"Disgusted at shitposters" Edition
"Disgusted at shitposters" Edition
1st for furry pride
3/6 for vog and crota
I'll join up.
I'll go.
I'm up for VoG
too late. sorry m8
Who was down for trials?
> no reset info
Lmao you people are pathetic. Making a thread way early AND still fucking up.
Pathetic that, and even worse you have the gall to complain about "shitposters". Get a grip. This is not acceptable. Now run along before I have my dad to fire your dad.
Stay mad nigga
find out for yourself retard
I know what it is, you stupid fuck. It was already in other threads. Unfortunately the OPs if late have been exceedingly lazy and stupid that they fail to recognize current info because yet another OP was too stupid to change a date.
The date is entirely unnecessary as well. I don't know why or how you "people" (I demean myself by including myself in with your genome) manage to be so idiotic, but that's how God punishes man for his hubris, it seems.
who fucking cares no one does the nightfalls anymore this late into ttk
A lot of people definitely do. It's the only way to get emotes and sparrow kits without spending real shekels.
I'm up for Crota.
Anyone on PS4 doing hm kf?
Boners for CoE
Super easy with super.
The new Future War Cult Hand Cannon looks promising, even with the low mag size it has decent enough base Range (roughly the same as Lord High Fixer).
If it can roll Final Round and Luck in the Chamber, it'll basically be a Year 3 Fulcrum.
Explosive rounds AND firefly? Say good night, trash mobs. So hyped.
but it looks ugly
it looks far better than that omolon crap
i really wish they would have come up with a different design goal than "sloped down barrel shit" for every fucking gun in Rise of Iron.
"I've been to the past and the future, you don't know what i've seen."
-Thunder wiping VoG, 2016
Sure senpai I'll hit you up.
What's your GT?
A world without KFC?
Aw, fug.
I lfg'd and am already underway.
I've got a hunter though after this warlock run.
No worries son, I can deal with some downtime.
My GT is Virusloth so you can just message me when you're ready.
Sounds good.
so is everyone on this board pretty much into hardcore sex stuff?
Fuck off
Why do you ask?
high impacts only
nah just vanilla homolust for cute boys here
I'm guessing that upgrading items also increases the light level. I've been leaving items at the base level while searching for new items.
Would it be worth it to upgrade items to get higher light level items?
>I'm guessing that upgrading items also increases the light level
infusion is the only way to increase the light level, the perks being unlocked and upgraded just make it better
>Explosive rounds AND firefly? Say good night, trash mobs. So hyped.
You do know firefly doesn't proc consistently if comboed with explosive rounds, right? There were several patches but they never managed to stop that glitch completely.
What determines whether your gun is on your hip or your lower back?
I've got like 1500 hours in Destiny and I have never once seen an HC on my or anyone else's hip.
Okay when should I start infusing stuff then? I'm light level 297
whenever you want
infusion is literally only there for when you have a thing you like, but something else has better light, and you wanna give that light to the thing you like
if you don't like the thing, just use the thing with better light
You're an idiot.
Hunters wear hcs and sides on the hip.
So infusing won't help me gain light levels?
Warlocks and Titans can do the same while wearing SRL gear
so should i buy the taken king now if i want to get this game, or wait for that collection edition
no, it just takes an item you dont want's light and replaces it into something you like
Sure, but the "fact" he has 1500 hours means he's either lying or...
Collection gives access to TTK on day of purchase
Say you have Item A with 303 def/att. Say you have a legendary item B with 286 def/att. I fusion lets you merge A with B. So now B will have 303 stats.
Does that help?
alright so just wait til September to try it got it
Anyone on PS4 doing CoE?
Why would I lie anonymously about my hours played?
I was asking because I've either never seen it before or don't remember seeing it.
Not everything's a conspiracy, it was just a question.
I want pictures of Warlocks!
I should be getting on in a little bit. Gonna cook some Manwich first
Yes? 3:
2/3 for easy super CoE on Xbone.
Of course I miss when noobish fucking raids, Who wants to HMKF? I fucking need antiquated runes for this last fragment.
Virus y u do dis
Want those dank CoE rewards boy.
>Not everything's a conspiracy,
Exactly what I expected you'd say.
Can i come next?
how do you figure he is lying about his hours?
swapping weapons on back wasn't a thing until taken king
I'm up for it.
3/6 for HMKF you faggots better get in here.
That's a blue chest isn't it?
I'll do it if you tell me why you changed your name
About to play this shit for the first time. What's the b e s t PvP class/subclass? Any tips before I start?
Because some people complained about it and i wanted to have a finnish name that wasnt a pain in the ass to pronounce by non-english people, while at the same time not looking like some weebshit name?
Not him but I prefer the other one. I'm even a Portal fan, but the Aperture Labs shirt is cringeworthy.
I did not know that. Not really shocking, considering Firefly crashes peoples games sometimes.
What system? You'll likely get some people like myself who'd like to do the refer-a-friend shit with you.
hunter/blade dancer
Why are you answering to that autistic faggot? It's your name so it's your business.
What is the worst PoE boss?
Sorry, bruh but you are almost unbelievably dense. You are a fucking neutron star.
I might as well. Im bored
>not having Y2 MoT done before it was even released
moth people
I'm lost. Who the fuck are these things?
moth people
moth people
Probably the original, and much more literal, Hive.
They look like moths
I dig it. Way better than the generic sci-fi shit we have now. I mean, the current Hive design isnt bad at all. Just boring. They should have taken the chance.
Probably absurdly expensive to model and animate though.
I was afk, did I miss it?
Aur'uun by far, Flayers are cancer
Anyone wanna jump in on this CoE?
going for a last 30k run
no enough people wanted in. Only when noobish or zippy raid is when people come running. This general is pretty useless without them. Instead of people getting better at raiding they want to be carried.
So is Glasshouse decent for KF or are Ruin Wings/Taikonaut better?
All of those are garbage.
Glasshouse is great!
I'll raid with you