Bed time, wagie!
I know its only 9 in the evening, but you have to be up early tomorrow for another long, hard day of labor!
After all, another day, another dollar!
Bed time, wagie!
I know its only 9 in the evening, but you have to be up early tomorrow for another long, hard day of labor!
After all, another day, another dollar!
good job user, make your boss happy. stay productive and make money
try r9k
Meh, I'm retired.
Guess I'll just sleep in.
Back to r9k with you
You should be in bed by 9 even if you're NEET. If you're truly an enlightened being then you would know the absolute euphoria experienced by waking up at birdsong and walking amongst the waking world.
But the tendies will probably take 1/2 an hour to cook, then you have to eat them, clean up, get ready for bed. Now you're looking at a 10:30 bedtime and a 7-730 am wake up and another day abusing your body.
Sorry my dude, not all of us are burdens on society, socially crippled enough for the government to pay to feed; if you are looking for some people like yourself, you should try /r9k/
I got paid $2000 for this week. Can't wait for a hooker to suck me this weekend. Feels great working hard and managing relationships at a bank for a living
This hit way too close to home...
Delete this.
Western civilization can't collapse soon enough
>civilization needs to collapse bcuz I don't wanna work!
The collapse is both inevitable and already underway.
Have fun wasting the days you have left with slavery you little bitch
I went to bed last night at 1230. Got into work late at 930. Ill probablg leave a littke early. I'm not upset being a wage cuck.
Being naturally inclined to sleep that early is a sign of low IQ. If you're really forcing yourself to sleep that early every day then fair enough.
>be useless loser neet
>see people on Facebook
>h-ha losers! t-they don't have free time like me!
>shit post of biz
>shit post on r9k
>eat more junk good, jerk off and go to sleep at 5:30 am
>wake up realizing you are still a disappointment to everyone that "loves" you
stop making these threads faggot
>tfw tradie wagie
>50-60 hours a week
>spending my prime wage cucking
Heavy equipment operater is a comfy job tho
just another day trading potcoin
when his parents are dead and he's sleeping in a card board box or a welfare bed bug apartment i'm sure he'll still be laughing it up
>>see people on Facebook
NEETS usually don't have facebook
>sleeping in a card board
i'm a NEET and live alone, why will I live in a card board box?
Can't I live in my house?
*citations needed*
Sitting in the parking lot of my wagecuck call center job, work starts in 20 minutes, fuck you op
Fuck you, poor piece of shit.
Now get ready to make breakfast for your mom to thank her for working for two just to support you.