How do I stop guilting myself over small luxury purchases while still being responsible?

How do I stop guilting myself over small luxury purchases while still being responsible?

I make 50 grand a year and still live at home but I'm very reluctant to buy luxury items such as eating out. I splurged last week bought a fourpack of craft beer.

I don't want to be a shopaholic but I don't want to tightfist my life either.

make a budget

here's what I did:
1. become self-employed (don't ask me how, that's a different topic)
2. realize that self-employment taxes are so high it's not worth making money
3. rather spend your money on tax-deductible luxuries than just handing it to the IRS
4. spend thousands a month on business meals, business travel, buy fleet vehicles that cost as much as a house, turn half your house into a warehouse and write the bitch off, buy a new computer every month, whatever.
5. begin to understand that your job isn't to hold on to money, but to spend it.
6. the more you spend the more you make, assuming a basic level of competence.
7. have way more money than you need.
8. actually feel good about stimulating the economy by feasting at Red Lobster three times a week and going on crazy Disney vacations where you invite your whole family and pay their way just to be a dick.
9. good Samaritan, go to heaven etc.

I don't need a budget, I already save the grand majority of my salary

If you don't have a budget then how do you know how much you can spend on luxury items

Set a "no guilt" purchase threshold below which you do not debate the purchase or give a second thought to it. If you want it and its below the threshold, just buy it and be happy.

The threshold will change, of course, as your finances improve. Set it low enough initially that you're comfortable with it.

I did this years ago, and its very liberating from a financial responsibility standpoint without breaking the bank or ruining my long-term plans. Plus, I have a lot of cool stuff.

Autistic Delusionalism: The Post

Define "luxury"

I spent 3k on pillows, bed sheets, and a mattress.

I thought that was stupid at first, but it made life so much better.

Money is not the purpose of life. Your wealth means nothing the day you pass.

What matters is that you have family and enjoy each day.

That doesn't mean be reckless and nigger rich though.

Treating yourself is essential to being healthy.

>How do I stop guilting myself
Enjoy your luxuries even more.
