/wtg/ - War Thunder General

historically accurate edition

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>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

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>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

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first for benis :DDD


The most used vehicle by the British was the sherman
.Citation - Teamspeak

Same amount of bombersin both teams when?

fourth for accidentally memeing on hunters


>RB mixed battles

why do these exist now that markers are gone? I don't want to have to search for a blue nametag to make sure I'm not about to friendly fire a fucker, I just want to shoot everything belonging to every nation that isn't my own

dva skin for il-28 where

arcade is the place for you, shitter!

>complain about visID being difficult because of shit mixed battles
>makes me a shitter

literally what

slav jets are so fucking ugly

just like you lmao


Why is low br much more fun than high br?

Is the Brummbar any good?

>you fight against weaker planes
>you're more likely to fight less skilled opponents
>bombercancer is nonexistent

>Top scoring player on my team : 4 kills
>Top scoring player on slav team: 9 kills

Every time. I was the top scoring player and we won. Ground forces needs a fucking overhaul, I shouldn't need to camp the spawn just to have a chance at winning


>commanding a Tiger in Steel Fury
>supporting a motorized rifle group in attacking a town
>pull up ahead of the halftracks and start to plink at T-34s from 2km out, all return fire is ineffective and what does manage to hit me just rattles the crew a bit
>slowly advancing forward alongside the troops, MGs chattering nonstop
>constantly alternating between HE to put on troop concentrations and field guns, and AP for dealing with the armor

More objective-based ground forces content fucking when

like legitimately all you'd have to do for something like that is slap some AI-controlled halftracks down and make one team defend them until they got to a point, the other team attacking them



no its one of the worst prem tanks in the game atm

And what would be one of the best premium tanks atm?

None of them. If you want fast RP gains you talismen tanks as you go. Plus it's cheaper and can give just as much rp gain.

strv 81, tiger 2 sla, t29
slavs have no tier iv premiums worth mentioning. Maybe T-34-100, but
>T-34 at 6.7

Strv 81 because it gets high af zoom and its essentially a Cent Mk.3 with 600mm fuck you ATGMs at 6.7
the T29 is extremely strong
KV-2 (Zis-6) is my personal fav tho its a KV 2 with more pen and shorter reload but will still onehit pretty much everything

What have been mentioned but the T-34-100 and T-44-122 are very solid, top 3 tier IV russian tanks with T-44.

t29 is a 6.7 that can pen maus cheeks with apbc

because you club noobs

>T-34 at 6.7
Not a problem because >getting hit.
Otherwise it is a racecar with ridiculous turret traverse and best russian gun at its tier.

>KV-2 without derp and still huge turret

>actually using the HE
again : it has more pen and shorter reload but the APHE still has ~440 grams of TNT iirc which will OHKO anything anyways

You're still using a subpar gun on an apartment complex rather than using a normal tank that can do just as good if that's how you want to play.

How is the first of the long barrel panzer IIIs? The J1 or whatever the fuck it is- the one with the kwk39

is that gun high enough velocity to snipe with? or should I stop grinding that tree once I unlock that panzer III and just go for the F2 and that based kwk40?

every german line is good except casemates

>except casemates

I dunno I fuck shit up in the StuG, but then it's battle rating means you're going up against reserve tanks and shit

the gun is great for that tier and with a aced max vitality crew the KV 2 is stupidly hard to kill + the reload of the Zis barely goes up even when only two crew member are left so you can afford to trade now and then

It's fun, until you start getting uptiered. F2 will probably perform better as you move up.

The Jagdpanther is based kraut tonk of mobility and destruction
Panther line is total shit until you hit the Panther II, which is amazing and leads to the Leo
The Tiger IIs are decent. Maus is worthless now with ATGMs so don't bother getting it.
The open top TD line is good if you like big guns, no mobility/armour and eventually want ATGMs.

burmmbars fucking fun as dicks, don't listen to that other wanker

>The Jagdpanther is based kraut tonk of mobility and destruction
Not anymore if it ever was. 6.3 is a shit BR.

>kill a bunch of tanks
>j out
>mfw i cuck out my acefags from the topscore and enemies from my kill

>I am literally a child


so did gajooble ever do anything with that infantry shit they had in the game briefly? Like, I remember you could do some fuckery and spawn infantry in custom battles

No and thank god. This isn't CoD.

>not wanting to have actual infantry threats to face in a tank
>not wanting to have your coax MG actually be worth shit
>not wanting a bit more realistic gameplay over shitty KotH shit

Go on back to /bf4g/ kid

>AI infantry will make it CoD

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew lad this is some shitposting like I've never seen.

>drive past a bush
>drive past a house
>drive past and alleyway
>drive past a ditch
>drive past a letterbox

No thanks.

Should i buy Men of War 2?

just got three kills on this thing in one go
am i ace yet?

with mods its pretty fun

actually, please stay

is there a place where i can find europeans to play SB with ? im starting to love this mode

Actual balance.

Possibly the easiest way.

ded gaem


Eh with tanks?

I usually go with Porky's P-39 at 3.0
or wreak havoc in a 190A5

Someone had mentioned they use the Yak3p, though the bad thing with that is how often you have to face against Jap underdogs in that tier.


Literally ok, yak. Get killed any time.

>off-topic, unrelated cancerposting

>j-ing out and cucking faggots makes you a child
You don't belong here, cancer.

>play KV-1B 756
>see T-34-85
>angle tank
>tovarish )))
>the round nukes everything inside

>see Sherman 76mm
>angle tank
>put a shell inside it
>whimp ass round does shit inside
>76mm fires
>APCR goes straight to my angled hull and OHK everything inside

Ok, what the fuck is happening

Im not even angling this shit anymore because everything pens no matter what. This shit is so overtiered.

Not saying i want to club 3.7s but god damn 5.0 with a KWK 40 is hard as fuck.

>fire 20mm """"high" """"""explosive""""""""" ""fragmentation"" """incendiary""" rounds at a spacefire
>get a few Hits))))) and nothing else
>does a 10^6 G turn and oneshots my entire fucking plane

Welcome to warthunder, where armor doesn't matter, only your capability to
a. reload really fast
b. oneshot stuff with a nuke round
c. go really fast and flank the whole enemy team


if i'm attacking a bomber from behind in a dive in a P-47 should I aim for the cockpit, wings, or engine?

The engine in the wings.

Wings and engine, especially on larger bombers to light fires or damage the wings enough to have it roll over and fall.

Attacking wings and engines is most effective because many bombers won't be able to stay airborne with a severely damaged wing and one engine out on the same side, and you also have a better chance of setting fires. On the other hand, you'll probably have a much higher overall hit % if you just rake the center of mass which can kill gunners/piltos, break control linkages, and start fires. You need to weigh your personal ability to aim for engines and hit them against the much easier choice of just shooting the fuselage until you hit enough important things.

why do american planes crash all the time in SB? are they prone to crash more?

confirmation bias

Now i got pilot sniped by a hispano

In my IL2 with my pilot at max health

Why am i playing this again

because you suck and require russian bias to carry you

>why did a supersonic 130-gram explosive projectile kill my human character when it hit him?
dunno lol

do you have any idea how big a 20mm round is

>implying USA isn't the most normalfag nation to play by all kinds of shit pilots worldwide

You're a retard, go back to WoWP.

>>implying USA isn't the most normalfag nation to play by all kinds of shit pilots worldwide

>implying it isn't germany whose players have been brainwashed by films and documentaries to believe the luftwaffe was the most amazing thing ever



do you have any idea how big that is

90% of documentaries about WW2 are glorifying USA since most documentaries come from there
also normalfags like playing as the "good guys" as proven by CoD4 stats where only like 30% of people played the bad guys ever

Yes, 20mm is like the size of my non-erect penis

What am I in for?

imagine if your non-erect penis travelled air at a speed of over 800m/s

its a big one
i unlocked it but never bought it

>flying yak
>getting chase by something russian
>p47 near me shooting it
>im baiting the russian thing so the clapper can kill it
>he, instead, decided to crash so he could respawn with rockets and bombs and no waste time landing
>he gets killed
>i crash do to no speed

>also normalfags like playing as the "good guys" as proven by CoD4 stats where only like 30% of people played the bad guys ever
How? The game tosses you into a random team.



skip it

so should I just go for the E/L or -G

or just not do clap bombers entirely?

i guess it doesn't matter, it doesn't take much to research the next one but the later 2 are better despite higher BR

>Early BR
>Bombers tend to climb high and stay there
>Late BR
>Bombers go full retard and charge bases at low altitudes
I don't know how Arcade battles get more retarded as the BR gets higher.

it's because at high BR people are just going for fast RP with minimal effort to ease the endless module grind

Alright, that makes sense.

>early BR
>fighter climb rates are low enough that bombers can drop before fighters can reach them
>late BR
>fighter climb rates are so high that fighters will always intercept bombers before they can drop their bombs
I wrote this whole thing out regarding RB before I realized you were talking about >edacra

>imagine if your non-erect penis travelled air at a speed of over 800m/s
it would be extremely painful

you're a biground

how many 500lb clapper bombs does it take to take out a base?

Fucking whatever

I only got to kill a Ki-44 and a Ki61 while all the 100s on their team did whatever the fuck they want

>it's that day when everybody in your team for the next 10 rounds is too scared to capture areas.

8 hours and we haven't broken 100 posts.

Is /wtg/ finally ded again?

People only come in to shitpost about botes these days.

angle of armor matters, because game does RNG bounce first, and real armor effectivness (thickness + normalization) only after that.

Oh yeah, I forgot that. For fuck's sake, Gaijin doesn't even know how armor works.

hello my friends. havent played in a little while. have they added any new maps or missions in the past few months or are they busy making bad boats to sell

thank you for the shitpost bump