>when your boss says this is more than a 9-6 job
When your boss says this is more than a 9-6 job
>always thinks about the weekends, but never does anything different on them
fucking hell just end my life now
Acquire hobbies, nigga. Hobbies and addiction are the only things that can distract you from your mortal toil until you retire.
But I want my hobbies to make money aswell, killing two stones with one bird so to speak.
How do I end this suffering?
Grad school. Student loans, goy
tfw defaulted on my loans, consolidated and defaulted again
the school didn't tell me I needed my transcripts until it was too late
Holy fuck, the depressing shit on this board.
No wonder 20% of guys are out of work.
implying positive thinking equals positive results
I tell him: "See ya later m8"
Implying that pointing out negative thinking produces negative results somehow affirms the opposite.
maybe negative thinking makes you more likely to prepare for what might happen
>makes you more likely to prepare for what might happen
Realistic thinking would do this.
Negative thinking is just wallowing.
sometimes negative thinking is realistic, it just depends on the circumstances
pragmatic planning and actions is the way to go
negative thinking just holds you back and makes your forever a wage slave
bad things lie in every path, you have to experience them head-on, learn from the experience, and power through them and continue toward your goal
>sometimes negative thinking is realistic
Not really, although optimists tend to view realism as cynicism.
Negative thinking imparts a negative spin to things, just as positive thinking does the opposite.
Good points.
Do you think he fucked her?
Why is this allowed? Our forefathers fought and shed blood for an 8 hour workday and within 20 years we've allowed that right to be eroded. Plus you give an hour before and ahead of work to commute and prepare/groom and you have 11 hours of the day towards working. If you need 8 hours of sleep, you have just 5 hours to live. And in there you need to get all your meals, exercise, recreation, maybe sex, cleaning, personal stuff, and relaxation.
>Why do you want to work for this company?
>$$$ is not a valid response
>until you retire.
>implying you enjoy anything as a bald decrepid turd
>he thinks he will not be forever a wage slave
Being an stressed as fuck balding entrepeneur is still being a slave.
>$$$ is not a valid response
yes it is
You forgot to mention you have 2 days off in an 8hour/day 40hour/week work schedule. What do you do that would make it impossible to fulfill your desires within that time period? There's typically an option of working 10hour/day so only 4 days a week of work. That's 3 days off. Again, what can't you do to satisfy yourself within that time period? Also, not everyone sleeps 8 hours/day. I get by on 4-6. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. Any time I feel drowsy, I stand or walk about. I work a sit down job and sit down in class outside of this for a total of 12 hours/day 5 days a week. I get bored on my days off and satisfy all of my desires within the 2 hours/day I have available mon-fri or the first 3 hours of Saturday.
Yeah, but a free slave.
In an interview once the guy who would be my boss said he didn't want someone trust would just put in their 50 hours a week and then leave.
>free slave
>oy vey goyim, 2 days out of 7 is plenty
>what would you even do with those days, huh? nothing, that's what
>just sleep less lol
>if you feel groggy or suicidal I have a pill to sell you
Yeah imeanright what's the point of living.
>waste entire life
>sick, old, feeble
>of no more use to overlords, put out to pasture
>call it "retirement" and "the golden years" and act like it's voluntary
They probably only let you retire at all to avoid your old-age health problems being put on their insurance.
>their 50 hours a week
>50 hours
What a time we live in.
Soon it will be 60. Trust me, I have family that works at Steam.
Thank god I live on less than half of what normies spend, such that a part time job can more than sustain me. Eat shit, fuckfaces.
>can more than sustain me
we just "sustain yourself"
I have other obligations than just buying shitty food and paying rent
and no, I don't have children
If you're not a genius that's a pipe dream.
Why would someone pay you to do something fun unless you're THAT good at it?
A "hobby that earns money" is a non-waged job.
I already do that.
But I can't be really good at anything.
We live longer/healthier, age of retirement goes up.
In America you already don't get to retire at 65.
Then why do you expect exceptional pay/resources?
>implying all those idiots playing games on youtube and making money are good at anything
I'm working at a family business because they need me.
Do you mean we can all play games for youtube and make money?
Or is there a finite niche?
If you can do better at making money on youtube playing games, and it looks like agreeable pay/lifestyle you ought to go for it.
They don't need you. They could easily replace you with someone 10x more qualified who would do it for pennies on the dollar. You're a charity case to them.
>free slave
my dad is an example of a bald, stressed entrepeneur that is dreaming with retirement
you just can't win unless your hobby is your wage/you luck out with an investment and live off pasive interest/you inherit millions
hah, no.
They can't hire someone else who will stay. The business is owned by a woman.
Me too!
At first I hated feeling trapped in the family business.
Then I realized I can use my experience and exposure to make it the leanest meanest example.
Now we make big bucks.
My interests from outside of the business really helped me to shape the business.
It was also really really hard to accept mentorship from family. Dunning Kruger effect.
I know two guys making a living off playing minecraft
They are idiots with 0 talent but one guy started years ago and then the other guy got connected with shot outs and collab videos
Lol at not admiting that 0 talent people have it better than you by working your ass off and commuting like a cuck
You don't know who I am.
I'm not 0 talent, and I get paid a reasonable $100k/year.
I don't commute, I own a house near my business.
It sounds like things aren't going great for you, maybe you should consider doing minecraft videos on youtube? I hear it requires 0 talent, and any amount of people can do it.
>You don't know who I am.
and we don't care.
boasting on Veeky Forums is an activity for retards. reconsider your choices, retard.
>you just can't win
Maybe you should just move to Oregon.
I hear assisted suicide is legal there.
One of my first jobs was at a place where I was a "project coordinator" making 28k/yr salary. Supposed to be typical 9-5 blah blah blah. Turns out I end up working 6-7 days a week often putting in 60+ hour weeks, without overtime pay because I was considered exempt "manager status" because I had like 5 temporary minimum wage employees to oversee.
When it came down to it, I was essentially making less than minimum wage for really stressful work. When I complained about this, I was told that I knew this was a cutthroat environment going into it and I had to expect that. But hey, there would be some weeks where I only had to put in 40 hrs. I actually quit one morning when I was the only person in the office (had to get in super early to start my work) and cleared out my desk, threw everything important away, etc. When I was walking out, I saw my friend who encouraged me not to quit but to wait to get fired so I could collect unemployment.
Anyways, that's what I did. I put in the bare minimum of work. I would leave for the day before I finished everything I had to (even though I would put in 10 hrs/day) and get dirty looks from the other wage slaves. I fucked things up and let things slide because I couldn't be motivated to do them and didn't have the time. Was finally called in by HR two weeks later and told to clean out my desk, which luckily was mostly cleaned out anyways. Was a huge relief off my shoulders.
Ended up coasting by on unemployment til I found a new job a few weeks later. Was hired on the spot for much better pay in a nice office with my own view of the city. Was told I never have to take work home with me and that I can work at my own pace.
6 days a week
Good thing job is a 5 min walk and I have so much free time that i do nothing with
>He doesn't save 30K+ a year after expenses.
Feels good living with mommy and daddy at 26. You 'middle class' wagies will never learn.
Meanwhile, I'm getting ready to make a down payment on an apartment complex I will rent to niggers as section 8 housing.
pic related, me being a "loser living with his parents"
>Feels good living with mommy and daddy at 26
You keep telling yourself that.
>he thinks he can make better videos than this
Spotted the virgin loser.
then the niggers smash up your apartment, and you are negative money, and now you are filing for bankruptcy and back to square one
My reply is, as always, 'Sure it is, but my contract is 6-2.' This, usually, causes either pleading for me to stay and finish shit, or bribery.
If they try to imply that my job is at all important, I will laugh. Absolutely everyone in the department is one missed payday away from walking the fuck out on the job.
Also, a fucking hour each way? It takes me an hour total; 15-20 minutes there, 30-45 back most days because I actually have to follow the speed limits during the day.
>maybe sex
there's no maybe about it
there definitely isn't any ever
Careful about that man, look up Professional Tenants, turns out that tenants can really fuck you over if you aren't super fucking careful during the interview process.
I said "more than", tard. As in pay all my bills and leave me with significant savings.
Like fucking what?
>some personal items
Literally all my bills. Leftover money is used for travel/fun or savings/investment.
>When it came down to it, I was essentially making less than minimum wage for really stressful work.
This. It's a fucking scam. Divide your "salary" by hours actually worked or used for the job and that's your true pay.
>an hour
You need to gather your stuff, groom, dress, otherwise prepare, leave, commute, get there 10-15 mins early, then at the end you have to wrap up, probably talk to a few people, leave, get home, and recooperate, undress, shower, etc. Do you roll out of bed and hop in the car, moron?
Also I know people who drive 90 minutes each way to work. Personally I [spoiler]have a 20 minute COMFY bike ride each way.[/spoiler]
>slacks off at work
This is the most fulfilling thing about being a wageslave, getting paid to dick around on the internet all day.
This. I trade on robinhood during the day, take a lunch, then start working at 3pm at market close. Leaving work in about 20 minutes
>Professional Tenant
I had run-ins with a few of them. My properties are in Nevada, so we get a lot of Californians coming in and thinking that the same housing rules apply. For instance, here we have a five day eviction rule.
I had one couple who knocked holes in the drywall, and threw out my washer/dryer system with replaced it with one of there own. Naturally I gave them an eviction notice.
>they show up to court, and claim they can't be evicted because the wife is pregnant
>judge asks if they've been paying rent
>well no
>then you have until the end of today to move out
The whole thing lasted less than five minutes.
7:30-4:30 master race here, with an hour lunch break from 12:00-1:00 when I have enough time to drive home and walk my dogs.
Also, it's flextime so I don't stress about being late, I just have to make it up later if I want the money for those hours. If I'm too busy or don't feel like working 40 hours I just get a slightly smaller paycheck and it's nbd as long as I don't do it so often that I can't pay my bills. If I have to make up time, like today, I can get 10 hours and still stay no later than 6:00 PM if I take 30 minutes for lunch instead of an hour.
So glad I figured out that waking up and getting out of the house early is so much better than sleeping in and then getting home from work long after sundown. I actually have time to do stuff outside after work or run a few errands. Plus, at least for me, time goes by SO much faster early in the morning, 7:30-10:30 goes by in the blink of an eye. I live in Florida so it's hot as fuck during the summer, I like getting to work at dawn so I don't get sweaty walking through the parking lot in the hot sun in long pants and a button up shirt. Then I'll have fun outside after work in shorts in a tank top and get as sweaty as I want. And then during the winter it's nice to get off work early since it gets dark at 6, I hate being inside all day and then not having daylight once I'm off work. I don't know how people up North can deal with winter days that are so much shorter and get dark in mid to late afternoon.
> we need a self starter
> motivated
> "I'm not here to babysit"
fucking slavery.
>You need to gather your stuff, groom, dress, otherwise prepare, leave, commute, get there 10-15 mins early, then at the end you have to wrap up, probably talk to a few people, leave, get home, and recooperate, undress, shower, etc. Do you roll out of bed and hop in the car, moron?
I get up, shower, brush my teeth, get something to drink, and get to work in the course of an hour.
> 10-15 minutes early
5 minutes maximum. 'Talking with people' is a brief exchange of banter.
On the way out, it's literally just pack up my shit, a couple of lines of banter, and off I go.
You need to fucking optimise your lifestyle.
Who gets dressed before they take a shit?
Enjoy a shit existance
whenever I see the hopeless being hopeless like this, I kinda feel great since im not hopeless. I've tried to help countless of you, but its fucking impossible.
Good question. I always have breakfast first thing in the morning. This gets my stomach going, and triggers my bowel movements. After I take a dump, I hop in the shower. Get dressed afterwards. Truly a god tier morning routine.
I even wake up 30 minutes earlier so I can browse Veeky Forums.
I've got an entry level cook job at Smashburger and I'm happier than I've been at any other job I've had as well as the 5 or so years of jumping around different college majors (3.5gpa).
It's a five minute walk from my mom's house, I can smoke as much or as little weed as I want even on the clock, and winning points with my boss and getting considered for a promotion or a raise is as easy as staying a couple extra hours to help close whenever he's on the schedule. Already currently being trained for supervisor after 5 months when I started the job being fucked up on anti psychotics and drinking too much after my best friend died at the start of the year.
Having a real hard time convincing myself not to drop out of college altogether and relocate to somewhere coastal when I hit assistant manager.
You'd have to be a dumb motherfucker to think you're a wage slave when there's people in factories in china pulling 14+ hour days 7 days a week for a fraction of the US minimum wage, and that's considered a better job than the farms those people come from.
>I know two guys making a living off playing minecraft
But they won't be doing that for the rest of their lives. They can't even use that as legit work experience should they decide work real jobs once the Minecraft fad goes away.
I remember back before 2010 when minecraft was first entering public consciousness
Its peak is gone, but it'll never die now.
americans dont get contracts
Holy god, I work 20 hours a week, am CRUSHED and HUMILIATED by my retailcuck shifts, only work three days a week, but WASTE ALL MY FREE TIME
I do commissions on the side and the better I get at it the more my portfolio improves and the bigger projects I get
I raised $7800 on kickstarter last month
I'm betting you draw for furries.
I don't
I do mostly comics in a cartoony style. My art closely ressembles pic related
You just cost me $20.
>"work" 40 hours a week
>clock in
>walk around for 4 hours
>back in
>walk around for 4 more hours
>go home
Source on the comic I love th style
Holy fuck this work slave mentality.
I think I am losing it.
I'm trapped in a small country town for two years, finishing my grad, I'm a web dev. I can't find job on the internet, I can't find jobs around me.
I can't stand being poor. I have anxiety attacks everyday and I can't sleep.
>20 hours a week
thats nothing you homo
What's the name user
i work 38 hrs a week at Costco
>didn't have enough money to pay for school (3.7gpa / 2 yr no BA)
>started arduino programming and music theory studies
about to sell my first arduino project to a man in my town for $1000 (400 profit)
tempted to quit my job to focus on arduino crafts full time. thoughts, anons?
I can't help but find Veeky Forums the most depressing board on this site. At least the turboautists on /r9k/ are liberated in so far that they know it's over for their part and instead reject the dream of normality. Here it's mixed with that soul-crushing desperation, totally reliant on the hope that you're gonna make it one day, if only you suffer just another 10-20 years and hope you don't mentally fall apart along the way. You failed normies, "wagecucks", truly have it the hardest.
What was your arduino project and how did you find someone to pay $1000 for it?
Do you expect to actually find a market for whatever you're making?
Am I a wage slave if I enjoy my work and have high prestige?
>even Veeky Forums can't keep up the pretense of work being enjoyable.
In regards to the op's image, fifth line, "goes back home, does nothing, goes to sleep too late." How do you stay up too late doing nothing? He was obviously doing SOMETHING. He either does nothing, or he stays up late.
Try r9k
said the wageslave who spends his entire paycheck every week and weighs 400 lbs.
>Have to stay late to finish up something or perform scheduled maintenance
>Shoot an email to my boss that I'll be in a few hours late the next day
>"No worries, user. Thanks for the effort tonight."
What kind of shit companies do you work for where you can't do this?
agree with this one, this place makes me feel more miserable
If your rich enough you'll be able to get your hair cloned