League of Legends General - /lolg/

critting for 500 damage at level 9 edition


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Who has the best feet?


>tfw you realize darius passive movespeed buff was given back to him in the form of Cleaver's passive

whoa...really makes u think...

I've never dropped a tier in season 6. I've also never fed because my champ gets banned, I feed because my team bans my pick. Two entirely separate things.

Don't start no shit won't be no shit.

>want to buy champions so that i can pick for people when pick order requires it
>cannot because of the enormous amount of time required to buy one 4800 IP champion

>your champ gets banned
>intentionally feed
>perform intense mental gymnastics to shift the blame for this onto your teammates

inb4 the EDF continues into this thread
>muh full stack
>muh full build

Attack-weaving is too "high skill" for most players and I'd say most teams would prefer their ADC to constantly shit out dependable no-miss-change damage.

Just look at how many people attack-weave with Lux kek

Should i skip warrior if i go for youmuu ? I cant justify buying warrior over it most of the time

>I dont think I've ever seen a Chinese player go positive, let alone carry or play well.

Don't play at 4-7AM. In every other online game, if I was on during that time, it was nothing but chinks on NA realms.

>Greedy and try to steal everything
>Rude and make low budget motel owners seem nice
>Play like shit and blame anyone who's not CN
>Always feed and blame it on their support

EU has Polish players to fill this role.

>enemy team tunnels on balanced chono boy being healed by balanced goat lady

>24-5 not even 20 minutes in
This is why the surrender option for some teams should be in the lobby.

Guys how do I play Irelia?

Give me the essentials.

I have never had a Chinese player in league but I often get koreans.
and they always fucking suck. Zipperheads who can't hang in their own servers need to be shot.

Can I use Cinderhulk on Evelynn? Wanna see how it would work with Titanic Hydra. Been wanting to see how Tank Evelynn would work out considering she falls off either way. Similar to how Lee Sin works or some shit. I'm low elo so take that into consideration.

As a fun fact, gooks love Ezreal.

He's always been the most played AD and one of the most played champions since forever.
They really really fucking love the fuccboi. Almost as much as Lucian.

E them when they've got more health than you
auto them

who else here /shit team/?

>inb4 ur silver u fukin suck too lmao

On OCE I get them them pretty much all the time. They are all cancerous, its insane.

build triforce tank then roll your face on the keyboard

Play a tank if you want to tank

Shit I meant "even more than Lucian".

Then you have a not-very tanky initiator that does literally nothing after pressing R. Just build her AP and try to surprise people that are by themselves and nuke the enemy team for a good chunk.

How can someone fuck up so badly while using Sivir and Annie? If this is low elo it's even worse. I feel for you desu.

Smash your keyboard while targeting their ADC, turn on ult and hit the most enemies you can (their ADC) faceroll during lane and that's it

Once in awhile you'll get a genuine shit team. If you think "shit teams" are holding you in shit divisions however, you're wrong.

You get shit teams across all divisions and tiers. It doesn't stop anyone from climbing.

Of course they do, they all want to be a bad self insert animu mc.

You are in your promos and these guys show up. What do you do?

That doesn't answer my question. At least answer properly like



Hope it's Faker and Boxbox in disguise

See how it goes since my client crashed during the last lobby before my last promo game

you can build cinderhulk and be a shitty jungler on any champion in the game

ban zed
hover riven
fling shit in the chat and hope someone dodges
if not, dodge

>starting shit in promos
>dodging in promos
You're retarded. You never fling shit in promos and you certainly never dodge.

I'm about to play the new yorick for the first time

what am I in for

my reading comprehension is amazing lel

play normally then, nothing you can do

I absolutely loathe duo queues. It's always a couple of gay butt boys who perform like shit and blame their team. Hope you have someone who can carry the game hard with your handicap.

Not to mention, it completely fucks the elo and puts your team against either other duo queues or people who are better than you guys because Riot logic.



yeah but that doesn't mean ez is bad

a problem ez also has is that he suffers from cait syndrome in that bad players who just want to pick something safe and not die pick him because they hear he's spell-based and as such think standing at 1100 range tossing Qs is good contribution to fights

but ezreal actually has an insane midgame spike and now with this latest buff his lategame is nothing to scoff at either
the good ezreals, the ones that actually understand his main damage source is still rightclick and know how to position in a way they're always just an inch away from getting instagibbed, who abuse his CDs to the max, know E has a damaging portion, know E has disjointing capabilities, those are fucking terrifying, but they're in the top 1% of the playerbase so most people won't ever play against them

i mean the fucking cunt has basically only 3 skills and he's still a top tier AD, his kit is just fucking good

Pick a tanky AP jungler who can initiate like Amumu/Sej.


Go AP "damage support" with CC like Zyra/Morgana.

it's easier to meme than to think friendo :^)

is there any point in starting ranked right now or am I just too late?

I like his corpse wall. rest is pretttty boring

>Have to support because "fill"
>Minions have spawned
>ADC hasn't moved or bought any items
>ADC only buys potions and starts running to lane
>"If support suck I feed"

Who wants to guess how this Plat 2 game will go?

How the fuck do these people even make it into Plat? Are accounts that cheap?

>xin vs low levels

jesus christ

Speaking of, wtf does sb even mean? I see the chingy chongos say it all the time when they're mad but I have no idea what it means.

If you're asking if there's time to get gold before season ends, yes.

If you're asking anything else, your question is retarded.

>they don't second main Ekko

AP Ekko is literally the most FREE elo ever, even on diamond levels.

sha bi

i think it means cunt or bastard or something like that

sha bi, which translates roughly to retard.

is there time to get gold if I'm a bronze shitter?

Nevermind I still like playing rek'sai.
Think I'll still play her even though she got nerfed again.

Besides the other responses you won't be able to clear with spells much as her mana usage was made somewhat reliant on the % regen back when runeglaive was too good on her.

you got 3 choices

1) git gud
2) play gud champions
3) sell your soul and play akali

>How the fuck do these people even make it into Plat?
Accounts are super cheap. People can buy unranked accounts for like $20 and there's one site that sells Gold/Plat accounts for $50-100 depending on skins/champs owned.

Yes, you can still get to Diamond and get retards because of how cheap accounts are.

Not like it's hard to make another one if you sell one off.

Tremor sense will always make her relevant

any hope?

If you actively try to improve, possibly. If you just spam games and cry about your team sucking, no.

I offer personalized coaching for rp if you want

my reforming period has ended \o/
forgot to screen chest
xth for playing talon even tho you're shit at him


>got karthus in nemesis draft

spam teem, make them /ff @20

naturally we wrecked shit that game even though it was my first time

>tfw you realize yolo$cam was so fucking shit he single handedly made the strongest team in na a 6th place team
really makes you think

>my reforming period has ended \o/
How long does that take? I was drunk one night and called some Gragas a stupid nigger about 2 months ago. I still get the message that I can't earn rewards

Whoops. No incident since then though. I refuse to type in games due to the "community policing" thing Riot loves so much.

about a week or less
had 10 games chat restrict

>abouta week or less

I had the 10 games chat restricted too. Got through those and haven't been reported for anything since.

Mine's probably permanent.

how many games should a player have before they start ranked? this question has been on my mind for a while

damn you're right

>can't summon ghouls on demand

that's how I know it's immediately shit

when are we getting a champion that focuses on summoning minions? not zyra she's basically a support

How much blue essence do you get from dusting a hextech champ shard?

As long as it takes for him to get good.

game count doesn't matter, having mastery 6+ on three champions does, because having that means you probably know what you're doing with those champs.
we did, his name is Malzahar

>both the most fun ADs got buffed

who /highskill/ here

who's gonna win?
bronze IV

>play reksai
>190 APM
>play ez
>310 APM

heh this overwolf thing is kinda cool

>who's going to win
>bronze 4
No one can tell what's going to happen in such a low level game.

Shards range from 87-325
Permanents range from 130-488
It's larger or smaller based on the IP cost of the champ.

Kled is gonna get 1v2d early on and ragequit
Your ADC will keep walking into nid spears but it wont matter
Oh thank you user

Friendly reminder that the superior moba is laughing at watching your game decline

Sivir on the PBE is fucking unplayable

Like, worse-than-Kalista stuff.

damn smug Adventure Time Battle Party players

at least we were on top once
you guys were stillborn

You know, I never understand the Dotafags.

You never see LoL people in Dota threads or in Dota streams talking about how superior their game is. What is it with you Dotafags? Why aren't you playing your game instead of talking about how much better than LoL it is?

I play another game we'll call A. I don't go into a rival game, game B's forums or streams and talk about how game A is superior because I'm too fucking busy playing game A.

It's just a meme at this point, right?

Yes, Dota 2 is objectively harder to master and has more complex mechanics. However, I don't like the graphics, the characters and I didn't really find the gameplay fun, so I prefer to play League.

>superior moba
Go to bed Vladimir, you're drunk again. Put down the vodka.


they could have just made this new yorick a new character

Akali is gonna dunk Nid
Kled's dead but you already knew that
Thought your bot would be rough then I saw Morg's mastery
>All yours assuming sub-40 game


cyka byat)))

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

who do i pick against kennen top

>"lol BREAST waifu right guys?"
>"post more feet please!"
This is why reddit is better

Have you considered going there then?

Seeing Reckful press "yes" every time a surrender option pops up is triggering. I fucking hate people like him who just press yes because it's an option. Literally every game can be won.

>unless your entire team is Chinese, then you shouldn't get a dodge penalty

Yeah it already is
He's called (New)Yorick

>full ad team
>50 min game
>adc still refused to get lw


Damn he is still feeding like a monkey

what if I feel like playing old yorick

I want to swim in your blood

That's because he jumped right into ranked despite only playing for 7 days. He keeps listening to his chat, which is conveniently full of challengers (at 15k+ viewers) that are giving him terrible advice.

He's not the worst I've ever seen though.

You're shit outta luck.

Better enjoy (Old)Yorick while you have the chance just like I did with (Old)Fiora

>tfw you're stuck in an unwinnable game and there is always some monkey ass motherfucker that refuses to surrender even though we're down 2 inhibs and haven't taken a single tower

What you fail to realize is that the game can still be won. All it takes is one late game team fight that they fuck up because cocky and you can push straight to their nexus.