If you aren't buying all the oil stocks right now, you're fucking stupid. Easiest timing ever.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes UWTI jumped like 15% yesterday, it's been super volatile.
Put my life savings on XOM and it's -0.9%
Thanks a lot
the time to buy was yesterday
Higher prices means lower prices as North American shale oil comes online again.
Veeky Forums didn't want to touch oil with a 10 foot pole in January/February, this isn't the place to get good advice.
I just bought DWTI because of this thread.
Which stocks look the most promising?
Have a look at this, familias.
this guy didn't get the memo
I have 160 cpg.to shares that I bought for 35.50 before the crash...at least I held on.
Trusting Muslims
Trusting sunni to make a deal with shia
>mental trauma
crescent point is a good company
they really only go for low cost developments, so they often pay a premium getting the rights, but they can run through low prices like no other mid cap
I have a lot more baytex, they aren't as good a company, but leveraged to shit so I expect a bigger short term return from them
>Trusting sunni to make a deal with shia
Saudis agreed to lower their production and Iran to increase because of a backroom deal for the Houthis to stop btfo out of Saudis
I had 5 shares of UWTI and then they paid me a royalty the other day and it was down so I said fuck it I'll but another share. Hope it goes up cause it's still below my avg.
>buying right after a spike
>buy high sell low meme is real
>mfw I sold and made 20%
>mfw the details aren't even out
>mfw you trust the Saudis
Trican up 54% since yesterday. To the moon!
My suggestion is a long term one. Buy some valued oil stocks and wait a year. Don't gamble your money on leveraged commodities, kids.
>Don't gamble your money on leveraged commodities, kids.
This I agree with.
>Cut production by 0.5%-2%
>prices jump 6-15% percent
>they still haven't done anything yet
This is why speculation should be outlawed
>speculation should be outlawed
Bernie Sanders plz go
Fuck you for not understanding that speculation gives the market the liquidity it needs to function. Suck a fat cock while these NEETS make money off of arbitrage REEEEEEEE
Change is coming