World of Warships Admiralty /wowsg/

Fine, I'll Do It Edition

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Historically, did ships like the Dunkerque and Richeliu fight bow forward?

Don't think they ever really got in a slugging match with another BB.

How does Warships compare to NavyField 2?

>beat me by 57 seconds
>doesn't even mention the French


The Richelieu-class was docked both times they fought, at Dakar and Casablanca.

dukekerer sucessfully hunted down and took out scharnhost. thats a chase on the ocean where dukekerer had 8 380mm barrels against scharn's 3 280mm barrels

richelieu i duno. prolly more that we know

the android game? its much more engaging. NF1 was a better game that NF2.

SO might be more of what you want.

>Anyone who posts Kaga is "x"
Dont fall for bait so easily shitposter.

reminder its a wonderful time to level DDs and CVs

You buy premium modules by the way for credits, surprised you aren't using one.

Also to Fischer, yes you can probably whittle down a solo TB squadron if you manage to maneuver. But a double stacked one will be able to fuck your ship up. Can't say for the DBs though, the 3/0/1 is cancer.

man i just dont see how a CV is comparable to a BB in terms of damage.

AA makes them a joke, i had many games on tier 6 and 7 that the cv player ran out of planes because theres no way to make them survive on a AA strong team

Should i skip the T3/4 German BB, i am finding everyone is either skirting onb the outside of the map or just plain camping on both sides with no attacking or support at all.

if i started yesterday then how long do i have to play until my winrate goes above 40%

Surprised you didn't realise from the icons that that WebM is ancient.

Don't stress out and take it easy. Just try to learn, avoid rushing in like an idiot or sniping at max range all the time, and you'll git gud in no time.

You did use a referral link, right?

hey /wowsg/ if i like the speed of CAs and the guns of BBs which nation; german or american would be more suited to filling that niche?

can this stupid cvs are UP meme fucking die already. Just learn how to play them right, I messed up this game and lost my tbs early but still 130k dmg,

Oh look a retard who runs strike Independence.

Honestly lower tiers are too punishing for new players with how much plane losses hurt. A single lost fighter battle in t4 means that you will now lose every single fighter battle for the rest of the match.
At t5 you get more planes but still a punishing amount can be lost. At t6 you have more lee-way, its also where AA ramps up. At t7 you have a much larger reserve, but its simply not enough when you go against t9 ships regularly.
CVs are the most powerful ships in the game in the right hands and the weakest ships with the wrong hands. The skill floor is too high and the early game too punishing.

If this was a purely WW2 game then they could open up with ranger like at t4/t5. But its not.
Many of these balancing issues could be solved if they just gave every CV unlimited planes and then balanced AA around that.

Up to you. Its like that at every tier without division mates.

Yes, you aren't expected to learn the game and all it's nuances overnight. Also make sure to use a referral link. Its worth it.

Its a webm for ants. All I saw was the non-premium DC.

>Strike indy isn't striked out by the Ryujo.
You are going against bad players dude. Strike CV players t5-7 are literally free exp/damage farms for any half decent IJN captain or USN. Also in that match you only had 1 DD to fight, which it isn't even dead. Most of your team is dead and we don't even know how the Ryujo did. You are good at CVs, but against betterplayers you will probably lose or be completely shut down. Luckily those are very rare and for most part you can run around like a bull in a china house.

Its not retarded, just requires more finesse compared to lazy fighter clicking. Its like winning a knife fight with a claymore in a cramped box. USN is at a disadvantage for the most part, but when it hits, it hits really hard.

>lost thirty (30) mil credits for the tier 9 nazi german bb

Why is it so fucking expensive, why does it have so many upgradable modules

>prem modules for credits

since when?

Most people realise that CVs are no strictly UP, but rather the problem is that the UI is unintuitive and the gameplay is sub-par.

Even if i do division up randoms is always the same shite.

I wish PVE was actually good or worth it sometimes.

Click the little arrow next to gold icon.


Consumables, not modules.


Then you should division with better people.

Its in the modules tab user.

Enjoy and best of luck to you.

You can pick the people but you cannot pick the randoms.

That would actually be Japan, and most of their BB's are very fast, while American BB's only become fast T8 and up

>hey this webm looks kinda familiar
>realize it's my own webm from more than a year ago
>someone actually saved this piece of shit

y tho

Then you must break the backs of the randoms and mold them into your throne of victory. If you want to carry really hard, play a CV and git gud at them. Or play a BB which is much easier overall, will never be nerfed into uselessness and learn to carry with that.

You really do have autism. That's the consumable tab, upgrades to a ship is called modules.

If you spent less time stalking and shitposting you'd known.


Are you the same shitposter who couldn't count in discord?
We can work on your math. Also you responded to wrong post.
Clicking is hard too huh?

>actually arguing about this
I think you're all autists.

You trade a strong american fighter for a shitty 500 pound bomb DB squad. It's not worth going strike til ranger when you trade 1 for 2.

Even though, a strike ranger is completely helpless and needs a cruiser to not get striked out by a good IJN captain. You can even do it with a balanced USN.
Just hit him with torpedos and hope you get a flooding. If you get a flooding, he either repairs it or dies a slow death.

Do any of you fags have the image/copypasta of the yamato getting attacked and ravished by us battleships and warplanes?




>you're all autists.

Where do you think you are?

But It's in the ammunition&consumables sub-tab.


Are they gonna add new ammo types and time soon?

okay so,

why does arkansas beta has 6 upgrade slots and why do some of these upgrades costs more that a tier 8 ship

is this the ultimate seal clubbing BB? will they pay for themselves?

Iowa premium nuclear shell when?

I hope not. The lack of gold ammo is one of the best things about this game.

Modules tab -> Ammo/Consumables
This is just arguing semantics.

Hopefully never.

It was given out to all Alpha and CBT players. It gets that 6th upgrade slot because it has literally no AA in a tier where CVs are everywhere. Nikolai is the ultimate clubber though.

How much damage would one of these things actually do against another bb?

Looks like insta death even on a somewhat close miss desu

No, i want to cit pen bbs with dd gun HEAT at any range. Fuck you.

>modules are consumables

holy fuck talk about downs syndrome

kuma removal purposes

does it makes gud monies? i dislike BBs but hey, i didnt even noticed i already had a tier 4 premium

>it has literally no AA
That's gonna change next patch, I think.

>shoot in general direction of enemy
>you win

>In bayern
>Cyclone starts up
>charge mid to help a div mate
>he dies before i get there
>see 2 dunkeks with barrels pointed towards me
>let off a salvo before ducking behind an island
>behind the island i spot a stationary Colorado and a broadside NM
>turn guns to take out the Colorado
>2 cit him into the drink
>all this while bouncing the NM's shells
>secondaries lighting him up while i rotate the turrets
>get into one of those old time turning fights
>cit pen him down
>take only minor damage

this is why i got into KM BBs

maybe if you suck at dropping dbs manually and keeping track of who used damage control then its not worth it bit for me it is. Just keep your cv near your team and WASD hack and snipes aren't a problem.

Sounds like it would justify a price of 100 dubloons per shell :/\)

It was a completely free ship. You can't get it without being a CBT player. Yes it makes decent money for a completely free ship.

Link? That was supposed to be the Ark Beta's gimmick. The high tier slot for no AA.

Is there a collection of pics detailing where citadels are on certain ships?
Also I have literally no clue what tree to go down
I'm dissatisfied with cruisers because they feel so useless, but I dont want to be the FOTM abusing shitcunt that plays BBs
and I dont like the playstile of DDs

German bbs.

The best tree in the game, play them before they get nerfed

>In Bayern
>T8 MM
>Our Aobas suicide straight through the middle
>Our hipper goes alone to cap D and gets murdered by 2 cruisers and a battleship

>Get set on triple fire twice by a chapayev
>Still get top XP by virtue of the rest of the team dying in the first 5 minutes
this is why I fucking hate this game sometimes.

It gives you more choices on how to play the ship. The most expensive slot is usually only available to T9 and TX tech tree ships. Keep in mind that the main battery range enhancement is required to bring the Arkansas to the same range as its fully upgraded tech tree equivalent.

>Arkansas Beta AA will be buffed.
>They just add the missing 4 × 3-pounder 47 mm (1.85 in)/40 cal saluting guns.
It's figuratively nothing.

>press 'battle'
>get into a game
>our BBs dont move for the first 2 minutes
>the 3 cruisers I was pushing with turn around when a new mex and a pensacola engage us
>I kill them both
>"you are the last one alive"
>8 enemies still alive
>mfw its like this almost every game

Which is your favorite Arlios video?

If only there was some way to make sure that you get at least two other good teammates.

That was in a div

We topped the charts with our T6's in a mostly T8 match.

Fuck off shill

Holy shit bro you don't like maymays?

Okay enjoy your losses because your team got shit on by any other carrier type while you fuck around with a whole extra DB squad. 10k extra damage per game isn't worth a fighter squad.

>tfw no friends that play this game

That's what the Veeky Forums channel is for, friend.

>meeting new people

just learn to manual your dbs man.

>having friends outside video games
Haha man just have online acquaintances it's totally the best

Was a good battle indeed senpai

TS went ti shit on me so I lost you

Pour one out for Chain and Abrach, they fell victim to the new MM formula and its state of being absolutely broken

As ded as this thread. †

Also, for anyone interested:$pagemax=40$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1

1/700 full-hull model of Mikasa is up for preorder. December release.

Excuse me?

>in the Veeky Forums channel
>too autistic to say anything

Just pretend they're shitposting AIs

The goyim know




so the new york was absolute garbage, and New Mexico is just more of the same shit. I can't hit anything, even at 5.5km, and what does hit doesn't penetrate or overpens on the citadel for nothing. the ship is a goddamn brick; it does not turn and it only goes 21kt.

what's the point of USN BBs again?

Haha holy shit user kill yourself.

>cant hit anything
>at 5.5km
I dont think this is a ship problem user

tfw i was born as a burger and not German

Why grandparents


alright well what can I do to be less shit? NM is even more of a drag than NY for me so I'm just going to drop it at this point.

I haven't been staying with the BloB since I frequently wind up in T7/8 and get deleted from the group.
should I be staying further back until there's an opening or getting closer?

Git gud with aiming. You said that you miss at 5.5km, and anything that does hit is a nonpen or overpen. Aim for waterlines if its a squishy ship, its helps reduce penetration of shell.

poi poi poi (;

>only born with white guilt instead of white AND german
U aint missing out

>what can i do to be less shit

Go back to CLs
Game is oversaturated with BBs as it is

>play with Veeky Forums
>it goes well

I dont know this feel.

Sucks too be you, fatty o/

I found the entire USN BB line from the WY to the NC to be great. You have to know when to push and when to stay back. Make your shots count and don't bother shooting at anything past 15km unless there is literally nothing else within your range.

You'll have a better time interacting with the chatroom than posting on the gen, people just alt tab to shitpost here to vent and then get back to the game.


t. NeoRussian

>having great grandparents german
>be Argie

The ones falling offscreen are Buddy, Mahan, Pepsi, and Scharn.

Give me Dunker please I'm French and I want to play my nation's only ship in the game


>we're going to win, its 7 ships v 5, all of theirs are split up and all of ours are together
>leave to go make some food
>come back