ITT: shit drivers do that piss you off
>literally stopping before making a right turn when it's not necessary
ITT: shit drivers do that piss you off
>literally stopping before making a right turn when it's not necessary
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Fucking happened to me in the rain and I almost fucking hit the niggers bumper. The cunt just stopped and took 15 seconds for his stupid ass to turn even though the intersection was fucking clear the whole time.
Youre legally obligated to stop when making a right unless theres a yield sign posted. You might as well complain about people using turn signals too fucking asshole.
>never using turn signals
>turning wide and ending up in the farthest lane
>swinging outward before turning
You're not a schoolbus, you're not a semitruck, you're a fucking dodge neon, corner normally.
>goes around someone at speed
>to have you suddenly speeding towards a stopped cars
Tap the brake nigguah.
>left lane hogs
Downtown Chicago? Sure, I'd understand, intersections are too close and with traffic it's best to just maintain your lane rather than switching lanes all the time. 2-lane interstate in the middle of nowhere? Get right, cunt.
>people that turn way too slowly from a main road to a side/residential road
If it was a driveway I'd understand, but a residential road you can carry about 5mph through that corner
>people on the phone
Bonus points for people that put their phone on speaker than hold it up to their face. Being on speakerphone doesn't free you from the law, if it's in your hand it's no longer handsfree, and you mind as well just use it normally.
>ITT: shit drivers do that piss you off
Slowing to a stop when the traffic light turns yellow.
Driving the speed limit when everyone else is going faster.
People that accelerate slowly or even worse people with fast cars that accelerate slowly. Get off the fucking road if you can't afford to put the pedal down. Those faggots are on the same level as bro trucks.
Always love the 20-something year old Asian woman merging on the the highway going 50 under the limit in her brand new AMG.
Also got ran into the medium today by a trucker. He cut me off intentionally too it would seem. I took a picture of his truck info
If I call the company he works for will they give a shit?
Yes they will.
Are you one of those people that likes to chill in truckers blind spots? If so you probably had that coming. Not a good idea, always give big trucks space and assume they can't see you.
People who decide that waiting one cycle of the lights is WAY TOO LONG 4 ME and run a stale red light ensuring that the protected left will have expired and I get to wait a whole cycle of the lights.
People who look at the pedestrian timer and see that there are 5 seconds left before the light turns yellow and come to a stop just as the yellow tinted photons reach my optic nerve.
>immediately resorts to victim blaming
Not him but around here truck drivers are the most seflish, overly aggressive twats I've ever seen. Even if he was chilling in blindspots, it's the truck driver's job to check them
>staying in the left lane on the highway after being passed by 5 people on the right giving you shit looks
>nearly completely stopping before making a right turn
>waiting for a yellow light to make a left turn when there were 45 fucking gaps
>people that cant use roundabouts properly
>people that slam the brakes and suddenly make a left turn without signalling
>stopping for a pedestrian at a crosswalk when the persons 20 fucking feet from even hitting the crosswalk
>people that cut you off then go back into the other lane 10 seconds later
>taxi's that park where the fuck they want infront of clubs blocking traffic while sluts take 15 minutes to get in
>people that drive 20km/h under the limit because its drizzling rain
Twats or not you still should never be in anybody's blind spot, slower traffic keep right (or left) actually means something.... Most people's instinctive reaction is to swerve if they see something ahead. Semi's aren't exactly nimble, they'll swerve and crush you in a emergency situation. It's just safer to avoid them.
Not on green.
>smashing brakes the moment they see the light turn yellow, regardless of distance
>merge lanes without signals in traffic
>brodozers muscling in on a lane some reasonable bastard signaled for
>city cars commuting long distances in the highway slow lane
>unreasonable loads haphazardly cargo strapped into a stock Tacoma bed
>hauling anything in a trailer without securing it
>dumping clutch at a red light
>riding the right hand lane until the last quarter mile to your exit
>dipshits blocking traffic to get into a fast food line spilling out onto a road
I mean, honestly? Just Dallas drivers in general. Densest motherfuckers I've ever had the displeasure of sharing the road with.
people that slow down to 10 mph or slower to turn onto a different street especially if it isnt a high center vehicle like a suv
How about on a two lane highway when one trucker tries to overtake another, but the trucker being overtaken suddenly has an ego issue so you have two trucks side by side blocking both lanes, creating ridiculous crosswinds and just creating chaos?
Or is that my fault too?
>swinging outward before turning
Dude this. Are they not aware of the dimensions of their vehicle? Do they think they will flip like a Skyrim model bugging out and shoot off into the sunset if they turn the vehicle and feel a tiny pull towards the outside of the turn?
>smoke weed everyday
That is every trucker ever. All of them are cunts
whats wrong with slowing down on a yellow? cops in my area will pull you over if any part of your vehicle even looks like its still in the intersection when the light turns red. if too far to make it, stop. if close enough, continue on. Virginia sucks for fun driving.
> Exist
Seriously. I want the roads to myself, fuck off.
> people in merge lanes that ignore reasonable openings, opting instead to speed down to the taper and force someone to let them in by just cutting them off
My blood is boiling just typing this
I usually swerve out a little bit for tight parking, but I assume that's not what you're talking about.
>people who stay in their merge lane until it ends instead of finding an opening asap
>people in the left lane not closing the gap to the next car and letting other people merge in front of them over and over
>people on their phones leaving a huge gap and breaking erratically
>people who can't judge how fast to go in stop and go traffic and have to slam the breaks every time
>using a merge lane to cut in traffic
>getting into the left lane and going the speed limit because you have a turn in 4 miles
>left two lanes going the same speed for a long time
>honking 1 ms after the light turns green even when I'm moving right away
>stopping in the intersection instead of before the crosswalk
>cum dumpsters in the god damn left lane ever. not a single one of you is capable of the higher thought needed to keep traffic moving
I have a commute through Baltimore and dc every day so I'm sure I forgot some but god damn fuck drivers. There is no reason the left lane should be going less than 80 unless the traffic is stopped.
People that take an age to pull away from the lights, leaving it to turn red by the time you get there.
forgot people who don't tail the car in front of them at a left turn arrow. fat brain-dead soccer moms waiting to go until the car in front of them is done turning.
>need to move over into the right lane to make a turn
>cunt in the right lane sitting in blind spot taking their sweet time overtaking
>traffic ahead so can't overtake them
>put blinker on and slow down a tad so the process speeds itself up
>cunt finally gets clear
>start turning the wheel
>guy following chooses that exact moment to swing into the right-hand lane and overtake on the right at 10 over
I come to a complete stop when turning if the car behind me is a total shitcunt.
Looks like you guys need to STAY OUT OF THE NO ZONES
god damn that pisses me off..
also this:
>tfw you try to be nice and slow down a bit to make room for someone to merge into your lane and 1-2 extra vehicles aggressively try to muscle their way into the opening you made
>When you indicate to merge into a lane for over 15 seconds but nobody front or back lets you in
That's not necessarily the wrong way to do it.
Its actually the fastest way to merge traffic as long as everyone follows the rules.
I swerve to cut these cuts off.
Youre supposed to for passengers you simple fuck.
it's different in Ontario, here as long as the vehicle crosses the white line (vehicle is in the intersection) before the light turns red it's fine
jeezus, i was expecting a typical high school educational video, but it turned into a full-on music video. Can't get any more 90's than that
>I like em crisp
>not 'i like em black'
Jesus that flip-turned my life upside down. I've only been driving for 6 months and thought I was doing the right thing merging early.
Merge early:
>find a gap as quickly as possible, car behind you may have slow a little but generally doesn't affect the flow/average speed of the lane
Merge late:
>everything grinds to a halt while cars from the merging lane awkwardly force their way into gaps which don't exist anymore
not driver related but when street lights aren't synchronized i want to slap a bitch
If I'm at a red light, and the light turns green and I go straight and at the speed limit, by the time I reach the next set of lights it should be green, not turn red as I get there.
Stop accelerating slowly and stop going the speed limit. Most lights are set up wrong so accelerating too fast or slow will have you waiting at every red light. When you see the pedestrian lights start to flash "don't walk" it's time to put the hammer down.
I have mad light synchronization skillz, If I was the only car on the road my brakes would last a million miles.
>People who stop on or immediately after they get across the railroad tracks because there's an intersection on either side of the tracks
This. On my way to college there was a set of two lights where I had to go 5+ over the speed limit to get through both.
>unprotected left
>waiting behind car
>light turns red
>have to wait another full cycle
always makes me ree, you move into the fucking intersection you stupid normies, if the light turns red while you're waiting you have the right of way
why does nobody understand this
Where are u from? Just curious.
People that pass on the right going Mach 1 because I happened to get into the left lane to turn a mile down whilst going five over the limit. I apologize for being patient and having the uncanny ability of getting in a lane and staying in it.
It is the optimal way but if some door knob doesn't let you in and you have to slow down/come to a stop at the end of the merge lane to not crash into a barrier it's much worse.
It assumes that all drivers are driving how they should. In most cases if you can find a good gap early in the merge lane take it.
People that stop at an intersection before me, yet wait to ensure I come to a complete stop before they move. It's like they think I'm going to trick them and mash the gas so I can t-bone them.
>When it's winter and you can't see the lines on the road, but there are still signs above the street, but people who have lived in your town for years still act like there is no such thing as lanes at intersections.
People that drive over the speed limit
I slow down (apply brakes) when I do a right turn, is that something wrong? I don't stop entirely tho
I've been seeing a new trend Where impatient assholes are using the center turn lane as a merging lane.
I've been in almost 4 head on collisions because of retards like these.
Seize the gap, you bitch
I'm pretty mellow unless they do something that might involve me getting in an accident. It's annoying when people gun it in their diesel trucks for "muh black smoke" and when people in tiny cars make turns wider than a semi truck.
fucking this
>goes around someone at speed
>to have you suddenly speeding toward stopped cars
this is so fucking shitty of people
You must live in a fly over state.
In a dense area that's a requirement if you need to make a left.
I just take a right in that situation and take a different path or turn around somewhere else
>the medium
Median you dumbfuck
Are you the Termi on /soc/?
>people who are at fuel pumps not pumping
This is the most enraging for me personally. A lot of stations around me will have only a couple of diesel pumps, with those sharing space with regular gas pumps. It's maddening to be waiting behind a parked car at the only diesel pump while the owner is inside ordering food for 10 minutes. Meanwhile every other gas pump might be free.
>driving down onramp
>watching mirror, shouldercheck as im getting close
>next car 10+ lengths behind
>doing 10 over, just starting to merge
>car comes up behind me doing at least 30 over and rides my ass
>passes way too close, staying in my lane to make me swerve
>cuts in front and brake checks before flooring it
>2 lanes to the left clear for miles, it was 2am
>pickup in left lane directly beside me
>swerving because its raised and the fatass is driving with one hand on top of the wheel
>come up to a bend
>slow down so i dont have to sit next to them
>they swerve into me and i have to slam on my brakes, proceed to take the corner half in my lane
why cant pickups in general stay in their fucking lane
>tailgating me and making exasperated gestures while traffics doing 10 under and theres a huge lineup in front of me
>anyone who drives this ugly piece of shit
there has been no exception to the rule that they literally do not know how to drive
sadly no its not even that dense. maybe during rush hour i can see its possibly necessary, but on most days they just do it because they think its okay.
>people that pass you on a single lane onramp
>people that speed up an onramp and then slow down on the interstate
>people that pass you on temporary right lanes
bonus points if you're signalling to merge there
>people that don't know where they are and mash their brakes at every street, even though they're only going 10mph
>people that take more than 1 second to notice a light is green
>people that block the entire lane for 2 minutes because they can't actually parallel park
had a special case in her leasemobile who sat in my blindspot through a 2->1 lane merge during rushour, she sat in the oncomming lane for about 20 seconds after the merge about 3 inches away from my car trying to find a way to cut in front of me. The three people behind me also didn't let her in. I lol'd
>people that make a left turn too late, and fucking stop when you smash your horn and your brakes
please do not get the hell out of my way, do everything you can to cause an accident
>signal well ahead of time you want to get into the right or left lane
>space opens up, start to slowly turn in
>asshole just guns it to close space
Some stupid shit in a Lexus did this to me today. Said fuck it, I don't care about my shitbox and just kept moving and ran them off the road.
I'm an asshole and two wrongs don't make a right, but fuck you.
>honking 1 ms after the light turns green even when I'm moving right away
it's just a joke m8
>come to a four way stop
>stop at the sign, wait for my turn to go through
>when I go, the guy behind me does a rolling stop, then follows me, cutting someone else off
Jesus Christ, this exact situation is in the drivers ed textbook, on the written test, and is part of the road test too.
>using the bicycle lane as a turning lane
Fuck your bicycle lanes. And fuck your shit. I'm in Toronto. With pedestrians everywhere. Unless I fucking go, I will just stand there for the whole fuckign day. NO. Fuck your shit. And fuck you. And fuck your bicycle lanes. Pass me on the left like everyone else.
I'm ok with this. I was living on Vancouver island where everyone is nice. Came back to Toronto, take my car to dealer. Literally decide day I'm back.
See a guy merge w.o a blinker and I think "yish, what a dick". Then 3 mins later I try to merge at a diff part of highway, see space, turn blinker on, THE GUY IN THE LANE ACCELERATES TO NOT LET ME PASS. The lesson here? Being a dick is what gets you ahead.
Good job on driving the fucker off the highway.
>Somebody mildly annoyed me so I should try to kill them
You should seriously consider suicide and I'm not even joking
>go to timhortons to take a piss
>Middle of nowhere, Niagara country
>"Ahhhh feels good"
>Back up, and start leaving from the parking lot
>Some red neck in front of me in a shit box suv
>Stops before going back onto the road
>I go next to him, he's picking up his donut crumbs from his dick area
>I go like "ok" and make a right onto the road in front of him
>The redneck starts raging that I went and didn't wait for his donut\dick dance to finish, all I hear is screams of rage from the car
>I put the left blinker on to merge onto the highway . The guys passes me on the right, pedal to the metal in his shit box, screaming his lungs off.
These are the situations that make me seriously want to go on a shooting spree or just sell my car and take public transportation. So much negativity and aggression on roads in big cities that it's unbearable... jeez...
Let me see. Highway. Has shoulder. Lexus can still break anytime it wants.
How is he killing anyone here?
Lexus is in the wrong. If he doesn't move over now he gets to miss his exit. He COULD brake really hard, but then the person behind him gets to rear end him...
So the next course scenario is to continue the merge and have Lexus either slow down (most optimal) or go on shoulder if it is retarded.
You seem to be the one who doesn't belong in this thread as you fail to see the whole situation here.
>people who don't understand right-of-way
No you stupid fucker, I'm not going to go when you have the right of way. That shit is a great way to cause accidents.
Driving slow on my touge and getting mad when I pass them
>driving manual
>teenger girl behind you clearly never knew manual car exist
>4mm behind your bumper
>on a slight hill
Fucking cunts I swear I'd slide back and hit you if I'm not driving my precious 370z
>approaching a stop sign at high speed
drives me nuts
>taxi driver
Here in Canada taxi=brown people
Put brown people behind taxi wheel is the biggest trouble ever made.
Brown people never use turn signal
They treat 2 lanes road as 1 lane and ride on the middle line
They don't check blind spot before switching
God damn they piss me off so much. If you drive around brown people then you'd really want to lynch the fuck out of them
>dumping clutch at red light
I do that because in this city if you take off 0.5s later than their autotragic then people flip their shit off
Fucking cunts just push you behind
Then give him fucking space if he singals you for like 30 seconds
I love to cut you cunts off if you don't respond to my singals
>inb4 slow down and go behind you
No fuck you. I have traffic and you also have traffic behind. The reasonable things to be done here is to cut you off you selfish fuckihg ignorant cunt who can't spare even letting go of gas pedal for 1 seconds bite me you motherfucker
>8:00 rush traffic
>on main road
>small intersection where no one ever from other direction approaches
>3mins red light
Everyone is fuckihg pissed because they apparently are making the light to yield invisible 200 cars come onto the road
Why don't these traffic office useless shits come to check the real world and make the decisions?
I signal for 30 seconds. Then I jerk into their lane. After they slow down and let me pass I roll my window down and give them the "thank you" hand gesture (literally, not figuratively. This conditions them to let ppl in in the future)
Because if you didn't live in a shit tier city, you would have sensors.
Also, you should call it in, so that the inspector knows to come and check it. They r not telepaths.
>braking downhill because you might break the speed limit
>not giving enough throttle when going uphill and their speed drops
>braking through a bend on a highway
>turning wide
>turning wide from a U-Turn
>swinging back into the first lane from the wide lane
>Retards slamming the brakes on the highway because 1 little raindrop hit their windshield
>Retards that slam the brakes on the highway because they're going 1km above the speedlimit
>Retards that slam the brakes for literally no reason at all on the highway
>Female drivers in huge SUVs, like you're already bad drivers and now you're a deadly battering ram also
>Females that drive at night with their lights off
>People trying to overtake by going 1km faster than the car theyre trying to overtake
>Retards hogging the left lane with a max speed of 101km and not noticing the car thats fastly approaching them
>People wanting to scoot up a lane and last-minute notice the car that is overtaking them
Goddamn i hate this country's drivers so fucking much jezus christ.
>using the bicycle lane as a turning lane
that's what it's for if there's no faggot cyclists, you stupid fuck.
>1km above speed limit
>1km faster
everyone who drives that isn't me
>cutting across multiple lanes at once because they're about to miss their exit
I hope one day there's a car in the far right lane you couldn't see and you ram it going 20 over, fucking faggots
>people that don't move into the intersection while waiting to complete an unprotected left
I asked my friend why he wasn't moving into the intersection, his reply was "what if they light turns red while I'm in the intersection". As if the opposite lanes will just ram you because their light turned green.
You have the right of way, assholes.
>people that don't know the difference between a yield and a merge.
if you were ever stuck behind me, I'm sorry. My truck is just super slow.
>reversing out of a parking space
>those cunts who hit the gas to get ahead instead of slowing down for 2 seconds
>those special cunts who don't even give a considerate honk just as a heads up that they're going to be a cunt so you don't end up clipping them if they're in your blindspots
>45 fucking gaps
Slow and shitty FWD econoboxes need extra large gaps in two lanes because they're slow and will never, ever not clip into the other lane
Mustangs need empty roads
>row of cars parallel parked correctly
>there's always one retard who parked the wrong way around
>he can't see shit when he's pulling out
> He can't hill start without rolling back
unnecessarily heavy braking
>using your parking brake like a pleb
>feathering your clutch and burning it up
>not having Hillstart assist
Stay poor
>people on the brakes through any slight bend
>continues to brake all the way through a corner
>people that do 80km/h in 100km/h zones
>then proceed to do 80km/h in 60km/h zones
>people that speed up along straight bits of road where i could overtake
>then slow down anywhere i can't overtake
>then starts tailgating me once i overtake even though i gave them 3 car lengths
>the 9/10 cunts who feather the throttle onto highway on ramps
>cars should not be able to accelerate this slowly wtf i drive a 3.0l diesel
>blinker only flashes 3 times after they started changing lanes
>cunts that won't dip their high beams until they actually see the other car
>seriously fuck you
>pricks who can't find cruise control
>stuck up cunts who drive a ratted out shitbox towing something who will not give way
>people that have shitbox cars on the road that can't do the speed limit in general
>people on the phone
stuff like that i guess