>Fates FAQ
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
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Tharja a best
Go fuck yourself. You are literally being made fun of in the OP and you still shit anyway.
Thank you Takumi.
Azura a shit
just report and ignore my dude. Takumi's words of wisdom
Cutest family.
I love Sakura!
So do you guys just actively hate eachother every thread?
Fuck off. This thread was fine 'til you showed up.
Even the cutest family shitposter posts different pictures. You're a fucking bot. A soulless piece of garbage. Post other pictures, talk about her, or get the fuck out of my sight.
What's a good boon/bane/talent if I plan on marrying Tharja?
Does Femui lay eggs?
My problem isn't with the supports themselves but with how they were obtained in the GBA games. Standing next to another unit for 300 turns was just stupid.
That said I've always contested that part of the reason fewer supports is better is because the player isn't being over-exposed to the different characters. If you picked out the 5-6 best supports for each Fates character they'd probably look a bit better.
I don't think this place even likes Fire Emblem anymore.
Then why even bother coming back here? Especially (You), since you know you are hated around here?
Who /S-Ranked Soren and Ike/ back then?
Cause I don't let shitposters get to me.
Has there ever been a girl in vidya that just makes your heart go doki doki, and you just know that their the one? That's how Severa's like.
I wanna cuddle & brush those twintails.
>you don't let yourself get to you
Severa is garbage, even worse than Azura.
I want to abuse and cut off those twintails
I have the same feeling with her mom.
I like Hana
I'll pretend I'm brushing them, she won't find out until later
All me.
get this filth away from me.
Unlimited supports meant they couldn't account for certain events happening in the story. I mean how could they, you had to have everyone be able to talk to everyone at any given time. This meant less attention to detail like in, say, Volke/Bastian and more a factory line of "churn this out quickly", which leads to complaints of, say, characters like Felicia feeling like she has 50 variations of the exact same support.
Unlimited supports also actively opposed the idea of S-ranks, since they couldn't have a support be too romantic before the S-rank without looking awkward if one or more of the characters is already married. This hurts pretty much every coupling in the game since the S-ranks end up feeling very abrupt for 99.9% of them and characters end up going from "friends" to "LET'S PORK" in the span of four conversations. Sure, love came up in past supports too, but often the characters it happened with had more going on the story to reaffirm it too, like Roy/Lilina. The awkwardness issue was still there sometimes, but nowhere near as much as it was in Awakening/Fates (see Cordelia's supports with Henry/Gregor, unaltered even if she's married).
The support system of Awakening and Fates also forces marriage during an active war campaign, which is stupid for a lot of reasons (especially in Fates). Marriage later on, in epilogues and stuff, was okay, and obviously love can bloom on the battlefield, but I have a hard time choking down that two of my units porked and popped out a kid in the time it took me to go between two chapters.
So the unlimited supports, at least in the way Awakening/Fates handled them, not only works against suspension of disbelief but works against itself too. This viscous cycle is only here to allow kids to exist, which in my opinion do more harm than good to the games as a whole at this point.
Is this a pasta?
If it is I honestly agree with it
They had ten minutes to write out 300 words and it's a subject where opinions are pretty set in stone. It probably took him more time to figure out how to word things than figure out what he wanted to say.
So I'm thinking up yet another class system, this time branching, and it'd be really cool if I could get soldier/halberdier and archer/sniper lines merged, but I can't think of a good shared promotion.
First thing that comes to mind is a sort of perfect castle guard, with bows to shoot over walls at attackers and lances to hold position once they've closed in.
The problem is I don't think that's very useful to the player, since defend chapters are rare. It'd be more useful for the enemy, who can easily just deploy archers and soldiers in twice the numbers. I guess that's part of why soldiers are rarely playable--there are so many other options for lances more suited to being on the offensive and outnumbered.
Also throwing spears being relatively common and accurate makes the bows somewhat meaningless. Explains why the combination is so rare I guess.
Can't really think of any way to make this work. Sad because it'd create a nice symmetry.
Just put a speahead on the end of the bow desu. Call it "Spearbow Knight".
Basically the way to fix it then would be to have support lines stop being so one-dimensional and to have the romance come in more naturally?
Both of the exclusive promotions are foot soldiers so just make it a mounted unit.
What if it was some kind of mounted knight? Think Nomad Trooper, but with Lances instead of Swords.
Just make 'em more defensive while Nomad Troopers are more agile.
*stares down azura*
*crit sound*
Best step for making bows significant: Nerf 1-2 weapons and keep their availability lower so the versatility is more appreciated.
>Severa sets up Cordelia with Chrom
Fucking hell, is there a worse daughter?
the memehouse doesnt think so
>2 tile range
>hidden weapons
>1-2 range, debuffs enemies, WTA over bows.
Nip game design.
>let's her mom spend some time with the guy she liked before she marries dad
I'm not seeing the problem here.
>WTA over bows
Except that's wrong. Bows have the advantage.
Cordycucks ladies and gentlemen
Considered it. Basically RD's Silver Knight. Not sure how I feel about units randomly gaining mounts though. I make an exception for Great Knight since it's a blending of Armor Knight and Cavalier.
Think of it like this. Great Knights are made because either Cavaliers gave themselves (and their horses) armor, or Armor Knights decided to give themselves a horse.
So in this case, a Soldier decides to take up horseback archery while also fighting with lances, while an Archer decides to fight up close and personal with lances on horseback while also
As shitty as it is, Corrin and Azura actually kind of work as a pairing. That is, because the story beats you over the head with their relationship so much, their marriage convos feel a bit less forced.
More than that, just making them all more romantic doesn't work either because then you run into the awkwardness issue I described.
Again, they only have this cycle going on because of kids; it's more of a eugenics machine than it is a narrative choice. After the complete narrative disaster and pretty cold reception to the Fates kids though (IIRC none of them were even that popular) I pray to high heaven they just can the concept altogether for FE15 though.
Without kids you COULD go back to a limited pool (obviously not make them stupid to get like in the GBA games), and make certain pairings that could end in marriage more romantic. They could even put more care into attention to detail to the supports too, even if support limits aren't back.
I'm not even saying you need to get rid of the waifushit, you could still have the MU support everyone and be horribly bland as to not trigger a self-inserter while the others get normal pools, but the current support system definitely needs a change; they spread all of their effort way too thin and everything just ends up being shallow.
Please excuse me, I'm retarded.
Hidden weapons are still nonsense though.
Not really.
What would you do with a pocket imouto?
Things don't have to make sense, just do it.
True. I still think the S rank isn't too big a deal, the forced kids is a bit unnecessary though. And the awkwardness and cuck meme bait could probably be worked around. My biggest gripe with it is like you said the whole thing with recurring jokes like Felicias supports.
Kill it with fire magic.
While I'd be inclined to agree with this, unfortunately I think it's too late for that. People obsess over MUH SUPER SOLDIERS now. Even the most popular pairings here are based on that rather than actual support quality, though that may not seem to be saying much given the general quality.
I'd be ok with, say, the S-rank having the characters hint at a relationship or hell, even start dating. Having more limited supports would help because honestly, not everyone is realistically gonna be compatible with everyone else. That much is very obvious in Awakening/Fates.
You won't get rid of the waifushit regardless, as that has been around for much longer than Awakening. You don't stop it by just removing the MU, though they could have them go the Chris route I guess. I mainly just think they need to tone down on the number of supports and remove kids. Genealogy is the only game that did kids right; I didn't really like any of the kids in either Fates or Awakening.
Try to find a way to turn her back to her normal size.
Another possibility would be leaving out the soldier and combining archer and thief (knife-using) lines, though I'm even less sure how that would work.
I thought assassin's having bows in awakening seemed really appropriate, but then we'd need something else to be the "knife specialist" and I can't imagine anything other than assassin filling that role.
Also really liked the bow-thief in fates, so maybe that could be incorporated somehow.
Too many possibilities, not enough solid ideas.
Go with Adventurers. They should have been a Bow and Dagger user anyway.
Why is everyone so obsessed with Hybrid classes now-adays? They throw balance out of wack. Versatility is nice but classes lose their meaning when everyone has some sort of variation. Plus dividing weapon ranks almost never works. Most people just stick to one weapon and level it up exclusively.
Oh yeah, also had the idea of the knife+bow class getting a skill that lets it auto-equip whichever allows it to counter attack, so it's never completely defenseless.
>not building a big dollhouse mansion for Elise to live in
>not treating her like a princess with cute doll close & giant cookies and tea baths
>not slowly mindbreaking her into never wanting to recover from being tiny ever again
Fates is the only game that really fucked it up.
>Hybrid classes are shit on your side and exist on the other side to fuck your shit up
>they're only good for skills
It's just necessary if you're gonna have a branching system. I've managed to get everything else fairly well connected with just classic classes, but archers are tough to work with.
>Ace can talk
I have plenty to think about already
>Equips weapon that allows unit to counterattack
You exaggerate. Few people really put their minds into kids for eugenics and more did it for the shipping.
Hell for most casuals Fire Emblem is more of a shipping waifushit game than a strategy game when most play in Normal mode.
It was more like sign language that he misinterpreted from replicate!Percy's sexual frustration shaking
Starting to like this idea. Adventurer, a utility class highly capable of independent action. High resistance plus Preparedness makes it a perfect anti-mage unit, giving it the edge it needs over rogue since locktouch is now a basic thief skill.
Was really keen on soldier/archer because it made nice social tiers of knights/soldiers/civilians, but I guess archers don't necessarily have to be soldiers. Also plenty of lances to be had among the knights, so not having an infantry specialist isn't a huge deal.
Gonna sleep on it for now.
Guess who's back
Those are B Tits!
I love Pieri and so do you!
i want to "punish" Pieri every time she makes a mistake, slowly turning her into a cockslut, then dumping her in a ditch.
New Ethlyn.
Canonically the ugliest bitch
Get that turtle & her hair dye away from my daughter.
Damn thats some nice artwork, also dragon knights, gotta be during the Yied Massacre right?
Also heard there was a Sigurd VS Arvis, battle of Belhalla card, probably 2 cards that form 1 artwork
You posted the wrong picture.
Canon in my heart.
Pls don't cripple Kana with Selenas shitty genes
But I want my Kanabean to be a cute Kanpeki Jr. just like SevSev.
Does Kana inherit Seleans terrible tsun?
She inherits cute tsun if that's what you meant.
You're buying the Awakening art book, right /feg/?
Putting it on a Christmas list cause I'm saving up for a PS4.
Hey man, im thinking about saving up for a PS4 too
It has some games that interest me coming up so i have thinking about finally getting one for a while
That art is fucking disgusting
life is meaningless without waifus
Soleil is so____.
>Desert in the background
>Wyvern visible
>No baaby Altinna
Yea, thats the one thing off about the artwork
But other than that i think it looks really nice