No Man's Sky General - /nmsg/

News update 26/08:
- Absolutely nothing, Sean hasn't posted since launch

Most recent patch notes:

List of PC performance/crash fixes: (embed)

Button click hold remover:

Free flight:

x1000 range hyper drive:

Instagram Filter Remover:

Chromatic Aberration + Vignetting + Scan Lines Remover:

Annoying audio message remover:

Comfy Exosuit Voice

Immersive Space - Makes space easier on the eyes but conserves some nebula colour


How to get the Atlas passes:
>any building or alien that gives blueprints has a chance to drop any of the passes, including Polo
>most success reported from Operation Centres

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder: Your discoveries get deleted after two weeks.

experimental patch files for pirates when

Fuck off, thief.

Fuck off, dweeb.

be nice to each other in my thread

>implying this game is worth $60
this should have been a $20 indie pc title in its current state that maybe eventually got enough content and mechanics/systems updates that they polished it up for a AAA re-release and console ports, not this joke of a shitty rushed ps4 game ported clumsily to pc

>my thread
it's hot out, so why not indulge in a cool, refreshing cup of iced bleach?

Well I'm no longer on the fence about buying this one. trash.jpg

>Find an undiscovered blue star system in Euclid about 800ly away from the center.
>the central planet is snowy but covered in tall forests (without the mod) and Tyrannosaurs who are actually aggressive predators (they just have a headcrest) and these weird bipedal bug monster predators
>think wow this is a cool planet I should name my discoveries
>see this
>realize someone else probably found this planet within a day or two of launch and it's already been wiped of all memory of them

Fuck this game now.

somebody post the star color chart

second that

do you work at hello games?

Because I think stealing is wrong I must be an employee of the company?

Nice logic.

How about you try getting some Judeo-Christian morals?


Jews can steal from us goyim all the time, how come we can't steal from them?

>Get to center of Euclid Galaxy finally
>discover Hilbert Dimension
>CTD on initialize
>restart game
>do it again
>same thing 3x in a row.

>first galactic trading thing i come across
>called "Site 6-66s"

Are these numbers random?

nothing is random, there's just a lot of combinations

well, it's random in that it's largely unpredictable for the player, but the procedure will return the same combination of parts/names in the same place every time (sharing the same seed for the algos that generate everything)

I guess that's the point of the whole procedural idea, but they could have made the actual procedural elements a lot better by improving, expanding, and refining the rules (like make certain technologies have a higher association with certain races, animal and environment relationships, ship parts to system attributes, etc) and of course by developing more individual base parts and refining the way in which they are blended/combined (like say, applying the same skin texture and shit to an animal with squid parts and spider parts so you don't have something that looks like a frankenstein monster but just an improbable yet cohesive path of evolution)

though I wonder, what things ARE actually random? are the multi tool tech upgrade stations and word distribution always procedural or partly sequential? pure random every time you "roll" an upgrade? is anything in the game like that?

Your little names get wiped. Hahahaha.

Fraud is also wrong Sean, refund everyone.

>mfw theres a game dev that lied more than maxmaps from ksp

How is this shit even allowed? Jesus fuck.

I didn't play that game, what did he lie about?

comfy offline poorfag pirate masterrace here, 10 pages of discoveries and my original planet is still intact :^)

How long have you played for?

Constantly evasive for over a year on developer streams.
Played wow and lol during his 'work' hours.
Promoted from community manager to producer for whatever fucking reason.
Pushed the game out of early access into a beta period that was only beta for one update and a beta in name only.
Pushed the game to early full release before it was ready, and with heaps of bugs that still persist in a 'fully released' game to this day.
Left after it was released, to play wow and lol full time.

see what


I think it was the 12th that I first played, but I can't remember if this ended up being the same profile I used or if I started a new one a few days later, so possibly starting on the 15th, but no idea how many hours

from what I understand, people's shit getting removed is purely a server-side thing

kill you are self



Are those Bob Hazard games as gay as they look?

>can't find last species on planet
>visor shows pulsing white dots that don't disappear and spawn creatures even when standing right at them
so is the creature spawning just bugged? 5/6 species and I just want to leave this hellhole, I've given up on several 7/8 and 11/12 worlds because of this shit

Remember friends, this is the optimal ship setup. You want to maximize links on the better upgrades, because they get a +% bonus for each linked upgrade of the same family.

>when the last undiscovered species finally makes its appearance by ramming you in the face

Do you actually get to design your ship's appearance, or is it all predetermined? Seems like a lot of the ships I see posted look the same.

No you don't design your own. Just various combinations of models.

from what I saw last thread the math doesn't actually work out that way - it doesn't matter which upgrade tier has the link, what matters is maximizing the number of links for a given stat in that group

try it out with the boltcaster clip and you'll see what I mean, but I guess someone could verify this by comparing sets of identical ugprades but swapping the tiers around and just seeing if those bars actually move or not

the article about your discoveries being wiped after 2 weeks

You realize they changed the reddit op. They got wiped because they played before release. Game is shit, but you're lying about as bad as Sean

People are noticing it on Steam too.

I played on steam launch. My stuff is still there. Check your Internet and restart.

Seems like the circlejerk brigade is trying to will this particular outrage into being with no hard proof just anecdotal evidence. Might be true or might not be.

If it might be true, then there is no hard proof. All anybody has on this matter is anecdotal evidence. A lot of people are saying their discoveries are still there though.

Fastest way to make money? Also how to screenshot on pc; print screen and snipping tool don't work.


dynamic resonators

fill those two upper right slots you fucking whore

>Faggots going on about how shitty Sean is
>Nobody calls this fag out for not pastebinning this article


>dynamic resonators
how do you find Chrysonite easily enough? I rarely find see it.

Just played for 2 hours.
Shit game.

you find a space statino that buys them at +100% and then buy them at cost from the starships that land

Hahahahahahahahaahhahaha get good


usual methods or greenshot or m$ gvr app if you're in windowed, I can't get anything to work if I'm in fullscreen or borderless

very cold planets tend to have them, don't have to be ice or snow covered

scan planet from space mod when

Today's experimental patch made performance worse than yesterday's. Stuttering way more again.

Press c cuck

That doesn't do shit when im in space. I want to scan it and get the info about the planet (weather, flora, fauna)

they should have just straight up lifted the space-only exploration aspects from Elite Dangerous but that would have required real systems with actual orbiting, rotating, stellar bodies and tied in some basic meteo/geo/bio logical survey info to ship scanner tech

How long can you play a game before it's unrefundable on steam?

If I buy this, play for an hour, and decide it's jank, will I be able to get my money back?

I wish demos were still a thing.

2 hours

Black Hole navigation upgrade technologies fucking when?

if you want to test it why wouldn't you just pirate it?

Stardate 2387. Right after the destruction of Romulus.

Is it a proper refund, or does it just give you steambux?

too lazy to set up proxies or VPNs or whatever the heck you crazy kids do to keep your ass safe

plus I wouldn't know where to look



The 'Big Things' mod is making this game actually fun to explore. It just needs a mod to make thick forests and one to fix pop in.


there's no efficient way to make use of them. the object is to get as many connections as you can between like-upgrades... the top right two slots can only have two connections each

>too lazy to set up proxies or VPNs or whatever the heck you crazy kids do to keep your ass safe
there's no MPAA or RIAA for games you idiot

just move the two at the bottom there

I have questions.

1) Am I supposed to be able to recharge my ship's particle cannon with energy isotopes? Because I can't.

2) Does putting similar upgrades in adjacent slots give some kind of bonus?

if you do that, then your +4 and +3 upgrades don't get the maximum possible percentage boost from 4 connections each

I have the worst case of buyer's remorse I've ever had.

I seriously honestly think I had more fun with Spore than with this game.

Well, ready to travel. I know it's not optimal, it works fine for me.

I meant 4 connections for the +4, 3 connections for the +3

I literally know nothing about how or where to pirate games, user

The only thing I pirate is anime, and that has a ridiculously simple and safe torrent hub (nyaa)

It really does make it better

but it doesn't matter if it's the +1 or the +4 upgrade that's linked, I'm pretty sure because links bonuses to a stat just get added in as another multiplicative bonus no matter where they are - it would only matter because you'd be changing which stats receive the most bonus links, and wasting some because the base module doesn't seem to receive any benefits for links (so it should always be in the corner/edge if possible)

yes, but most people can't and it still functions fine

yes, see this thread

>yes, but most people can't and it still functions fine
Does it suffer reduced damage or anything?

desu I don't know, but with a full block of 9 upgrades it shreds anything and everything I've found, in some ships stuck at 0% and some stuck at 34% - I have to assume there is some penalty but I have seen no evidence of it

pretty sure some autist on reddit did the math and proved that each slot gets a % increase based on how many other like-upgrades are connected to it, meaning that you'd want to maximize connections on the higher upgrades

honestly, the difference isn't going to be noticeable, except when it comes to the warp drive

put the theta warp drive upgrade in the center of the "cross", as you will be able to travel further and reach the center of the universe faster (so nothing can happen, and you can start all over)

So like, upgrades are 'sigma' and 'theta' and 'tau' and so on.

I think Tau is the best. If I have unlocked tau, can I make multiple Tau items for my ship/tool or can I only have 1 of each kind?

unless it works differently for other stats (I tried with a few like shields etc and it seemed to hold up in terms of the bars reaching identical positions), the % increase is not effectively applied to the individual mod, but instead the total

I'd like to see it proven otherwise if that is the case, so I'll see if I can find what you're talking about on leddit

they're unique, and they usually progress sigma -> tau -> theta -> omega, but in a few cases the lowest level one has no "sigma" name, and only a couple of damage mods have omega levels, and while it's usually +1 +2 +3 +4 in some cases the sigma/lowest level is +2

Well I just found two planets that touch each other..
I'd post a pic if I wasn't on PS4.

move the warp reactor

Maybe that worked..

do you not literally have a button on your controller for this?

This thread is full of so much pain, misery and sadness.

I'm just sad about that guy who calls anyone who has pirated the game a 'thief'

Holy shit, thanks

I wish to god I had pirated it. Oh how I wish I had. I just HAD to feel like I was supporting a relatively indie developer though and fucking hell I got burned so bad over it.
looks like it really only alludes to the T-shape (for 6 connections), which is ideal if you can't make a square (for 8 connections), each individual connection from one upgrade seems to offer a 3.75% bonus

thus why in that spreadsheet screenshot, the +1 with 3 links with +2 and +3 each with 1 has the same total effect as +1 and +2 with 1 link and +3 with 3

i wish i could use it myself. anymore i'm only getting like 25fps, even with no shadows

a lot of these mods would be great if the game wasn't terribly optimized

can't wait for the actual ship and multi-tool seed previewer program

>a lot of these mods would be great if the game wasn't terribly optimized
This so much. If there were no hiccups, I would be enjoying myself much more.
But I believe that the game's performance will certainly improve in the future.
I might actually buy this game on Steam.



Whatever you fucking do, DO NOT pay for a copy of it.

Never before have I seen a devteam more deserving of bankruptcy.