How long does it generally take for someone with no driving experience to learn to drive a car with a manual...

How long does it generally take for someone with no driving experience to learn to drive a car with a manual transmission?
Do you think someone with very bad self discipline and no previous driving experience could learn in 3 months?

3 months is overkill young underage b&.

My first car was a stickshift. I learned in a week. Hardest thing is going from a stop on a hill when you're learning. Also traffic sucks.

10 hours

About a day to get used to changing gears and controlling the clutch, and maybe three months to a year to some what master the clutch in all kinds of scenarios.

Protip: Dont panic if you stall.

It isn't actually hard, it will take a very small amount of time to get a working skill of manual transmission driving.

I'm not talking about starting the car, I'm talking about actually learning to drive, learning the traffic rules etc.

pull the hand brake fagget.
after 16 years driving manual, it's all i do.

About an hour

>powered by Microsoft

You didn't say that faggot.

"learn to drive a car with a manual transmission"

well 20-25 hours then

r u fkn joking thats nothing

but you should know the traffic rules before getting on the road

Pretty handy, i bet i could play Halo on it.

well in yurop we learn the traffics rules before we actually drive so we only drive like 20-25 hours before passing our licences

I had no experience with manuals. Took me half an hour to learn.
Note that it still took me a month or 2 to get comfortable with it.
Now I hate driving automatics. Muscle memory is a bitch. I can't count how many times I've almost broken my own nose due to muscle memory kicking in while driving an automatic.

Lol I had my friend teach me to drive stick in a small church parking lot in 30 minutes. I then proceeded to go look and drive a manual car the next day I was looking to buy. It's so easy to learn.

Then you obviously had previous experience driving automatic.
Learn 2 read

>Now I hate driving automatics. Muscle memory is a bitch. I can't count how many times I've almost broken my own nose due to muscle memory kicking in while driving an automatic.
people who've never driven a manual do not understand this feel

Like a couple hours to go from "no clue" to "I think I got this", then maybe like a week or two to get to "no stalls" level.

It takes literally 30 mutes to learn to drive a manual and about a week to become proficient.

It's honestly better to learn manual first, especially if you have poor self discipline. I learned on auto first because it just so happened all my parents had at the time were autos. Going back and learning stick will be harder than starting with it just because you'll feel like you unlearned how to drive in a way.
This too, my man. Learn the rules, then get in the car. I guess you could start learning in an empty parking lot though. The rules shouldn't be hard if you halfway paid attention to your parents over the years while driving, but you will want to get some kind of study guide for the written test because they'll ask a couple questions like "What is the stopping distance of a loaded semi with hot brakes?"

Ford Flex? My mother drives the same thing

Everybody here saying they learned how to drive a manual in a few minutes makes me feel very inadequate. It took me a lot longer.
But from starting to drive to getting your license should really not take more than two months. It's doable over the course of summer vacation, if that's what you're intending.

I've been driving auto for 4 years, and I just learned manual yesterday. I'm already driving on turnpikes.

It took me a few driving sessions to "get" automatic driving so you should be fine OP

Few people on Veeky Forums will admit how long it actually took them.

no more than 5 minutes if you're not a retard or a woman

oh in that case it takes 9 years (25 - 16) before insurance companies consider you not complete shit at driving

Getting married is a p. good way to lower it some too. :^)

When I took (and passed) my french driving license exam and passed it I had about 20-25 hours of driving lessons in the space of a month under my belt (legal minimum was 20 hours at the time). Some people need longer, but I'd say 90% people can do it in about 30 hours or less.

By that time I had already passed the bitch that is the theoretical exam in around one month, doing aboout 30-45 mins of mock exams a day for about a month on the website of the driving school. So about 20 hours of theory I guess ?

A manual transmission is actually not that hard to get proficient with (i.e. can drive in any usual situation), but you will need months of practice to get good (i.e. can drive well/efficiently in nearly any situation).

you'll be able to drive normally within a few days usually, I didn't really feel confident for a couple months though.

Yes, do it. Buy a manual car. Don't be afraid.

start playing racing games with manual mode on. it will help change your mindset/ listen for when to change gear

I learned how to do it in a day. Was good at it in a month. It's really not that fucking hard.

Fucking why? There are plenty of married people that are incredibly irresponsible.

On my first (half an) hour of driving lesson it was my first try to drive, drive manual. I had to start in a city traffic and with some effort nobody was hurt lol.

Switch your feet from digital 0/1 into analog mode and don't mash the shifter, that's about all you need to know, OP. Good luck.

I'm learning and driving a manual. Now I can drive in traffic with no problem. From stop to 1st gear takes me longer than tho. I can't comfortably accelerate fast in 1st gear
How long till I master driving on hill? And heel-toe down shift around the corner?

this friend taught me the basics in about 30mins in his is

Not saying it's right, but a dude's insurances rates do go down, especially if they are married before 25. I guess it's because insurers expect a lot of "Sell the fun car, we need something safe" etc.

Insurance rates are based on statistics, and statistically speaking married people are in fact more responsible generally

You learn it on your first drive, then you get better and better at it as time goes on.

Just got my car this past saturday, took about 4 hours to get it down solid. Bren driving all week just fine

>still shaky on launch
>still shaky on downshift (when to give gas and how much to give)
>still laughable on hillstarts (hillstalls for me)
Besides that I'm getting there

Maybe an afternoon to be able to get around, a week to eliminate stalling completely, and 2-3 months maybe longer to fully master your transmission and rev match perfectly and start and stop on hills. I think back at when I first started and I laugh at the shit I used to do.

what if there are literally no hills

A few hours.

I got the hang of it in a parking lot. Total time: 20 minutes.

Not perfect, though.

With no driving experience? Probably easier since you are not trying to unlearn automatics.