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/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general
This thread has a different OP image, I trust it won't be deleted.
>tfw no Khadgar bf
Janitor finally doing his job. Now delete this one too. The World of Warcraft general serves no purpose. Its always just a thread full of off-topic shitposts and rule violations.
>pick up my warlock again
>try demonology
>have never been this uncertain as to where to bind abilities
wtf demonology
It is without the filters.
If only discord shitposters wouldn't sperg out and make new threads early without info.
Where did this come from? I don't trust these numbers.
why do you gotta be so antagonistic anyways
xth for /v/ apologists, redditors and blog posters getting btfo
>my threads are never deleted
homoshit favored by the mods
>mfw arms, feral, outlaw, spiest and ench damage variation
we did it bois
Move white girls like there's coke up my asscrack
>arcane not on the list
Not that guy, but Discord faggots have always been a cancer on virtually every general.
Should have seen Black Desert Online.
user with the cute trap leveling problem. Did this happen recently, because it happened to me too, it may be the same person.
everyone has been shitting on arms for months, this can't be accurate
Only way to combat avatarfags, shitposters, trannies, furfags, attention whores, and ban evaders is to pull down the curtain so that all can see what they do to the general.
Is it human posting time?
Ive been in the discord for a while and I have no idea what you're talking about.
ah, yes
the best way to combat people you don't like is to become one of them yourself
Why is anduin gay?
Where did the alliance go so wrong so as to become one big pride parade
I don't believe it either.
Yeah, it was probably the same person. The undead rogue.
>forced to play belf because the rest of the Horde can't stand up straight
This one's more accurate.
>picking your main based on pre lauch sims
>blizz will nerf/buff classes a week or two into EN
/wowg/ has and always will be a shitposting general
Discord fag detected. Putting filters in the OP of threads that are never deleted is exactly the same as posting tranny porn, furfag porn, role playing as a fag, worshipping avatarfags, being an avatarfag, ban evading, and raiding the thread from your chat room.
>legion launches in a day
>Just got home from work
>Chilling out, eating dinner and joining the local tauren tribes in their story sharing event.
Why arent you on an RP server?
>tfw no Kael'thas bf
Blizz already said they're not balancing for a while after launch because of artifacts
What you see now is what you're getting
i have to wonder about the context of this one
>still don't know what spec to pick
i now understand why people still haven't picked a class
Oh idk who that is. My cute trap only played healers like she should.
I hope blizzard doesn't go to crazy with the random nerfs. That type of shit won't work with the artifact system.
>literally 2% underneath fire in OP's pic
who gives a fuck except those autistically unfun top 5 guilds
Lost replies because I'm an idiot but to everyone who replied to the OP picture in the old thread
>Where'd you get it
Friend simulated it himself running default APLs and that's all anyone does when you see these posted elsewhere
>No patch to account for the changes
It's probably due to changes in the APLs themselves. They've been constantly getting updated.
>Is this real
Yes but apparently the hunter sims are "wrong" and MM is "best"
>Arms is currently simming the highest but I don't think it's realistic due to how high the APM is
t. Guildie who writes the DPS warrior APLs
OP is from today if it's the one I posted in the other thread
>one big
you mean the one single person people have said is gay
anyhoo it started in 5.2 and War Crimes concreted it
I do play RP server, and big events like that are boring as hell. Small with friends is always better rather than not being able to post for 2 hours because someone's talking
Post your xmogs and give advice for better xmogs.
just ninja'd thok from a SoO run
feels good
RP'ing ever...
The context is someone is just dicking around and simming shit with no weapon hunters or 1K ilvl monks, etc..
as if that's all u do
u might be deluded but u can't trick me
Draenei REALLY FUCKING LOVE fishing, apparently.
Which UI mod do I use?
i joined an rppvp server in an attempt to be that guy on a future "enemy race crashes funeral" video
How easy is it to win 100 arena games in a season? I want a vicious saddle.
You're retarded enough that it just does not even almost matter
Is that troll 10,000 years old somehow?
half a brain
no brain
>that it just does not even almost
awh that's boring
I was hoping it was something a bit sillier
That's all I do, and it's a relief when somebody else puts the filters in the OP or posts them early in the thread becuase it saves me doing it.
It requires more thought than rolling the bones with rogue.
>put "{g1} just scammed me out of a moose run" in trade chat
>people STILL freak out about it
What do you guys think, Set 1? or...
lmbo @ everyone saying fire was "ridiculously op"
What a time to be alive my friend
>yfw you find out blizzard has orcs beating down 10,000 year old battle-hardened night elves in Ashenvale
Where the vocaroos at?
>Fire can easily DPS by rolling its face across the keyboard
>Arcane requires you to carefully manage your resources and find a float point where you can sustain DPS without over taxing
>"No brain"
>You will never fuck Valeera.
Shame you have to play bm to use him
cute dinosaur
>know what to pick
>have to choose race
>that name is unavailabe
Come on now, making sure you don't go oom takes at least a quarter of a brain
just stop user, this is embarassing.
OP's sims are not accurate. Outlaw is top currently. There's no telling what else is wrong.
Who here staying up all night to reset their sleep schedule so that they'll wake up just as Legion is released?
>guildie is trying to get me kicked because i was bottom dps all of wod even with full bis and die constantly to easy raid mechanics
Sorry if that was too complex for you there, /v/
how do you stay a spec loyalist through xpac changes? i'm kind of jealous. i just chase after whichever class seems as strong as i'm willing to go while still enjoying the playstyle for every xpac
They just got a 99% nerf on fireball
how can blizzard justify 6/21
yours looks like shit. this is what a real mage looks like.
Set 2?
I have a job, so no.
>tfw class order hall armor is recolored challenge mode skins
set 2 seems a bit more common, go set 1 if you want that special snowflake edge
It's in the middle
lol neither spec is hard, arcane is literally just making sure you have enough mana when AP is off cd and that's the skill ceiling.
Mask throws off an otherwise good mog, search for a better head piece.
Is there a countdown of sorts until legion?
Where u @ dawg?
>its a "6 buff killing spree" episode
Get some good names like Wood, Black, Arsenic, shit like that.
yours looks too """"""wow"""""" for my personal taste. i like how armored it looks though, looks very unique for a clothie. i personally prefer to try to find subtle ways to make something more conventional stand out from the crowd. this is my most recent mog, still refining it
And people will mog pre-pandaland armor over it anyway, as it fucking sucks dick.
Set 1. The mask matches the cloths in colorfulness.
you should really side-by-side that shit
I made my warrior in wrath purely for tanking and i enjoyed it a lot and i picked up arms late in Wrath during ICC, i never liked the playstyle of fury so i was always Prot/Arms it has never ceased being fun to play and im not a mythic raider so i dont have to play the absolute best spec every expansion