hey Veeky Forums
I thought of something, why dont we stop shilling some bs coins/trading stuff for a minute and do something that might actually be useful to someone who is not in the investing game for stocks or coins.
>Post your general location, state if you're in US
>Make a quick summary of what you're doing, for example, selling plastic or making clothing
>Post what you're interested in getting into your country
>Post contact infomration (a throwaway email is fine its just for first contact)
>Make connections and mad gainz
tl;dr lets network Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums connect
The market is the only way to not lose money with the bullshit currencies the world has. That or buy gold/silver etc
ill start
Working from Switzerland, have a production plant in Eastern Europe
>What im doing
Softwood sawmill
wood pellets
wood briquettes
Euro pallets
Food for animals
Precious stones
[email protected]
Im not asking for your opinion on investing. Im running a business and would like to branch out if possible. If some other anons are running a gig and we can work together why the fuck not?
>Post your general location, state if you're in US
North England
>Make a quick summary of what you're doing, for example, selling plastic or making clothing
I am making youtube videos and starting a news website, getting 3-5 million views a month on youtube atm
>Post what you're interested in getting into your country
Websites, media, blogs etc
>Post contact infomration (a throwaway email is fine its just for first contact)
cba reply if you're interested
I was just responding to how you started your thread. Here's a tip: if you want to do business don't start by insulting people.
Pennsylvania U.S.
>What we do
Full service web design company, second month in but with years of experience
>Looking for
Work, obviously. If you guys have any social media campaigns, sites, videos, etc that need making we're your guys.
[email protected]
how have i insulted anyone? Sure trading is a viable way to do things, telling people to invest into uranium is hardly a productive thing now is it?
maybe you can work with this guy
>why dont we stop shilling some bs coins/trading stuff
that is really rude
also, learn US geography
I work as a network engineer and on the side I invest in cryptos, produce music, and flip cars.
I'm interested in starting an I.T. consulting firm focused on small businesses.
Contact me ITT.
Nice thread idea OP, but most people on Veeky Forums are too autism to network properly.
>Post your general location, state if you're in US
>Make a quick summary of what you're doing, for example, selling plastic or making clothing
RedBubble right now. Building an internet presence in some forums before I launch a blog I already have tons of materials written for. Then working on an ebook. After I get mad money gains invest in some kind of bussiness, I always wanted to own a superb hotel in the mountains, so probably something like it.
>Post what you're interested in getting into your country
If you want to branch and you will trust a random user I'm here!
>Post contact infomration (a throwaway email is fine its just for first contact)
[email protected]
>Make connections and mad gainz
I hope
>>Post your general location, state if you're in US
Australia (the big kangaroo one, not the small Von Trapp one)
>>Make a quick summary of what you're doing, for example, selling plastic or making clothing
All forms: but mainly Documentaries, Music Videos, Fashion Short Films. Very good at post-production. Have all my own equipment.
>>Post what you're interested in getting into your country
Someone in PR or a Publicist, preferably someone who can promote me in London, Paris, or L.A.
Fashion PR experience is fine. Doesn't need to be film or tv.
Maybe even Sales Agents or a Distributor, I got a project coming out and I want to get out of this country.
>>Post contact information
[email protected]
>don't make fun of muh coins
you'd think people who trade memecoins would have thicker skin yknow
for the constant disappointment they face
I don't trade coins. Just telling OP some good advice.
All I'm saying there are a bunch of threads obviously marketing stuff to rip people off, not all but many if you find that offensive I'm sorry.
I don't find that offensive but that is not what you were originally saying.
Bump because its a good thread.
Not following OP's idea cause I'm an 18 y/old student that hasn't started shit. I want to make shit happen and am very interested in business creation and entrepreneurship. Starting shit with no source of income is hard for me. Sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for OP.
Stop saying shit.
whats your point now? i called them bs? well the ones that are shilled every hour are bs and most people know it. That is not even related the point of this thread, so why bother with all this triggering? And btw
>The market is the only way to not lose money with the bullshit currencies the world has. That or buy gold/silver etc
if that were true you wouldnt be trading stocks in the first place because there would be no businesses to buy stocks off. And why would you buy stocks of a company that cannot make money according to you?
Didn't read
well post your area and i can give you some materials to read up on maybe you can sell some stuff on commission basis.
now who's a potty mouth?
That kid is.
take the butthurt somewhere else please, its just sad now.
Nice pic. Still insulating people I see. Why are you so mad?
>still insulating people
>well post your area and i can give you some materials to read up on maybe you can sell some stuff on commission basis.
I'm from Portugal. Commie regime in power here, so there is regulations up the ass. Our prime minister wants Portugal to be the next Denmark or Sweden, and loves to implement higher taxes and big government. Good stuff.
cause im an electrician looking for work. whats your contribution to this thread exactly? Share your stats otherwise stop judging others
well youre still in the EEA no?
I was giving you advice.
Yup, we're in the union.
me calling obvious bullshit bullshit is somehow rude and saying and i quote here
>"Stop saying shit."
Anyone from London?
so trade within europe should be okay, Switzerland is a part of the economic area, but im not paying any taxes on importing stuff just the sales.
sorry meant for
>i can give you some materials to read up on maybe you can sell some stuff on commission basis
please tell me more.
also, stop giving attention to that other fag. thats what he wants
*yawn* bored now
send me an email at
[email protected] (ignore the name its one of my exes emails)
I'd prefer if you shared your knowledge on here, would that be ok? What do you know Veeky Forumsbro?
Hehe he just wants your email for his mailing list.
well ill share what i can just give me a minute
All right, great.
but he won't
Yup its been 15+ minutes now...
well as far as i get you have 0 capital and connections. So the best idea for you would be to either gather capital through wage slaving or get into reselling business or apply skills you already have. The major advantage you would naturally have is languages, as in you can speak Portuguese and english, so you can talk to the seller in english and offer stuff to the buyer in portuguese, making a profit on this, other than that you might have some business connections through family or friends who are doing something that would open an opportunity for getting stuff to sell. If youre uncle is running a farm, you can sell his produce to another market or a supermarket chain and make a profit.
In this case, i am selling some products myself, i know that what i sell has a high demand and is much pricier in Italy than it is in Eastern europe, might be the same in Portugal, so you can offer this to others and make a % on each sale.
went to buy some water
Live in England (Midlands) but travel to Algeria frequently for my job. Thinking of getting some kind of export thing going during my spare time out there. I have a specific idea but not sure where to go with it.
What do they have? Arabic stuff migh sell well in Geneva
Would it be better to import and sell locally or buying cheap here and selling on the internet?
depends on the products and your target market. Bigger volumes better to import, small volumes can be done locally.
>well as far as i get you have 0 capital and connections
you got that right.
>you might have some business connections through family or friends who are doing something that would open an opportunity for getting stuff to sell. If youre uncle is running a farm, you can sell his produce to another market or a supermarket chain and make a profit.
No rich uncles here sadly :\
>In this case, i am selling some products myself, i know that what i sell has a high demand
How do you usually determine whether or not the is high demand for a product? I've been searching for months for a good solid product with high demand but maybe i'm not looking in the right place?
Thanks in advance.
Dont look for high flying products the market is saturated and the competition is off the hooks, youll be selling selfie sticks to tourists that way. There are associations for commodities, food, timber, biofuel and etc, talk to some people in business they know whats going on. My products have a season when they sell better, from September to February because thats the heating season and go to lower prices rest of the year as people just stock up on stuff.
If you live in a small city look at people that are doing well, where i used to live a lot of people were into car reselling, that tipped me off to some opportunities. Boring businesses are best in terms of producing stable gains, 15 different coffee shops open and closed near my house while that small barbershop is still running. Im looking to expand so if you want i can coach you on my product and what it is, find clients get profit.
> talk to some people in business they know whats going on.
How if I don't have contacts?
>Im looking to expand so if you want i can coach you on my product and what it is, find clients get profit.
That sounds great but I have a quick question. Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to help anons?
Also, sorry for the late response, I hope you're still watching this thread.
just wondering how much money a youtube channel like yours makes?