Fighting Games General /fgg/
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shit OP
Why do girls called Mai dress like this?
Was watching Japan's presentation at the end of the olympics for Tokyo 2020, this shit sounds like a jazzy Iori theme.
Why do new players ask about beginner characters in SFV when they're all fucking easy
>Capcom throwing out a humble bundle
Why do people think this company isn't in dire straights again?
It's a pun
Mai Waifu
So they have to be waifus
Why do players ask about beginner characters in SF when Ryu is right fucking there
In what game is Ryu not a beginner character
What's the highest IQ character in any fighting game?
Because there are only about 3 characters that are actually any fucking good.
Patchouli in IaMP
Venom probably.
Have fun with those ball formations
Why are you posting your own tweet?
Wanna talk about video games.
You mostly learn specific formations to use for setups or zoning different areas. It's not that hard, you don't calculate in real time.
More when shit goes south and you got balls all over the screen and how to utilise that.
>Series notorious for its shit netcode
>With a new team that can't even do graphics right
>Expecting anything but the worst netcode known to man
>kof is shit
LMAO NO SHIT only 16ers thought 14 was going to be good
wowwie, opinions from randos on twitter
So now that it's been assured by our guy Sonicfox that KoF 14 has bad netcode, what're we going to do?
>our guy Sonicfox
nice OP!!
>Twitter of renowned KOF players all saying netcode is SF4 tier
>SF players echoing the same
>Actual important players streaming the game looks fine
>B-but muh literal whos
t. redblade
>play Cammy in Ultra Bronze because I'm a shitter
>fight a Ken down at the bottom of Super Bronze
>say what you will but I've seen proof that people in Bronze at least understand the concept of a mixup
>this Ken literally just eats all my meaty oki attacks
>never DPs
>didn't even attempt to block for at least an entire round
I don't understand. If what you're doing is getting you hit, and for full combo damage, why are you not trying something else, especially when it's the obvious solution.
kiss em
Its one guy spamming kof images like it killed his parents
Rachel Alucard
you play cammy and you're still in ultra bronze?
stop posting this garbage.
I need you Baiken
anyone want to play killer instinct
im not even good
jk im ridiculous
we get it literally who poster guy, kof's netcode isn't that good
sonicfox and ultradavid's words is all we need
I heard you the first time
These XIV announcers are pretty entertaining
t. SNKuck
they're just happy that it's not sfv doing something wrong for once.
>Muh netcode
Who cares, surely you guys have friends....right?
netplay isnt everything but lets not pretend that there shouldnt be a quality standard in 2016 either
We do, but are you really gonna invite them over every time you want to play something? Everyone has their own little lives and we need to organise get-togethers around everyone's schedules.
Netplay is convenient, and the standard in this day and age.
that play fighting games?
no, no i do not, all my friends play is dota 2 and cs
>tfw your favorite fighting games all have good netcode
I feel sorry for the KOF fans
>stinky patchouli
>tfw only play offline so I never have to worr yabout netcode
I doubt my favorite games have anyone online anyway
does anyone here actually practice combos and warm up before doing real matches here?
how long do you guys usually take?
Reminder to play characters that teach fundamentals if you haven't played kof before
I want to sniff Patchouli's feces!
>kof is getting dumpstered on harder than SFV
Besides GGPO what games have in your opinion the best netcode?
I used to warm up but SFV loading takes too long so I just jump in
I do one rep of every combo on each side everytime I start the game and every time I close it.
Alright bruh you taking it too far. Patchy doesn't poop or smell and is a great character in a fighting game
Is Verse even balanced?
It's literally one phoneposting autist.
He even admitted it before the game came out.
Reload, I guess
games without it are ass for netplay
KOF14 sucks lmaoooo
Multiplayer Verse isn't boss Verse
just because hes a phoneposter doesn't mean it's not true though. kof netcode is ASS worse than SFV
Melty Blood and Pokken
ArcSys games in general are really good but they become unstable across long distances
What's your PSN?
Smash 4.
That's nice I guess.
His moveset is fucking lame though, I was expecting like some kind of HFTF character instead when I saw the floating arms.
As a phoneposter it does mean you can dismiss everything he posts though.
Netcode might be ass, might be good.
Why are K' and Shun-ei red?
They're both freaks with freak combos
>everyone on twitter saying kofxiv has shit netcode and buggy infrastructure
>mfw skullgirls has fucking amazing netcode because american devs aren't retarded so they just license ggpo
did breek survive the quake?
Mommy Dizzy
Auntie Ram
Auntie Elphelt
Grandma Jack-O'
>has great netcode
>dead online scene
well then
quick matches aren't dead
Why do fetish terms sound so much creepier than what a normal person would say?
Messing is so much creepier than peeing/pooping
Someone please explain this fetish to me.
I'm too lazy to look this up, is Ash or Elisabeth in the game? I actually really enjoyed playing them in KoF XIII
what le fug man
i hate sfv now
humiliation probably
If someone wants to play a character that doesn't play by the fundamentals, why should he bother learning the fundamentals? Seems like you'd waste less time just learning how to play that character. It's like saying you should learn a specific method of swimming before learning the other ones, it doesn't really matter.
No. Probably in XV though.
You're given a shot of the character select and you ask who's in the game
you should really see a doctor about your mental illness
m8 SNK barely pulled this game through their ass, lets wait until a little after the game is released before we start thinking sequel
I hate retards like you
skullgirls has more people playing than kofxiv will a week from now
The skullgirls community is small but dedicated
If you play a gimmick character without understanding your fundamentals then you're just gonna lose, you can only use those gimmicks properly once you understand the game.
See: every Claw player ever.
lmao dudes, you think I'm gonna waste my time staring through that shit to find them?