League of Legends General - /lolg/

Saved the links edition



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can someone explain to me the importance of farm and how it helps be win in the game? usually i focus on farming really hard and play safe, because of this i usually end up having a good lead vs my opponent. however he just roams around the map getting free kills and i end up losing with a 30-40 cs lead on my opponent

Dont you dare


don't you fucking dare

a peculiar situation





xth for waiting for scans.



Stop it!

h2k are garbage

I like Poppy's kit but I only really play Jungle and Mid

If you have 0 kills but 53 cs, you have the same amount of gold as someone with 3 kills but 0 cs.

> importance of farm and how it helps be win in the game

more gold = more items = stronger you

>roams around the map getting free kills

then go help your team like the enemy laner is helping his

how is any of this hard to understand?

>Wait in normal draft queue for ten minutes before it pops
>jesus christ finally
>Bot immediately picks Ashe
>Mid bans Ashe when it's his turn
>Bot says "really" and proceeds to dodge
>Time for another ten minute wait

I hate blind niggers.

xth for feeders




>doing normal draft

Why does that eu caster have a spider on his chin

Her clears got fucked when they removed her auto reset, you're better off playing her toplane.

why kind of shitty comp is that?

I'm hungover and have to start getting ready for work in an hour, sue me.

waifufags vs. meme loving fucks

Should I pay someone to prevent decay on my account. Not looking to climb, just don't want to decay out of my shiny border. Is that really expensive?

The NA stream won't start until this EU shitfest is over right

nigga just play 1 game
unless you literally cant

Correct, should be at 2pm (not sure if PST or EST)

>get to plat 2
>promos for plat 1
>1 win in promos
>i'm finally going to get dia-
>30 straight losses

literally can't until next year

That would be PST because it's 2 EST now

>spend 2 months learning top
>pick this cunt
>win ez game ez lyfe
Found my new main.

I'm calling the police

post op.gg, I want to see that shit

this almost literally happened to me, now i'm fucking stuck in plat v again

Can someone post the "be ready imma insec Draven - lag" pic?

get a friend to do it

int feeding should have a better criteria when it comes to banning

How can they tell someone's int feeding and not just that bad

Do you have access to a computer? You can just click randomly in one game per month and you're ok. Also what elo?


if there was a replay feature riot could just watch over the game and determine. but that isnt the case so all the butt hurt people who think bad game=int feeding let people who dont do anything wrong other than having a poor performance in one game get banned

I really dislike how the lcs casters judge picks as bad if it's "not meta". Bunch of muppets

Is annie hard to use?

The opposite

They get payed to promote certain champs
what do you expect?

it is just annoying because people always assume that you are feeding because they act like they have never had a bad game where the enemy gets so big that it doesnt matter if you are in a good position or not because they just jump on you and kill you. fuckers are always flaming you and calling you a shitter for having one bad game, no one who plays this game is understanding.

the hardest champ in the game

i dont remember her being so cute jesus

i played vs an annie with 56 cs at 30 minutes but she had 14 kills

retard who plays dota mostly

when is tsm vs c9

'Cause she isn't

Do we have a discord? If so can someone drop an invite

Finals are tomorrow

If you're going 0/12 and deal no damage to champions it's pretty easy for them to tell.

thanks senpai

> pick yi because want a relaxing kinda game
> team flips out in lobby
> 2 or 3 lanes die before i even get to second buff
> "if only we had a jungler :^)"
> support 0/8 by 15 minutes
> "report boosted jungler"

i feel bad for jungle mains man thank god this is my off-role how do you fuckers deal with this shit

That's like having 4 kills and decent cs
How did they fail to cs Annie is one of the easiest champs to do it on

>team got stomped by a real jungler
>blogposts about it

yep you belong in the jungle, it's your calling

More specifically, tomorrow 3pm est or 24 hours and 45 minutes from now. However the actual game probably won't start until at least 3:30. If the eu finals go to 5 games it might not start until 4 or even 5

mute your team

She's pretty cute desu. Most of the adult annie fanart is great. Especially if she has long hair. Then again it is fanart so..

give me one good reason i shouldnt one trick morgana mid

>Q hits like a truck
>can't be pushed out of lane
>aoe slow/stun
>CC resist e

>i dont remember her being so cute jesus

>about fanart

too busy farming champs XD

You'll fall asleep playing her






Can someone please tell me who the girl in the black and red hoodie is?

good luck trying to roam

she's fucking boring and ugly with clunky animations

>kill enemy
>go to next lane


if you miss your q you are pretty useless

It's fucking boring and I played her as my most played champion this season, just to get to gold without effort and then feel burned out


Does anyone have a mouse like this with extra buttons on the side? I think I'm going to buy one and realign the hotkeys so I can play my waifu with one hand and simultaneously masturbate to her with the other.

why did jankos buy hunters potion on elise, isnt normal potion enough on her?

>champion shard 4 times in a row from hard earn S rankings
>already own all champions and enough IP to buy all new coming champions
>7 campion shards total

fuck you riot

It would be pretty sad

>can't build zephyr anymore
he's gonna quit again

You're going to use it for like a week and then you're gonna forget they exist

>New champ comes out
>use 3 champ shards to get new champ for FREEE
Or you could try to master up some chucklefuck champs and spam mastery emote while feeding hard.

>not getting Mastery Lvl 7

panic picked lee sin, how do i play this guy?


that turret dive was fuckin nasty

What champs should I take Hunter's potion on? I've been taking it on Wukong, but what else?

go in on every q

yeah and reckful is playing too what the fuck is going on


really riot ?
fucking really ?

get your dick out and start memeing

>Play Annie one game
>Csing goes from 7cs/min to 9cs/min

Finally a laner for me.

it was a few weeks ago idk if its still in my history