Fighting Games General /fgg/
sleep fighter v sux lmaooo
>Athena doesn't have a pre-fight convo with Sylvie
I don't understand. Aren't they both idolshit?
oh the new mod rips the clothes off?
gotta get that.
Let's make the worst fighting game of all time, I'll start
>Capcom in charge of everything
Im going to have to training boar charge for 2 months when Urien comes out then forget everything the moment I go online
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
I'm glad SNKucks are going to have to deal with Sonicfox from now on.
>not jumping
Lmao, scrubs
Threadly reminder SFV sucks lmao
half of the game is already charge characters you fucking retard you had TWENTY FIVE YEARS TO LEARN HOW TO CHARGE
My worry is if him being naked doesn't carry over to the next round and if his super just isn't that good
They aren't, especially as his vskill can give him armour on stuff so ones that would trade won't
play alpha 3
Charge is easy
a2 is better
>not doing point blank shoryukens when the opponent is blocking
rofl, i pity u
How many scrubs will complain day 1?
Would you be ok with this roste for the home release(before eventual dlc)?
>likes UNIEL, Alpha 3, and SFV
Having taste this shit should be illegal.
Fuck alpha 3
Play me in 3rd strike or 98
i'll play 3s
Fight cade name is peraliq
I'm balls at it
God NO.
All like every other dlc character and then he will end up mid tier
Someone messed around enough to get it working. Not sure if it ever came out or it it works that well
why wouldn't you dp if your opponent punishes it with sweep
redblade is a genius at factoring the risk/reward into his decisions
It's going to be Eliza, Anna, and Kuma.
Screen shot this
Someone post the Redblade losing with Akuma against Cammy webm
Kuma needs to fuck off from main games. His legs are behind his body for fucks sake.
i think meppz was smart to only punish with sweep, cuz if he missed his combo he would get clipped by the followup dp after the first dp.
t. bear racist
see me in ppsspp tekken 6
Nice footsies, bro, loving the fundamentals!
>i think meppz was smart
i dont play kusoge turbo
t. Aris
What are some games where an ex-wife is playable?
When is TGS?
bb actually looks honest
i wouldn't call it honest
And no one would call you.
i would call it honest
/fgg/ give me your energy so i can beat my first two opponents in ST to play Daigo this weekend
Daigo doesn't play ST.
>wake up
>kofxiv is still shit
daigo is playing ST?
If Eddie is turned into a girl, yes
>daigo doesn't play st
What tourney is this? I want to see daigo play an actual honest game (ST)
this list seems super likely. kuma will be in
a capo will get in
lei and julia seem all but confirmed
jun i dunno but lore wise she fits
kuni i dunno but shed be fun in a solo game
eliza i feel was made to test out for akuma but her moveset isnt anything similar to his so she can work
moku i guess is essential for the random select players
A king i dont know why theyd come back
zafina i want. maybe replace anna but that would be the entire T6 cast returning right?
kinda want wang to return
Christie was a mistake, honestly what is there to like about a person who's sole purpose was just to replace a cool BR with a cool looking fighting style. Her into was just her posing and showing her tits.
Just a cancer.
Our boy is going to be unstoppable, this game was literally made for him.
OHN14 in Sydney Australia, Daigo won't play till around 3pm I think local time but I'll make a post with stream when he plays
Wow sfv is failing so hard that daigo now gets paid to play old kusoge.
She was my first video game waifu
You can come up with any reason for a character returning but it means nothing when Harada stated her wanted under 40. People need to be more critical about who should be in this game.
>having more than one
t. ultracuck
Tekken 7. Kasumi mishima is heihaci's ex.
She's got a tiger.
If there is no trap/ladyboi in tekken roster why would I play it?
Only time will tell if Sonicfox will care enough about KOFXIV to win EVO 2017
Leo is a boy or a girl depending on what you want
you can imagine Leo being a ladyboy
fucking disgusting
Leo is a girl you dumb faggots.
>implying lucky chloe doesn't have a penis
Wir müssen aufpassen.
Leo is a cute girl, please stop bullying her
How do I win against people in SFV who skip half their animations from overheads / jumpins and magically start blocking after 2-3 hits from my combos?
Leo's sex is unconfirmed.
>current waifu different from first waifu
twitch stream will be gamrah
Entspann dich.
Zafina is cool though.
She has a friggin bikini with a bra on TTT2.
>not having 3 waifus and a husbando
Leo is trans
I love tomboys but you guys simply want to fuck a boy.
I don't know what the fuck you're trying to say with your first thing, but go and lab combs more
>tag 2
Are you retarded?
Also tomboys with short hair are shit
>non-canon game
Whens that KI patch?
Being gay is part of being in the fgc.
There is no reason to mess with anyones sex when it comes to story or lore. This shit was confirmed back in 6.
he also has a tit-less surfer outfit in ttt2
Fuck you faggot.
does sako still use hori?
This morning, whenever the hell that is
I bet Eyedol's gonna have his j.hp nerfed
Patch for what? Balance?
I'm actually a trap and I like using trap characters