Old: eyosongive.us
59 hours until MF's contest pic is resumed at aka6's stream!
Old: eyosongive.us
59 hours until MF's contest pic is resumed at aka6's stream!
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Xth for Katarina
best girl
>59 hours until MF's contest pic is resumed at aka6's stream!
100000 hours wouldn't be long enough. Shit artist. Can't wait to vomit once I see it's completion.
It's not though, they might think they did the right thing. They might not realize it was a mistake. I can't possible know what they're thinking, so if I don't ask, they might just do it again. I can't possibly prevent us from losing the game and make sure they don't make any mistakes again unless I know why they did a mistake and we can correct it so they never do it again.
>kat main on my team
>gets camped
>still feeds against morg mid
>rushes banshee's veil first
World's will be decided by:
80% draft
10% coin toss pickoffs after 30 minutes
9% presence of korean heritage
1% skill
kats boobs are too small and too high, morgana's dress is much fuller.
that is what bothers me about this image.
>59 hours until MF's contest pic is resumed at aka6's stream!
Doublelift the GOD.
your existence is what others me about this post
Such a cutie. I wanna tickle her cute tummy and hear her laugh.
You'll probably never play with this random again. It isn't some mistake you need to "correct", you want him to hear him say he was wrong. That's literally all there is to it, and that's why he's not responding, because you're obsessing over what was clearly a mistake and he doesn't want to talk about it.
Let it drop before it takes up any more of your time and energy
10% luck
20% skill
15% concentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
and 100% reason you just lost the game
Post it you cunts
That one single instance saved TSM and really displayed the genius of doublelift. The way he knew when to back off and then re-engage was incredible.
C9 lost this fight.
Fucking H O W
epic dude chuck norris ftw LMAO XD
double has flash, heal and culling
You can't spell "Godlike" without DL
it looks even worse in a still picture
but it basically came down to DL playing really well and jensen flashing into a missed mine/shove while eating the culling directly to his face. a good outplay combined with an extreme fuckup.
How the fuck did they lose that.
Kill me. I've got good stats but trash teammates every game. Not quite good enough to carry though.
xth for yams
My favorite teams can never beat TSM this season when it matters for some reason I dunno. I hate this version of TSM just a bunch of random euros and noobs stuck together aroudn Bjerg and Doublelift
Well I want to ask why not talk about it, what could possible be wrong with talking about a mistake, but I'm a lot calmer now, so I think I'm done.
Fuck I wish I would stop tilting over shit like this, it's what's fucking me over from climbing. I hadn't sperged like this for like 2 weeks, I was doing so well.
>caring about KDA instead of win %
w e w l a d
>DL playing really well
He did what any higher end pro adc could do, he E'd in the proper directions
>tfw just found a rune page that i don't use
I repurposed it to have ad and ap, but have no idea which champs use that setup other than eve. Who else can use this page?
He did it at the right moment and in combination with flash and heal so that he could stay alive and win the fight.
Why is __Riven___ the only champion who doesn't have any real counter?
No he didn't rewatch it a few times.
I'm almost exclusively playing tanks and shit champions, so i can only dream of a 4.00 kda.
Good for you mate.
just play Illaoi.
>riven doesn't have a counter
Have you tried not being shit?
Ekko jungle, maybe, but it's not a common set up. I have a page that runs AD reds/Armor yellows/AP glyphs and quints and it's literally just called "Eve". You're probably not going to find much use beyond that.
my nigga
max E
she literally can't do anything to you.
Why is__Kayle___the only champion who doesn't have any real counter?
there, all these champions are guaranteed to be in a competitive 6.16 match in some way.
what should change until worlds?
Why is ____teemo___ the only champion who doesn't have any real counter?
anything with a gapcloser deletes teemo off the planet in seconds
You should be required to play 2 games on a champion before you bitch about how they are overpowered
>You mean farm under my tower and pray she doesn't dive me?
>thresh adc
>ashe support
>thresh leaves at 6 minutes
>win because they can't 1v3 urgot and just keep walking into me with tryn cleaning up the rest
Today I made a Rumble real sad by playing Banner+Portal rush Nunu top
It was glorious
vlad nerfs
sivir,gragas,reksai, and jhin(lel) got nerfed already but they weren't playing on the new patch yet
yeah that's exactly the same as mine. I thought there would be more ap junglers that uses this
Any Mage can delete Teemo.
Put him against Malzahar and Teemo will be destroyed.
If that was me I'd just go bot and murder your adc and support a good 3 times and come back to lane with enough pen to put your useless auto attackin ass to sleep real fuckin fast
>Being Viable
>After her kneecapping
Yeah, you need to update that list there.
>mfw Doublelift literally carries 2 teams at once
>I don't know how to play Garen: The Post.
Know what, I want to try that out now.
Sivir is still going to be real strong. The netfs hurt but it is harldy a knee capping
>every single vlad poster ever
There's a reason he has a solo Q winrate of 45%, and the number of people who pick him up expecting to be in the same environment LCS is in is baffling
guys, come on, it was a joke.
I was making fun of the posters for saying that x champion doesn't have any counters.
Young man, you appear to be having trouble with a simple Noxian cur, allow me to explain how to dispense JUSTICE upon your enemy. First, select the handsome, heroic, champion Garen. Stride boldly into your lane and do not get yourself killed for the first five levels or so, a simple task for a Demacian hero such as yourself. Head back to base if you are not stamping the wench's head into the ground, (Heroically.) Buy an armor item, literally, any one you can afford. Walk bravely back into lane and fight her after she foolishly uses one of her spells to farm. You have defeated Riven, congratulations solider.
absolute scenes
>can't greentext
>can't auto her twice and watch as she dies to the turret
t. yasuo mains
I picked Garen into Riven before.
She busted my nuts.
>Doublelift is carrying LCS teams
>But anons are whining nobody is good enough to carry their Gold 3 teams
Reminder that elo hell doesn't exist in any way, shape, or form.
>People STILL believe Garen counters Riven
>not knowing all the nerfs were reverted
Vi fags, everyone.
I am climbing m8, I just dont play enough to climb super fast. I play maybe 3-4 ranked games a month. Im already high gold, and the only reason I play ranked is for the skin. I dont really even like league much anymore.
Not everyone plays like doublelift or has a reliable teammates all the time user
your fault tbqh
To be fair no one on LCS ragequit, fed on purpose, "ran it down mid," or acted like a complete fag (arguable for gameplay not personalty).
>one game that I did well in is evidence that elo hell exists
play an agressive champ with ignite and beat the living shit out of her before level 6
>teleports bot
>loses the fight and the turret
The Rumble player was shit and was really undefed after my Lee Sin got me two early kills. He should have maxed Scrap Shield second tho
Do it. Don't forget to Blood Boil the promoted minion too
Good ol' Destruction Man
is le ebin samurai of many dashes, shields and permaslows going to be picked at worlds if he isn't nerfed, /lolg/?
guess the champion
You idiot she was already nerfed this last patch.
>Extremely rough day at work
>Just want to play a chill Normals so I can relax
>Every lane feeds
>Instead of a nice easy fun game it's a brutal slugfest where I need to win everyone's lane for them
Jesus. Fuck.
>nasus doesnt have sheen at 38 minutes
>deaths dance draven instead of bloodthirster
>no magic resist on rammus
>full ap sona
Mundo shine where he pleases
>actually posting PBE and not the obvious current nerfs on live
W - Ricochet
BOUNCE DAMAGE RATIO 0.6/0.65/0.7/0.75/0.8 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.5/0.55/0.6/0.65/0.7 bonus attack damage
R - On The Hunt
PASSIVE ATTACK SPEED 40/60/80% while using Ricochet ⇒ 30/45/60% while using Ricochet
something something glass houses
Is that Ekko?
there are a lot of shit rumble players out there my man
wait until you hit one that's good, they're a fucking nightmare
If you wanted to relax after work you shouldn't have picked corporate mundo
Talon is good for killing overextended people and maybe getting fedenough to delete a carry that is way to far from their support in a teamfight. Talon literally requires people to fuck up to be effective. I mained talon all the way up to d4 in season 4, but he just isn't worth the effort. Play a champ that doesnt need to snowball, and utility.
>enemy rengar is 13/0
>convince team to stay in our base
>we take an even teamfight even though they have baron
>after she respawns 1/9 jinx immediately pushes out mid and dies
Anybody know the drama this is from?
check out this fucking
>do poorly
>chat all friendly with the other team via /all because the yi and darius were going off in team/all chat
>come post-game
>yi is still pitching a fit
>tell him i had more kill participation and did more damage than him
>a storm ensues
also he has ekko->zed->zac for his top three champs
why are yi's always so autistic
Why can't Garen just not be shit? That's all I'm asking, be relevant beyond Gold and I'll be content.
>you will never be rescued by a true exemplar of Demacia