is announced!

Blood & Wine and patch 1.22 is released!
New Region trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=ZEJT5XRftOU
Launch trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=OP-ZsLYGJfQ
Patchnotes: wpc.4d7d.edgecastcdn.net/004D7D/mkt/document/Changelog-1.22-ENG.pdf

HoS developer stream: twitch

>Latest patch, free DLCs, The Witcher books(first 5 are official, the remaining fan translations are of varying quality) and short stories
>Experimental first-person perspective mod for TW3

>Pastebin containing Witcher gear locations, TW1+2 and books info
>Console Commands Currently broken
>Where do I find Gwent cards?
>Witcher lore series for newfriends
>All vanilla Gwent cards ready to be printed out
>Gwent Standalone cards
>Redirect to the current thread

Cyberpunk 2077
>First trailer
>Creator about Cyberpunk 2077's world

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ciri is an incubator for my cum


I want to kiss Triss.

Reinstalled witcher 3 and did some mods this time and got this and don't know what to do.


Reminder that the bloody baron did nothing wrong and Anna had it coming.

Purest love :3


Nevermind. Was just the companion mod not working. Really want it to work with better faces and breasts...

gay shit FUCK OFF

Which mod? I use better faces with Triss companion mod and it works, not sure about the breast mods though, never used those.

I'd be careful saying that around Ciri...

that one is awesome, have more?


more lewd butt and pussy please


Reminder that the Baron deserved to die



Cerys's make-up is the whorest one.
Prove me wrong.

I got the script compilation error when ever I tried to start up the with all the better body mods(Ciri, Yen, Shani, Triss). I thought it might have been Reworked or STLM but it started working as soon as I uninstalled companions.

Sidenote: I love how the dlc option is just to decide if Triss has pubes or not.

At least hers isn't smeared from choking down cock all the time...

You say that like it's a good thing. First thing Cerys probably did when she became queen is ban make-up so that all the men folk will start to take stronk womyn more seriously.

And...? What's the matter user, can't handle a strong, independent, viking-like woman?

I just bought the witcher 3 like a week ago at full price. Now it's 50% off... and I bought the dlc less than 24 hours ago. Why does steam hate me?

>as soon as I uninstalled companions
If you are using Spawn Companion mod from Nexus, I would suggest to check out this mod instead, it is by far the best companion mod out there. It only has Triss and Ciri, but the options are the best. You can talk to Triss any time you want and even give her a kiss. I also never had problems using it with other mods.


Is nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1024/? worth it/any good? I honestly see no really difference in the faces.

Father and Daughter.

Master and apprentice.

That is the one I got and it woould not work for me.
Does it have to be installed manually? I installed it with the nexus mod manager and feel like that may be the cause.

and lovers... :^D

I never install anything with nexus mod manager, this mod isn't even on Nexus, so could be your issue, but I really don't know. The installation couldn't be simpler, just copy modCompanion folder to the mods folder in your TW3 install directory and you're done. Personally I never had any issues with this mod, but maybe it's just conflicting with some other mods you have.

Brewess pls go

>First playthrough
>Played TW1 and TW2 and relatively fond of Triss (was never head over heels for her)
>Go through Novigrad questline and lock Geralt into a Triss romance
>Finally get to Skellige and interacting more with Yennefer
>Funnier and wittier, plays off of Geralt's dry humor perfectly
>Strong character with sympathetic motivations
>Better voice actress than Triss
>More attractive than Triss

I...Think I regret my decision. Waifufags be damned, but I think I just jumped ship to Yen.

Oh well. Back to the game.

Have you seen Ciri?

Yen is a pretty cool character, but no one beats Triss Merigold for my Geralt.

You can change your choice of romance with console commands if you'd like.

Triss and Geralt together is pretty heartwarming, but as said earlier in this thread I love the way Yen and Geralt complement each other, for better or worse. Maybe when I see Triss again in my game, I'll be content with my decision!

Would that effect any achievements or the playthrough as a whole? I'm unfortunately a bit anal when it comes to those things

>read spoilers
>did not show affection to Triss
>won the Yen bowl

sux for you, mate

>Triss and Geralt together is pretty heartwarming
I actually think Triss and Geralt complement each other perfectly, Triss brings out that sweet romantic side of him that is so rare and refreshing to see. There are some sweet scenes with Geralt and Triss left later on in the game.

With Yen, you have cool banters, and it's more of a straight to the point kind of romance. Both ladies are lovely, and have some sweet and memorable scenes. You can have sex on the unicorn with Yen without ruining Triss romance, just don't tell them both you love them.

I'm not sure about the achievements, but if you want to change to Yen, these are the commands you need:




YOU FOOL!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah I didn't really have solid expectations for Yennefer, but I'm pleasantly surprised with how she acts.

Thanks for the commands, but I think I'll stick with Triss. I feel like in the end, I'll be quite satisfied. Both girls as you said are quite lovely in their own right.

I've missed out on these memes. "Yen bowl?"

>I'm pleasantly surprised with how she acts.
I really enjoy her sarcastic remarks and wit, the way I play the game she is a fun ex wife, although she can get really pissed if you go to far in some dialogues, but I won't spoil it for you.

>I'll stick with Triss. I feel like in the end, I'll be quite satisfied.
Both ladies have a nice ending, but I never regretted going the Triss route.

It's only good if you use freecam and want to take pictures of NPCs.

page triss

I don't understand why O'Dimm gets all pissy if you beat his riddle. Seems more in his character to just take it in stride and move on, potentially to fuck with them again another day.

Because Geralt would be the second ever being to actually beat him, basically Odimm had the rage of a teenager on COD that almost got a tactical nuke because of his killstreak if that puts things into perspective.

There is a real difference, blind man. The same high quality textures in cutscenes would be on the NPCs outside cutscenes.

also use this mod, it fixes the problem the HQ faces mod has with NPCs not being able to mimic their speech.


The only mod I have installed besides is the debug enabler. Do I need the Dlc part of the archive or Just the Mod part?

He did nothing wrong???

Do I need the Dlc part of the archive or Just the Mod part?
You need both, although the DLC part only affects B&W. No texture or character replacement mods should affect the companion mod. It should work fine with the mods you listed.

You can try this fix, I made a more detailed explanation in there.


Pic makes me think if BTY had some hair hanging between her eyes. I like to think she would become more of a doll or bimbo over time. I also like the idea that she would remember how smart and full of pride she was while breaking down crying over her hair not staying in place.

It does not work either sadly. Was there supposed to be a copy of that file in my folder before this?

Shame it doesn't help, I can't remember about the file, but it helped me with my compilation errors. You can try temporarily removing all other mods except the companion one and see if it conflicts with any of them. If it still doesn't work, I don't know how to help you further, sorry. Maybe try this version of telemetryKeyword:


First playthrough and got to this. Obvious spoilers of course.

Does choosing the first option lock me in to a romance?

Currently have the game alt-tabbed right now as I debate what to choose.


I need more triss ASS

You have to say I love you to either triss or yen

What does Triss smell like?

roses and duckberries

Ah okay. I thought this was the point of no return, but good to know that it's very blatant. Thanks.

like a condom filled with cockjuice

A freshly plucked rose.

>I need more triss ASS

I want to eat that asshole 2bh

user would you mind uploading your copy of the companion mod?

You're in for a slimy surprise. {:{P

>tfw no ciri gf

what is the deal with NG+?

Are the enemies more powerful?

I don't think it will make a difference I'm afraid, I downloaded it from the link I gave you, but here you go anyway:


It's understandable.

I want to SMASH this ass


What version of the game are you using?


its so cute


why cant i jump in the witcher

The only thing cuter is her face.


what the fuck?

I am using 1.22.
The error has something to do with being in the mods folder. I deleted the Dlc part and that did not help but when I removed the Mod part the second part of the mod worked(putting Ciri, Dandelion, and Triss at the vineyard).

I used this version of the mod ever since 1.21. You either have scripting errors, which that telemetry file should fix (that worked for me) or the mod is conflicting with one you already have installed. I don't know how to help you further, sorry.

Thanks for trying user. Do you use the debug console?

Yup, I had no issues with debug console.

Will you upload your script folder for me?

inb4 Cyberpunk 2077 is shit
>We did not get an Enhanced Edition of Witcher 3 for this

Nevermind user I got it. Had to delete the hacks folder in the script section and the script compiler you suggested but now it works.

you did this to yourself. you know damn well when to expect steam sales and the fact that its guaranteed to go on sale again when the goty edition hits

I just got to Kaer Morhen for the first time and felt my eyes starting to pop so taking a bit of a break.

I feel so close to finally finding Ciri (I'm pretty convinced at this point that Uma is Ciri, but I'll happily be wrong) and then the game has me doing hoodrat shit with the witcher bros...

Don't get me wrong -- Vesemir, Lambert and Eskel are all bros. But dammit, I just want to finally solve the mystery.

Yeah. It's not like I wasn't aware that historically CDPR games go on sale for >=50% off pretty frequently.

I just started B&W. I don't even want to bang the duchess, so what's the point of even being here?

Uma is Yen(BTY to be exact).

To bang her sister?

Good. I assumed there was something.

On another note... I get the feeling Yen is going to be unhappy with me in TW4, what with Shani and whoever the love interest in B&W is.

Soooooo Do I just hit it a bunch of times?

grandmaster wolf sword, or Aerondight?

I would go through the game again if there was something like the companion mod for Yen or something that added just a little more content for her but Cdpr and modders have to try and put Triss on a fucking pedestal and ignore her.

Hit it to death before it hits you to death

The fight actually took so long it spawned far too many particle effects and caused my fps to drop to single digits ending at 1fps during his death animation

Why do I feel like I should blame that on physX? had to play the last half of the fight at 20 and under fps

wonder how it would have played out on consoles

I also discovered the best way to kill the giant spider

I wonder where geralt keeps all these bolts...

So I just got the achievement for completing all Witcher contracts and I'm not even done with the Skellige quest yet! I'm currently level 25 and the highest level one was the Archgriffin at 35, which was way too easy. Have to say, that's extremely disappointing. I was hoping for some really hardcore endgame-tier contracts after I hit level cap. :^(

Half way there, hand cramp is starting to set in

It was actually one of the easiest fights for me.
I just rocked some superior oriole and went to get some tea.

I'm like level 17