/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

>Previous Thread
Go Away You Freak Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.1.0c)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

first for

Nurse OP

Just git gud. I don't know what that perk does but everyone says to get it so it must be powerful.

so does brutal strength affect chainsaw recovery after breaking pallets or is that enduring
flare2v seems to recover super quick after chainsawwing a pallet

What about a draft style ban phase? Survivors pick a killer perk to ban and killers pick a survivor perk to ban, then both each pick a map to ban.

I mean the recovery for chainsawing a pallet is near instant. There's a reason your vision locks down to the floor to balance that out

this game will never be mlg or esl worthy, quit trying to make it that

It would literally always be sab and iron grasp banned, they create a circular argument and just need to both be removed from the game.

Yeah destroying hooks is kind of lame, same with traps. Trapper needs some kind of rework to prevent traps from being completely removed or spread all across the map.

Survivor game play should be more about evasion and luring the killer away than about denying everything.


>There's a reason your vision locks down to the floor to balance that out
yeah that's the part I'm talking about
his vision locking down like barely affects him, he instantly snaps back up and looks around which seems super useful
I know people hate twitch streamers but if you watch him for 3 minutes you'll know what I'm talking about

Nurse is not overpowered, it's just the only killer you have to respect. No infinites or jungle gym bullshit allowed.

I'll continue exclusively playing Nurse until they fix the infinites and near-infinites.

Which perk should I try to get teachable for killers first? I was thinking Agitation.

Hillbilly teachables are trash.

Wraith and Trapper teachables are good.

Nurse's final teachable is good.

I'd say go Trapper first. Brutal Strength is even better than Agitation.

A few minutes after exits open, a count down starts. If all the survivors don't leave, the exits close and the generators have to restart.

Save got corrupted.

Highest killer is level 15 and I'm rank 6. This is suffering.

They do need to do something like that. It's perfectly possible for a final survivor to abuse an infinite for hours on end like they did on that one stream.

Cheat your way up.

have fun losing 3 pips, piece of shit blogposter

>tfw rank 4 lvl 20 withour iron grasp
p-please don't brake my hooks

>brake my hooks
Sorry user but the sabotage train stops for no one.
also it's break when something gets broken

>i make such dumb typos
i'm sorry

I didn't lose shit

These broken pallet lunges are really pissing me off.

My suggestion would be to throw the pallet down the moment you come to it and then run, instead of running circles around the pallet to waste the killer's time.

Sorry guys, looks like I gotta put saboteur on again.

Jesus Christ, when are they going to fix the bug where parts of your face can be seen

Jason would be proud

>play against someone with twitch in their name
>can't find them streaming after the game
>accidentally find one of the other survivors streaming with like 5 viewers
>he's actually a cool dude

I mean it's only really egregious for the trapper but it severely fucking affects the game if you happen to be him.

It also has a tendency to make Spies not show the warning when a crow is triggered. All you get is the sound half the time.

When the game puts you in a match under the main menu, just wait it out. You only lose 3 pips if you exit the game.
I think your character is invincible when this happens and the killer can just stand there hitting you forever.

>Faggot streamer keeps abusing windows
>He eventually gives up
>Go look at his stream
>Stream title: Cижy вмecтo Ёлки и Tиaнa. 400+ чacoв в игpe

>"don't go pizza dwight he'll see you so easily"
>equip flashlight
what now faggot

I only notice it on trapper and billy but having stuff constantly moving around on your peripheral is really distracting

Did anyone even try a flashlight with RARE HIGH TIER addons? I think the aiming is the worst part about it, not how effective it is...


This is the story of the Jake, the hook destroying faggot.

While he bleeds out on the ground due to his own choices, I ponder; Where is he trying to lead me?

God I wish that were me...

What is the probability of escaping a bear trap (base)

Ever been in a situatiom were yiu diwn everyone with no hooks abd yiu have to let everyone bleed out before you can try to hook the final guy?

No idea
Sometime I escape first try
sometimes I get grabbed after failing 10+ tries

Probably like 20-25%.
I regularly escape within 4 tries, often the first try.

Crawl on he does, but to what end? What is the Jake trying to tell me?

As death looms nearer over the not so distant horizon, I see that we grow closer and closer to the basement. Is he consciously doing this, or is it just a coincidence? Just in the nick of time I sweep him off his feet and bolt down the stairs before he even has a chance to wriggle out of my grasp. I hook the un-hookable, the bane of hooks, the Anti-Hook. As his screams fill my ears, I wonder if he chose this destiny, or if it was simply destiny. Alas, I shall never know, only Jake knows the answers to these questions...

I once had some Claudette step in a trap on the second floor of the asylum. I was busy with someone else so I didn't even bother to grab her. It took her what felt like a minute and half to get out.

I used no add-ons.

...But it seems he will never share his secrets with me. I will never closure, I will never know what makes this Jake tick. Off he goes, silently into the fog, without another word.

Moral of the Story: Fuck Saboteur

>I will never get* closure

>blocking only your own name
Looks like your jake had a twitch link in his name.

>People are actually running Saboteur still

I just don't understand it. The point gain is terrible now. The tactical value is almost nil since 90% of killers are running Iron Grasp now.

You'd get so much more value out of Calm Spirit or Iron Will.

I am embarrassed of my name/profile, I just don't like to advertise it my man. I know you could easily find out who I am, you could go onto his twitch and watch the vod (if he was even streaming) and see my name, I just don't like to show it that often.

>Iron Will

If it ever fucking worked with any amount of consistency.

Calm Spirit is good though I've been running it since I unlocked it. I just wish IW would work properly because it'd complete my sneaky fuck build

You realise you can change your Steam display name at any time, yeah? It doesn't have to be the same as your login game.

Yeah, I know this, I chose this name. I just don't like to advertise my steam profile. I am not fucking retarded.

>playing billy
>one of the survivors burns coldwind farm offering
>it works

That's not embarrassment then, that's just not wanting harassment.

now im gonna post your profile in this thread and also in any gay cyber threads haha you're gay now gayfer how's it feel big gay guy haha

oh noes xd, please don't my mommy will be madd

>tfw watching dwight struggle free and getting downed on the way out for twenty minutes

hurry up dude
I almost wish I hadn't broken those hooks for my daily now.

I already checked the guy's twitch, he's not saving VODs as far as I can tell.

Also quit being a pussy, my steam name is gay as fuck 12 year old tier and I post it here all the time

Hey I just wanted to let you guys know that I will be hook camping pretty hard next game.


I hope it's you on that hook.

At the behest of the depicted.

does that faggot ever use PTT or turn the tv off


nice watch dwight

Some of you guys are cool. Don't go to Coldwind Farm tomorrow.

How is this even possible? Wouldn't it require three hands?

Just use your toe for the stick.

I wonder if I can play this game with a driving wheel

>play billy for the first time
>you down people in one hit if you can read their movements or get in their butt
>most people are stupid predictable so chainsawing is easy
>that map crossing mobility
Holy fug I wish I listened sooner

i run:
saboteur, premonition, calm spirit, dark sense
posted about this last thread but lately i feel like i barely get any hooks at all. the point gain is pretty ass and isn't worth the trouble or time usually.

Are you aware that you can bind the look keys from left/right arrow to Q and E and that this allows you to steer better than with the mouse? And that multiple input methods stack for harder turns the devs never intended?

You can do sudden 90 degree angle turns after starting a chainsaw sprint.

>Be a lowly rank 20 killer just trying to have fun
>Get shit on
>2 of the survivors have 4 ultra-rare perks
well okay I guess that's fair

I don't really want to abuse a bug, but I appreciate the gesture.

Even if you don't want to stack, use the look key method. That's no bug.

Yes, entire team of jakes, and then they sperg out and call me a pussy in chat once they're all dead.

>tfw almost at optimal suicide medic build

I'm ready.

Shut the fuck up

quit telling people


please dont get discouraged, you'll rack up points regardless and get your own ultra-rare perks eventually. please keep playing!

What is problem?

God dammit, I wanted to play Billy but I'm not doing shit until I can reroll this shit garbage ass Mori daily.

>not leveling up Nurse enough to have a Mori

Do you have any idea how good Nurse's Calling is on Hillbilly?

>playing killer

All survivor mains go to the gas chambers soon.

I've been pumping Wraith / Jake respectively. Wraith is at 40 now since I didn't like leaving that unfinished, and Jake is 49.

All of my killers are 15-20 besides them, and it's moreso because the mori dailies are literally not fucking worth it. It's a 3k BP profit at best, and that's assuming you get a cypress and actually manage to kill the last guy before he hatches or whatever / use an ivory

>rank 2 4 pips
>hyped even tho rank 1 killer is just a badge stating you're not completely retarded
>full 4 man SWF, perfect end to the grind
>3 Jakes and 1 Claudette, all have toolboxes
>say a preemptive farewell to my hooks, put on Iron Grasp 3
>game starts as normal, they get 1 generator super fast cuz lol toolboxes
>spend 4 minutes looking around for more, all my hooks are still there and no other generators are started
>mfw i realise whats happenening
>in an instant, the other 4 generators are instantly done
>they escape swiftly
>nobody ranked up but they all stayed the same, i depiped


>not nuking the lobby if there's more than one toolboxfag
>not nuking the lobby if it's an SWF party all with medkits

I take all challenges. It's not like I'll derank as long as the game goes normally, I care exclusively about not dernaking and having fun.

If they're all running toolboxes you should know why. It's not because they really like breaking hooks.

kys Foxy

>have to surprise attack 15 survivors for a ritual
>face nothing but holy trinity meme teams who play the ultimate scummy survivor

just a little bit irked, just a little

>survivorbabbies will defend this
Two things that need to be fixed: the hatch and the meme trinity. Both are broken to their core and have to be removed.

Getting real tired of this shit. I went to the other side of the map and this dumb fuck still took like ten minutes to find it.

I agree, we must immediately nerf lightborn, deerstalker, and enduring to balance the game

I honestly do hate Deerstalker. It slows the game down to a fucking crawl.

>Enduring + Brutal Strength
I literally run into pallets to spook people.

Deerstalker could definitely use a nerf or rework, but so many other things on the survivor's side need to be nerfed/tweaked first.