League of Legends General - /lolg/

auTiSM edition

Jhin BEST husband

>Supp main
>Get tired of always babysitting retards and team not following up on trades
>Fuck this I'm going to be a carry now
>Start playing Teemo, Evelynn, Volibear, Akali and Tahm top
>Great asset to the team, big plays, usually pretty fucking fed and almost no deaths during laning face up to late game.
>Late game starts
>Same problems i had with supp
>But now the supps are retards who picked fill and can't support for shit


Also first for rage

Lux>>>>Ahri>>piece of shit>>riven>>>>>>>>>other harlots

Are there really 20k fans that can stand watching reckful's lvl 15 skill gameplay?

You lose too much damage off of it. Talon has a really easy time procing it because two of his spells double hit. Talon also doesn't really have an escape plan and stormraiders doesn't fix that so it's pretty worthless as an escape tool. It's real use on him is for chasing down targets that got away from the first round of his burst, but they may not have gotten away at all if you just took thunderlords. Talon kind of has just exactly enough damage to kill people most of the time, so you're really playing the odds if you miss out on damage.

I miss Graves poster.

xth for Quinn

Best girl.
Best feet.
Best wife.

That is his usual fanbase + there is no good stream at this times (usually sneaky but he isn't there because obvious reasons)

This. Best girl and also part of best otp

>deleting your post because of a fucking comma


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I miss graves poster too
I have a folder of Jhin pics but i can't postem, guess it's good for image limit.

/lolg/, what champion should I grind to platinum with that isn't a support or yasuo?

xth for the comfiest of foxes.

I got to plat this season mostly playing Lulu, Skarner and Aurelion Sol.

delete this

I'll play Aurelion sol then. I suck at Lulu and I only jungle with AFK level easy champions like Warwick and Rammus.

are any of these good? havent played since may

that's not lux x Garen's love interest

yes all three

Sion's not great right now, Graves is ok, GP just got nerfed but he's still alright.


When's the Warwick rework scheduled to come out?

how hard is it to get an S in hexakill?

you can't get tokens in meme modes if that's what you're shooting for

if you opponent is an inbreed monkey maybe

6.18 (next one) will be worlds
6.19 warwick
6.20 new champion
6.21 - 24 the spiralling decent of madness that is and will be preseason 7

* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ

No i'm trying to get a chest
though it's not like i will ever get another key given how slow it is now

Wouldn't it be easier to just say Yasuo main


i remember farming mastery in URF

>6.21 - 24 the spiralling decent of madness that is and will be preseason 7
dont forget Assassin Meta brake and buff to AD

well in my experience it's way easier to get chests on summoners rift while playing with some premades

yeah there was a window before, but they removed token from meme modes/aram/TT at the same patch they made adjustments to aram items, whenever that was

>implying the assassin rework wont be part of send us spiralling down into madness that is and will be preseason 7

Considering LB is getting her silence back on empowered Q and Talon gets 1.2 seconds of Invis on kill with ulty its going to be a wild fucking ride son

>people still in denial about yasuo

LB gets her passive as an active and katarina get yasuo tier multi blink jump cause FUCK RIOT

and the bitch stills manaless

>we lost this
2 inhibitors down
all they had to do was listen to me
the guy who's fucking carrying their shitty mid and bot asses
the guy who's one shotting katarina and ezreal
all they had to do was push top while I destroy anybody who defends bot and mid
but noooooooo
this fucking leblanc who cant even kill anyone with her full combo, ASSUMING SHE CAN ACTUALLY DO IT, went bot because lololololwerewinning
we got wiped and they got baron but thats fine because now its 3 inhibitors down
does this fucking leblanc go back to defend the base?
she wants to do pokesies against ez
on the fucking lane with a zrot on it
and this fucking mf
holy shit why would you ult in lane
just go behind our perfectly healthy mid tower and ult from there
holy shit im mad

Any EUNE supports wanna play with Plat V adc?

denial in what sense??

>yasuo players always feed

if dubs this guy will get diamond

>Easyhoon, a world champion can't defeat literal WHOs in China

So can we agree that SKT won S5 just because of the dumb juggernaut patch who fucked everyone and not because they were good?

>report ez for massive trashtalking
>go to lolg to vent frustrations
>come back
>see this

the 48% that dont wins.. does feed.

its black or white with that shit, not in between.

people playing him are either mains that master him or try hard kids that try 1 vs 5 all fight just to get melted

user, Shaco's winrate hasn't dropped below 50 in a couple of years. But motherfucker every single one you see feeds. Same deal with Yasuo.

tbf that was the entire team shitting the bed in g4 up like 5-10k gold
but to say SKT wasn't good in S5 wc is just wrong, you can argue that they weren't AS good as people think they are because of the patch but they were still the best team there (which could just mean the best 16 teams were just bad overall)

I think I've lost every game i've played as jungle against Shaco since I entered plat

>when you stomp your lane
>and the enemy laner still wins

worst feeling desu

Hey guys, relatively new to League (handful of months) Main support, have a few (4) rank7s... And I started ranked today. So far I'm 6w/1l.

op.gg says I'm likely to be placed in Gold 3. Would you say this is accurate? Do newer accounts (no ranked history) get placed that high?

>So can we agree that SKT won S5 just because of the dumb juggernaut patch who fucked everyone and not because they were good?

Where do I find a smol cute adc main who knows that they're nothing without my thick and massive tank/support skill.

Shaco and Yasuo are quite similar IMO. The ones I usually have on my teams are braindead feeders. When they're picked on the enemy team they seem to be gods with the champion.

do they still do chat restrictions? i've never got one and I never hear anything about them

new accounts start with mid-silver elo. If you stomp your placements you'll often get gold. Usually if you go 6-4.

Seems about right. Where ever you do end up getting placed you'll probably shift to where you belong in about 25 games.

im pretty sure the highest you can get on a new acct is gold 1 or plat 5

if you go on a streak in the beginning its pretty likely you will get gold

Picking Ezreal should be a bannable offense

>be shitty player
>accidentally get fed
>game suddenly rests on your shoulders
>the disheartened team chat when you let them down

I never asked for this

literally just happened to me but we were all ad so it was inevitable.

why? hes literally the safest ad

>No Gunblade

Anyone here will be in Krakow tis weekend?

>playing with friends
>tfw youre the weakest link and others get constantly S ranks,carry the game and shit

At least I get free chests

Assasin gutting when? I want to know my deadline to stop playing this game

Hey does anyone have any tips for akali in this meta right now? I'm trying to do a thing with getting champ mastery 5 for all champs A-Z and no matter how good I do in lane with akali (which is still amazingly easy, I do understand that) I get dumpstered in teamfights because I'm squishy and I can't jump into the backline to delete people because when I do I get deleted also.

>Assasin gutting when?
only rengar is getting gut

Leburst is getting buff, Katarina is getting buff, talon is getting buff

and knowing riot, they are gonna buff AD items for assassins that will translate in a overall buff to all AD champs.


windspeaker or thunderlord on lulu?

you build Tank akaly with gun blade

Gunblade, Zhonnya, Ry, Boots of swiftness, Rabaddo, Sheen.

if you are getting too overpowered, get Guardian Angel instead of Sheen.


rember user "burst is toxic"
theyre going to be made into shitty bruisers

What pros/games play vladimir at the top overall level? Looking for specific games to watch ideally. Watching huhi play vlad is atrocious, his microplay is worse than a fucking silver's.

this is league of tanks

everything devolves into bruisers...except Mages

who else here /farmaholic/?

that feeling when you're 3-5 levels ahead of everyone and stomping is great

More like league of trinity force, tanks themselves are getting all their power from somewhere

Another good alternative is league of armor pen, crit seems to be built on literally 5 champs now

>new ad items

my body is ready

So where the protobelt and glp (freeze beam thing) good addition to the game? Protobelt seems to be a good pick on several champs but I barely see anyone use the GLP. It's like they both have the intention of getting your opponent closer to you when you're chasing but protobelt actually gets you there

>tfw this
>tfw your friends who never played League before are starting to get better than you after over 4 years of playing

who is reckful

pro WoW player who won the big blizz tourney then became a very popular hearthstone streamer and now coming back to WoW with the new xpac soon and started playing League last week

wow, its like im playing heroes of the storm

What the fuck, i'm getting instant matches

Are you in EUW or something?

i had to wait 15 mins for a ranked silver match, EUW.


How's Quinn doing these days? Thinking of picking her up again. Still competent top/jungle?

GLP is amazing on Au sol

Is TSM the annual western hope that eventually gets demolished by Koreans?

Protobelt is good and meta.
glp is just bad protobelt

protobelt is great on a lot of champions
idk who would want glp other than sol

yeah she's ok
I have liked her since release so I play her regardless

this will take some time

lul same problem i love euw (french = feed)

what will

all champs lvl 5

>reckful has been playing for like 9 days
>better than half the people in bronze

>people get stuck here for multiple seasons


oh yeah I was going for that too, except without playing shit champions.
Definitely a long way off.

he's actually god awful though

except with zac jungle for some reason. he's probably silver with that shit.

I opened a random box and got dark star thresh shard. Why do people like it so much?

>ass ass in rework listed before warwick