I foresaw this. Edition
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I foresaw this. Edition
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Post /flex RIGHT MEOW
>2 days until Legion
>people still don't have the moose mount
>inb4 I don't like the model
>inb4 I don't care about mounts
Stop lying.
what happened
i cant decide on what to play for legion. ive brought it down to 7 choices. i plan on leveling 3-4 alts since i have no life. Please help me narrow it down with your opinions
Demon Hunter - Havok
Warlock - Demonology
Death Knight - Blood / Maybe Unholy
Paladin - Ret / Prot
Priest - Shadow / Disc
Warrior - Fury
Monk Brew / Mistweaver / not sure about windwalker yet
in return here is a picture of powergirl
What's the quickest way to go from 1-60 off those legion invasions? Sorry still pretty new so this is probably a dumb question but I didn't get THAT much exp off it so I was curious
What's the use of a prophet that blocks things he didn't like.
rip velen
how many hours until the burgers get legion?
But I really don't care about mounts. I have less than 50
>got my trinket 2 days before legion drops
feels fucking good man.
I'm bad at the game and lack self-discipline.
Tumblr and Deviantart happened
I haven't logged into the game since highmaul
this is bait
>volley is now viable
I play cloth classes because I like to wear dresses
Can I pick option 3?
Why did they add another fucking melee class?
>what happened
Some furfag pretended class concepts changed significantly, apparently.
I'm a Wildstar player and make most of my money through raiding, quite a lot of it. In WoW is raiding the most profitable content?
Should I main shadow priest
>tfw accepted to guild
feels good man
now i jsut need to not fuck up raids when raids start
no its not dammit. i want opinions so i can decide
cuz he's possessed by le dreadlord :p
what happened
kill yourself ralph
Is there any reason to level cap anymore? Is the PVP/PVE scene still at least big enough to do stuff during content droughts? Or have the gear changes completely ruined it? Looking at 80, btw.
its now 100% of attack power from 75% or some shit
It's been a while but I went back and did Naxxramas and ICC today.
Naxxramas came across as having a far better atmosphere for some reason.
Something about the corridor and boss room designs that made it feel more natural, whereas ICC had everything in these obviously square rooms made for a fight.
Double damage hotfix
what the fuck
>"Led astray into the night, armed with the sword of broken Light.
Broken, then betrayed by one, standing there bestride the sun.
At darkest hour, redemption comes, in knightly lady sworn to blood. "
btw. Because he as a child with Jaina
post good mogs
Where do i buy pvp rings/neck/trinkets? dont see them in warspear
fuckin sweet
if you're in a guild that sells carries for other people for mounts/gear/achievements it can be.
I never could stand icc design/atmosphere wise
>still don't have a guild
>want to raid
G-guys, how do you find a raiding guild now, its been a few expansions since it came down to this.
>class fantasy
>the spec designed after the bringer of icy doom himself, the lich king, was removed from the game and replaced with shitty anime and tohou
Thanks, Activision. I sure love dual wielding swords haha just like Zoro from one piss :D
>he ever played 2h frost
bumped from 75% to 100%. not live yet
here are the recent sims
single target:
three target:
three percent behind barrage on single target. :) happy hunter
Why are loving couples who procreate so arousing?
you have scared everyone away from my post, now i have to figure this out on my own,
the fuck kinda money did you make from ws raiding? your guild sell carries/rune frags or something?
>He sees two swords and thinks of anime.
Get a load of this weeb faggot.
doesn't matter what you think, inflating shit into comically huge balloons is never going to stop looking like shit
Hows engineering in Legion?
The problem is a Pandaren thinks her/his opinion fucking matters.
I have literally never met a good player playing a Panda.
>big tits automatically look like this
literally what
Actually if you look at those mods, it's mostly vintage torpedo tits. They just rarely post them from the side.
>camera distance is now small that it interferes with raids and battlegrounds, making it difficult to see things
Why is blizzard actually retarded? Seriously, I'm fucking mad. This should've been instantly fixed weeks ago and it's still garbage.
when will the prepatch khadgar quest end? I mean legion is launching on tuesday
Post fat panda ass
it's basically what all those screenshots look like
I have. Guess you just don't hang around good players
Dual wielding is the most anime shit ever. Transforming your swords into a scythe is second.
Do you have Parkinson's?
for newfags I got trips so you must answer
How desperate are you to fit in
it's intentional in order to balance around a set camera limit
you're supposed to not be able to see everything
7-8 plat a run just for clearing. Plus runes which used to sell for 11-30 plat before DS became farm even for shitty guilds. I'm subbed to wildstar until 2018. If it even lasts that long.
>all these people rolling monk because a few big streamers play it
back to /v/ my man
do people still hate deathknights as a class
Big breasts are beautiful!
it would explain why I'm so garbage at this game
I will stay and I will complain about the removal of 2H.
People are rolling monk because WW and MW are both overpowered as fuck in PvP
they are nearly as overpowered as Sub Rogue
Have you also met your GF/BF in WoW, /wowg/?
i've definitely never noticed getting that much from our weekly runs. maybe it's just because I usually sit out the first night
but yeah oh my GOD credd was cheap for a while. i didn't really take advantage of it but with basically zero effort i've still got five stocked
nope but i hate poop elves
They did you a favor. They removed the objectively worse setup so retards like you can't fuck something up as simple as using the right weapons anymore
I haven't met anyone in wow
I have no friends because they all quit and never had a guild
I've been playing this as pretty much a singleplayer game for years
what server are you on my man?
Shouldn't Mage/Warlock have been faction locked like Paladin/Shaman were?
>MW or druid healer
>go up against shaman healer
>get all your heals purged while everyone just dies
I'm so ready to suck some demon cock this expansion.
I was on Aman'thul but I'm probably going to play on a US server for legion
can someone pls explain to me destro warlock
what is its purpose?
is it meant to just be a shitty, awkward not-mage?
why does it exist
There's no convincing the retard that 2H killing machine procs are not that good.
>enh gets cool Akainu legendary
>frost doesn't get cool Aokiji legendary
is this he poop
>lose an arena skirmish
>afterwards partner sends me some tryhard pm shit " u suck noob get gud "
>cant fucking pm him back because character not found is crossrealm
stiff peepee over here lads
talking to one person..... two people reply
really makes you think
>still can't decide what to main
>2 days left
I hate this. Does SV get less clunky with artifact
>to get to warrior's class hall you need to super jump into heaven
is this true?
Unless the person is offline you can
/w Faggot - NiggerServer(BR)
What do people usually charge for moose carries? Tempted to buy one but not if that shit costs more than 10k.