Dead by Daylight General

>Last Thread
>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: (embed)
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): (embed)
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever:

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.1.0c)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

Other urls found in this thread:


>Playing Nurse
>Four Megs join the lobby

Time to use that ebony mori.

Actual patch notes from yesterday

Adjusted attack and hit detection zone for slashers
Hide Survivor information UI bubbles indicating Name, Level & Rank in Public Lobbies
Fixed an issue which caused all Perk & Add-Ons revealing survivor outlines to not work at all
Fixed an issue which caused the survivor hair to be visible over generator outlines
Fixed an issue which made it impossible to remove some equipped prestige parts for the Nurse
Fixed an issue which made it possible a killer to attack or interrupt through some walls
Fixed an issue which made it possible for the Hillbilly to run infinitely against a collision and accumulate points
Fixed an issue which made it possible for the Nurse to interrupt, pick up or interact during the blink stun period
Fixed an issue which made it possible to lunge attack without looking at the target

Ching Chong Bing Bong Be-gone

At Least last time i got over 7k.

They had better let survivors at least see their team's information.

>get matched against AngryPug and presumably his friends on Asylum
>they abuse the fuck out of the infinite
>disarm any traps I put there as soon as I leave
>hit Pug once as the last gen is done
>chase him to the gate
>down him just as he's passing through it
>take him to a hook right by the exit
>his buddies try to bodyblock the hook
>get him on it anyway
>just stare him down until he dies while the others keep running around me
>check his stream
>he yelled at his teammates for not bodyblocking properly
>his chat called me a bitch for bodyblocking the hook after he JUST had his teammates try to bodyblock it
>I still pipped because of all the hunting points from the others trying to unhook him

Doing God's work.

not sure what's worse, twitch memers themselves or their fanatical parroting cult followers

Both are equally vile.

It's a real shame they hide the names now. Now I can't specifically target Twitchfags.

>Exit door to the left
>99% generator in the middle
>Visible hatch to the right
>Full health hooked Dwight as a distraction
>Does nothing for my entire hook duration until the crows spawn

It's not hard being a survivor

how do i git gud at survivor?


Starts around 2:12:00.

Those weren't his friends. He was playing solo. The fucking manchild was yelling at people who can't even hear him infront of hundreds of viewers.

And holy fuck, he teabags, infinijukes and uses the cancer trinity of perks.

>I loved Suicide Squad

I'm glad you killed him in the way that you did

I don't get the hate for twitch streamers. I didn't even know this was popular on twitch until I started briwsing this thread. I don't think they effect the game and they just lure more people into buying the game.

Top Kek

Depends on the streamer. People like Pug are fucking cancer. TrU3's pretty cool though.

If you're narcissistic enough to stream yourself playing videogames, to even make a job out of it, then you're cancer. Everything else wrong with streamers is just gravy.

>Claudette is working on a gen
>Hears Trapper coming
>Runs for the exit that the cuck is also running towards to

Level up to get the good perks.

Learn all the map layouts, where the generators tend to be, where the jukepoints are.

Don't break hooks, it's fucking useless.

Try to pair up with someone for rapid generator repair. Follow them around.

Space out your generator repair, and repair generators to 99% instead of finishing them. You may even want to explode them when they are nearly finished to shut them off, preventing the killer from knowing their progress and drawing him away from your teammates.

Fix generators strategically. Don't let the last 3 generators be anywhere near each other.
Preferably have two of them be on opposite sides of the map.

Develop a knack for knowing when your team isn't going to make it. In such a situation you want to simply let them die rather than try to save that last guy, and go for a hatch escape.

Alright so despite it saying "Catch 6 survivors using blink", it's actually just a blink attack.

What incredibly shitty wording.

It's not even narcissistic. It's juat good business sense if you're one of the few guys to rake in 6 figures or more each year. I don't watch streamers because I hate watching over playing, but if they help keep the game alive I'm fine with them.


I'm running Sprint Burst, Self-care, Calm Spirit and Iron Will. Considering replacing Self-care since it doesn't do anything a medkit can't. Other than Spine Chill, what would you recommend?

>Don't break hooks, it's fucking useless.
>Try to pair up with someone for rapid generator repair. Follow them around.


It's good advice. Breaking hooks does nothing unless the killer lacks Iron Grasp, in which case he probably has shit perks in general, is low level, and not a huge threat.

Two people can repair a generator to full in like 30 seconds or less, whereas it takes forever to repair a generator by yourself.

Two pairs working together is far more dangerous than four survivors on their own, because once you make contact with one of the pairs and start chasing, the other pair can run around like madman popping every gen quickly, even faster if the third guy finds them.

I don't find much use for Empathy. Almost everyone runs Self-care, and most people if wounded end up getting downed shortly thereafter. All Empathy really does is tell me if the killer is on the other side of the map, but if he's actively engaged in a chase it's pretty easy to repair gens and hide with or without that information.

Two survivors fix a generator at 2x the rate of one survivor fixing a generator. Two survivors both being scared away from a generator by a killer fix a generator at the speed of one survivor being scared away from a generator by a killer. If every survivor worked on one generator solo, you could finish them all in 3/4 minutes and none of you would have any trouble.

>want to go all out but still challenge myself
>decide to try to get from where I am now (rank 5) to rank 1 without hooking people
>Distressing, Unrelenting, Enduring, and Spies
>really fun build that never lets the survivors relax
>just pretend I'm retarded when I pick them up, though get close to hooks sometimes
>got about 4 pips, actually really interesting to throw the idea of hooks out the window

>just get called a point farmer most of the time
well that's one challenge idea out the window
guess I'll just noperk

The game flows in such a way that the survivors have the initial advantage and it's up to the killer to fix that by downing someone as quickly as possible and putting a stop to them. If you have two pairs repairing generators, you'll have two gens popped before the killer even discovers anyone, and then they can rapidly pop the others and get out quickly.

If you have multiple gens powered to 50% and then the killer manages to down someone and then bait and capture the other, you now have two guys who have to power all the gens with only a bit of a head start.

It's not at 2:12:00

By that logic, if you have four survivors fixing generators, you'll have four generators done before the killer finds anyone.

What's a good handicap for a 3 survivor game?

Sorry, 2:21:00.

>sabotage daily
I'm sorry, guys. I'm sorry, Jason.

You will, but the killer will find someone, he'll lead the killer to another generator someone is working on, and another, and another, and everyone gets spooked and the progress slows down.

Rushing several generators in different parts of the map as quickly as possible is more important than accumulating progress on far more generators, because once one guy is removed from play your progress slows down significantly.

If the survivor manages to juke the killer for 5 minutes, then sure, everyone repairing separately would be better than pairs, but that's not worth the risk.

Also pairs are more able to pull off pallet/flashlight rescues.

But wait, no, you won't have 4 generators done in that time because it doesn't take that long for the killer to cross the map.

Survivors tend to avoid repairing the first generator they see, instead waiting for the killer to check that generator and then leave. If they do it properly, which they tend to do, the killer can't find someone working on a generator until around half a minute after they've started it. With pairs that's all you need.

thats retarded

Disarmed trap still snapped me. Haven't had that happen in awhile.

Rank 11, when do I start hitting tactical survival squads that are probably military level?

I don't know why it's unreasonable to assume that the survivors can competently complete generators without being murdered within the first minute of the game, but it's totally fine to assume the first thing a survivor will do when found is beeline into every single teammate.

As long as you're not up against the fucking nurse, or in the middle of the farm, you should be able to juke the killer for at least a minute or two before getting hooked. It takes 90 seconds to fix a generator from nothing if you get 0 skill checks.

It's totally random, rank isn't used for matchmaking purposes. You'll eventually just go against memeperk SWF squads.

>tfw running thanataphobia 3, rusted chain, and grisly chain

might as well get comfy survivors, you'll be here a while

>you should be able to juke the killer for at least a minute or two before getting hooked.
Not necessarily. Most chases start from a position of stealth with the killer attacking the survivor while he is exposed and thinks he is hidden until the killer is right on top of him and there's no where to run.

If you even manage to him me.
I've gotten quite good at fucking with all the killers now.

That's why I don't like Hillbilly so much. I can down any juking, teabagging shitter with the hammer, but it's not happening with the chainsaw unless I use addons. Why play Billy if I can't chainsaw people?

I should should. I can't account for fucking level 1 rank 20 dwight getting caught while buttfucking himself on a flashlight. If I can't assume my survivors are going to be competent enough to have an escape plan then I sure as fuck can't expect them to complete a generator without blowing it up. Thus making this pointless.

don't worry, i'll hit your friends

>I should should.
I meant said should.


clip of a buddy of mine administering some chemo to a cancer pustule

>get stuck clipped into the pallet
What is this bathesda level of fuckery?

Chainsaws are scary.

I'll unhook them.

I tend to drag people to the basement, leave just long enough for someone to go in to perform a rescue, and then cut them off before they can go up the stairs. They're rarely smart enough to charge me at once, especially if I alternate between chainsaw revving and looking like I'm going to hit them normally. I end up downing both of them half the time.

The great thing about it is that it doesn't matter how good you are in that situation if the other guy doesn't charge at the exact same time you do.

Yeah, that situation would fuck us hard.

Now kiss

It's my main strategy as Hillbilly and responsible for half of my wins.

Never go for the best players first - they don't repair much faster than the worst ones. You should always go after the easy prey and use them as bait to catch the bigger fish. And if you're playing as Billy you might get to keep both.

It's okay.

>Get very rare addon to put victims trapped victims in dying state
>go piss
>come back
>entire team of 20 level 1s dying

If this is true that's very impressive. It means they all bumbled into traps while making their way to their teammates to heal them.

all my practice playing techies in dota 2 paid off

Third perk slot for trapper, can't decide if I want Insidious 1, Spies 1, or Deerstalker 1.

I don't usually leave people down too often to make use of such a low deerstalker rank. Not like I'm playing Billy. Spies seems like the obvious choice but it's not a high enough rank.

Insidious is a wildcard and you never know when it'll come in handy, you know?

Insidious is honestly pretty shit.
Sure, you'll occasionally get lucky and people will blunder into you, but you'll just waste valuable time with it more often than not. Even more so on trapper, where you could be positioning beartraps in that time.

Well those are still my best options, sadly.

If Whispers wasn't FUCKING BUGGED STILL I'd use that but nope! Literally can't get that perk to ever work properly!

Gate is open right next to the hooked person and they expect me not to hard camp them. What the fuck is wrong with you survivor fags?

>4 people bleeding
>mfw looking for dying people is a chore

>3 toolbox game
Oh the gloves are off now.

If you see a bloody Nea get your Mori ready.

If you see bloody anyone get your mori ready.

The hatch was a mistake.

>host as Billy
>3 toolbox team went to work on the hooks as expected
>patrol hooks instead of gens unless I hear them working on it
>chase one towards the basement area and down him there
>his friends turn up close to the building one after another trying to be heroes, hooked them up too
>one last guy decided to run for the hatch, probably went to the furthest part of the map looking for it
>guessed right, down him there and drag him all the way close to the basement with no real chance of hooking
>squirmed away, down him again, sacrificed last guy
>get called a hacker with all hooks destroyed and knowing where the last guy was, "recorded a vid" to prove it
>only had Distressing as my perk and no add-ons

What a bunch of babbies, no wonder these folks would resort to hacking if they can't win. Wish I had taken a screenshot of the salt.

>nurse cancer

>touch one gen
>touch the other right next to it in the corner of the map of the farm
>wraith comes to the second gen
>goes straight for the locker, then behind my tree
yeah sure.

Y'know 'behind a tree' is a REALLY common spot to hide, so a killer who knows how survivors think would look there, especially if it's in the map corner.

I agree.
She walked through one generetor and straight to me. I'm actually 100% that was walls and she just tried to "play it off".

Ranking up in this game is like flying towards a massive star.

You want to do it for some reason that you're not so sure about, other than just wanting to do it. At the start it's great, the kind of things you learn as you get closer blows you away, but as you approach, it gets worse and worse, but you also accelerate, partly from the gravity and partly because you just want to end it.

god damnit I got through 20-14 faster then I did going from 5 to 4 tonight

The wraith is a man.

Sometimes the game is buggy/bad at generating assets that are far away and it lets you essentially see through them. A good example of this is on Blood Lodge, where you can sometimes see survivors "floating" on the cabin deck with the gen if you're far enough away.

The Nurse honesty sucks. I never have problem with her when I play survivor. Not my fault you only play one side and don't understand how weak she is.

So... are people going to be dodging prestiged characters now or is the lobby locking implemented in a way to prevent that?

rank 1 survivor and killer here. You don't know shit.

Maybe the nurse's you play have their monitors off.

>people run in a straight line
>throw barriers

>mfw every time

Pretty sure I do

There's 15 minute cooldown if you leave

You have made it abundantly clear you don't.

Pretty sure I do

tfw you die to a killer whose steam profile is cringey fursona shit.

Alright, finally figured out what this is. I've always thought it was a missplaced light for the hatch, but turns out it's the Glass Bead addon for the map that just lets you put down something like this. The only question left here is if the killer can see it...?

no. that would be retarded.
Your teammates can though.

Feels like the only reliable use would be to mark the hatch spawn, however you need 2 gens before that even shows up. Feels like a waste of a nice feature considering you need to have a map, the glass bead and also stumble upon the hatch in that small remaining timeframe.

Nurse is op. Circling around pallets all day doesn't work :(

Remember to put the Steam group on OP next time.

yo realtalk, prevent people from farming points as the nurse by just dropping people repeatedly and swatting them. Specifically the nurse because you literally can't escape.

I mean you can do that with trapper if you set up the diagonal traps.

yes but nurse can just stand still repeatedly dropping you until you fall off her shoulder, and then swat you. There is 0 way you can escape her.

At least the trapper needs a stupid setup and would have to constantly reset it.

Is this "sarcasm"? She's op because yeah, you can't use your only way to escape the killer against her.

>chat: guys do what you're supposed to do thx
>chat: no thx
>chat: kk see you nopip
>game starts
>I'm the only one to make it out alive through the hatch and nobody pipped not even killer
Phew, sure smells like shitter in here

>3 succd, 0 gens repaired
>last one does nothing, search for him for like 10 minutes
God I love traps.

There are now 2 threads up because whatever retard made this one forgot to include /dbdg/ so I didn't see it in the catalog.

Just use it when this one dies