League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best girl. edition

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I want to RAPE Riven!

Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my life

recommend me some good animu to watch

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

Watch the Tsukihime anime.

xth for rumble and wanting to kill yourself

boku no pico


Can't really waste nonexistent resources.

why is yasuo top tier again?
pls no

Xth for poopy


xth for news

mob psycho

So I was talking with some friends who are silver/gold and they find it weird that I never play tanks. Is it really that weird? I main top then mid/adc.
>my most played and rank

How would you propose making Morde not a shit juggernaut without encroaching on the others niches? He has to have something unique to be worth picking despite his complete lack of mobility in any way shape or form

Xth for memes.

Will someone be ADC while I support them? I don't have friends.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Outlaw Star.

Reminder Kled has three thousand thirty-five base health at level 18

I miss Graves poster.

Night of The Final Day.
-12 Hours Remain-

Too late
Already have.

>do poorly in lane because of bad matchup and jg camping
>team simply just says i'm bad and offers no advice to help improve

why do people do this

it's like they want to be grouped with shitty players so they can think they aren't the problem. did i nail it or no

Mordekaiser's shield should start decaying after 5 not 2 seconds

What's the supposed design philosophy behind gnar? he just does everything.

>i fucking love smurfing and wrecking n00bs

feels so good man

dude yordle lmao

Is it just me or does he feel useless late game?
So I fed him early but I just outscaled him and he couldn't do anything late game. Or is it just because kayle scales like a god or was he just a bad kled?

I want to rape Riven after we're married and financially secure!


real good

kayle scaling is silly and he had a shit build, and grasp is awful on him

>hypercarry outscaled a bruiser that built dumb shit
But then again so did you. Don't ever build defensive items on Kayle again or I'm gonna come fuck you up irl.

So what do you take on him decree?

It look legitimately good, teamfights are somewhat weak though

Isn't that just a GA component? I guess Rylais is stupid on Kayle anyway.

How do i lane against kled, /lolg/ he fucks me up every time

Pick gnar or jayce

Because after 40mins death times are very long.

No, but you die waaaaayyy too much

depends on if you are a submissive cumslut

Don't fight him when his W is up.

Fervor because he stacks it super fast
Thunderlords if you're going ad caster
SotA for obvious reasons

I'd lean towards fervor probably

Just play Noxian Nights!

for the last 6 games I started doing something new. I jungle, but I start enemy opposite side buff every game. I won 6 in a row. I never expected 1 buff stolen to be enough to tilt 6 teams in a row

how fucked am i

Wait for him to whiff a q and have his w be down then trade

That was a spicy Jhin flash.

Wait until his w is down then trade

That's another reason I'm plat and not diamond. I'm trying to work on that and my csing.

Reminder that he is STILL dogshit even with this.

He's supposed to be a lane bully by design but gets fucked by every single meta top laner.

>Kind of burned out from video games in general
>So bored I'm actually excited for school
>Even looking for a job so I can gamble in mobile games
Help I'm going full normie. If I get a gf it's over.

shitter here

I have a silver 5 account that I'm trying to climb with by playing ADC. Who do I ban so that my support doesn't feed?

I wanna start a family with leona!

Not even minimal effort



6.17 Patch Notes:

Latest PBE Update:

hey reddit

Yeah he's total ass without farm

tight demacian women with fertile wombs

Bretty good.

Very good chance he becomes a competitively viable pick depending on his matchups. Pros love their pushing power for "muh tempo"

hello waifufaggot

>build rabadon or phantom dancer instead
>press R
>kill the entire enemy team during your invisibility
GA is stupid on carries. If it gets popped it means the enemy team fucked you up and they will just do it again after you revive.

Bard most low elo bards are trash and will just leave you in a 1v2 lane.
Pic is from my mostly adc smurf.

How do I make this champion work? I could kind of play her before her rework, as an assassin, but since she can't delete carries with her ult anymore, how is she supposed to be played?

they said it was too much mr for one item (even though today's banshee has the same mr) and only a few champions used it (blatant lie).

It was just an op item and Riot was in its phase of deleting things.

Blitzcrank every day

Good luck I hope she's maternal you marry and have many cute babies!







Split push, gank, and not actually fight anyone unless you have the numbers advantage. You are a fast bitch. You go in sass a land and get out and be in another lane before they can respond. Your speed is your weapon use it well.

I'd rather start a family with Kindred 2bh, but hey you do you.

>GA is stupid on carries
What is teamplay and what is your rank?

adult night school right

Hand over the gold and no one gets hurt.

good night lolg

>Kill lane opponent, go roam

How do people fuck it up? He has shackleshot and a speed boost, he can reposition for days.

Not that user, but I'm married and am going back to school. Got some good LSAT and going to law school.

played my boy for old times sake before he gets his rework and got my first penta on him

remember yorick mori

Sounds like she would still be better off with an armor pen build then, despite what her recommended items say. It says to build IE, like what the hell is she going to do with that item?

why is arcade ahri so fucking hot holy shit

Grasp of the Undying or Fervor on Kled?

pls respond

So about that Galio update/rework....

I'd like a small buff to E's ratios. But the best way to help Morde not be so shit is to buff or change to the MS increase he gets with his W. Other melee with no dashes champs get around with MS steroids but Morde's is kinda shitty with his relying on going to the direction of W's target, works in lane with minions but after that it's meh

Kennen going WEEEEEEEEEE when he uses ball of cocaine no jutsu just cracks me up.

fervor or warlords

Teamwork doesn't exist in solo queue at any rank.
Here's how GA works in Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master and Challenger:
1. Buy it at 40 minutes
2. "Group mid"
3. Somebody gets caught
4. Die twice
5. Defeat

I don't play her personally so I don't know I just know how she's played and what the ones that were scary did to make them a threat. I don't recall what builds they were using though. I'd try them both out and see which one fits how you play more.

Because it looks like a man. Riot is testing the waters for a trap champ I swear.

here look for one second.

Aria, ykk, usagi drop, honey and clover, time of eve

Hey /lolg/, how do I into k6? He's fun to play but I'm trash with him. Any advice on how not to suck would be greatly appreciated.

your Q+Smite is a shitton of damage if you time it well, you can pretty much have a 1.7k-2k damage smite late
build is subjective but you want 10% CDR, you can either get it from runes or cdr boots (i prefer runes). my build is warrior > youmuu > deaths dance > maw > hydra with boots somewhere inbetween
and you can win almost every isolated fight, but without isolation you're pretty useless

For champs that wear stockings / pantyhose such as maid nidalee, bb riven, popstar ahri, etc, do you think they wear the kind that just covers the foot, or do you think they wear the kind that covers the individual toes as well

I need to know this.

Parasyte turned out to not be edgy shit like Tokyo Ghoul, so I was happy despite the last arc feeling like it was out of a mediocre VN.

Otherwise go for Darker than Black. Chinese Electric Batman never disappoints. There is no season 2, don't be fooled.

Literally all Galio needs is mana cost reductions and he'd be a viable champ

That just makes him cancer who permapushes the wave and can't be killed and wins trades for free, which is the exact reason he got reworked in the first place.

Straight damage to shield conversion is literally the main reason Morde is not allowed to be anything even approaching good.

C9 wins tomorrow boys.

You sound just like a silver post your rank or everyone will just disregard this as basic slander. All I will say is teamwork has to exist to some degree at the core this is a team game.

Go watch Rush's recent broadcast. He played k6 you'll learn everything you need from him. most of finding about k6 is when you can go in and iso ranges

>Darker than Black
oh shit this was my jam back in the day
wtf was the second season anyway? did i need to watch the OVA beforehand or some shit?
>but you want 10% CDR
40%*, the 5% CDR mastery is subjective

My votes goes to the ones that just covers the foot.

tomorrow is imt vs clg.

c9 vs tsm will be on sunday.

OVA makes S2 easier to understand what the fuck is going on
Also it makes S2 look even worse because OVAS wer fuckin A+++ while S2 had only 2 decent episodes