Got a job offer at Goldman Sachs
>ask me anything
Got a job offer at Goldman Sachs
>ask me anything
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what is a goldman sacs
nice HR position
Nope, I'm on the trading floor.
Have standards at GS really fallen that low that you have time to shitpost on a pedo cartoon forum?
>not wanting to ez mode through life
>not wanting to be surrounded by pussy
what b school did you go to
I'm a college student, I don't start until next year. Finished my summer internship and got an offer.
Went to a science school.
Only investment banking division hires cucks from b school. They are literally good for nothing.
What time are you allowed to leave after work?
going to Goldman Sachs but not going into IBD
why do this to yourself?
I was in S&T so late afternoon. Hours weren't bad and we got weekends.
IBD is just torture for slave workers. I can earn the same salary for half the work and actually doing interesting work like betting in the financial markets or selling advanced securites to institutional clients and hedge funds.
What to investment bankers do? They correct pitch book mistakes and suck the cock of whatever managing director lords over them for 12 hours a day every single day.
>i went to a science school
Wow!!! Will you mop the floor manually or they have machines there?
Nope, the janitor will be doing that. I'll be earning 120k doing meaningful work though.
that sounds comfy. you kids have it easy these days. it wasn't like it during my time.
Trading isn't what it used to be in the heady days. It's a well regulated profession now, and is mostly just market making. No crazy multi million dollar trades using the firm's capital.
IBD definitely has shitty hours and while at the beginning it seems like they are just monkeys, the work eventually seems to get exciting/rewarding and their exit ops are insane
What did it take to get into S&T then? Must be even more competitive than IBD if what you're saying is true
(I'm a college student with no experience in either IB or S&T so if it seems like I'm defending IB or shitting on S&T I don't mean it that way, just haven't actually looked into S&T much so I'm trying to compare them)
what are your nose dimensions?
What's your background?
What was your gpa?
Did you take the gmat?
Did you get your series 7?
>tfw waiting to be rejected by GS
Submitted the application 4 weeks ago. I wish they would just put me out of my misery.
IBs are having a hard time making money like before. I'm sure the standards are lower as with the pay since it's harder for them to jew money out of people. They can only jew the traditional way which doesn't take that much brain power. I'm sure there's a small subset of ultra jews, jewing to the max in order to jew money in this environment, but it's definitely not OP.
Don't work for them! They're le evil xDDD
Can confirm, I was a mediocre b school student, and now I have a support role in JPM IB
The actual IBs aren't much better
What part of India is your family from
Btw congrats. praise allah
Legit question:
How successful are you in your personal portfolio? Do they do hires based on this type of merit?
Why are you proud to be a thief?
OP here
Got my offer really late from GS, literally right at the deadline, I already received offers from DB UBS and CS. So don't worry too much about that.
What support role? Operations? What do they pay you?
I have no portfolio and have never invested a penny. I dont think it matters too much. Most market roles have nothing to do with the stock market.
I create value.
Im a college student, no gmat no 7series, my gpa is very good but nothing extraordinary.
S&T and IBD are about equally competitive. IBD for the exit opps, S&T because its interesting and quality of life is good.
go to DB, I heard they are doing well
Do they hire 2nd year uni students. As in, completed 4 semesters looking for summer internship kind of thing.
I have a 3.8 GPA in engineering at a mid tier school with previous work at low level wealth management but I had no actual role in the management/planning of wealth I was kind of like an excel monkey + programming solutions to solve x
>thinks real humans do trading at GS
bitch please, the fucking algos the quants make do all the work.
>you smile and nod Jewishly.
managing your own portfolio is only considered a merrit by hedge funds.
Critical thinking is much more difficult to manage and much more difficult to adapt to the culture of an institution. They want ken-dolls and barbie-dolls that can read and write.
How normie do you have to be to get hired?
I recently failed a phone interview for s&t at another bank
Got a job offer at deutsche bank
>ask me anything
No they don't you pleb, you can't make an algo to make you more successful than manual human work with trades. I say this as a programmer too. You always need to look at more information to see if a trade is good.
Yeah nothing from GS or JPM just yet, also have outstanding applications with CS, Lazard, BNP, Barclays and Mitsubishi.
Rejected from Deutsche because theyre fucking incompetent.
Hopefully I get something, I dont really wanna be an accountant.
tell Keith Zusi and Chad cosse I say hi
Good question, I'm in a quite similar position.
S&T is full of autists, especially strats and electronic trading. Sales is by far the most normie position.
IQ between 125 and 140. My mom was a child prodigy, father a good looking tard (iq around 100 to 110).
I was just thinking that some friends of mine are going to start at Goldman in June and their nmes, no shit, are Matthew Mark Luke and John. Only Matt and Luke know each other though
Sounds like pretty goy names.
>I'm walking in first day as a S&T baller hurr
>Betting in the financial markets and selling advanced securities to institutional clients and hedge funds
Hedge funds are institutional clients. It sounds like you're making this up and not describing a real S&T function.
When a computer does your job in a decade, you can make up for 0 modelling experience and dearth of soft and hard skills by saying, "At least I can do risk management in very specific esoteric circumstances"
Have you had previous experience trading with banks or is this your first role? I know people who've been through the same and they bring in about 20 people then by the end of the year they have about 2/3 left
Hedge funds are served by the prime brokerage desk. So they are separate from other institutional clients. Do you actually know what you're talking about?
Computers will never fully replace traders because algos will always end up predictable. Until they develop an AI with the ability to fully emulate the human mind, it is impossible.
No, I never had any job or internship experience whatsoever before getting into goldman sachs.
> trading floor
i was offered a scala job at GS in London. turned out is was backoffice, small bonus. less money than i earned as a consultant. at least i got to ride elevator :^)
How do you feel about the structural decline of investment banking since 2008?
Do you like it when companies use their strong brand to pay you less. (i.e. trading salary to be able to say u worked at GS) ?
>pay you less
Less than what?
less than they would before they started doing this practice
So you think theres a structural decline in banking, but you think thats got nothing to do with relatively lower wages?
>Being a full time rent seeking Jew
wut? no
OP read this
How does it make you feel that JPMorgan Chase is more important than GS?
Don't know if you answered this question before (didn't bother looking through the thread) but what did you study + where?
What will you job involve? What will you actually DO?
During my internship nearly all the interns were from top schools, so being at a mid tier school would be a big roadblock getting into the biggest firms. But getting into smaller or boutiques should be ok. Yes you should have no problem getting an internship for the summer of your third year.
What's a scala job?
The so-called decline is actually a good thing, trading is being made professional and regulated rather than a monkey circus with arrogant greedy fuckwits making massive trades they shouldnt be making. Lesser competititors have to make their salaries more attractive than GS to attract grads but the difference is small and the quality of the workforce at GS is still vastly superior to anywhere else.
JP Morgan is a retail bank that absorbed an investment bank. Goldman Sachs is a pure investment bank. In terms of prestige and recognition, Goldman Sachs wipes the floor with JPM.
Studied engineering at an elite school.
I'll be making it rain for the bank and swinging my big dick around. Seriously I'll be buying and selling securities on a computer screen trying to minimize losses. It's called market making.
Bernie Sanders for president :) We need to break up the big banks.
Prepare for living hell OP
>The so-called decline is actually a good thing
are you fucking serious? trading at banks are dead now, why do you think the bonuses are so shit? why do you think every bank keeps reducing man count in trading? everyone thats actually good jumped ship to HFs / elite prop firms when prop desks at banks got rekt by regulation. i mean, at least youre at a top firm but honestly you'd rather be trading at a low tier HF than a top tier bank these days. youre late to the party son.
Bernie Sanders needs to be gassed alongside all his retarded sheep followers.
I don't care about money, I care about prestigue. If I tell people I worked for some dindu podunk prop firm they will just have blank faces. If I tell them I work at the G Sachs, they'll be like WOW.
We're gonna need proof
>Bernie Sanders needs to be gassed alongside all his retarded sheep followers.
im going to report to GS that their newest hire is an antisemite
say goodbye to your job
How much will you react when they have been imposed strict regulation and you are fired because you 100% expendable cux you are new to the game?
Goldman Sachs is a commercial bank now, just saw it on a video from a yale professor
I'm happy with boutique
>12 hours a day
try 18
always funny how full of themselves traders are while literally generating zero revenue
Nobody is "on" the trading floor anymore. Stop roleplaying.
>"...multinational banking firm that engages in global investment banking, investment management, securities, and other financial services, primarily with institutional clients."
>12 hours a day