death pupper edition
death pupper edition
shit edition
what raids are worth doing before legoyim in the final day
i really want to do mythic brf but no ones up for it and everyone gives up after one boss
Reminder to bully all healers.
>waits till old thread is 50 posts over autosage
>complains when someone else makes a new thread
I'm new on a server for Legion, so had to level all over. Got lock, priest and dh to 100. Wanna do a fourth through invasions, but which should I pick? What classes are fun right now? What will give me a better chance at raid Spots? For PvE.
Why do headpats feel so good?
It's like the best thing ever.
>tfw daddy tank yells at you for letting him die and your sissy peepee gets hard
best thing ever is getting your diaper changed
please don't post this in my thread
What's the most spicy spec?
Post you're character RIGHT NOW
what spells should i have prominently featured as big buttons around the middle of my screen so i can see procs and shit clearly as fire mage without moving my gaze from the middle of my screen so i don't lose environmental awareness
also what addons help with that? like do i just make a bartender bar with 10x scale so the buttons are big
>tfw gf always begs me for head scratches
why do women like this so much?
New worgen models in 7.1.
you faggots make me never want to heal ever again
Your, fixed it there for you.
BM hunter
elf butte
healslut meme is the stupidest shit an a random excuse for people to post max degeneracy.
Wrath is so fucking overrated, the only good raids were ulduar and ICC, the rest were fucking trash
However those 2 were amazing raids, but still the expansion is so fucking overrated
Because it feels amazing, especially if you have long or thick hair.
We've reached the point of shitposting where I can no longer tell whether you are just new, or is this some next level meme.
You know, i had the same problem with the name. I used a false name on my old account because i was paranoid as fuck as a teenager. Then i lost that account because it got hacked and i could not prove that i am me. 3 years later, i tried it again with the customer support, showed them all the original CD keys i have, sent them a picture of me holding my pass and some screenshots of my old characters and they merged my two accounts.
Blizzard might be shit but their support is always helpful and nice.
honestly ToC was not that bad
Wrath PvP was the best state it's ever been in
so you have
>Some of the best raids
>By far far far the best story (from wc3 tft)
>The best spot PvP has EVER been in
if anything wrath if underrated
Good mages will always be viable. Can't go wrong their. Druids too.
>run into a blood elf female
>they have BDD
Combustion, Fire Blast, Rune of Power, Flame On, Ice Floes, Ice Barrier, maybe Dragon's Breath, especially if you have the legendary for it
This is obviously for pve
hey guys i'm kind of a newb in Wow
how do i maximum my dps per second as a beast mastery hunter?
i kind of want to play this game since i haven't since cata but i don't have 100 dollars to dump on it and would probably play it for a month if it was shit. oh well.
>the only good raids were ulduar and ICC
so 2 out of 4 major raids. and you admit they're amazing.
the expansion isn't overrated. it gets a lot of both love and hate because there were great and shitty things about it
macro all your cooldowns to kill command
All the expansions have had flaws, but wotlk was one where I could log in and always felt like I could do something fun
that's ultimately all i want out of wow, something fun to occupy me
which is why I also liked pandaland
>can't kill Korazoth because his shield doesn't get removed by killing adds
reroll to marks
How come every pvp streamer except cartoonz is a drooling sperglord who hates the game?
Why do they even play it if they hate it so much?
the whole vehicle fetish the devs got around wrath was not so great
also the raid under wintergrasp (name escapes me) was also sort of the start of the whole welfare downfall of wow
but man other than a few tweaks and design errors, its really hard to come up with more bad things about wrath
anyone know why I can't see allari in the Enter The Illdari: Ashtongue quest? I know she should be right next to Sevis but she's not
I'm going to marry Sindragosa!
Probably because they're too shit to make it anywhere in dota/lol/sc2/cs/anything else so they cling to the only game they can be decent at even though they don't like it anymore
>demon grind for breakfast
>more demons for dinner
>evening spent grinding demons
help, I'm addicted to dings
Fuck off with your cancerous e-celeb shills
He's super cute though.
Fragnance just called you Argent Dawn RPing goldshire fags out!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
>accidentally start casting pyroblast
>move to cancel it
>ice floes is on
what to do, do i have to make a separate /stopcasting macro for if i screw up or what
>Watching any other WoW streamer when Asmongold is online
>play a mage in wotlk
>start playing again now
FUCKING RUINED. When did this happen? When did mage stop being a mage of WoW and start being a mage of any other fantasy mmo ever? RIP in piss my one and only love
what did he mean by this
post mogs
>watching other people play video games instead of playing video games yourself
is this some sort of cuckoldery in video games
CRZ chat is awful with all these literal who servers
>there are going to be people in legion who somehow don't have their meme moose after all this time
this is why blizzard throws in shitty stock reskin mounts to make up for the retards who failed to get their +1
>Watching WoW streams
Whats the appeal?
Its not a mechanically complex game where you can learn shit like DotA.
Just use esc?
what exactly was so fun about mages in wotlk
ay bb u erp?
reminder he's a jew
Have you bowed before your enhance overlords today yet wowg?
I honestly couldn't care less about that mount. I'd might buy it if it was at a vendor for like 500g but I'd never do any work for it
>it's an eyepatch mog
wew lad i've never played anything that has casting while moving before i didn't even know
>it's a fire/orange/red themed mail mog
Free healslut BF here
>it's a monk with shado-pan gear transmog
I guess the paladin mog is okay
Someone buy me Legion :3
still infinitely better than eyepatch fags
thats icky
whats wrong with that? It will go well with that transmog skin also.
>It's a warbear woolies/ceremonial leather loincloth mog
the silly shit is the fucking leather gear allows for far better male slutmogging than female
Why do you have your hands in giant chestnuts?
>those fist weapons
r8 my mog
did they seriously fucking turn balance druid into another generic dps class with a resource bar?
how so?
>3 button dps class that hits harder than any other class
Thanks bliz
are boomkins looking good for legion? I'm really stuck between a boomkin and a shadow priest.
I mainly PVP, but might do pve casually. I enjoy spriest but dislike their lack of survivability atm.
>100k more honorable kills for Bloodthirsty title
Rat shit, bat shit, dirty old twat
69 assholes tied in a knot
Lizard shit
so how much mythic carries in legion do you lads plan to stretch your gold out for?
>make a monk with the new heirloom thing
>fully geared out and fully enchanted
>playing brewmaster and spamming dungeons to level because Brewmaster is a lot of fun leveling, literally tanking and chain pulling whole dungeons
>crazy OP
>doing 60 crypts
>DK in my group keeps using death grip without the glyph that removes the taunt so he keeps taking agro for a bit
>he can't take a hit for shit, and so when he deathgrips and takes agro, he loses a shit load of life
>anytime the healer heals him, the healer takes agro and almost dies
>slows down progress and I can't chain pull because I have to keep going back
>"Can you please stop using Death Grip"
>"that was the first time lol relax"
>"You've used it several times now, I've been watching. And you keep causing problems for the healer, this would go faster if you would please stop using it"
>(Other DPS Says) "You can get a glyph that takes off the taunt, maybe you should get that"
>"guess ill have to so kids stop sooking"
Why are DPS so fucking retarded?
All the time. I just wanted to tank in peace, and every second dungeon, some DPS does something incredibly stupid, or just blatantly causes problems.
You just seem like the kind of person who would say something like that.
middle of the pack in pvp and pve
mad healsluts detected
pugging mythic shit is IMPOSSIBLE
and all the guilds have used their lockouts
what fucking do
im too poor for a carry
dude in silvermoon chattin up his succubus
Is fire currently the best PvP spec for mage?