Union for Free Drivers?

What the fuck is wrong with people?

How do they have the nerve to work for a company on their own time, at their own location, with a great wage and insured while in service, and all of a sudden want to unionize because they think their voice isnt being heard,

Last time I checked, you had to apply to work for Uber or Lyft and they could hire you if they wanted or not.
And by you getting employed meant that you'll follow their corporate rules (which are pretty lenient desu). They dont owe people employment.
People arent entitled to stuff for nothing


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UBER is paying the drivers too little though. UBER has almost 0 overhead and they take 50% of the income. Why shouldn't the workers collectively argue for a better wage? It's just basic business.

People always pull this shit and I don't understand it. No one has a gun to their heads they can always leave and find another job.

Nobody wanna put in that work.

if you don't like uber, drive for lyft

taxis aren't a free market because the government restricts the number of licences

more regulation isn't what's needed

This is such a contrived, tired argument. It should be banned for use as a placeholder idea.

How about a little obvious honesty: because they can.

It's more that people tend to be under the impression that unions can force a company to pay you more.
It's also true they can find another job, so for them, what's not to like about unionizing, even if it results in layoffs within the company?

This union shit was started by the taxi companies to make it easier to compete with Uber. If Uber unionizes, wages and benefits increase, which will mean fares will increase making them more in line with taxi services. If the costs are the same, who would you trust more; a licensed taxi driver or a random stranger?

Excellent play by the taxi companies imo.

Only faggots are anti-union, and that includes OP. What a faggot he is.

All right, way to reduce everything to two choices.
That's the American way!

You sound like a fuckin scab.

Pretty much this. Uber is a software company and is pulling in the dough. No individual lemming can challenge them, but all together they can. Good for them that they have the balls to do it.

Because I see more positions than just pro-union and anti-union?
That's very reasonable of you.

Your livelihood is from the tit of the mother that is the union.

You are visual scum and deserve to be shat on every time the economy is bad.

Unions cause too many problems for too many industries for you to assume it works in ever scenario.


So then find another job

You sound like a fucking bernie supporter right now
>entitled to everything
>forgets that corporations set their own rules

>Uber/Lyft Corporates invented an innovative software and ride-sharing system

>Employees just applied and pick people up and drop them off and get a comission

Im pretty sure the executives earned themselves the right to pay their employees whatever they want and set their own rules

So pretty much, theyre converting uber and lyft into another taxi group that you can access with your phone?

And in that case, you might as well use Curb.


>You are visual scum and deserve to be shat on every time the economy is bad.
Good thing my CBA includes a Pay Guarantee Plan.

Have fun with your race to the bottom, scab.

Did you guys forget that Uber lowered their rates several times?

It didn't used to be a horrible job.

Same with AirBnB forcing home owners to take undesirable tenants.

These companies have no risk and take half, so either the business model fails or something changes.

By applying this logic we should abandon all the rules that guarantee workers any rights whatsoever.

No min wage
No holidays
No workplace safety
Children put to work

They can just quit if they don't like it right?

I own a business. I do not support Bernie.

The vast majority of business owners will treat employees in the lowest and cheapest fashion they possibly can. The only barrier stopping them from treating the labor class like garbage is government regulation.

It's a necessary evil.

Not completely true. I manage a small courier company, and we hit the reliable but more expensive niche. Our drivers are the highest paid in the capitol city where I work, but essentially we're doing the same work as uber just different freight. Uber drivers are harming themselves getting classified as employees and unionizing and etc. If you can actually do your own taxes (without software) you end up paying less than almost anyone-there were years as am driver where I cleared 27k and not having to pay any taxes at all, another year 25k with taxes getting paid back- because I worked as an independent contractor.

not even working steadily and consistently those years either.easily could have made more if I wanted to. It's not cheating taxes either- I log and itemize everything necessary throughout the year, and the gov gets $ indirectly and through secondary values so you're not even really failing to contributevan to society (and they know that)
Tl;dr uber drivers are being dumb and losing workplace freedom when they think they're asking for fairness. I have one the best jobs in the world now and being a driver wasn't far behind. Working for giant companies like uber doesn't help either. When you work for a small business like mine you can communicate with your bosses and work things out instead of being penalized for taking off and etc. Uber didn't have the capacity for a good workplace relationship, just a corporate one. The two are almost mutually exclusive

I don't quite understand what the point of this is either.

Employees are essentially just pushing to be just like a regular taxi job.

They don't want to be employees, but they want all the employee benefits.

Which is dumb imo- having benefits isn't worth as much as having equivalent money to spend however is necessary. It's like asking a giant corporation to go shopping for them. Courier companies fight the IRS too to keep their IC models intact because they wouldn't stay afloat without it (at least the ones that pay above average). Uber would do very well if they could just figure out how to stay ICs while keeping drivers happy about pay, because their overhead really isn't shit now that marketing has done it's job and they don't require oversized company trucks and etc


lyft driver here. did not know about this. i just need money being a poorfag.

i guess not if the people that they employ dont agree desu..

honestly i stopped working for uber because they treat the driver like shit. I really like lyft tho.

Unions havn't meant anything for a long time. They're just a way for greedy faggots to bully their boss out of more money without putting out any extra work. Just look at Canada Post, they go on strike every few years and still can't fucking deliver mail to the right house.

Some of those signs are gold.

>We made uber billionaire and uber want make us homeless

>Hey Uber, I'm not replaceable

eh, if the drivers really want to unionize they should be able to do so.
Not that it matters in the long-term, robots are going to take their jerbs.

Doesn't matter. Uber is already piloting "driverless" cars in Pittsburgh. Once that goes live, anything below top service drivers are fucked. Uber has the legitimate opportunity to bring costs to the point where it's probably easier to just use them, than own a car. Estimates are about .35ยข/mile. I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen nationwide in the next couple years.