/d2g/ - Dota 2 General



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Second for dota 2 gayneral

> people actually think pit lord sucks

Would you break into her house just to see her shirtless?

fuck yeah dude wtf sheever is the best dota girl

Is that a serious question?

>mfw facing a midusa as pitlord

No I probably wouldn't.
She's not really that great looking.
Would fuck if she was down tho.

quick question dotards
now that the season is over and drafts are changing, what do you think the next big meta will be besides maybe illusion meta

the real patch hasn't deployed so it could be anything

+ attack speed and bashlord meta

>maybe illusion meta
don't even joke about things like this

Why are you so dead dotards?

can i FUCK that?

OG is kill? What happens to NoLans?

No, I would so I can get a chance to see OD shirtless :3

Why are you niggers using this shitty thread with a fucked up OP? I see d2g is just as shitty as ever. Y'all should go play a good game like Overwatch instead.

We dont have based Sjokz that would pump the life into us (our penises)

isn't it weird that it previews the homepage?

It should preview the Veeky Forums board if he was our guy.

>no bull's cum on feet
will they ever learn?

based sjokz bro


Yes it's weird. Don't believe OD's lies, user

Someone posted some really nice Mirana fanart the other day. Anyone save that? She had a blank expression standing in a forest in the rain.

And then you see a clear full-body picture displaying the full, terrifying BREADTH of her shoulders.
It's hard to decide which Nordic giant between her and Sheever is more of a pretty-face/brick-body dick trap.

this bull bullshit sounds so gay, plz stop


kys slavnigger

good one, made me giggle

>another vandalized OP
make it stop

someone make this lone druid set for the new warhammer chest

>is was the first year for them playing in the highest level of dota, and I think they just want to try out new things while they can, it’s a growing process and I understand it, and I’m not going to hold them back.

With Moon it was a bit different, but out of respect for him it was not because of his talent nor skill that we parted ways with him, sometimes people have different personalities and don't work as well together.

Always knew moon was a subhuman monkey

I'm serious tho

>unironically playing ANY blizzard game after wc3
yeah kys

Overwatch is actually good though?



Can this degenerate just fuck off....

Why do people stack auras on dudes with natural auras? Is there something about having auras that causes having MORE auras to be better?

rlfo lamo

>Mercy mainer

>guy throws axes
>lets give him a set where he holds a sword and a sickle

Have you ever had a team made around auras? It's nuts with the right heroes.

>playing a shooter that has built-in aimbot and wallhack
yeah, nah

no shit the sword doesnt have to go into the set but lone druid already throws sickles in all of his sets

What's with the pit lord is bad meme? Fantastic mid, fairly safe off lane, great support, aura always welcome, and his ult turns one tower into two, he seems great.

""fan""""tas""""tic"" mid

Is this for fucking real? Are we seriously at the point where a game with hit detection this casul can be considered competitive? It's fucking worse than Gears of War's.

> he doesn't deny nearly every creep leaving the enemy mid useless

>tfw tilting hard and dragging 4 people down the MMR ladder with you
>tfw have literally thrown 5 games in a row in Ranked

This is it lads, the final spiral into leaving. Wish me luck.

I hope you're NA and took some Peruvians with you.

well, some people consider cs:go competitive, too.
hearthstone is considered by some to be an esport as well, I don't think I need to elaborate.

>late game
>die without buyback
>get up and start pacing around the room

>just fucking around as techies in unranked at midnight
>dude LOSES GOLD to counterpick my hero in UNRANKED
just what kind of PEOPLE does this shit game harbor

then you have a pitlord instead of a mid though

Well, Counter Strike is somehow a thing as well.
Really makes me think

Why does underlord need to face the target he is teleporting to with dark rift?

Also, why do underlord and elder titan have abilities that give them so much attack damage when they can do literally nothing with it?

It's fine if you run two dual lanes, or run a Timber or some strong solo offlaner with a trilane.
Underlord is a great aura stacker, this build is super fucking effective and makes your team nearly invincible, to speak nothing on how hard you become to kill. He doesn't necessarily need farm as bad as he needs levels but if you build him for teamfights boy does he make better use of auras than most heroes do.

>when they can do literally nothing with it?
Towers can't kite you.

Stop judging the hero by the retards that can't play him. This happens with every fucking hero on release, retards call it garbage because all the scrubs who have no idea how to doto have to try the new hero and make him look like garbage.

Whatever, I'll keep enjoying my free wins

How is damage block even good when it's calculated before armor? Also
>turning vanguard into CG instead of abyssal

unranked has been serious business forever
i swear to god there's more "itS juST a gAme Bro!" people in ranked than unranked

It do a important thing: It brings your cosmetics to the post game screen.
The only thing its really lacking is Tower Damage.

I agree its overdesigned as fuck, and some of the graphs are a lot more useful than the splash.
The graphs and item graphs isn't very good either.

Its also lacking items, even if there is screen space for 6 slots of icons under the KDA.

the gold you lose from repicking a random is comparable to a wave of creeps, maybe less. if i could lose the net worth of a sentry ward to win a game, i would.

>that aim

crosshairs are broken

Reminder to watch your backs.

Because it's a flat 55 damage reduction from auto attacks for your entire team, which already reduced by 20-30% because of the base damage reduction, which is then reduced 78% for you making you take around 12% of their attack as actual physical damage, and your squishies who normally only have like 23% physical damage reduction now take an attack reduced by 20-30% with a flat 55 damage shaved off and have around 50-60% damage reduction because of your 15 armor aura.

Abyssal only helps you, and of course there is the stun aspect, sure, but Underlord excels at zoning the enemy team and keeping his team alive more than anything else. If your team outlasts their team, you win the teamfight because as soon as they start dying you start getting 45 bonus damage.



I forgot how much of a cancerous motherfucker Bloodseeker is.

Unranked AP has the shittiest pick system of all the modes. I don't get why Valve doesn't change it when in 99% of all games no one picks until the time is up.

>that sniper build

Based as fuck.

>The only thing its really lacking is Tower Damage.
It's also missing consumables and net worth doesn't count gold, only items.

ur bad

Is shiva's even good without mobility? I understand that the vlads could probably be dropped in most cases for blink, but you also need BoTs in there.

And why can't vlads upgrade into an item that isn't awful?

I don't see consumeable use over 1k unless you also count Moon Shard or Alch Aghs.
Its not terribly relevant unless it turns into salve stacking lategame for lack of heart

Shivas is fucking outstanding on Pit. For one, it's 15 armor and 30 Int so he can cast his spells off coldown without worry unless he just fights for 5 minutes straight or something. Two, it has the -45 attack speed aura. Three, it has a 40% 4 second movespeed slow 200 damage active, it's extremely strong anti kite, and that's where Pit is pretty weak.

You don't need BoTs at all, he has free BoTs, just get Greaves they're core as fuck on him.
I personally don't like Blink because to me Pit isn't an initiator. He has a bkb piercing root that cancels tps and a strong zoning Q.
He's a counter initiator teamfight disruptor teammate saver. Yes, you can use blink for that too, but those six items mesh super well with Pit, even Vlads is nice for the armor aura really. 4 extra armor isn't much for you, but for your supports or your carry if they're not agility it can potentially be a lot.
Vlads is real strong as is, but I suppose it could use an upgrade. Something to boost its stats so it's attractive to a carry at minute 40 but not worth rushing at minute 20.
Eh, Vlads + Ultimate Orb + Recipe?
Grants 25% bonus damage aura, 15/10% lifesteal aura, +15 to all stats and 5 armor 5hp/s aura? It's not really a bad item if you ask me, not for its price and what it builds out of.
But yeah anyways, if you want to right click people as Pit and don't think Shivas is enough anti kite, get a Skadi. I still prefer Crimson instead of Abyssal but this is a nice other build.
Heart is fine too since good luck dealing with a guy with 4k hp and 80% damage reduction plus all these fucking auras.

Why don't you spam hotaru anymore?

havent played in a year, what's the meta?

>below 2k
How did you manage to type?

>no slightly competitive stack to get better with
>only casual friends who need to be reminded of obvious things every single game

i love them but sometimes i just want to teach myself some things instead of being team mom

Reminder to join /d2g/'s offical Discord Doturds.


The meta is wild and varied at the moment, actually, but Pitlord is the hot new shit everyone is spamming and he's actually pretty damn good.

Well it's just that I'd like to see starting items. I guess it doesn't really matter since the stat websites have that.

Having a lot of int doesn't mean a whole lot for mana sustain unless you have some % regen, which none of those items provide. You could always get lotus orb for that though.

And my problem with vlads is that it lacks slot efficiency because it's cheap. Ultimate orb builds into 5 things already, does it really make sense for another?

Yeah and once people figure out how to abuse the ult he's going to be even better.

Post ur pentagon

Well stats are a nice way to make things better, UO is just a good item. What would you suggest to improve Vlads with?
Vlads is a mid game/support item, and Pit is a support hero, although he scales pretty well into the lategame if you ask me.

And it does provide some mana regen, with that much Int he has around 4 mana a second and Vlads gives 0.8m/s plus GGreaves gives a burst of mana. His spell costs are super high, 30 intelligence gives him enough mana for him to cast his Q and W combo 3 times by itself. With 2400 mana he'd have to cast both his spells 20 times without returning to base or using his greaves and he'd regen a lot of mana over that amount of time.


Enchantress is a shapeshifter of some sort. It doesnt say so in her lore but a few characters mention it


>tfw you realize you can win duels for your shit LC from dark rifting onto her when it's off cooldown

my pentagon is bigger than yours

Dark rift can't teleport to heroes(until pit lord aghs is added).

versacuck smdh

Another day has come and gone and another 2 games where the team with Underlord has lost

that makes 10/10

>shadowblade pool
anything is cancerous in your bracket son

what shit/extremely good bracket are you playing in that underlord isn't a good hero?

Which button should I put purchase sticky on so I can spam it before death to not lose any gold?

I want the portal to come back for his aghs

>creates a portal at your location and target allied creep or building
>allies can only go through each portal once
>lasts 60 seconds

I guess you could make it so enemies can't use it since its an aghs upgrade and all.

Think of all the ratting you could do with NP or Lycan on your team

