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/lolg/ allstars: ranked 5s edition

Old: eyosongive.us


6.17 Patch Notes:

Latest PBE Update:

I want to BREED Lamb!

>yfw 0 - Z E R O good Ekko nerfs

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

Just posting some foxes.


how do placements work in team ranked?


All I'm saying is that meat-cutters and butchers usually wear a paper hat, not a toque.

oh kool thx :)

poppy is the cutest and strongest yordle!

when are they buffing her q damage

kill yourself folyqa

Fun bottom lane.

Is Poppy semi-viable at the moment?

I never bothered playing her when she was OP and she looks pretty fun.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Elf trist by far her best skin

i want old sivir stats back already

Lulu has the best bottom


Don't you mean "under" ?

Poppy is not very good right now, mainly because EVERYONE outdamages her.

but poppy is extremely fun. if you wanna dick around full triforce ad poppy mid is fun

>when are they buffing her q damage
Never. Just read Riot's philosophy on her from the patch notes
>Poppy’s uniquely equipped to thrive in the middle of fights and knock people around, but shouldn’t be a dominant damage threat to the backline.
Translation: we want her to be a tank, fuck you for building damage items on Poppy.

She'll never be viable as long as Riot refuses to let her do damage. She can't solo lane with no damage and as a support she's just a bad alistar.

been a long time since I used him on top

I still got it boys

She might use some lower CD on her anti-yasuo field

Friendly reminder that supports are for breeding

it's bullshit honestly. I feel like poppy would make an excellent tanky bruiser if they buffed her base damage. especially on her q

make up your mind user
what are they for really?

I don't understand ADC. I literally cannot win as an ADC even when I don't fall behind.
I can't get close to their carries or fighters in teamfights. Meanwhile the other ADC constantly targets me in teamfights.

Any tips

How did you know


>poppy is the cutest
The only one that rivals her in cuteness is Lulu
>I literally cannot spam Lulu's laugh enough

eating out is better

Jungles too.

Don't you mean, "with"

best tip i can give you is to try and harass during the buildup if you have something taht can do that (Lucian W etc), when the fight erupts and people pick people to focus, then you run in for a pentakill and scream like an Autist. works for me.
fuck OCE

No user, I don't think he did.

lulu is not cute compared to poppy!

>Only have face and dick
>Can't have all Eve, Lamb and Soraka on me at the same time

Why is god so cruel

are there any more fun builds that arent enforced stricty by riot games(tm)? I want to have some fun but i dont care if my teammates get mad in the process

It's especially heinous considering they've nerfed the hell out of the metagolem that she was abusing so she has absolutely nothing to cling to for relevance. The underlying issue is still Rito punishing Poppy for being too good at doing what she was originally designed to do: dive the backline. That's exactly how old poppy played, and I was thrilled to see you could still do that with new poppy, though with less impunity. You had to really pick your targets and time your dives instead of just getting a free kill under tower with your ult.

Rito for whatever reason hates this and thinks she should be a wet noodle tank.

My heart and actions are utterly unclouded....!
They are all those of 『in』.

I've had fun with AD Leona. Get in on it before they nerf her.

Why not KEEP old poppy for all the OG players who LIKED her gameplay? She was great and fun to play, and one of the only AP asassins that would buy an IE as a "sometimes" item. Shit was cash and i want her back

thats how ad is most of the time. nobody wants to protect you and the entire enemy team is trying to kill you

just try and stay behind the initiator and get in free damage whenever you can. the most important thing you need to learn aside from attack move is choosing the right target which can be easier said than done

>ywn be a tentacle monster and breed multiple girls at the same time


Tell me anons, what would be your yordle fuck toy team?

Mine is:
>Teemo - Top
>Poppy - Jungle
>Veigar - Mid
>Lulu - Support
>Tristana - ADC


Poppy was amazing at duels, which made her good for a while, considering she could quickly dive the backline, kill their adc while her team keeps the frontline from stopping poppy from doing her job.

I can barely win a 1v1 as poppy, even though I use black cleaver as a core after iceborn

>Rito for whatever reason hates this and thinks she should be a wet noodle tank.

It's because Doublelift and his ilk hate being dived by anyone. They think only an ADC should kill an ADC.

>No doujin where Velkoz accidentally gets himself into lewd situations
>Has no idea what's going on, but brings every girl to orgasm anyways


why would you fuck teemo instead of poppy

> Yorick
> Zz'rot
> Banner
> tfw splitpush four lanes

oh nvm. retard alert.

All legit builds

essence reaver nocturne.
ferver nashors nautilus
gunblade/thornmail malphite

Except she was broken as fuck when she was good.
Enhanced stats when under a certain %HP, %HP damage, a ranged AA reset, a ms modifier that stopped people from running away, and an extremely versatile ultimate.

She won't be like she was before because her kit is just really solid.

>Wanna play Kog
>Hit up a normal
>My mid, top, and jungle all get absolutely assblasted
>Match is over in 20 minutes
>Check the matches won for each team

My team:
>417 (me)

Enemy team:
>1261 (!)
>1502 (!!)
>1892 (!!!)
>2054 (!!!!)

What the fucking shit is that matchmaking, Riot? Holy shit.

Would you play with me based on my champion pool?

>he thinks wins matter
lmaoers rock

They'll come....

her kit is solid, she just cant outdamage anybody.

You don't understand, you get to fuck all of them.
It's a fuck toy team yo.

>No life
>Can't sleep
>better play another game
Where my niggas @???




>All that cancer
>Already mastery 4 with kled

Definitely not

It's more that one team had, at a minimum, SEVEN TIMES the matches played of the other. In the vast majority of cases, that kind of experience gap is going to cause a shitshow.

Yea i get it now. Is it at least r63 veigar though?

they just buffed his W passive

also nerfing that piece of shit is complicated, mostly cause his OP version is his tanky/ Bruiser build. which let his trade and if he goes low, all he needs is to pull R.

Riot either nerf tanky items. or nerf Ekko beyond usable

>calling others cancer

Yes. How about me anons? Do I play too many champs?

I want to make love with Lulu.

Tristana, Poppy, Lulu, Teemo, Rumble. I don't fuck Teemo and Rumble I just make them watch me turn their women into sluts for human-dick.

You straight up cannot build damage on poppy anymore unless you're memeing. They've gutted her base damages and crippled her trading and dueling skill. Over this season they've shortened her tackle range, shortened her passive range, and cut her Q's damage by so much it might as well not even deal damage now. On release it scaled from 40 to 160 base damage, now it scales 35 to 115.

What I consider insult to injury is the current AD ratio on her Q is 80%. Just a huge middle finger. Make it so nobody can afford to build damage on Poppy then make it so she needs AD items to do any damage.

Post em along with your division

I have really gone off Darius lately after getting so much more results with Wukong


to be fair I decided to main him after CertainlyT killed Mordekaiser.


You got me there. He's the only ad assassin that I like.

Fizz is fun

And if Riot pulled their heads out of there asses and removed his invulnerability during W he would be fine.

I'm plat V too

holy fuck that Veigal is THICCCCCCCCC

But for me I would fuck the shit out of him

Pretty nice selection, have you played Jayce today after he got that buff? He has been my go-to against annoying melee lane bullies.

I wasn't aware he got buffs

Pretty big one actually, the AP scaling on his first hammer hit has been switched to 40% ad. Also fixed a AA bug when switching to hammer.

How you doing, man?
Ranking much?

reminder yorick is literally a walking zzrot

have memes gone too far
he literally can't use more than half his kit against objectives or in jungle fights

>get fed as Kog
>tilt enemies by murdering them then immediately typing 'lul'
it's too easy

>Locked camera


ooh and cheaper hammer E

>silver games
>locked camera

Is anyone willing to coach my punk ass in adc?
I play adc as my main I just want to get better.

what an awful leblanc jesus christ

i wouldnt even say lul i would just feel bad

the fuck was that Ledicks doing? Just W over the wall toward one eyed willy and get the fuck out.
oh wait
>19 mins
She was probably just feeding

>they actually buffed riven

what champ can I take to absolutely ruin her day


jesus man Liss Q is now almost 100 mana at all ranks that's fucking harsh

fuck her though but dayum

How does gone git gud with Riven?

Kind of. Been climbing through low diamond in the last two weeks. It's a mess, and my ranked anxiety is increasing by the day, but i managed to get to d3 promos with +14 lp per win.

should probably mention what elo you are/what elo you want your mentor to be


are you new to top lane? if you know anything about trading youll easily work out riven cannot be out traded

you can also sell your soul and learn the bugs for more damage/speed

I was silver but I made mistakes of playing with a shit stack and got my ass in bronze (implying silver isn't bronze) and anyone gold or higher.

Dumb frogposter can eat a grenade
I have been trying to get good with Riven for weeks