Tower Killers Edition
Tower Killers Edition
Xth for Katarina
best girl
xth for Futaraka
Tristana is in the next OP
niggers server when?
>caring about CoC after what happened to it
>there are people that actual like TiTS
Best girl.
Best saliva.
Best wife.
Supporting what?
The revamp mod?
I want to go to a nudist beach with Trundle!
I want to swim with him! Naked!
This is my wife no one else is allowed to post pictures of her without asking me first.
jesus fucking christ please stop, this is the only thing that drive me absolutely fucking wild, and I've already fapped today
disEMBOWLMENT, Worship, Skepticism and Ahab are the only funeral doom bands I know off the top of my head because it's not one of my preferred genres
Can I post your wife?
>zed's getting another skin right after getting 6 recolors
they aren't even trying to hide the pandering anymore
he's banned constantly in shitter elo
I want yorick to save me from death and force his cock into me every night as repayment.
The only thing that "happened' to it is that Fen dropped it the second he saw the dollars TiTS was pulling in and Savin bitched about people wanting him to just fucking finish Helspawn's incest route.
Hahaha what a pleb.
That is the most disturbing Soraka I've ever seen.
What unholy hell spawn made that?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>enemy team focuses bot so hard
>really fucking hard
>so hard Zed and Volibear burn everything just to kill me
i mean, you can just kill me all you want, in the end of the day, all i need is ardent censer :^)
No, fuck off.
xth for DotA
Soraka doesn't have a dick you miserable sluts
>dad literally nonstop spewing /x/ tier autistic Gay Illuminati rapper Sex ritual conspiracy theories at me
>call him fuckin crazy like he is, he retorts with me being brainwashed by Tupacs satanistic beliefs and musical magic into thinking being gay is OK and that i must think gay sex rituals are ok too
>literally shut off my internet so I couldn't be polluted by satanistic shit ever again
>im posting this on my phone from a mcdonals
Ok sorry
There's a point where CoC became nothing more than Urtaquest, where he started claiming credit for the entire project when it would have sunk without the shit people in the threads gave him, and Fen became an ultrajew that cared more about money and his dickgirls with horsecocks than anything else.
if you say so
Anyone have any tips for Janna? I'm bored of Taric and I need a different supp to play
his beard must feel funny when eating ass
how to beat jax as shen
>inb4 zed gets new skins every patch
Sorry for bad english
Where were you when Shen was kill?
I look PBE and read
how the fuck are you not supposed to get tilted by losses that aren't your fault? I understand that you cant carry every game, but games are so long and the MMR system so broad that every loss feels crippling and wins feel like fuckall.
He can probably make you cum from just eating you out
Always use tornado for disengage or for a gank, always shield ur jungler in ganks. Juke lee Q or riven Q with ur Q or any other dashes. get cdr and ardent censer soon, thats it.
Welcome to Legal Legos
compare penis size
>a tower killer anymore after his latest round of nerfs
Don't fight it, user. Embrace the love she's offering you.
The bigger the horsecock, the better. However we need to go even bigger.
was he right?
focus on yourself
Half the time I'm playing I forget Urta is even in the game and I'm having a hard time thinking of a SINGLE horsecock dickgirl other than Urta in the game.
Yes, Fen is a massive fucking jew, but he's also a jew that started jewing hardcore for TiTS. CoC right now isn't even kept alive by him, it's kept alive by fans modding for the game to keep giving it updates including pretty significant changes to the combat system and different difficulty levels.
Only problem is they need to find some decent writers. It's painfully obvious the dip in quality of the new scenes.
So I'm assuming it's good to put some cdr\cdrperlv blus on her rune page (running flat mr RN)
>deny enemy their penta kill
>they all dive me at base literally 52 seconds later (according to my teams spawn timer)
>gives them the penta
What the fuck? When did riot start giving out these welfare penta timers for almost a full minute? I'm mad as fuck right now.
>ranked queues turned off
Yare yare daze...
I'm not fighting it, it's been a fetish of mine for years, I just don't want to fap right now.
>tfw there are no good pics of this fetish with raka
I cri every time
You can fool me faggot this is just an attempt to get me to post pictures of lulu out of spite
You're lucky I have literally zero impulse control
What champions do you not see often if at all and are usually piloted by autistic psychos that dedicate their lives to them (and will probably kick your ass)
hows my new lulu page?
Part of me wants to build 4 zeals on Yi today just for the fuck of it
Post more qt Lulu to balance out all this faggotry
I also played with that, but its not rly good, you can get cdr so easily with cdr boots and solaris.
invest it on mr blue
does steel101 still play the vidya juegos?
>queue 20+ minutes with your illiterate third world monkey friends
>go 0/9/0 in the first 10 minutes
>rage in monkey language when the only sensible people on your team go afk
Goodbye LP
whatever you do post qt girls
Soul Reaver Draven is the most terrifying thing in existence.
They will get fed and murder your ass.
Nice blog friend, upvoted!
Also, League of legends.
>That bottom left panel
I hate that pose so fucking much.
the only correct answer is singed
whenever singed is not meta (which is basically almost all the time) the only people who play him are autistic fuckers that will manage to lead the entire opposing team on a merry wild-goose-chase, escape, and somehow kill one of them in the meantime. by the time they realized that chasing the singed was a meaningless endeavor, five minutes have gone by and his team picked up dragon, baron, and took down several towers.
Legitimately not what I asked. I'm bitching about the clearcut games where teams are pants on head retarded and there's nothing you can do.
IE, playing darius toplane, having the entire botside of the map powerfeed a brand mid, and then procede to get clean aced every single time because our pick and engage champs arent doing their job and there's no assassin to reach their backline. Even if I removed two people from a fight via kills or kiting, the team would get clean aced and i'd get cleaned up on. Even shat on the enemy lane opponent, got towr fb, and made two successful tp ganks.
I understand perfectly well that you cant win every game, i'm just fucking tilted that this shitfest counts towards my mmr, and the fact that I need to play and win a game to get back to where I was before the dumbass game took place. If overwolf didnt have aids gif sizes, i'd upload some replays.
I hope lulubro comes back soon, he was the best at making these
Even Skarner has better ganks than Shyv
>Get top lane
>Hover Darius
>Ally bans Darius
"Sorry, Didn't see"
I'll report back tomorrow with my findings
>buying boots on any barefoot champion
why would you want to cover up their natural beauty?
Skarner is a good ganker and a qt
Do you guys think it would be easier to climb if I get a better computer? I'm playing on a laptop so the keyboard is suboptimal, screen is only 1600x900 and I heard that makes it harder to see minimap in peripheral, and I average about 25ish fps, dropping to about half that in teamfights. I don't want to spend the money though if I just need to gitgud instead.
>people shit on me because I like Coin thresh
suck my dick faggots, all of you
Post must be league related or i am banned again hue
Those gnar nerfs are nothing lol
either that player was terrible or he just got assfucked by a Darius so hard he should have notified the local constable
>buying boots on champions without feet to begin with
I guess Nami could use it as a hat?
feet is literally a worse fetish than scat, vomit, and anything else you could ever conceive except gore. Literally nothing else disgusts me more.
yes absolutely..played on a friend's computer with 300 fps and it's amazing, mine gets 90 if i'm lucky it matters unfortunately
it would definitely help
but is it worth getting a new computer just to getgud at vidya
High fps and low ping enhance your performance, so yeah, sure.
well at least you understand how ranked works
It would nice to see an occasional Vi pick in competitive. I just really hope she doesn't become meta.
>Someone gets top lane
>Hovers Yasuo
>I ban Yasuo
>"Sorry didn't see"
xth for racemixing.
>hover Blitz
>ally hovers Fizz
>accidentally ban Fizz
>he immediately retaliates with Blitz ban
>win anyway
>Gnar gets slap on the wrist nerfs
>Sivir and Shen get fucking kneecapped
What the fuck is this favoritism?
>not making sure your champion can run fast
>implying illaoi would let a frail, limpdicked beta like you touch her, let alone impregnate her with your bastard child
FPS can honestly make a huge difference. My PC used to be able to run this game at 120 FPS but now struggles to maintain 48 FPS, and drops to single digits in particularly intense teamfights. It really hurts the flow, especially when you're animation-cancelling.
I mean I'm not fucked because I have Illaoi and Olaf
But it's annoying as shit that I hover something and my own ally didn't have the fucking galls to just look at what we're hovering.
I mean thats funny in practice because Yasuo's a fuckboi champ but still banning someone's intentional play is a bad move. Especially in ranked.
Every time someone hovers Yasuo I ban him
Nothing makes me cum harder than the rage of some Yasuo shitter
well to be honest I think gnar is going to stay relevant toplane.
late to the party