>It's another "priest has double entomb for turn 6 and 7 highmane and SWD+Nova+Blademaster for turn 8 CotW clear" episode >but I win anyways because lol hunter
Gabriel Wilson
Dragon Paladin will be a Tier 2 deck after experimentation is finished and a refined list is out
Xavier Lee
>no matter how many years pass, Knife Juggler will NEVER rotate out of standard
Ian James
update nzoth paladin who beat me added me
Ethan White
Will it be good?
Oliver Jenkins
Tell her about your deck
Cameron Cook
probably will make a deck that is a bit better than renounce decks.
Robert Wilson
Are you legitimately stuck at rank 16?
Josiah James
>SWD+Nova+Blademaster for turn 8 >3+5+3
Brody Cook
post deck list
Kayden Morris
Blademaster was already in play and killed the leokk, c'mon man really?
Charles Lopez
David Perry
okay but you arent going to be happy with it
Jaxson Hughes
Hopefully it'll be the more late orientated midrange deck like Dragon Priest and Midrange Paladin was. I liked to play those decks a lot
Adrian Rivera
which game is worse... Hearthstone or Skyrim?
Jackson James
Yeah really because you didn't write that down dumbass bitch
David Lee
If you aren't at least rank 8 with that deck you shouldn't be playing at all
Sebastian Reyes
Aaron Rivera
It looks alright if a bit suboptimal, you shouldn't be stuck at rank 16 even with this deck.
Get rid of Arcane Shots, add Toads. Loot Hoarders replaced with King's Elekks too
Nolan Rogers
Apples to oranges, user.
Easton Roberts
Stop playing concede hunter you hipster fuck.
Levi Adams
>Climb up, doing fine >Expect to go next rank >Its a warrior episode >Lose
Aiden Gutierrez
>What's the worse transportation method, a jet-ski or a hang-glider?
Colton Miller
A shittier, less memetastic Renounce deck?
These cards are a fucking waste.
Hudson Myers
>tfw you will never spill your frothing load all over zeriyahs smug malformed FAS face
Wyatt Parker
I don't have adventures at all so i cant really sub for toads/quickshots
Jace Butler
Austin Rivera
Jayden Parker
Blademaster doesn't have charge how the fuck would that otherwise clear CotW, even if had enough mana to play it? Are you literally retarded?
Holy fucking shit dude, stop posting anytime.
Ayden Cook
why do retards under rank 5 come here and cry about not being good when the answer is right in front of their eyes
Benjamin Ward
If you can't get at least rank 5 you really shouldn't be here for gods sakes. The average for active players sits between rank 6-7 yet you can't get off your ass to hit at least 5 (above average)
You either don't know how to play card games right or you are just stupid
James James
Just play regular Midrange Hunter, the secret version takes a little bit more nuance to play and is probably above your level to play optimally. Replace Toads with Flame Jugglers (which is fine since Dragon Warriors seem to have disappeared on ladder), Quickshot can be replaced with another 2 drop of your choice, but they're important and only in the first wing of BRM, 700 gold
Michael Taylor
i stopped climbing above rank 15
ladder is fucking horrible and the game is getting worse
its not worth it anymore, i just play as little as possible
Liam Wood
>why do retards under legend >why do retards not in top 1k >why do retards not in top 100 >why do retards not in top 10 >why do retards who haven't qualified for blizzcon
Jaxon Nguyen
Daily reminder that Nightbane Templar would have been a 2 drop if it was for any other class (other than Priest). Even then they wouldn't play it, because of how good their existing 2 drops already are.
Ryder Roberts
Force of nature doesn't even cost 6 you noob.
Jack Taylor
>watch trump playing zoo zoo with menagerie memes >it looks super fun >it will never be viable because of all the insanely overpowered tier 1 decks
Tyler Young
You stop posting retard. Why didn't you kill that shit? Since when do hunter complain about Nova and not auch+circle. I literally thought you were a retard and said the wrong cards. Holy shit dude. You are so fucking retarded I thought you were left with a 2/2 Leokk and since usually hunter has a full board you chalked it up as a full clear. Seriously just fucking leave you stupid cunt. You can't even play your own deck, the deck alone is what tries to carry you. You are lucky hunter is incredibly because you would still be bearing shields you gay nigger.
Cooper Johnson
I have a 65% winrate with this meme secret midrange deck and was rank 15 but got matched up against resurrect priests and got my ass handed to them because I couldn't clear their board
I'll sub in your choices though, thank you
Landon Russell
what if i can't be bothered to grind it out
Cameron Edwards
>take tempostorm midrange hunter netdeck >swap one deadly shot for 2x houndmaster >tfw ULTIMATE SECRET HOMEBREW DECK
maybe tech in an acidic ooze too
Leo Martinez
What's wrong with them asking for advice here?
Brody Moore
Nightbane Templar would have been fucking nuts as a 2 drop senpai
Tyler Johnson
oddly enough what's wrong about asking for advice here is that the people answering are the same rank 16 retards
Nathaniel Watson
>zoo is control >ct'hun is combo
Luis Barnes
Gavin Thompson
You are using a false equivalency to belittle my point
I play about 2 games a day and I am top 200 legend in EU and it's definitely not hard to be good, you just need to not be totally fucking brain dead
Legend is easy, top 1k is easy, but why the fuck are you trying to compare it to qualifying for blizzcon? I'm simply telling these shitty players to either get better or fuck off because they aren't giving it a proper try.
Brayden Brown
Why are people going full in on the secrets and not just subbing a few cards from midrange, literally no reason
Andrew Long
Its pre-standard, turn 9, you're at 14 hp and this fucker just emoted "Hmm, well played".
What the fuck do you do?
Isaiah Jones
Should i dust southsea captain to craft a savage combatant for beast druid?
Luis Peterson
Zoo is control tho. You control the board with efficient trades, then you kill your opponent.
Michael Wood
If you are rank 16, quit. For the love of fuck, quit.
Nathaniel Morales
Dylan Myers
>build menagerie pally deck that works ok and is pretty fun >cant survive long enough to get going against all this fucking hunter and shaman cancer any dank menagerie builds besides that druid one or what?
Brandon Price
Wait to see if Beast Druid is a top tier deck or just a meme.
I haven't been particularly impressed by the deck both playing with and against it
Zachary Reyes
So? It's for the worst fucking class in the game that's incapable of abusing it in aggro shit. A 1/1 fucking token isn't enough to justify it being a conditional effect, at the very fucking least they could have made it a Razorfen if you're not holding a dragon.
Paladin doesn't have a single fucking minion that's not understated aside from the 8 mana legendaries.
Matthew Rodriguez
>priest can't have both nova and auch+circle >clear implies everything was removed, hence the word "clear", blademaster doesn't have charge and 8 mana only accounts for SWD and Nova, this retard can't even figure that out >being this triggered
Now you're just pathetically acting out your impotent rage, it's sad at this point.
You're literally the one person here who couldn't figured that out and now you're throwing a temper tantrum. Great job, man. Your parents must be real proud.
Jonathan Moore
Nefarian seems meh?
Daniel Anderson
Jaxon Harris
try to concede b4 the fucker starts to attack with treants, thank god concede was buffed since then
Robert Lewis
F2P here, If I buy 60packs, how much dust and legendary cards should I expect to get?
Mason Anderson
>I play about 2 games a day and I am top 200 legend in EU why would he do this... just come into the thread and start lying like that?
Lucas Nguyen
Do you ever want to meme around with pirates?
Christian Bell
>2 games a day >27 days into the season >54 games so far
I guess you might be top 200 legend going 54-0
Tyler Wright
>It's for the worst fucking class in the game that's incapable of abusing it in aggro shit >Paladin doesn't have a single fucking minion that's not understated aside from the 8 mana legendaries. Poor Uther, how the mighty have fallen
Jeremiah Gray
Menagerie cards are all memes aside from Warden. If a fucking deck is going to make it work, it's not the second worst proactive class in the fucking game. Paladin has nothing to enable fucking aggro play style, why the fuck are retards using menagerie shit in it? Just wait for the next wing to get the more control oriented dragon cards to play a control dragon Paladin. If you want tempo dragons, even Priest is better than Paladin.
Leo White
Yes, but i already did with pirate warrior. And it didn't even ran southsea captain.
Daniel Myers
>paladin >worst class in the game kill yourself shieldbearer retard
Liam Ramirez
3 legos is average, at least 1 is guaranteed how much dust depends on how big a collection you have but probably at least 1000-2000 if you have every single card then the average pack is about 100 dust so 60 packs would be around 6000 dust
Ayden Lee
I'm not lying but I did play more in the early season but in quick work I got a solid spot in the top legends and have been able to maintain it with a few games a day.
Sure I bent the truth a little, but it's mostly true but I could easily screencap it if I wasn't at work
David Long
yeah desu thats almost impossible. legend is an unbelievable boring grind. but theres really no excuse for you being not rank 5-7
Lucas Evans
74th for Princess Huhuran's cute feet :3
Nathaniel Rodriguez
>Play Warlock >Renounce into Rogue >4 mana 5/6, battlecry: get two Tarzan ticks
Pretty good.
Austin Carter
Absolute minimum of 1 legendary. Average of 3 legendaries. I can't remember the dust amount.
Holding a dragon is really easy to do though. Dragon Paladin isn't even a bad deck and the 4th wing still isn't out yet
Jace White
Pitty timer is 40 packs for legendaries. So with 60 packs you're guaranteed 1 legendary.
Juan Taylor
what is the math for number of dragons to have one reliably for turn 3
John Lewis
>i bent the truth a little
More like "i'm completely full of shit please don't listen to anything i say"
Okay I won't
Dominic Rogers
Then dust it. We're not your mother. There is no other pirate deck that comes even close to viable.
Jeremiah Lopez
You can eat my fucking dick, you are really fucking steering away from the point...
My point was that the active average according to Hearthpwn is the Rank 5 is slightly above the top 50% of active players and if you can't even get to rank 15 you are probably too dumb to even play.
Samuel Kelly
>Fallen Paladin was the worst class in the game from beta to GvG. It was tier 2 in GvG and BRM.
Compare that to Druid, Warlock, Mage, Hunter, and Warrior that at worst had tier 2 decks, and constantly had tier 1 decks, or Rogue, the eternal cancer that breaks to tier 1 with the slightest nudge and needs to be constantly overnerfed.
Jeremiah Hughes
7 or 8 i think, forgot the exact number but smth around that
Parker Perry
>losing a game, 3 cards left in my deck >play yogg >first thing it does is give my hero 4 attack >hero isn't green >fuckfuck >5 minutes of minions buffs/debuffs >suddenly swipes, evicerates >all on enemy hero >win wew lads that was a scary one
Jonathan Ramirez
>Absolute minimum of 1 legendary. Average of 3 legendaries. I can't remember the dust amount.
Gotta love blizzard. You know what 50 dollars gets you in a game like faeria?
The entire card collection. In HS you probably wont even get 10% of it.
Bentley Ward
Most decks run 7-9. If I recall, the odds of having a dragon in hand by turn 5 (for corruptor) is like 90% with 8 dragons in your deck.
Angel Walker
Its a shit card, but it might come back again. Besides, Beast druid is meh as it is and combatant ir rotating out.
Dominic Stewart
this is not what FAS looks like at all
Hudson Carter
HS is higher value game than those then
Brayden Brooks
But bro, Blizzard wants you to feel like you're playing a physical card game, with needing to sink hundreds into each expansion to complete them, but without the fuss or bullshit that comes with trading or a secondary market, as that would be overwhelming for players.
Hunter Young
Why the fuck is the 2 mana 4/2 beast with stealth not an auto-include in every single hunter deck?
Wyatt Rivera
>tfw your TGT waifu will get rotated out soon >tfw almost all of them are unplayable
Ethan Martinez
And that's why they're unsuccessful card merchants
Selling a card game like a video game completely strips the huge money earning potential
Isaac Ross
mate what?
Alexander Foster
>opened 2 malygos >opened 2 ragnaros >opened only 1 azure drake at this point I just refuse to craft it, I use Harrison Jones instead that I also opened
Nolan Brooks
Are there any "pro" players that can reliably win tournaments yet or is it still always completely random?
Alexander Phillips
Because most decks drop minions on curve for the majority of the game
Jack Brooks
yes, exactly.
Luke Richardson
is there any good reason for rotating card sets rather than just balancing them? having more to play with is never bad