Old thread:
/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general
>thinking legion thinks good
>people using pwn and noobs in 2016 unironically in trade chat
xth for goat ladies
Why did they assfuck rogues, bros?
What zone will you guys lvl in legion
All of them
>tfw no Khadgar bf
It's looking to be better than WOTLK at least
pylietz is a stupid nigger
because rogues like it from behind
there are still people who say ftw and shit like that
some people are just plain stuck in their adolescence. or they're south american. a lot of south americans say noob for some reason
BC > Vanilla > Wrath > MoP > Cata > Wod
shut the fuck up
Fem draenei are the BEST
haha this post was epic, epic for the win!
Windwalker is fun in PvE because of the combo system but loses it's edge in PvP because of how PvP is.
Mistweaver is good but not spectacular in PvE or PvP.
Brewmaster I have no idea, but I know that it's fun as fuck.
Assassination rogues get dull really quickly but don't have to worry about stamina because of the bleed and poison effect. PvP makes them harder to play because of Honor Talents.
Sub rogues are fun as fuck to play and in PvP can be very useful if you're playing it properly and managing your combo and energy.
Outlaw has crazy damage output bit it's very much RNG based and taking away the RNG aspect of it ruins the spec. It's good in PvE but sub is better for PvP. It's in no way terrible in PvP, just less viable that Sub.
Hope this helps, haven't played a Monk to 100 so I don't think I could give much insight.
Rogues! Do it in the darkness!
Rogues! Do it where the sun don't shine!
Rogues! With a little drop of poison!
Rogues do it from behind!!!!!
Everytime I hear it, I'm like warped back to 10 years ago:
>they still dont have the moose
What's your excuse?
>so buttmad he links the wrong post
FURIOUS nigger detected
north american pavement ape
go attack a cop and get shot
Human females got that walk tho hnng
Who are you quoting, my dude?
I think while BC might have been the best play-wise mechanic advancements the story, imagery, and overall theme of the expansion was sort of plain and boring
nice post
The top half of this is meant to link here.
>tfw when you're an outlaw rogue, your enrage just started its cooldown, roll the bones only triggers true bearing and saber slash never procs a second hit
Woah......so this......is the power.......of ironic shitposters..............
what color is best for draenei female
>Lol exactly what an underage would say xD
Lol exactly what an underage would say xD
>bc story
>hey uhhhh people liked illidan in wc3 right? let's just make him a boss that'd be fuckin epic right?
What's your beef with them anyway? Are you pulling a Ralph and buttmad that your wow bf stopped playing with you?
Since OP is a retarded faggot and forgot it, here's the info.
OFFICIAL FILTER LISTS that you can use to make WoW General Great Again.
Image MD5s:
As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.
/wowg/ battletag friends list:
(Rarely used or updated, use at your own risk)
General Resources:
WoW Token Price:
so you've never actually experienced a population of them in real life, is what you're saying
animals who have never built their own societies, never contribute anything, commit thr overwhelming majority of violent crime
nah nothing wrong with them LOL
>>Lol exactly what an underage would say xD
>Lol exactly what an underage would say xD
Lol exactly what an underage would say xD
Will the 200k ring be worth it? How does it compare to mythic dungeon drops and normal raid drops?
Anyone preorder leigon on amazon for the 20% discount? Wondering if it's worth it to possibly not be able to play launch day
post good original mogs
I loved Vanilla WoW. Everything was new, the attunements all had interwoven stories, the Silithid invasion was immense and even Naxxramas had the awesome WCIII vibe.
For all everyone praises BC, most of the stories were scattered, random, the bosses lack Umph and the overall radiation vibe in both color and design of most of the sets was... eh. Vanilla sets looked better than BC, each had their hits and misses, but overall I enjoyed Vanilla's raids, designs, and story a lot more.
>Since OP is a retarded faggot and forgot it,
OP is ralph, of course he won't add filter lists that filter his shit, thread will be deleted when he posts something that mods deem banworthy (despite the fact he's evading bans, mods, take note you lazy cunts)
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Sin'dorei children.
i'm afraid calling someone a meany dumb dumb pants doesn't refute objective reality. blacks are garbage. the tiny minority of them you've met at the highest tip of the bell curve are not representative of their population as a whole
Y/N ??
why are you so distressed
damage control
>never built their own societies
hey op...you forgot on illidan horde
Heal me nigger.
no snugzug at night, fishing for survival
Look I don't like niggers either, but could you keep it out of the thread unless it's wow related
>expecting /v/ crossboarders to stop spewing shit
xd my dude
it was a dog's
i don't know if that's better or worse but he needs a bullet to the head either way
You're in the club and I slap your troll's ass. What do you do?
Legion looks like it has a lot of content for all types of people
The only people who don't like the things it has going for it are people who think MMOs should be about logging in and everyone is on the same tier of progression despite putting in far less effort
AKA LoL players :^)
Holy or discipline?
Whats a good horde server?
disc for fun, holy for when your group actually needs a healer
is it possible ot make trolls look sexy in game or will i regret it in a few weeks if i make one
holy shit this cleaned up so much shitposting
There's a face or two that's kind of cute, but the new models are too detailed so you never forget that you look like a gross troll
>inb4 ralph gets so mad he starts posting porn/avatars
How was hunter doing in beta? I wanna play a ranged but I don't really wanna do mage
Alliance + Horde char
Which of these tanks would you rather have on your team in PvP? Keep in mind that all tanks apply a 20% damage bonus to Taunted targets
Prot War:
>7 seconds of stun
>tons of mobility
>40% physical damage absorb to a nearby ally
Guardian Druid:
>8 seconds of single target stun
>3 different targeted gap closers+a sprint
>20% damage absorb for his entire team
Prot Pally:
>tons of healing whenever you apply Judgement or cast a Blessing
>Consecrate cleanses allies from poisons and diseases
>one stun
can't decide between belf and undead
just chillin
horde(unholy dk)
alliance(disc priest)
looking for people to pvp with.
Spriest or Demonologist?
no, his "summoning pylietz" and "PLEASE be my friend" routine shit in every thread triggers my autism
spriest is ruined now
go warlock
warlocks are the worst they have ever been mechanically
>spriest is ruined now
So how does legacy difficulty lock out work? I just did a H10 boss in ICC and tried to switch to N25 and find I can't. Did I have to do the normal 25 man first or something or are you only allowed one a week?
Remind everyone around me that avatarfagging is against the rules.
based jaina
they'll have to come in L E G A L L Y
i'm a little frustrated, yes siegfried
if only you were here
IS MM better than Marksman these days?
They are coming legally, because the cuck council voted to let them in. There's already undead plague shit in the horde section of dal, because that worked out so well the last time
we did come in legally pigskin bitch. your own leaders let us all in
enjoy your city's new culture
>Is Marksman better than Marksman
Some Horde, I assume, are good people
>IS MM better than Marksman these days?
Who needs a port?
>Fem dwarves.
My dick. Please stop.
Male or female it don't matter.
We need more undead, though you can play whatever you want.
BM, typo lmao.