League of Legends General - /lolg/

BAIL edition



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First for pls no nerf Shen

My LCS team is better than yours

>that flash ult KS

THere's no way those EKko nerfs go through right? He'll drop to sub 45 % wr for sure if they do.

5 minutes into the game and we see that Wizard Hat has no map awareness and wastes flash to go over wall just to steal a kill.

DIdn't /lolg/ say he was one of the good players here?



hey jinxfag if you're here can you post images of jinx with her hair down, or pics of her in a dominant position, or maybe even some feet pics?

if you have one with all 3 i'll gift you a skin because you're my favorite tripshit

Hes plat 2

That's the kind of gameplay you come to expect from plat

Time nigger has been busted every single day since his release. No surprise considering his overloaded kit. The more nerfs the better.

> tfw got my first penta today
How is your day going, /lolg/?

Probably nervous from being on Trick2g's team

this game is funny as fuck

Supports! :3c

>Time nigger has been busted every single day since his release
This is false.

Anyone with a brain can tell you after his last round of nerfs around the end of august of last year he was perfectly fine.

Don't give me that "overloaded" crap when you retort here because tank ekko was bad and AP has actual weaknesses which were exploitable in that time period.

It was after a few buffs here or there and the introduction of itemization he became broken tank ekko again.

>my fed yi gets a triple bot lane
>i get a double top
>"wtf penta steal report"

yi has the most delusional playerbase in the game prove me wrong protip you can't

>no map awareness
Eh, he's doing fine.

>wastes flash
Pretty sure he wanted to make sure Diana didn't flash or Voli didn't help her.
Might be nervous too.

Ya but he's at sub 50 % wr right now and they just released a skin for him, gutting him this hard makes zero sense.

>sivir go top you dumb bitch
there it is

they reduced the cd on his q so he has A tier waveclear

>lux complains that skarner stunned her (probably just joking right)
>our kayle immediately starts calling her a dumbass, dipshit etc. hateful language
>they bitch at each other the entire game
>in what could have been a winnable game had they coordinated instead of focusing on bitching/tilt
god I love plat but I wanna hit diamond before the year's over, wish I'd started playing sooner lmao

How did that Zilean fuck up that double bomb

They also dropped the cooldown on his E and increased the AP ration on his W.

>oom diana trying to fight the 10/0/4 udyr

dem three 1v1s in a row

Its decent. I got accepted to animate for an indie game

Also two S's away from mastery 7 Darius. He shouldn't be that hard, getting S's on him is easy for whatever reason.

>in b4 wizard hat claims hes a god when trick camped his lane and hard carried the whole

Is Vlad a cutie and why?


My kennen isn't very good, I made a lot of mistakes. I'm not too comfortable with him and only pick him when I have to blindpick

>that cs


Not bad, I like your choices for support and mid.

>did nothing
congrats! Now makes us proud and go pro.

Trick basically took over my lane after 10 minutes while I wandered around helping with objectives. He was already super fed so I wasn't going to argue

why are NA and EU playoffs 3 weeks long? it is very easy to just have the playoffs take place over the week and have the finals on sunday. no fucking point for you to wait a week to watch 2 games

>playing tahm kench jg
>mid pings blue
>i help them get it
>right before they can take it I smite it and then ult to mid and steal their entire wave

who /devilish/ here

He hasn't been busted in months, now he's just A-tier and rightfully so. No champion deserves to be absolutely gutted to the point where they're pure trash-tier, especially when said champ is fun. What about people who autistically main a certain handful of champs?

Ignore the shitters you played fine

>inb4 riot forgets to make Yorick's summons not count as jungle monsters so Morde doesn't heal half his HP from popping W on them like ZzRrot's voidspawn

Is it normal for supports to just build core items these days? They used to just be ward bitches that bought cheap aura items but now i see blitzcranks with lichbane and the like.

I lost a net of 200 LP since last week. I was on a huge winning streak then was suddenly hit with a huge losing streak. Why does this happen? I'm going to cry.

Volibear was about to reach udyr. It was better for me to flash early, get the kill, and let us get out without wasting anything then for me to wait for udyr to awkwardly 1v2. I would have probably needed to flash in or over at some point, sooner is generally better

So who's a fun and competent ADC to main? I currently main Jhin and Jinx. Are Twitch, Draven and Lucian fun? They look fun. I'm willing to main anything as long as they aren't bottom-barrel gutted-tier.

went on an 18 game losing streak at 0 lp but didn't get demoted for some reason
now everyone in my ranked games is g4/5 except me

feels plat 5 man


>No champion deserves to be absolutely gutted to the point where they're pure trash-tier, especially when said champ is fun
Kalista deserved it. I'm still rejoicing I haven't seen that cunt in months.

You need to stop that.

such is the magnetism of the ivory scepter

Well yeah, if youre good.

>three games in a row of jungler literally walking back and forth between camps while enemy jungler makes plays all over the fucking map

what the fuck is so hard about counterganking and counterjungling

I genuinely don't understand

Can someone please duo with my gold ass so I can stop being in this memeworld of people thinking we're still in the devourer era

It's a common occurrence and I'm pretty sure it's the system rigging people. Usually when I experience the first signs of a losing streak
(AKA two losing games lost to stupid reasons, like AFKs or trolls) I tend to take a break from ranked a day or two and just practice and mastery-grind in normals instead.

>you can get skin shards for champions you dont own
>rerolling skins can give you permanent skins that you cant use because you dont own the champion

>that face

Kalista is the only champion who deserved it. Solely because she simply makes every ADC irrelevant

Evidence: See Season 5 and the first half of Season 6.

You can give me everything OP you want, Kassadin, Zed, Thresh, Azir, etc., even Ryze being strong. But Kalista is singlehandedly the ONLY champion that made en entire class irrelevant.

Fuck Kalista

Who's this sperm wyrm?

You need to stop giving the cuck masturbation material.

>But Kalista is singlehandedly the ONLY champion that made en entire class irrelevant
>who is gnar

>play Illaoi
>shit all over gnar

>Making fighters/tanks irrelevant

Good one. He's strong but not Kalista-tier.

Unless you were named Sivir, you had to play Kalista.

what's the appeal of tyler1, he doesn't even stream himself playing anymore

Well, she did see your penis...

i want to abuse and fuck a sona player

Part 2. And he said he'd gift a skin. Which means I'm gonna make him gift Jinxfag a Vi skin for shits.

Besides, who do you think cucks him all the time?


He will enjoy it, all 300lbs of him.

>Draven fans
>Griefing fans
>Potato fans
>Everyone that isn't Meteos

Eh, I don't think even Kalista deserves it. The problem is that Riot released champions with EXTREMELY overloaded kits back in 2013-2015. Kalista is unfortunately one of those said champions. And with champions like that, you either allow them to remain cancer or completely gut them due to their kit - there is no in-between.

But now it seems like they're learning their ways by created champions with overloaded kits that are in turn, held back from guttings due to blatant, glaring weaknesses (Jhin's lack of mobility + reload mechanic, ability to destroy Illaoi's tentacles with ease, Aurelion having no evade and being a sitting duck to assassins, Kled becoming minion creep-tier when he loses his mount, etc.)

It's the best way to make fun and viable champs down the line which won't result in nightmares for the balance team or the playerbase.



League of Legends is a team game and it's impossible for a single person to carry a team of four. Anyone that tells you to solo carry a game are either deluded or silver surfing trolls.

>Yfw retards get lucky and win a game with a good score and think solo carrying is an actual thing.

clips twitch tv/fate_twisted_na/ImportantBeaverPanicVis

>get back in this game after five months
>play a couple blind picks to get back in the groove
>Game 1
>jungle riven disconnects before camps spawn and we fucking lose
>Game 2
>Morgana bullies the fuck out of Caitlyn after one bad engage and never stops, all the lanes have shit matchups, Lee Sin never ganks
>we fucking lose
Glad to see after all these patches literally nothing has changed

whats the verdict on he yowick rework? is he good, bad? split pusher, teamfighter?

don't care
i care

Gnar was a mistake. Who's idea was it to make a manaless, highly mobile, ranged fighter that can double as an unkillable tank with with amazing CC? Not to mention he's a carry.

>then lose game


Yes, the guy who blogs all day about not being able to reach diamond with welfare champs sure made the difference in the game where his lane phase was handed to him on a silver platter

I can't fucking find that boosted akali play he posted a week or so ago

muh control ad caster

>not watching heisendong
wtf guys?
fist time watching and hes pretty chill dude

jokes on you i'd only gift it to jinxfag, not u meanie

There's been a mage update and dragon has been changed.

Now you have different types of dragons who spawn different buffs, all randomly.

And after all the things I do for you.

universal laws of league:

if your teammates are using real names in chat, you will lose
if they are chatting in a foreign language, you will lose
obvious bf/gf botlane = automatic loss

as a league player that switched to dota, this update removes the one thing that was keeping me coming back to play league occasionally.
RIP yorick, you will be missed.

>8/28 WL


tfw back when I played adc and my bf played supp we went 8/2 in promos together

lmao just play starcraft or fighting games

>he was playing old yorick
You won't be missed

Cool can I have your account then?

Nice Sona cosplay. What skin is that?

>check trick2g stream
>its another zz'rot + feed episode

does this guy do anything different? like ever?

>someone played on my account


Jesus who is this semen demon?

What's wrong with you? Surely you'd be excited Yorick is getting some much needed love and time in the spotlight? Yorick has been one of my most played champs for years and I'm ecstatic he has a rework. Now's a great time to be a Yorick player. It's better in every way.

I mean I hate Kalista but honestly each thing sounds like it could be fixed upon one solution the community thinks up usually. Yet Riot takes forever to do anything.

I always suggested when nerfing my favorite champion, remove the damage from his Q so it makes for a relocation-tool. This way all damage is focused on DPS as opposed to burst. In exchange add a few more numbers so his DPS isn't what it was before but definitely more forgiving than it was now.

The guy who made Vi.

Why does this thot look like she got her head smashed in with the stupid stick at an early age?

>he liked old Yorick
Shut the fuck you special snowflake

literally nothing of value was lost

>League of Legends is a team game and it's impossible for a single person to carry a team of four. Anyone that tells you to solo carry a game are either deluded or silver surfing trolls.

Christy Marks

nah, he's a shitter