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Ode to Pon Pon sub edition


>when you realize you've spent years playing this shit game


Fatalis is fun on Izanami, your 1 become a mini Anhur ult.

>worded it and said as he only just got the k9 skin
>explain it will have been quite a while when the t5 comes out
>'h-he still has a lot of skins'

Okay kid. Nice backpeddling. Next time use your brain. By your logic it would be worse if sol got the skin since she only 'recently' got a limited, which isn't even exclusive.

This whole argument you're trying to start is retarded. Your autism must be flaring up or whatever, I was complaining about the skin and you're here yapping about the time frame a skin was released. Just re-read these comments or something lad
>damage control
>something something low intelligence

me on the left

>you're here yapping about the time frame a skin was released.

That was you. You are the one who started that entire conversation about k9 being 'recent'. Keep pretending that didn't happen. Maybe you should delete that post, it might help ;)

me on the right


Hou Yi

i've spent over 3 years making content for this game and i still do, for free. i don't know if i'm too passionate about this game, of if i'm a fucking idiot. maybe i'm both


Ama or Merc


>Devo's loki
Oh come on..

>beer nu wa and bun bun nox are both exclusive chest skins

Most skins are going to be in a chest.

What the fuck is wrong with matchmaking

Forced 50/50

Fucking baka

Remember when those boots weren't a meme for like 1 patch and then they were nerfed into the ground.

Good ol' hirez.

So what's the best role for Izanami? ADC seems a bit risky because she can't melt tower and box as efficicently as other hunter.
But she has very good clear so I could see her work in mid or jungle, what would be better?

>20k FP for last reward
hello? is this true?

You still have 5 months to do it.


Plus there will still be a few double fp events too. Relax, plenty of time.



>haven't played arena in awhile
>give it a shot because I keep getting shit teams anyway
>everyone buys frenzy and is constantly popping it, not even in fights

What the fuck? Is this new?

So how is Susano hard to play?

He pulls you, kills you and teleports out of everyones reach in 1 second.

Just had a Arena game where a Susano player went 42/1 this is ridiculous.

Dude only teleported once and I had to use sprint, bling and my dash to reach him as Jing Wei and get that 1 kill.

How do you hard counter this motherfucker and when does he get his well deserved nerf?

Same class, but no

>How do you hard counter this motherfucker
Cripple fuck him hard, in Arena just pick Ares and learn how to land your shackles.

>when does he get his well deserved nerf
He was already nerfed and doesn't need another one.

Are you playing with literal coma patients on your team? How the fuck anyone gets to 42 kills is ridiculous, your team must have been so shite.

Post the match recap please.

Don't see why she can't ADC, she has an ability made for boxing. People have been saving she can jungle apparently.

What? Seriously? HiRez is going maximum jew this year, I expected them to end with 15k like last year, and that's about how much I ought to end up with by the end of season. Are they seriously expecting me to drop 3k gems just to get to the last reward? Is it a Fafnir skin btw?

>Are they seriously expecting me to drop 3k gems just to get to the last reward?

Is this bait? Why are you spending money on points? I have 13k points from just betting on spl and playing the game.

Fafnir skin is at 16k after that it's only undying chest at 17 and 20k

I'm currently on 14k, and i don't even play that much. You still have a long ass time. We actually get more rewards, and basically for free!

woah... so this... is the power of... the pc

>5 gems have been deposed to your account

>'hirez add more rewards to the ticket already you jews'
>more rewards added
>'wtf hirez why are you adding in all this you fucking jews expecting me to play smite'

>Are they seriously expecting me to drop 3k gems just to get to the last reward?

Oh then fuck it, I can live without some shitty recolors and I like orbital strike much more.
I don't spend money on points but I might have had to should they lock some skins behind ridiculous amount of fp.
Also I'm at 8.4k right now and that's why I assume that I'm going to be around 15k by end of the season.

>Also I'm at 8.4k right now and that's why I assume that I'm going to be around 15k by end of the season.

You have an entire year to get there. There's still five months to go. It's not anyone but your own fault if you can't get that much. Crying jews over that like a little bitch makes you look petty.

Hirez are jews when it comes to certain things but the season ticket really isn't one of them.

Season 2's ticket didn't actually start until part-way into the season, you've got longer to do this one so of course it would have more points.

People as retarded as you are the reason why the smite subreddit and it's incredibly stupid yet popular opinions are still relevant. I wish you people were the jews, so that you could be sent to concentration camps.

PonPon please stay calm.

>you are the reason why the smite subreddit and it's incredibly stupid yet popular opinions

But r/smite and smgen have pretty much the same opinions.

I wouldn't know because I don't go to reddit, faggot.

Well, it's true though.

>Fafnir new skin [VVGG] says easy game
>Fafnir new skin [VVGR] says easy life
I will fucking spam that every kill.

do different hunters have faster arrow velocity or something, it seems easier to hit autos with certain gods ?

define content
this should be good

Futa fapfiction

No, gods with longer basic attacks are easier to trace, and it makes your basic attacks easier to predict and hit. Same shit has been tested IRL with tracer rounds, and it apparently improves accuracy.

Wait, different hunters actually have different ranges on their basics? I thought they were all the same except for when xbal used his ult.

Not really. Reddit's oppinions are completely uninformed and downright absolutely retarded, but because of hirez using that shithole as an official forum all those years ago that opinion has far more relevance than it should have (none). i really wish they never did that, smite would be a great game if it wasn't for reddit.

>i really wish they never did that, smite would be a great game if it wasn't for reddit.

Not really.

not ranges, the actual arrow.

Not really, it's the same bunch of retard arena mains, but I guess it's different here now since we can't have discussion going beside console war or whatever FOTM shitposting.

I was actually playing a shitty athena build similar to this one not too long ago. Did pretty well but it was in joust mostly.
Urchin, boots, warlocks, gem of iso, ethereal staff, and rod of tahuti
People never expect dmg from guardians and when you hit squishies for over 1k dmg with her combo it's pretty funny and having super high hp slightly remedies the lack of any tank items

Not something I'd do as a support obviously but still good for a joke

>thanatos tryhards

>i discovered that khepri has a mouth and isnt just a voice you can hear

i am absolutely devastated


>he bo
>hun nigger monkey batz
>sun other nigger monkey wukong
>ama chinky bitch
>baka dindu hindu
>scylla nigger bitch
>thanatos edgy tips fedora no god allowed cunt faggot
>chronos i am mage and hunter too lmao balanced
>chang'e 5 second ult cooldown
>bastet press 4 to win
>janus 10 billion escapes gay robot
>chicken shit ra
>hou go fuck yourself yi
>nu wa
>ah faggot puch
>skadi cunt

lots of images you see very often among other things

now now user, cant assume that he uses his mouth just to talk

could always pretend it's telepathy


gay as hell


SPL in 10 minutes, HFM vs Fantstique

Oh hey Cedargrove

yes I'm sure Hirez appreciates your scribbly lewds that look like something a puberty hormone stricken 7th grader would doodle in his notebook then beat off to in the bathroom stall

what a crime that you don't get paid, what a martyr you are

Yotsuba scylla fucking WHEN

wheres the smtie discord

You sitting in lane and hear a ping on your map, check your wards but the second you do you hear hydra-media.cursecdn.com/smite.gamepedia.com/5/5c/Susano_Ability_2a.ogg


>No picture of Awilix and Chang'e showing off their moons


Pull a "Surprise" to "Step aside" because I was serqet all along.

Numerically speaking, between level 1 and level 5, who has the absolute best tower absorbing potential? Cabraken?

>haven't played cuckquest since I started playing smite
>decide to play a couple of games in the MOTD since it doesnt lower SGS
>first game its a meme team vs a rank X ao, he bo, neith and bachus
>second game is a meme team vs the same fucking he bo and ao
>third game I call mid but some spanish-spamming guy with mexico in his name locks ah puch anyway
>our neith goes 1-12 within the first 10 minutes
>our bachus dc at around 15 minutes
>enemy team is made of dumb niggers who keep trickling in one by one while our nigs keep dying one by one
>I was chang'e but no one built anti heal
>65 minutes later we finally lose

Yeah. call me clash or joust nigger or whatever. Now I know why they call it cuckquest.

In the OP

clash is objectively superior to conquest.

Games take on average as long as conquest 20/25 minutes but they are full of action and fun.

Conquest has its good things like bigger lanes and a big jungle, i like wandering between lanes but clash is just more fun.

conquest is fine and everyone complaining about it are shitters who can't carry

>caring about your SGS
You should just not care about it. Just play the game and where you settle you settle. Scummy shit like avoiding modes and hiding your profile is in bad taste too desu.
I've literally never hide my profile to change my score and its high as fuck.

Yeah man it's so fun to play a mode where you can't do any objectives or towers unless you decide. I love a map that so small with timers so low that basically enemies can come start respawn and stream into this boring long drawn out fight that never accomplishes anything. I love pushing a lane and getting two hits on the enemy tower before the entire enemy team has rotated for the complete opposite side of the map to stop me. It's so fun playing arena with a fake half-hearted pretend attempt at laning. I love that the entire game mode completely removed all early game gods from relevancy with it's insane level of gold spooling. It's so fun having to split 3 buffs between 10 people. Clash sure is great.

thats the objective of clash tho.

its a fightfest with conquest sprinkled on it.

Never aimed to be anything else.

How do I build Rama?

Hi Fdot, big fan

There is no conquest sprinkled on, it's a facade. It's basically arena with less buffs and its got towers. That's it. People keep trying to compare it to conquest when they are nothing alike.
>hurr there's a lane, so it's basically conquest right?
Arena main shitter logic.

>Ymir is back into meta
What's happening?

Lol you again. All you do in this general is just look for arguments and drop your buzzwords left and right. Do you even play this game?

Pandalike yesterday.

I just listed a lot of faults with the game and the best you can come up with is "that's the point"? If the point is just to fight then it fails at that horribly.


i would list conquest faults but i don't care enough.

Nobody cares, go back to farm in lane, if you have fun with that good, if you don't like clash don't trash it.

Nobody said conquest was trash, i just said clash was better, thats my opinion.

Opponents can't hear it.

you don't
he's neith but much much worse

