POTCOIN will be going to the moon tonight.,
POTCOIN will be going to the moon tonight
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Micro or Macro? What college?
are you high|?
here are 2 of the biggest investors in potcoin
vitalik buterin and sacha ivanov. they both endorse potcoin.
best coin. POTCOIN for buying pot!
look at chart, it is about to fly up!!!!
buy the potcoin. we get rich together. rich like nazis
Why is it going up and what does it do?
Potcoin is vastly overvalued currently.
Its value is 0.00000420
you can buy marijuana with it. it is the coin for the weed generation.
it is the only coin on poloniex exposed to the marijuana boom.
BTC will be hurt by marijuana legalization.
POTCOIN will gain from it.
Looks like OP was right, it's starting to pump.
Im putting my buy order in.
Why can't I buy marijuana wuth USD or BTC?
What makes Potcoin special?
I know.. the amount of samefagging in these threads. OP do you have no shame?
There are millions more people who enjoy pizza than enjoy pot.
PizzaCoin is the future.
potcoin is tax free. also you can send it easily.
it is accepted in many online and real shops in colorado and canada!!
Holy shit. OP was right!
>it is accepted in many online and real shops in colorado and canada!!
Post proof.
I'll buy some if this is true.
go on their website.
you can get to it by googling "potcoin"
>implying a bunch of stoners will be able to figure out how to use cryptocurrency
>investing in a coin that only has a market in 2 states
>implying these problems are anything but completely imaginary
we needs an extra 3 bitcoin in buys to push us over the all time high.
there could be a huge increase in the price
come on! we need more buyers on potcoin! to force it through to all time high and maybe the moon
What kind of gains do you think we're looking at if legalization goes through in Cali?
very high gains, i believe the industry will turn over a new leaf, and branch out so that potcoin can really take root.
Fuck you for those shit puns but I hope you're right. I bought 31.5k.
Just need a few more btcs to get over 520
Start buying anons
Buy the coin!
This is gonna pump soon
But how high will it go?
650 sats or more
Its going up still time to get in though
Potcoin will go to 700sats. Lets buy it up guys
let's get this coin moving people!!
sky is the limit
plain sailing from here, buy now. it will go moon soon!
I will be shorting potcoin. Thanks retards, enjoy holding the bag.
525 sats and rising, buy now or be broke.
buy orders increased by half a BTC in last 10 mins.
also sell wall beginning to retreat....
wanna know a bit about it first. ltc fork?
What matters is not the past but the future BUY POTCOIN
Currently at 527sats. Just needs to go over 550...
is it a fork of litecoin?
Probably. Who cares? You can buy pot with it. That should be all you need to know
can buy pot with btc also, want to know about the coin before I buy it, is that ok fuckwit?
just bought 50k, getting my space suit ready
Nice work. Now help to spread the word.
subtle shilling is subtle
Someone needs to shill. Im going to bed for a few hours. When i wake up i expect pot to be over 600sats. Good night!
And were off!
Hahahaha did OP ever return to that thread or was he too ashamed?
Still got a while to the next stop lads ;)
what do you think of this?
>bought in at 609
>is now at 686
bought at 528, this is my first trade ever, so pumped
>sold at 708
Thank christ. This shits going nowhere right now. Sell out, guys. Keep a little, dont clean out. Keep only what is pure profit.
Same bought at 533
Hoping to sell at 800
Are you sure? This is a weed lmao coin if it's successful it might be very, very successful with the changes in legislation that are expected over the next year/before obogo leaves office/ as part of presidential campaign promises.
I think it'll go at least to 1000 before falling back, if it even does. if this makes the news and somehow really becomes what the devs want it to become, it might not go down in a while
a-are we going to mars
lol I re-bought in at 620, and sold out at 790. I'm waiting for another dip. Making tiny amounts of dosh, but safe amounts of dosh.
This is definitely going to MOON. Hold on.
You think I should sell all now at 730 and hope I'll be able to buy at 650? I'm scared it'll just go up & up
Just hold, bro.
I sold 3700 POT at 740 and still have 69K POT
Pretty sure I'll make my 500 POT but really I'm just testing the waters to start learning how to sell and buy with 5 minute ups and downs. I'm kinda new
I'm gonna hold at at least 65K for now because I actually beginning to believe in this product. Stoners are a great client base and it was worth a lot more when they launched, they have a good looking site and some press. Looks great thanks Veeky Forums
Hey guys I have a question.
Do XMR and POT influence each other on Poloniex although they have seemingly different client bases?
who the fuck buys these retarded alt coins
i swear theres a new one every week
havent you guys learned by now
bitcoin is the only coin with any future value
the several coins that continue to be worth a stable 1$+ say otherwise. A coin can go up and stay up, and worst case scenario we sell it(for bitcoin) with a 150% profit, I don't see the problem.
Also POT is the least retarded altcoin because stoners are actually quite retarded(no offense to any individuals - I smoke) and always want to brand things as weed lmao - thus a weed lmao crypto is not a bad idea. I was waiting for this 2bh
if the hype for this coin begins to die off i will be starting to pump something else on:
-october the 5th- SO WATCH THIS SPACE.
For now I'm still holding POT because I believe it could go a lot higher. If the hype begins to build up more I will cancel the october 5th pump and move it to another day.
I hope I'll grow to be so methodical with my trading. Right now I'm happy about the 200 USD I've made and will bail if it goes up to .000015, unless I have a really really good feel about it, i.e. press releases.
Will this keep pumping or is 800 the peak who knows
I don't see a reason for it to not go up to 1000 at least once.
Potcoin is going to the moon? This is clearly the beginnings of a pump & dump scheme.
guys, i transfered some bitcoin from my paxful to my poloniex about 10 minutes ago and it still hasnt shown up on my poloniex account.
should i be worried?
nevermind, i just got it
Is 420chan in on this?
Is the market adjusting to the probable legalization in California or will the price skyrocket after?
I don't know of any dispensaries in Colorado accepting any cryptos
This is a pump and dump. No one actually uses this coin to buy weed.
Don't lose your btc buying in at a pump n dumps peak
FLDC is raising at the moment. Pot seems to be taking a break before going for 1000.
Pot went back from 875 to 750, and it might go lower judging by the 3 big red candles.
thanks i just sold, made sense, just made $100 in a day in a half for my first trade. im happy
Now lose it all, c'mon lose it all. Bet every last penny on folding coin and see all your money fold. They're having a meeting in 1 hour for Fldc. It's going to raise. Yeah I'm just bullshitting you.
>investing in Marajuana when Republicans are gonna make HUGE gains this year
Yeah right
I know, its bullshit. maybe monero? Aren't the whales just selling?
In canada its about to be legal tho
And guise, remember that all the prices of shitcoins are related to btc. Btc is life btc is king. If btc goes to shit all the other shitcoins are gonna go to shit
youre ugly
that ain't me. I'm behind the camera in that one.
anyway, POTcoin will keep pumping till at least November I think. so either hold for a month or sell now, I think it could go up to 1000Sats or more in the next few days.
you think i would post my own picture on Veeky Forums you stupid fuck?
made 0.13 btc from 0.3btc investment
thanks POTfam
y'all need to look at VIA for the next PUMP
nobody is going to pump via on your behalf, you're dreaming mate.
get back in to POT. round 2 Ding Ding!
potcoin is on the move again, back up to 700SATS and looking good, plenty of buy support.
get in now I think today is the last day to make decent profits on POT
yes, I'm talking to you Americans who just woke up
who sold the dip? hahah, potcoin going back up to 850 Sat right now!
gonna be 1000 soon.
potcoin is about to go sky high hahah, get in faggots
>potcoin going back up to 850 Sat right now!
lmao still waiting for that one
How did you make... can you show me your trading history?