/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

>Previous Thread
Dwight Meme Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE (embed)
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6 (embed)
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.1.0c)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for sabo 3

How to fix bloodweb and bloodpoints to make it enjoyable:

>keep insane bloodweb costs
>two perks per web
>as soon as you buy the first perk, the entity eats the other and begins progressing from there

>expand daily objective slots to 10
>5 for survivors 5 for killers
>objective slots are refreshed 2 hours after completion
>make all objectives worth at least 10000 points with certain ones like the memento mori objectives worth at least 20000

>introduce an item shop
>buy specific items and perks for higher prices than you would see on the bloodweb (only worth buying perks if you're rich or really need iron grasp)
>maybe clothes?

Do the devs dislike Killers?

No dude this sucked ass last thread and it sucks ass this thread, take it to minecraft pal.

Who doesn't?

The fat bald guy only plays killer though.

It's a matter of numbers, you need 4x as many survivors as killers so of course they pander to survivors who still whine about it being lopsided for killer on steam and in twitch chat mid dev stream.

>pizza dwight hides right next to me as killer is chasing him
for FUCKS sake

If survivors aren't able to escape with all 4 99% of the time then it's not a good game and imbalanced bullshit.


>doing everything perfectly
>get almost all gens up solo
>hiding from killer
>some stupid cunt runs by and hides next to me
>killer fucking hooks me
>no one bothers to help


>all 4 99% of the time
nigga r u serious?

>everyone except me d/cs 30 seconds into the match
>killer mercilessly hooks me
fucking drop hacking chinks

It's clearly satire of the typical survivor poster

Yes, the whole point of the game is to survive and fuck with the idiot that picked the killer.

I would be able to consistently sabotage every hook if my team would stop getting caught, they know the infinite juke spots and should just abuse them.

1st for new luck offering

You're right, that user fucked up, it should be all 4 get out 100% of the time and they put the killer up on a hook.

All killer players are bitches so yea I'd like that a lot

so "yay" I'd like that alot?
Why are you approving in a verbal vote?


only buy perks you want, only buy the cheap nodes, use points offerings every game and lastly git gud. Goes double if you're a survivor, gimmicky bullshit only slows your escape.

Hahaha it wasn't me faggot! I managed to avoid being your Meg monkey.

haha learn to read you little autist

I know how to read, yea is pronouced like yay, you're not on twitter trying to save an extra letter by misspelling yeah.

well that one looks pretty hot

>Purple rarity mystery box
>Gives me a (Green rarity) map

Are you some kind of retarded hick?

Also a lot isn't 1 word, just saying sport.

>Get another fucking flashlight from a chest
>At least the killer is wraith
>Is already visible when chasing me
>Whiffs a swing and misses me
>Shine light at him
>It somehow fucking works and he goes blundering off in the wrong direction
I was already in the basement once that round I wasn't going back in there

Just wait until you get a shitty common addon from one of those.

what rank are the devs?

Wraith is fine in my opinion. What could they do to him to make him stronger without making him broken? What would you do to him?

Tinkerer is -okay- but it's circumstantial. Maybe if it added a charge bonus outside of also increasing the effectiveness of charge addons, it would be better.

Lightborn definitely needs to be changed. The flashlight needs to be better, but I feel like even still Lightborn wouldn't be worth taking. Maybe my opinion on that is biased because I just can't see the flashlight being powerful, and therefore Lightborn as useful.

You think they actually play online?

20. They don't play the game at all.

i always always always fuck up and also call her the witch

20, every time they play it's against twitch streamers that destroy them.

I saw a lot of you complete your rituals yesterday

So I threw you a party as a reward. Keep it up.

Thank you for completing your Daily Rituals, /dbdg/

>ultra rare box
>common mcmillan estate ledger offering

As a self renown flashlight expert I can confirm the fleshlight is useful.

thanks senpai

>all faggy killer rituals


Is that what dwight does in those closets, he practices his fleshlight mastery?

You're sick in the head.

Daily reminder I run sabo 3 toolbox Jake and abuse infinites at rank 1 and there's nothing any killer can do about it.

>Flashlight stun a wraith decloaking 3 times
>He gets so pissed that he hunts me down specifically and starts throttling his net so I can't escape or stun him again
>"""Patrols""" all of ten feet around my hook
>Still pip up
>He ragequits after I'm already dead so I kept all my bloodpoits
Eat shit fagboy, no mercy for laggy wraiths like you

I wish Meg could look cute all the time

Claudette looks cute with the short hair, and only from a distance.

I got nothing good to say about Nea

ching chong bing bong begone

Wow good job dude you memed on some rank 20 killer.

>nothing good to say about nea
She has more testosterone than your average swedish male



as a survivor, i wish they didnt nerf NOED

yeah a shame it's not. A huge missed opportunity.

NOED? I don't speak meme

Not meme short for no one escapes death.

You don't know the NOED? It was an avertising thing, avoid the NOED he ruins pizza dwights.

That was epic....

....epic for the win.....

that's not funny

>no fun allowed
calm down

>tfw survivor main
are you enjoying being cucked, killerfetii? as soon as they nerf the nurse into the ground, which is inevitable, then it will be official that we own this game, and you faggots are nothing more than a means to an end, to get into a game. how does it FEEL? bow down you fucks.

t. killer

NOED is still extremely strong

Literally asking to be moried

Why are you such an attention getter?

>mad discord circlejerk that will never be as good as joe

Of the 3 that are on dev streams, who is most likely to build a cuck shed?

I think it's the fat bald loser.

The one that looks exactly like dwight, the closets are probably based on his cuck shed already.


He's drinking BUTTHURT now. Lol

Can you edit your save file for unlimited items?

I want to be more reckless on Jake, I'm down to 20 toolboxes.

I've proven myself and the entity loves me now. So far nonstop goodies y'all.

Toxic player, avoid at all costs.
Meme build faggot.

I get the goof

>Three pairs of gloves

I think the entity is trying to tell you that your hands are too coarse man

If there's no self-care, it's not a meme build.

How are we suppose to avoid if you can't see names, dumbass.

>wahhh I got owned


>tfw playing on a potato
>tfw get a solid 5-10 fps
>tfw trying to aim as a hillbilly in this position
>tfw will never git gud until not poor

>Lose 3 pips

>caring about rank

>end up playing against people who aren't memebuild infinijukers

>Accuses others of being from reddit
>Unironically using the word toxic

What dream lobby is this? Rank 20 newbies?

>>Unironically using the word toxic
wasn't me senpai

>projecting this hard
This was a joke post, faggot, he's a frequent Discord user.

Not like rank does anything. This game has no matchmaking.

He really is awful, I played against him and in the after game lobby he didn't call me a donkey or disparage my cooking at all.

>j-j-just pretending to be retarded...heh...

daily reminder

Cute Nea's welcome

Sounds like you're actually retarded, seeing as how you can't differentiate between a joke and an ebin trole.
Of course, jokes usually involve having friends, so I can see the confusion.

>Steam profile
>Block All Communication
It's like you want to be a pleb.

I feel like such an ass when this happens.


You mean when you use the hatch like a little pleb?

No? I used the gate.

>Pallet town
>2 guys left
>One of them tries to distract me so the other one can get the generator
>Know that i already have my pip so i decide to humour him
>Hook him in the basement
>Instead of repairing the gen the other guy leaves him to rot so he can use the hatch

Got any tips for me Sloppy Bro? I fucking suck at this game

I find having a large phallic object lodged in your ass while you play killer gets good results.

does your wife's bull let you on Veeky Forums, survivor cuck?

Jesus Christ, what is the fucking point of playing killer any more when the matchmaking is so fucking horrendous?
It wouldn't even be that bad if the devs weren't sucking off the whiny survivorbabbies 24/7.

Teach me more about this cuck stuff, I've always wanted an excuse to fuck faggots like you's girlfriends.

uhhh ur probably a facecamper lol

I'd start off by playing both sides equally. Don't be some cuck who only plays half the game.

>playing survivor
sloppy joe more like sloppy seconds lmao what a cuck