Why would a rich person offer any advice to poor people? Why would they want more competition?
Number of benefits;
First off the poor person probably wouldn't actually make it big, and second off, the odds of them being in direct competition with the person who gave them advice are slim given how many markets there are and how big the markets are.
Third, it can make the rich person more money very easily. To get rich during a gold rush, don't dig for gold, just sell the shovels.
If I make widgets, you're more likely to start a business that provides materials to make widgets, buys widgets or is complete unrelated to widgets than you are to make widgets yourself.
Also, people like helping eachother.
I'm new to this board. Is this not a b8 question?
Why would a chef give out his recipe, unless for profit?
Well, you've convinced me.
I'm done helping idiots on this board.
That's different, dumbass. An amazing cake recipe could potentially be used to directly compete with him in the cake business.
The same reason why rich people donate to charity, it makes them feel better. It's not about actually helping by giving advice or charity, it is about reaffirming the fact that they are in a higher position on the socioeconomic ladder to be giving you advice.
96% won't follow my advice.
of the remaining 4%, 3.9% will fail anyways.
the remaining .1% will take decades to catch up to me, and by that time I'll be ready to sell out and they can be my buyer.
I give advice all the time, knowing the recipient will likely fail or will never put in the effort to follow through.
It's almost an "I did it, why, can't you? type of jab"
Better country for all. Horrible average of rich vs poor. They as well as my broke ass knows that even pushing it to lazy cucks will yield little conpetetion and potential partners from thos willing to try.
because even armed with knowledge that may marginally improve a poor person's life, none of them pose a threat to the rich person
Helping proles makes my dick super hard
In other words, nobody is going to give real advice on Veeky Forums. Thank you for solidifying OPs point.
dat extra long thick game doh
If your execution was that shit that some random guy off the street can just get to where you were with your secret sauce than it wasn't very special.
The coke and KFC secret recipe's have long since been known. People can make better carbonated syrup and chicken on their own, yet they still buy coke and the colonel's recipe. why is that?
if people are in a fair competition they will probably be less miserable and will not turn into violence to get what they want. education is the best way of self preservation. so educate the other people the best you can.
>what is altruism
>what are emotions
>why am i an aspie
Because while you may compete you will never surpass your teacher, unless your insanely smart. You will either partner up with him or try to compete with someone who taught you everything you know. Its an uphill battle you wont win unless you're some Elon Musk level nigger, in that case you really dont need alot of help
I used to do it a lot, for things that are really obvious to me.
But I'm doing it less and less every day, namely because half the time I wind up arguing with idiots who are as clueless as the person who asked, except they're too stubborn to recognize it.
It's like telling someone that you don't get rich picking up change on the freeway, only to hear that your bitter you didn't get rich that way, and how they "know lots of people" who did.
Bruh I cleared $2 mil picking up change on the freeway last year wtf are you talking about?
"Get with the times, Grandpa".
Real estate here
The number of people that could compete with me at my level is stupidly small. Think one several hundred. Doing what I do requires a particular combination of behavioral disposition, long term planning capability, and intelligence (mostly mathematical ability). Most of those that could do what I do, don't want to, or are somehow tied up with something that prevents them from being able to devote the time or financial resources to get started.
I really don't care if I explain some basics to someone who ends up competing with me. Chances are good that if they actually directly compete with me, they would have gotten into the game sooner or later without my help. I tell them straight up that I won't tell them every little secret, but explaining the general principals can help them make good decisions. Worst case I don't benefit, and it doesn't cost me fuck all. Maybe I get a long term partner out of it. Maybe we just keep in touch, even if we aren't working closely together. Networking is never a bad idea. The number of times I've saved tens of thousands just because I 'knew a guy who knew a guy who's kid knew a kid who's uncle was a something or another' is ridiculous.
More often than not though, they simply don't follow through. Maybe they remember me when their cousin is selling a house, and I'll get a call. Maybe not. Those that do follow through often fuck up at some point because they didn't plan, or something in their personality led them to make a few bad decisions. In either case, that means there's fresh properties for me to scoop up. Maybe I get them, maybe one of my competitors gets to them before me. You win some, you lose some.
There's also the rare occurrence that someone asks me a question that is so profoundly stupid it causes me to reevaluate something major. Very rare, but sometimes an outsider's naive perspective can interpret things in a new way. If you are any good at whatever it is you do, you'll recognize this, and adapt.
how to start with real estate ?
rich people want a protege. Usually it is their son, but sometimes it can be the intern at their firm or a family friend. On every richman's checklist is a box that says 'be a mentor' or 'pass on my knowledge'. It's to do with their ego, if nothing else.
to be nice and to make themselves feel good. believe it or not, most successful people love to talk about themselves and their experiences. someone turning to you for advice gives you a feeling of having something valuable, and that makes people feel good. that doesnt mean they give advice to random people for free, but if they see potential in someone and they get along then more likely than not they will be willing to share something. there is also a big difference in what is shared, for example a successful trader will never give up the core of his trading / strategy but may be willing to give valueable tips as to how an aspiring trader can develop their own strategy.
buy potcoin dude