/vn/ - Miracle Kagari Edition

Visual Novel General #1180


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This general is for the discussion of Japanese visual novels.

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first for moege is allowed

What have you done?

Well you heard the user, might as well make the best of it.

Friendly reminder that yuri is the purest form of love.

What is your favorite moege?
Mine is Da Capo2
Otome is the best.

love that can bear no fruit is not love at all

I'll read it in a moment, I just need a drink.
But seriously, Nemu isn't getting any sympathy. Making the MC do deranged things, casting away his humanity, making him torment others.
And come on, sealing Rinne on a wall is going too far. That shit is done, no reversing it and her days are numbered. Even Byakua didn't go THAT far in her route. Nemu's schemes far outweight the little acts of kindness she had done, don't give me that eternal unrequited love bullshit.
Then again, this might just be 5deep7me.

Oh man, get ready for it.

He already knows Nemu a shit. Nothing more to be ready for.

Nemu is quite literally the best nukige girl. She also has the hottest voice. No need to prove me wrong since you can't.

When can Rance and Monster Girl generals get reasorbed?

Da Capo 3.
Everyone (even Ruru-nee) is very likeable.

Post CGs, man.


I was going to meme and say she isn't even the best girl in her own game but I can't even say that.

The girls in Euphoria were so shit it's unbelievable. Pre-cult Rinne is probably the only girl that comes close.

I'm reading through Da Capo 2 right now.

Koko's route is a complete mess. Like three different types of drama going on at the same time plus misunderstandings. Also for someone that has her own route, Nanaka has an excessive amount of screen time.

So, I finished Forest. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting but it was bretty gud.


That's a big futon.


Let's make /vn/ a Yuritopia!

Let's not.


Should I go for the bad endings in Demonbane? Will I miss anything if I skip them?

yaaaay comfy vn naptime.

good lewd is what you'll be missing.

You don't need to but read them anyway. More importantly, go for Al's route first to avoid some scenes in the other routes feeling like complete asspulls. The two other routes are more like complementary side-material than full stories that work on their own.

Right, then I'll go for them.

>go for Al's route first
That's what I was going to do, I usually follow the order suggested by Fuwanovel walkthroughs.

Thank you for fixing the OP.

Fucking dead.

Your face is fucking dead

In a perfect world, men like me would not exist...

But this is not a perfect world.


What is this from again?


> My first goal is to translate 100 different PC-98 games.

Isn't this illegal?

Do any of you find this bitch annoying?

Are you a cop?

Just wait.

It gets so much worse.

I agree with you somewhat.
Pre-cult Rinne was nice, being a little perverted with her bonus games and her vanilla H was fantastic.
Sensei was okay, too.

She justifies her actions pretty damn well when you finally get to the true route, which you probably should have done earlier.

Oh and don't forget about the evil end where the MC goes all edgy sadist and some funny stuff happens.

hey friends, recommend me someting with lolis and english translation


Learn Japanese.

How worse does it get?

I don't want to spoil it but there's a personality switch that'll make you hate her.

Can you not fuck with the OP? JOPtard.

Tempted to give Rewrite a spin after finished Tomoyo After, but I'm afraid of the feels...

Are you that idiot who is reading Tomoyo After because you finished Tomoyo's route in Clannad? How about you finish fucking Clannad first?

can't man

already finished best girl's route, nothing left for me


No point in you reading Rewrite then, since you'll finish one route then won't bother with the remaining 70% of the VN

You've taken the bait

Don't post disgusting sluts. Thanks.

My bad.

>new henreader

sup guys
tried everything, no success, so i am going to ask here.
i cant get saya no uta to change window size. putting it into full screen mode only aligns it to the top left corner of my screen, the window size stays the same.
there seems to be no way to manually change the window size by editing a file, which worked with umineko.

Don't change it? You'll just make it ugly, read it it in its native resolution

need muh immersion senpai
i dont care of it looks like shit, i want full screen

Literally Google

Is Flowers supposed to have a bad ending or did I accidently answer something wrong?

Let's make EOPs learn japanese! How do we する(suru) it? We change some 言葉(kotoba) in sentences with their japanese analogues. What do you guyz 思う(omou) about my 計画(keikaku)?

Sorya chou warii hanashi to omee


Right click desktop -> Screen resolution ->
Change Windows resolution to 800x600?
I don't really understand why you need to edit ini files for a VN you are just going to read in fullscreen.

none of that works for me. i already saw that.

fucking around with my screen resolution usually crashes league of legends

LoL is garbage so thats ok

You're welcome.

You're like that guy who corrected "Dies Irae" to "Dies irae"

I got a hernia from sitting down to much but I want to keep reading and my laptop is too big and bulky. Does /vn/ has any reccomended windows tablets?

Cyanide or get off your ass more often.

Take a walk, man.


No, fuck you. My waifu needs me.

Found a solution to the problem.
Use compatibility settings to make the game launch in 640/480, Windows XP mode. That way, if you close the game, the resolution becomes normal again.
Staying in Windows 10 made the program irresponsive after loading a save for some reason, once I set compatibility settings to Windows XP everything workwed fine.

>Windows 10

Is Euphoria any good even if you aren't interested in the fapbait?

It has a decent story for a nukige. Don't expect much though.

Maybe, it's got an above average plot and some nice character development.

> Otome is the best.

Holy shit what's with this shit taste? Anzu and Robutt are best girls, with Yume a close second.

You like fucking Otome, aka 'I'll wipe the protagonist out of fucking existence, even when he mutually loves my sister'. Fucking worst girl, right there.

>still playing league
Off yourself

It hasn't been anything mindblowing so far, but it's interesting enough for me to keep reading. The character development is pretty nice on each route and seeing the surface for the first time kinda surprised me.

>You like fucking Otome, aka 'I'll wipe the protagonist out of fucking existence, even when he mutually loves my sister'. Fucking worst girl, right there.
It is hardly like she did it happily. She's depressed/borderline suicidal about it in all the routes. She had to get rid of the devil tree that was causing havoc.
One's personal happiness over the lives of everyone on the Island isn't as important, especially when Sakura/Junichi already gave up their lives trying to calm it.

Anzu/Otome best girls

Moe degeneracy is not allowed here. Fuck off.


It's decent. Maybe a little better than that depending on how you personally react to the themes/tweests.

It's a pretty flawed product though just by the nature of the true route being kind of rushed near the end. As well as the other routes not being nearly as interesting.

Still probably one of the better nukige out there.

Translated nukige*

Searching kanji by radicals ain't that difficult actually. It is quite nice desu

It's pretty good in comparison to untranslated ones too. Even if you keep it strictly to the fap-bait.

The what?

I think that's too heavy praise for a story that's only redeeming factor is existing but ok.

Doesn't kanjitomo work with visual novels?
Would seem easier than looking up kanji individually.

It probably does. For now, I am just watching random videos on my phone though. them baby steps

After multiple shots of vodka and a persistent headache, I'm starting Kanae Route.
Please, PLEASE tell me there won't be guro, these flashes in Keijirou's mind are freaking me out already.

It's optional.


Her route doesn't have any

The secret ending on the other hand though

Don't use a guide even if you struggle. Figuring a certain thing out in that is pretty satisfying

Sore wa chigai yo!

How do we stop the DJT-posting?

Everyone here has to learn Japanese to fluent levels