No Man's Sky General:
Other urls found in this thread:
Most recent patch notes:
List of PC performance/crash fixes:
Button click hold remover:
Free flight:
x1000 range hyper drive:
Instagram Filter Remover:
Chromatic Aberration + Vignetting + Scan Lines Remover:
Annoying audio message remover:
Comfy Exosuit Voice
Immersive Space - Makes space easier on the eyes but conserves some nebula colour
what the hell, is this like some embedded post wizardry?
he just posted the links in his second reply
great, I'm just fucking retarded - we're off to a good start then
so who can tell me how adjacency bonuses actually work? :^)
>You can fly here.
>You can land.
>And you can take off again.
>And go somewhere else and land.
>And you can step out
>and shoot things.
>And you have an inventory.
>And objects go in, right?
>And then you can take them other places.
>That's like, 8 possibilities.
Just check, goddamn.
GOG update when?
Never ever.
who here is getting a refund?
Not me. I am still enjoying the game, especially with the new mods
does the game ever just....go in slow motion for you? it's not just an fps drop, because that stays constant, but sometimes everything just takes longer and happens slower
c ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah, probably.
That's your CPU falling behind, most probably when generating terrain. Lower the generation quality.
it's just mining shit though, and my cpu never goes above like 20%
>it's just mining shit though
If it happens when you're and have been stationary for a while, you might just have other processes sapping your performance. Or your CPU might just be that weak.
>never goes above like 20%
The load percentage stopped being relevant when we switched to multi-core CPUs. With a 4-core, 25% is full load on a core, but the readings are not accurate enough. 20% might very well mean that you've hit full load for a while, and that might have caused the slowdown.
Bitcoin mining?
Didn't know NMS did that in the background.
Sounds about right.
you can delet waypoints on your galaxy map by holding L1+R1 for a few seconds while the waypoint you want to delet is selected.
Atleast on PS4 after patch 1.07
new features when
If anyone needs easy money quick and finds a planet with Gravitino Balls, check this out.
>This requires the Advanced Cooling Theta blueprint for your ship
>Fill up your ship until you have 4 empty slots left
>Make sure you dont have any Thamium9 in your ship slots
>Craft Advanced Cooling Theta in one slot
>Then dismantle
>The Gravitino Balls you got from dismantling the Cooling Theta are stackable up to 100
So you can run around the planet and pick up a ton more now sell them for a couple mil. Sell all but one and it will still be stackable.
For reference, basically says what I said in the post.
>carrying both v1 and v2
Howv ddo i force large scale battles to happen
Nigga... there's nothing to do except gather minerals to refuel your shit and hop to the next system where you repeat the process.
You can't force anything, because nothing exists.
In depth mods WHEN
get on the experimental branch, nigger
>that fucking bunny in the op
you done fucked it up
Never. Can do so much without tools.
but I'm a piratefag
OP I know you are trying to be cute and funny, but there's a rule on Veeky Forums that every thread adheres to - NEVER change the name of the game in the OP, because some autist will control+f, not find it and make another thread.
Then you don't deserve updates and you don't deserve this thread.
Get out!
no u fagot
after playing for a few hours here's my thoughts on mods
>derelict ships you can board and salvage
>easter egg ships like serenity and the USS enterprise on earth (if you can go to earth)
>ability to have crew members that can come down on on planets with you and mine what you tell them to mine
>the ability to create fleets that follow you around
>the abilitity to build your own space station
>space-time anomalies you have to figure your way out off
>Easter egg reapers from mass effect that will wreck your shit if you don't immediately warp away
>a number on your HUD saying how much of a planet you've expored
>meteor landings on planets
>ability to warp back to planets you've visited before from any location
>tractor beams
>actual fucking space battles
>actual fucking multiplayer
>ultra advanced scanners that let you know what kind of resources are on a planet and how muck
>pirate raids on your home base
also I don't know if there are humans in game yet but there definately should ne
>densely populated planets
>all these pie in the sky wishes
Modders are limited to the tech they have available, they are idiots compared to developers
You are describing a different game. I can too project all my desires on any game, won't make it so.
Get the fuck outta here
they'd be easter eggs, as in something you would only find EXTREMELY rarely
whenever I play a game I always see the wasted potential in them
Nigga do you understand copyright infringement? What the fuck is wrong with you?
...and if you meant mods then just LMAO, modders can do 1/1000th of what you want.
you are describing a different game not NMS, dumbass
>this isn't no man's sky
Sounds like a good thing to me
i'm kinda new to vg
what determines what games can have a general?
>costs 10 grav balls to make
>get 5 grav balls back
>repeat for profit
Basically if the thread doesnt die you can have a General. For example, there was a Tales of Zerestria/Tales of- general for a little bit right after Zerestria released, but, after a few months it died and now Tales of- threads just exist on /v/. Old games can have a general but again if no one posts in them and they die then you cant really have a general. This is my general understanding being on Veeky Forums for a couple years now.
anything that gets frequent and consistent enough threads to be a general, because they didn't want them clogging up /v/ as they become more common
bruh, it's not some troll physics thing, it just grants you a single _stackable_ instance of the grav balls, so you can go farm them from planets and wrecks and efficiently store them in big batches
anything that has enough posters/players to keep a constant thread alive
I used to OP the DayZ general, a bunch fo retards started shitposting regularly and the game got kinda stale, so people just stop posting
The DayZ general is extinct now ;_;
why not just edit storage.json then?
so is it like a /v/->Veeky Forums thing then? i want to shitpost about rocket league..
forgot pic
If you transfer those grav balls does the whole stack split?
No. It's 100 in both inventories.
I want to play this so badly
>so is it like a /v/->Veeky Forums thing then?
Well, you can post a general on Veeky Forums without ever going to /v/. The boards are not connected.
A rule of thumb is - if the game has a large audience and you want a constant thread to discuss things post on Veeky Forums, if it doesn't and you want to discuss something once post on /v/
so... play it? it's not amazing but I'm enjoying it, and it's literally DRM free, there's a not quite up to date but still recent copy on tpb
So real talk now, does Sean have a future in game development?
If so, what will it look like?
>what will it look like?
hobbit feet
Lolno. If he works on other games he'll just be a grunt. He'll never be a lead again.
sean is the new todd howard
also, does this shit stack or am I just wasting space?
He doesn't have a future at all. He's killed himself already
Sean took it to a whole nother level. Todd and even Molyneux cant compare with his blatent dishonesty
I fell under the map and I can't get out
okay I got out but now I can't leave this circle
80+ hours played. Just requested my refund on GoG
I got out, turns out I was stuck in the colum somehow and I just grenaded my way out
>all this hatred for the man who poured his heart and soul into this game and wanted nothing more for you to play it, discover new planets and things, and to feel that hope and joy that all children have and you had lost in your jaded adult hood
You don't deserve him
You should all be ashamed
>blatantly lied consistently in order to increase hype and pre-order
that is not a man who puts his heart and soul into a game
tl;dr make as many links as possible, make squares and straight lines as much as possible, and choose whether to spread link totals evenly among different stats in group or minmax inside that group
prioritize these, in order, for a given stat
>maximize number of upgrades installed
they stack multiplicatively for the total
>maximize total number of links for upgrades to stat within group
each upgrade's links get added (multiplicatively with each other) to another multplicative step for the total upgrade value
>maximize even distribution of links and raising of minimum link count
the above has diminishing returns, so a link can be worth more if assigned to an upgrade with fewer links than the rest
>contiguous groups of linked upgrades
didn't seem to actually matter for effective value if same number of links per upgrade were present
>tier of individual upgrade
assigning more or fewer links to different tiers of upgrades to a given stat makes literally no difference, provided the overall distribution is as even as possible in either case
base multiplier per link, possibly scales with total number of links or base value for given stat, people finding anywhere from around 0.0375 to around 0.03815 - as a result total calculations didn't always match exactly, but magnitude and relative differences were precise
if you aren't looking to seriously max it out, just keeping similar upgrades contiguous is a good strategy. it won't be optimal, only close, but it takes basically no effort to do
Incoming casual...
How do I take screenshots again?
press print screen
add non steam game, use steam overlay
Where can I find aluminum? Is it one of floating rocks like copper?
my dream animu
Where the hell can i find the antimatter recipe?
I didn't pick the atlas path, am I fucked?
Is there a place I can get a guaranteed refund after a good while? I want to purchase it for a bit.
The fuck is wrong with you? Just read what you posted and see if it feels normal. That's some next level shifty cunt behavior.
Either buy it or pirate it. That's it.
yeah just buy it on steam and refund it whenever you feel like, ignore the retards defending this below-mediocre piece of trash
check out manufacturing sites they got all them reciepies you need to use the bypass chip and the tower thing and youlll find them for sure
Yea, Blockbuster should rent it to you bro
aluminium is usually in lower quantities inside caves next to plutonium.
>renting games
is this what we have come to? holy shit.
what's next? renting clothes? renting furniture? renting glasses? renting your fucking underwear?
why not just pirated it then?
It's sensible for short guilty pleasures that kill time
>renting is bad
You're either 18 years old or lower.
>what's next
>renting housing
>renting vehicles
Absolute cancer
what other games let you fly from planet to planet without interruption?
Not this one. Warping is a loading screen.
yeah, but it hides it well in a realistic manner.
what other games do the same thing?
Starbound. They do it the exact same way.
KSP if you git gud
The E:D jewfest. SC soon™
And this game doesn't, the planet you see from the sky doesn't look like the actual one.
> /v/ is about videogames
When will this shitty meme end
Modding the shit out of this game actually fixed my FPS.
General consensus, what (realistic) Mods are you looking forward to?
>Because we know this shit ain't getting updated anytime soon.
Mod Wishlist:
- More weapon mod types (Sniper, Rocket, etc)
- Ship designer (Spore style)
- Actual Multiplayer (They made GTA San Andreas MP, anythings possible)
lewd aliens if im being honest
I just want faster running speed and stackable rare resources.
But I want faster running more.
Agreed, even small land vehicles would be interesting.
One more for the list, which I'm assuming could be more than doable
- Wildlife structured to look like Gek, Vy'Keen and Korvax. So it's not ENTIRELY barren, you'll see NPCs just wandering around, doing exactly what you're doing.
could any steamcucks here confirm performance improvements for the experimental patch? if any that is.
does having an upgraded version of a mod and the lower grade of the mod stack or is the lower one just a waste of space?
>he doesn't understand the difference between from planet to planet and from star to star.